HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 3 Block 3 Lot 06...�.:�,� . � � � i 0 � c � ��....I�.i..F=E��M�� �-�, ... \�r � � / m ������� r'•',',.'f'.�'1' : ;!!'n!1 r�o siuosta� i -�,` ELEI�NTARY ' �f1ERS4RE 70 u v�ciNiTY nnaP NO SCALE CURVE OATA R = 40.00' n = e2°ia'i9" O L = 57.41' T = 34.92' CH = N 31°06'S0W 52.61' SEWER MN P.2.f�S INV. ELEV. - 8145.9� � ` � eEq��R �qM C/R��� � =168°�3�22�� FOUNO PLAIN No. 5 REBAR � . _ _. . . . . _ ... _ _ _ . _._--.- , i � . d �.=�.� t�bka+�� w.� . . _ . � � � � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO � NOTES: � (1) Date of Survey: Auqnet � Septewber, 1991 t2) Street �►ddress: 330 Beaver Da� Circle (3) Basis of Bearinqs is a lime connectinq the existinq a�onue�ents �narkinq the southwesterly corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Vail Villaqe Third Filinq and the northeasterly corner of Lot 6 beinq N76°19'55"E (see drawinq). (4) Monumentation as noted heraon. (5) The croes hatched area of the Parkinq, Garaqe, Storaqe, and Access Easement for Parcel B is limited to a a�axi�um elevation of 8166.8 feet (as defined by the qaraqe ceilinq), based mn Upper Eaqle Valley Sanitation District as-built invert elevation for Manhole P.2.15 beinq 8145.9 feet. PARKING, GARAGE, STORAGE AN� ACCESS EASEMENT FOR S72o/4O „ PARCE� 8 (SEE NOTES) � E UNPLATTED \ � �� 0 Mf ASURED 3 A S 72°�4'00 S�2��6 0�,. 23.0 7' E /e4� �6 / R= 4�.�0� N 17O1SO'33��E S I7°s0'35" W L= I 17. 33� 24•� 8.95 ti T = 382.38 � ' �� 8c � �� � NT ,° �. \s\�`� � se91� v�, FOUND No 4 REBAR WITH A�UMINUM CAP CH = NI I°47 41 E, 79.57 2 oa2s �n `Jr•. g � w� �w �, \ L S. No �gAZ� N 17°50'35" E � 5.30' --� S 17°50�35�� W �36v�, �` 2�.00' � \\ �� �� / N 72°09'2S" W � .�� / 9.90' / // 9o'Z,� �i' �� , � � � . v � / `° � � FOUNO PIN a CAP � \ \ 0 �j� � � � L.S. No. 2183 / / P N?6°�9 10' � (S 07°32� W,1.08� FROM CORNER) , ' / � v i �� � \ � / / \ N \ � / N'31�00�00°NA, 2'�.00� N / � / � 3 �/ � � _ LAT 5 � � N 10' HOLY CR08S ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Pa\NGS \ � � N EASEMENT ( BOOK 238, PAOE 344 ) , �E � F Z � J� � /� `� . � o �/ / � � LOT 41 , BLOCK 7 W PS�s BUILDIN� / �� / v� ( VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING ) N � OUTLI NE / \� � _cv PARCEL A W Z�� J I � � / 0.3167 ACRES ' h / � � S.W. CORNER O �OT 5 Z I FOUND PLAIN } No. 2 REBAR \ � \ F"n� r�n nw e n w n �� I S.W. CNI LOT 5 � � � � ' � �uw h � 41199 Highway 6� 24, Eagle-Vail Post Otflce Box t 230 Edwards, co s�ss2 � 303-949-1406 CORNERJ 2i.72' DETAIL � O I0 ^ PARCEL 8 3 2 0.2406 ACRES I .� UTILITY EA3EMENT N � �— — �?o � � , 1- � � „��., �i FOUND No. 4 RESAR I83. %Ej � WITH ALUMINUM CAP 1 �.s. No. �dez� LOT I 0' I� 20� 40� SCA�E � I�� = 20� NOTICE: According to Colorado lav y�ou wnst ooaa�ence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shoMn hereon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION �ND OMlIERSAIP KnoW all men by these presents that Jay R. Peterson, Gary R. Sosarnr afldi Mara R. BossoN, beinq sole owners in fee sie�ple, of all that real property situat� in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as folloMS: Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Villaqe Third Filinq, accordinq to the �ap t�reof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contaie�ng 0.5573 acres, more or less. have by these presents laid out, platted and snDdivided the aa� 1Ato lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the nawe and stple of "A Re��bdivision of Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Villaqe, Third Filinq", a subdivisioa in the tb�rn oi Yail, Eaqle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the reaponaiDilftr for the c�a�3ltion of required iaprovewenta; and do hereby dedicate aed aet apart all ot t!� }�lilr� roads and other public i�provewents and placea as aho�m on the acea�p�eYi� plat � the nse of the public forever; aed do hereDy dedicate thoee portioss oi safd r�l �operty �rhicD are indicated aa ease�ent on the accowpanyinq plat as e�tfe�eats foc t�e purpose shoMn hereon; and do hereby qrant the riqht to inatall aed raintai� �rY atrnctnres to the entity reeponsible for providinq the aervices for +�hich t�e ease�ents are established. Executed thisa��day of ����►-�.,�,� , �.D., 1�l2. OMIIERS : STATE OF���j,(� ) )S8. ' COUNTY OF ) The foreqoinq instru�ent Mas acknoWledqed before �e this .� daY o'i A.D., 1992, by Jay K. Peterson. My CoeNnission expires: �-S-Q � Wi tness my hand and sea . ,/ _ �.,� .