HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpraddle Creek Estates� �' 1 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 PART OF THE SE 1 4 SW 1 4, SE CTION 5, TOWNSHIP 5 S DUTH, RANGE 8 � WE ST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE C��JNTY, C OL�RAD � �� f . ' �� . ��;�i �;;j,r.� � .` _� �.�"`� � ^ e<oo'� ' ' ' . -_ _ _ � -- � ... /� -- --� -- �- - .P. +� • � -�__ ''�., , • - � - - +f.w't - �. •-_ � \ w 7 �r.....a�� .irZ � '�. �,. .0 w'}'" ` .. �=_. - �`•. �- -_ �: � � :y '::+� :_��;-�_-�i` II� i' ,',1 / .. �'��� . VICINITY SCALE� I = 200� � w--� � . �w \ �� ._. � � ,_-,� � Y� yr _ �; �, - _ �:�i . ,. i ' ,! ii � �� � i � �;-,,�:� C �C / ----- ___ �_,-�======--= � �- _���_--- - �.-- _�-.:. � ��� ' ---: �-:�=� � �� `- .- ;,-= _ , , ,:. _ , , . � ..._ - ,. , _ __ __... .� - �a� ,� � -_ _- .,,.00"���.�= :—�-�_ � LOT SUMMARY CHART (NuMbers shown are �n square feet) Parce l Area Max I Mur� Max I r�ur� S I te Zone D � str I ct/Land Use GRFA Coverage Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 14 Lot 15 Tract A Tract B Tract C Tract D Tract E Tract F Tract G NOTES� 87499 48146 88619 65250 61082 82050 43833 31873 63044 32z96 71419 96213 286022 25596 337222 5151 47279 152918 6231 68762 2394 7333 6524 8548 7016 6827 8220 6309 5711 7269 5732 7688 8928 14330 5397 6483 5674 7698 6166 5977 7370 5459 4781 6419 4844 6838 8078 10000 3839 H►llslde Resldentlal Hlllslde Resldentlal Hlllslde Resident�al H�lls�de Resldentlal Hlllslde Res►dent�al H�lls�de Resldent�al Hlllslde Res�dentlal H►llslde Res�dentlal Hlllslde Resldentlal H�lls�de Resldent�al H�lls�de Res�dentlal H�llslde Res�dent�al Htlls�de Res�dent�al H�lls�de Resldent�al Greenbelt and Natural �pen Space Greenbelt and Natural Open Space Greenbelt and Natural Open Space Prlvate Road Publ►c Road R�ght-of-Way Publ�c Road R�ght-of-way Publ�c Road R�ght-of-Way 1) The lots In th�s subd�v�slon where the average slope of the s�te beneath the proposed structure and park�ng area �s �n excess of thlrty percent are sub�ect to Sect�on 18,69.050 (A-D, F-I, K and L) of the Town of Vall Munlclpal Code, 2> A r�axlr�uM of an addltlonal 1200 square feet of bullding wlll be allowed for a garage on each lot of thls subdlvlslon in excess of the GRFA shown In the Lot Sur�Mary Chart above, 3) The constructlon for each lot w�ll occur wlthln the platted bu►lding envelopes wlth the following except�ons� Dr�veways, sldewalks, garages that Meet the requlrer�ents of Sectlon 18.69.OSOCA-D, F-J, K and L) of the Town of Vall Munlcipal Code, retalning walls, surface parking and grading, as long as Town of Va�l Deslgn Revlew Board approval Is recelved and �r�pacts on topography and vegetat I on are r� � n I r�a l, 4) Three caretaker units, each havtng a MaxlMUr� of 1200 square feet and a r�InIMUM of 500 square feet, shall be prov�ded wlth�n the subdlvlslon, The units will be perManently restrlcted per Sectlon 18,13.080 <10) (A-D) of the Town of Vall Muntclpal Code, Three lots will be deslgnated In the Protective Covenants for thls subdlvlslon on whlch caretaker units wlll be bullt, If lots other than those lots orlglnally destgnated provtde caretaker units, the covenant restrlctlon wlll be tlfted, The developer r�ay change deslgnated lots as long as there are three lots deslgnated at all t�r�es. Further Town of Va�l rev�ew of the deslgnatlons wlll not be requlred �f the caretnker requtrer�ent t s r�oved to an other l ot , 5) Date of Survey � Decer�ber 1982 & Nover�ber 1992 6) Basls of Bearings Is a llne connect�ng the ex�st�ng brass cap r�onur�en ts r�ark I ng the easter l y l � ne of the SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sectlon 5, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Princlpal Meridlan, Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado being S00°11'12'E <see drawing), 7) Monur�entatlon as shown hereon, NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must