HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 09,. i !'� � � � � � . . . ��, . . ' INTERSTATE 70 � � � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOUND AN ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 16827 ON A No. 4 REBAR Y LL Q LL Z Q � O Z � 0 FOUND AN ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 11643 ON A No. 5 REBAR VICINITY MAP LOT 8 89'12'49� E - 153.72 (BASIS OF BEARINGS) PARCEL B 0.215 ACRES 1465-8 GREENHILL COURT � M O I � S 16'S5'28" E - 1.90 N 73'04'32" E- 4� 5-� S 16'S5'28" E - 0.86 p N 73'04'32" E- 33.80 . � S CJ7� II ���n E � � 40.30 W SEE EASEMENT "A" DETAII t � � ~ PARCEL �n W M � 0.323 ACRES 0 � 1485-A GREENHILL f 0 w Z � � c� ? �ri rn N 89'24'44 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 � NO SCALE FOUND A YELLOW PLASIIC CAP LS. No. 13174 ON A No. 5 REBAR 1=27'41'02" A,1�5�0 6 2ANHOLE R=80.00 iNV. E�v. a s�os.s' L=38.65 �_ O / T=19.71 LC=38.28 CB=S 13'03'19" E / S 16'S5'28" E- 3.30�,��,�32" E N � g a� � 6 1=19'45'3�" / R=80.0�0 ��N 73'04'32" E - 10.90 L=27.59 N 16 55',28" W- 1. 90 iT=13. 93 �N 73 04 32 E- 8.40 LC=27.4�5 ^ CB=S 36'46'39" 'E / � /'11 IT IAIC A[' w - s�.00 LOT 10 �� �' �� / G7 � � � Z _ � r 1= 47'26'40" R=80.00 L=66.24 T=35.15 LC=64.37 CB=S 22'S6'08" E APPROXIMATE AREA OF DEBRIS FLOW (MODERATE HAZARD) ACCOROING TO ^ THE TOWN OF VAI� DEBRIS-FLOW (.,0� AND DEBRIS-AVALANCHE HAZARD � `ANALYSIS ` � /' FOUND A YELLOW Pl.AS11C CAP (L.S. No. ILLEGIBLE) ON A No. 5 REBAR \ UTILITY EASEMENT i40' CERTIFlCATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presents that Lot 9 Joint Venture, a Colorado Joint Venture, baing aole owner In fee simple, of all that real property sltuated in the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrlbed as followa: Lot 9, Amended Plat Glen Ly�on Subdivlalon, according to the plct the�eof rxorded In Book 272 at Page 370 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contcfnfng 0.5381 acres, more or less. has by these presenta la�d out, plctted and aubdtvided the aame into lota and blocks as ahown on this flnal plat under the name and atyle of "Final Plat, A Resubdiviaion of Lot 9, Amended Plat Gien ly�on Subdivfafon", a�ubdivfaton In the Town of Voll, Eagle County, Colorado; and doea hereby occept tF�e responsibility for the completion of required imp�ovements; ond does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other publtc improvemsnta and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the uee of the publlc forever, cnd does hereby dadfcate thoae portions of said real property which are Mdicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easementa for the purpoae ahown hereon; and doea hereby gront the riyht to Install ond maintaM necessary etructurea to the entity responalbls for providing the seMces for which the eaasmenta ore establiahed. Executed this �� day of �CToaER _ A.D�., 1992. OWNER: Lot 9 Joint Venture. a Colorado Joint Venture P.O. Box 210 Voll, CO 8fi658 By. � �=�� S anley S. Bear Managing Jofnt Venturer STATE OF T� x �5 ) )as. COUNTY OF � � � � �1 ^� � ) The foregoing _inatrument was acknowledged before me this ll�' day of ��-� U,� =- !� , A.D., 1992, by Stanley S. Beard as Monaging Joint Venturer of lot 9 Joint Venture, a Colorado Joint Venture. My Commiesion expiros: q� I i� 9 3 , Wltnesa my hand and seaL y'y� � -�� � ��=�° Notary Public Address: �• 0. i a 1� SO 9�� �� �1��4LAN�� 1c 79''/D 93 R SURVEYOR'S CERTiFiCATE � 0• � 1 I do hereby certify that I om a registered Lond Sunroyor Ilcensed' under the laws / of the Stats of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct ond complete as laid out, plotted, dedicoted and �hown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my aupeMsion and correctly shows the location and dimenalona of the lots, easemente and a�treets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in complicmce �wtt�r appltcable regulattona goveming the subdivialon of land. � �°• �; ��• � I ra ..i F :; . In witnesa theroof I hawe set my hand and seal this �_ �iay �' . d+=�'?i.il�c�.11 , A.D., 1992. . . � . ' � _ �. ,� j < _ - '� f> � � '� _ ,�., �� .