�.. _ � � --._ �—.r. � Notary Public Address: �D'� f. /� -��iC�p m'� �� � � o . g� ��~ ��� � �°tl � ��. � . ,� STATE OF ) F OR C G� ) ss . n�' COUNTY OF ) The foreqoinq instrument was acknoNledqed before n�e this � day o� , A.D., 1992, by Gary R. Bossow and Mara R. Bossow. My Co�ission expires; � Mi tness �y' �iand _ � � �.'a�s.• V 1 ��.� - ��.: ,°,;��� N ary blic . : ��► �, �� ad res . ✓ .. � : �'� �di�ao�. s; .,. �: � � 9��••......•� �F CO�►� t�_ � GER'fIFICATE OF DEDIC�TI011 FOR !(ORTGA(�E 1lOLDER OR DEED OF '1'RtT'87' IIO�I,� RnoM all �en by these-p�taents that Firetdank oi Vail, bei�q tMe Aai�r of a,�ortqaqe or deed of truet on- the real property aituated in the Toan oi Yail, Eagle County, Colorado, describe�d �a follrn+s: Lot 6, Block 3, Va�%'1�illaqe Third Filinq, accordinq to tAe � tU�eoi recorded in the office of the �aqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contaieinq 0.5573 acres, ■ore or lesa. as eAo�rn on tAie finai plat nnder t1�e na�e ard �tYle of "11 �.�wt��wiai� oi Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Villaqe, Third Filinq", � s�eai�ision ia the ToMn oi Ya�3, Eaqle County, Colorado; aqrees to the dedication and settiaq apart all of t�e pNlie roada and other public i�prove�ents and places as shonn on the acco�panyinq plat to the use of the public forever; and doea herebY aqree to tse d�dicatioe of tLese }ort�s of said real property Mhich are indicated aa easewent on the accow�p�eYin� plat ss �sewents for the purpose shoMn hereon; and does hereby aqree to the qraetitq of t'l� �ight to inatall and weintain necessary structnree to the entitr respohsible ior pre�riaiinq tne services for which the ease�ents are eatablished. .._ Extcuted this �` day of ��FEI�RV�Fay , A.D., 1l92. ` ' ��C IMORTG�GET: , ����;��°�°�°�� � Firstnank of Vail tc°: � o:��' 17 Vall ROad � ° Vail, CO 81657 ; SEAL ; /, : : d' 'i�� � '•. ..r Dy : . � �`�``�•...�.� (Title) S'FN���! Vf� MRES�OFNT ST�►TE OF �� ) )ss. COUIi1TY OF ) The foreqoi�q iustra�t Maa acktroMlN�ed Deiore �e tl�i� �tY ' , A.D. , 1992 DY ��a� e�"� ......� as • of FirstBank of Ya:ii': - ,• � pR�.P I!y co..ie'sion ~ �bs_: •. Nitneas ry ha ' � : , y.- s..:. •1��. e ' ; PE'1`El3�Q"�' : ; : Pu c � `��: `, :a d ess: . ! 9�F pF �'�' LO�'� � l _ � 0 TITLE CEItTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the title to all lands shovn upon this final plat has been examined and is vested in �PG��SO�/. ���• oSSor.J, A�d i'►'1Ay2A �. f3o SSnr.t� and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except i � ___ _. M! _. 3zz Dated this 13�' day of �e� , A.D., 1992. ���� Land Title Guarantee Co�npany Box 357 � Vail, 65 � By: - � (S q at re) �� �°. I�(�ohr/i�l� - �Co wCrt-Fiia,l , (Print nan�e and title) / / .� ��CS �. !_�� lH Q�� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I-do hereby certify that I am a reqistered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shoWn hereon, that such plat Nas made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the saeie are ee staked upon the qround in compliance with applicable requlations governinq the subdivision of land. ����„������,�,,,,�� In witness thereof I have set my hand and seal this 1�•�`�����`�������Ey A. D. , 1992. �� ��: � Ho�,�� .�� ; • :•hP Co :d'z = "� 2659 "': = �• • _ _ L B t ae � Stan Hoqfeldt '-,"'Gj�` •••�••' Colorado P. L. S. 265�'A.,q L AKO ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PLAT RESTRICTION For zoninq purposes, the tWO parcels created by this resubdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one tWO-family residence alloMed on the combined area of the two parcels. Allowable qross residential floor area for the tWO-family residence will be calculated based on the combined area of the two parcels. ZONING ADMINISTR�TOR CERTIFICATE This fina],.,a���1l�n,�,�� hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoninq �d�inistrator this�� day of;?.��`;��1���� , A.D., 1992. ` � . .,e �ttes�: � ° . o _4; SEAL o _ . a Il��� �• � . k.'�!.;� --r/�{f- '�.----� Town l.l�r ,-°���e° r� \\' ��',,L� ;;,� `���. Zonin Administ ator ToWn of V�q��lu�„u(�Zl�rado ToWn of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersiqned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due and payable as of _ 3—(e —�j�C, , upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this ���iz day of , A. D. , 1992. T easurer o aqle County, Colo ad � � . — � CLERIC �ND RECORDER' S CERTIFIC�ITE Th_i� final plat Mas filed for record in tfie office of the Clet�r-'�a d Recorder on this �� b'�, day of ' , A.D., 1992, at �� o'clock �N. Recorded nnder � Reception No. in Book �� at Paqe S.�l . Protective covenants recorded in Book 174 t Paqe 575. ��O.Ot�� Party ilall Aqreewent recorded in Book � at Paqe saoi,. . . ,� erk and Recorder �� qle C nty, Colorado � - � x� eputy � �,