comrnence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND �WNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that SBC Devetopr�ent Corp,, a Colorado corporatfon, being sole owner ►n fee slMple, of all that real property s►tuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� That part of the SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sect�on S, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the S�xth Princtpal Merid�an, Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, accordtng to the Untted States Departr�ent of the Intertor, Bureau of Land ManageMent, Dependent Resurvey of a Portlon of the Subdtvtslonal Llnes, A Parttal Subdivtslon Survey of Sectton 5, and the Survey of a Portlon of the North Rlght-of-Way of Interstate 70 �n sa�d Townshlp and Range, accepted February 7, 1980, �n Denver Colorado, lytng northerly of Interstate Hlghway No, 70 R�ght-of-Way, descrlbed as follows� Beg�nntng at an extst�ng 2 1/2' d�aMeter �ron post wtth a 3 1/4' d�aMeter Bureau of Land Manager�ent brass cap r�arktng the 1/4 corner of sa�d Sectlon 5 and Sect�on 8 of sn�d Townsh�p and RangeJ thence, along the southerly l�ne of sa�d SE 1/4 SW 1/4, S89'46'37'W 900,07 feet, to an exist�ng #4 rebar w�th an alur��nuM cap CPLS 16827) Marktng the Intersect�on of sald southerly llne and the exlsting r�ght-of-way fenceltne for Interstate Hlghway No, 70� thence, along sald right-of-way fenceltne, N73°52'16'W 215.13 feet to an exlsting 2' x 2' angle Iron fence post, set In concrete, In sa�d rlght-of-way fenceltne� thence, contlnuing along sald r�ght-of-way fencel�ne, N66°52'S7'W 240,74 feet, to an extst�ng 1/2' dtar�eter steel ptn wlth 1 1/2' dlar�eter Bureau of Land ManageMent brass cap r�arking the Intersect�on of sa�d rlght-of-way fenceltne and the westerly llne of sald SE 1/4 SW 1/4� thence, departing sald rlght-of-way fencellne, and along sald westerly llne, N00°21'28'W 1161,80 feet, to an ex�sting 2 1/2' dlar�eter Iron post wlth a 3 1/4' d�ar�eter Bureau of Land ManageMent brass cap Marking the SW 1/16 corner of satd Sectlon S� thence, along the northerly llne of satd SE 1/4 SW 1/4, N89°40'25'E 1331,11 feet to an exlsttng 2 1/2' dlaMeter Iron post wtth a 3 1/4' dlar�eter Bureau of Land ManageMent brass cap Marking the C-S 1/16 corner of sald Sectlon S� thence, along the easterly ltne of sald SE 1/4 SW 1/4, S00°11'12'E 1320,14 feet to the potnt of beg�nn�ng, conta�ntng 39,553 acres, r�ore or less, Bearings in thls descriptlon on are based on the llne connecting the exlsting MonuMents Marktng the easterly line of sald SE 1/4 SW 1/4 betng S00°11'1z'E� has by these presents lald out, platted and subdivided the sar�e Into lots and blocks as shown on th�s ftnal plat under the naMe and style of 'Spraddle Creek Estates', a subdiv�sion �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the respons I b I l t ty for the cor�p let I on of requ I red I r�prover�ents� and does hereby dedlcate and set apart all of the publlc roads and other publlc ir�prover►ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby dedlcate those portlons of sald real property whlch are tndlcated as easer�ent on the accor�panying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the rlght to Install and malntatn necessary structures to the entlty responslble for provlding the services for wh►ch the easer�ents are establlshed, Executed th�s _____ day of _________________________, A,D „ 1993. OWNER� SBC Developr�ent Corp,, a Colorado corporatlon Address� By'----------- --- ---- - < T I t t e)------ -- -� �---�'1"'r---- STATE �F CO�'Od'Q.� ___ ) ,� )ss, CDUNTY �F 1�QG�IC--------) J The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e thls Q�h day of _���[��--------� A, D,, 1993 by_�1'AhSo _� �li���!