�_ s�.�. Stan Hogfel3� t� 4 y • � � Colorodo PLS�,��$$•�•,�...•�•';:.;';� : . ei� ., f l �. •.`"R. � `.` �� � � P'.��o''a �� ,,���111e�1:1111���,�` + � N 73'04'32" E - 4.15 �"��' S 16'55�28" E- 0.86 S 16'S5'28" E- 1.90 ,��L N 73'04'32" E - 33.80 � D� � �0•��� �o � � � � N 73'04'32" E - 8.40 FOUND AN ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 23506 ON A No. 4 REBAR 0 0.80' S 16'S5'28' E N 16"55'28" W 13.80' \ 0.84' _� \��S 16'55'28" E 9.50' \ BUILDING OUTLINE J "' S 64'32�05' W 4.70' 20 0 20 4,� 60 Feet SCALE: 1 " = 20' EASEMENT "A" DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 10' NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect_ In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. NOTES: (1) Date of Survey. Septxnber 1992 (2) Street Addreea: 1465A Greenhill Court 14656 Greenhill Court (3) Basia of Bea�inga la a Iine connecting the exiatin9 monuments maridng the northe�ly Itne of Lot 9 being S89'12'49'E (see d�awing) 4 Monumentatton oa ahown hereon 5 Eaaement A la Iimited to a maxlmum elevatlon of 809�7.1 feet (a� deflned by the baaemsnt cetling). Elevationa baeed on Upper Eagle Vclley Sanitation Dlat�ict as-butlt inv�xt elevatlon for manhol�e A.150.6.2 being 8105.9, ase drewing for locatton. (See Partywall Agreement for additional terms and reatricttona) �cd (5) Protecttve Covsnanta rscorded In Book �, at Paqie �. (6) Partywall Agreement recorded tn Book at Po9e PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposea. ths two parcela creatsd by thla resubdivislon aro to be troated aa one entity with no moro thon ons two-fomtly hsidence allowed on the combined area of the two paresls. Allowoble grosa roatdential flaor areo for the two-family residence will be calculated baaed on the combined area of the two parcels. TITLE CERTIFlCATE Land Title Guarantee Company doea hereby certtfy that the title to all lands shown upon this flnal plat ha been xamined and is vested in :..et �i Toi n�' V�M �''G and t�iat ti�l� to such lands is free and clear of all Ilena and encumbrancea, excap as o owa: . i _ . _ _ . . _ .�ww� w -' � " - - � ' - �t s O S S L G. .Y�� ��q $ V S/ . Dated thls � day of ��� r , A.D., 1992. Land Tltla Guarvntee Company Box 357 Voll, CO 1658 ` ��¢/`I "`'' BY -- (Signature) . �,. K�rCv��T• �r� 15r' • 7�1-�c o t�c (Print name and title) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This �ah'plot ,is hereby "qp rpved by the Town of Vail Zoning Adminiatrator this _11_ da�e� bf � G�bG✓ .� A.D., ,1992. d' Attea� e �. o � �' o� ,,E �L 0 l�l��+a� � • � ,,, - . ,�; Town Clerk'''�,,,,;;;; ,;,;,;,;,;;�::' �` Zoning Administraior Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado M�G���� 1� . M��t,o CER11F1CATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underalgned, do hereby c�tify that the entire amount of taxes due and payable aa of _1� �� /� 9� , upon all parcels of real astate deacrtbed on thla flnal plat a�e pald in full. Dated thts �,�ifday of Q:ri! o�C r _ , A.D., ]y92. ^ _ - -�_ --.-, surer of �agle County, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFlCATE �� �.00 This ftnal plat was ftled for ecord tn the offtce of the Clerk and Recorder o¢� this ��� day of �__. A.D. 1992, at �� o'clock �.M. Recorded under Reception No. �'�'[°�S in Book � at Page �S(o _ � Y` Pw1�� y 1\ � �� � �:"�� .- . � +, � � CIeHc and R order ; " � �, � Eagla Count . Colo gsip � �F � ��,� � � � � .� B�l' - � � :� Deputy � � � ,.