HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village West Filing 1 Lot 05 - Aspen Haus Triplex� . . � O � ..� � � � Z � Q c < � c r C u � VICINITY MAP c f2f2o�.r.'7d��r A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 5, VAI� VILLAGE WEST, FILING No. I LOT 4 �� 5� �o� 20 30 SCALE: I" = 10' �, I FOUND No. 4 REDAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP �.S. No. 16844 WITN ALUMINUM GAP L.S. No.26598 I . __ ===_-= =__== ==-__===== ==_ _: __= 41199 Highway 6 8 24, Eagle-Vail Post Ofiice Box t 230 Edwards, CO 81632 � 303-949-1406 LOT 6 1 V I . �i'i NOTICE: ' According to�Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discoqer such defect. In no event, may any action ba5ecl upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shoam hereon. TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO , LOT 4 — O n: Z � .. ,�,,.. O - _. . , p ,_ . �.. .. � LO T 5A ? � J LL . . S- •• LOT 5B DUND No. 4 REBAR ITH WASHER W Q J � � � � W H Q � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION aND O1INERSHIP KnoW all men by these presents that Howard Bass, Michele Bodner, Aarris A. Cahn and David M. Sweetwood, being sole owners in fee simple, of all that real property situated in the ToWn of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 5, Vail Villaqe Nest, Filinq No. 1, accordinq to the �ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containinq 0.241 acres, more or less. have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the sa�e into lots and parcels as shown on this To�rnhouse Map under the nawe and style of "Townhouse Map for Aspen Haus Triplex", a subdivision in the Torrn of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responsibility for the co�pletion of required i�prove�ents; and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the pnblic roads and other public i�proveknts and places as shovn on the acco�panyinq ToMnhonse Map to the use of the pulblic forever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property rhich are indicated ae eaaerents on the acco�panyinq To�rnhonse Map as eaaewents for the pnrpose :hrnm hereon; and do hereby qrant the riqht to install and �aintain necessary strnctnres to the entity responsible for providinq the services for Mhich the ease�ents are established. Executed this 30�''� day of OP1�,•i��e ,�.D., 199�_ ONNERS: �✓ Horard Bass l�ddress : �� ������N � �� Michele Bodner address • 3�5 � �e-F'4GtAn� ST- e7L� /�! • T- o o/ Harris �. Cahn �ddress: Z MIItT'�/�"T� /� • rNGf�%i� �_/���% STATE OF ) L )ss. COUNTY OF �'C �� �i ) The foreqoinq instrument Was acknoWledqed before me this � day of �, A.D., 1991 , by HoWard Bass. M . �oridsi e . y .., - ' ` ' - a an se. . . . _ . . _. _ .... ,TER�i�' u. �:�#�11INf , Y,. • �TAFY�'U81�a�, 5'�a�'£oFG�tt3�A�0 • ary Pu ic ,. : . 1lddrese: 3 .�� . �Kl .�_.,:... .� . -- ST�1TE OF ) L )ss. COUIfTY OF � T�l �1 ) The foreqoing instrm�ent ras acknoMledqed before �e this �� day of , a.D., 199�, by Michele Bodner. My Co�issfon expires: .._ __ 1, - • • TERRR� �. ' !'TYlI� • ` Notary Publi � -. tvC���Y��� ;��'�QFar0�0�Da . . Address: ` • � - - . ... a.. . . . . ..,. ,��,. .,- . ,. �. - STATE OF ) . � )ss. COUNTY OF ♦ ) The foreqoinq instrn�ent Mas acknoWledqed before ue this ��ay of �aM�►�i!_. A.D., 199 �, by Harris A. Cahn. My Co�ission expires: �I . Nitness wy t�and ar�d seal. _ •. .,. ' � Notary Publi TEff�Y �: L1M1`.'� ' �, • G NOTR�`�pusLtr,; ���FO��-�RADO, Address: � . . .4�. , . . ' . � . ... . � - � STATE OF 'FI DJ' ��.(!� ) �SS. COUNTY OF �c� �.�1r1�[rl,L�✓1. ) The foregoing instrn�ent Mas acknoWledqed before me this �� day of �S�c�,,c�T, �.D., 199�, by David M. SMeetWOOd. My Coseission expires: 1- -q � Mitness ay hand and seal. � I1tt�E D: FIODACH p`�' � f�'Y ��ir COf11fi. �. 1-�-�. �Q' �C1fJ�� � jt �,".L! IDR Q� Y�' � D�'�� Notary Public Address: ��_,/lld,vu.i,�.v��JCNUG �, e�r r'L ��v� � � 1 TITLE CERTIFICATE SteWart Title of Eaqle County, Inc. does hereby certify that the title to all lands shoy►n upon�th� Townho�se MLap�ha �bee� examined and _is �e ned in � J � . �. � . •�: �� ,� � _ . . / ��,t�t . � � � 4� „ � � %/ . � i �/ r / � r , �'� ���.`/a! �/, I / • , � � � �.L �u� ���� � .N!T��/E��'!"'.�./,���f�/�',1�/G.%�'f�/' ' -�!�'�'�—'�.'�/. _�=--; �_ : ��! day of �/�Q A.D., 1991. � U8•��� Dated this �, Stewart Title of Eaqle Connty, Inc. Box 2000 Vail, CO 81658 . By: S qnature) �i/,CiCZ �. �7/i //A�� /i f/e �icez (Print na�e and title) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICaTE I do hereby certify that I aM a reqistered Land Surveyor licensed under the laMS of the State of Colorado, that this ToMnhouse Map is true, correct and coeiplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and sho�+n hereon, that such plat Mas sade fro� an accurate survey of said property by �e and under wy anpervision and correctlp ahoNS the location and die�ensions of the lots, easerents and_streets of said subdivision as the sa�e are staked upon the ground in cowpliance with applicable requlations qoverninq the subdivision of land. • ``�����,, � �„� � � � �„� �,,,. In witness thereof I have set sy hand and seal this ���:.�fs�S�A�y/ � A.D., 199 � . � _� �p�:'� HOG,��•.:� ; . ,�Q' � . .y O i -e: 26519 � = = - �. 6 ;o = Stan Hoqfeldt =,,��••••.••••'' Colorado P:L.S. 26'SA,�'Ai LAN� ���.�uu�����. NOTES: (1) Date of Survey: Auqust 1991 (2) Street Address: 1762 alpine Drive (3) Basis of Bearinqs is a line connectinq the existinq monuments markinq the easterly line of Lot 5 beinq SO1°04'36"w (see draMinq) (4) MonuMentation as noted hereon. (5) The property shoMn hereon is subject to the folloMinq: Protective Covenants recorded in Book 178 at Paqe 149. A�endment to Protective Covenants recorded in Book 178 at Paqe 345. T�n� ouse Declaration for Aspen Haus Triplex recorded in Book �� at Paqe �! ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFIC�TE �a�unnnr , This To\�g#t`� �,:�f ,,,is hereby approved by the To�►n of Vail Zoninq Administrator this 2(0- day of�o`� ti!� ', , a. D. , 199 =. ; : � ; Attes�.4' S E A L o o' i _ , o ; , a � o �/ o•e�� - �����'. � �C ToW��—n Cl ��a ..;�������`� Zoninq Ada�inistrator ToWn of Vai1;���Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFIC�TE OF TAXES PaID � � I,�the undersiqned, do hereby certify that the entire a�ount of taxes dne and payable as of , upon all parcels of real estate deacribed on thia Townhouse Map are paid in full. Dated this day of , A.D., 199_ Treasurer of Eaqle County, Colorado CLERR AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��O � - This To�+nhouse Ma Was filed for record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder on this 11 day of �qt�� , A.D. , 199�, a,t� '•-0� 0' clack Q�.M. Recorded under Reception No. 41p9CS� in Book �� at Page �. e����� i r - -� , � O • . �Clerk and Recorder Eaqle Co nty, Col a By: Deputy C�`�(/�/J�- /� ��„�w • (,,,,K.ICiV �%l./�JV► �.t�Q . ���� � �� �- !� ,��� �� . � 1766 i e m