�------as __________________________ of SBC Developr�ent Corp „ a Colorado corporatlon, My CoMM I ss I on exp I res � i��� ' Q�_ _ W I tness r�y hand and sea t. (�� ---- ��i� ��!',YJ� �, ------------ Nota Pu�l I c� � a� Address � =Va� �`- �� ��5�-------- TITLE CERTIFICATE Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany does hereby certlfy that the tltle to all lands shown upon thls flnal plat has been exaMlned and Is �v sted I n �, �gL__�Y��'►_r�,!vl- �!'��f_�__��AG�� ------------ �✓'�1ei^------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that tltle to such lands Is free and clear of atl llens and encuMbrances, except as follows� --�o►�e ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Dated th � s_I_St_ day of _�ri �_________________, A. D., 1993 . Land Tltle Guarantee Cor�pany Box 357 Va�l, C❑ 81658 gy � _ d/l��" - ------ �---------------- C tgnature)� ��-=?�-��� ---�=-��`�'�� - ------ ,LCY' (Print naMe and tltle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My superviston and correctly shows the location and dlr�enstons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sald subdlviston as the sar�e are staked upon the ground �n coMpltance w�th appllcable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�vtsion of land. In-w tness thereof I have set r�y han.c�"dh�l 'sea l th I s q,�1�. day of �__, A,D,, 1993, * _����� ------------ I3oo,nn te Corcoran � Calorado PLS 168�7 PLANNING AND ENVIR�NMENTAL C�MMISSI�N CERTIFICATE This f�nal plat was approved by th� Town of-Vgll P�anning and En v 1 ron Men ta l Cor�r� I ss � on th I s /�i _ day of �/' !_________, A, D,, 1993, AT�EST � - / Gl�p(�`� L'�uai!l�.QOfC.� - ----- " -- -- � _ on.o t�Ct.,� Town Clerk Chalrr�an Town of Vall, Colorado Town of Vail Planntng and En v i ron Men ta l Cor�r� i ss i on TOWN CDUNCIL CERTIFICATE Thls plat approved by the Tow Counc t of the Town of Vall, Colorado th�s _��_ day of ___ _, A,D,, 1993, for f�l�ng with the Clerk and Recorder of agle County, Colorado, and for the conveyance to the Town of Vall of the public dedtcatlons shown hereonl sub�ect to the provlslon that approval In no way obtigates the Town of VQII for r�alntenance of roads dedtcated to the publtc unttl constructton of Ir�prover�ents thereon shall have been coMpleted In accordance wtth Town of Vall speciftcatlons and the Town Council of the Town of Vall has by a subsequent resolutlon agreed to undertake r�alntenance of the saMe, Thls approval does not guarantee that the sotl cond�tlons, subsurface geology, ground water condltlons, or flooding condltlons of any lot shown hereon are such that a bullding perr�lt or any other requlred perr�lt will be Issued, Th�s approval Is wlth the understanding that alt expenses Invotving all IMprover�ents requlred shall be the responslbl'lfty of the subdlvlder and not the Town of Vall, EST r ''� =�°. �'I ��c�er�. Q', ---- -------------------- ----- ----------------- ---------- Town Clerk Mayor Town of Vall, Coloradi� Town Counctl _ Town of Vall, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certlfy that the entire ar�ount of taxes due and payable as of ��-.�.f -��____________, upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this _��_ day of ���___________, A,D „ 1993. � � --� �iC ��3rt�� reasurer ( f Eagle County, lorado CLERK AND REC❑RDER'S CERTIFICATE �.���o� Th�s condor�InluM r�ap was ftled for record In the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder on thls�8�.day of _______ _ _______, A. „ 1993, at !�'�2o'c lock � M. Recorded under Rec t I on No ,��cz2��_ I n Book �./Q at Page �2/�_ , � -- ��- --- ----��------------ Ct r and corder Eagle unty, Colorado BY' -- 1 -- ------- �eputy SHEET 1 OF 3 288.4 i _� - ;�� ,� ,i �� � SEE SHEET 3 PART OF THE SE 1 4 SW 1 4, S� CTION 5, TOWNSHIP iQ A Z J U Q � -� N 0 0 � N SW 1/16 CORNER SEC. 5, T55, RBOW� Bth P.M. �OUND 2 1/2" IRON POST w/ 3 1/4 BlM BRASS CAP 69.65' 264.24' T 0 WN 0 F VAI L, N 89'40'25' E 1331.11' -- _ _ _ _ _ __ ,.-�- .. ...., __ 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST 4F THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN EAGLE C OUNTY, C OLORAD 0 fOUNID/261/�RONSPOST w/ �3R8� BLMPBRASS CAP 4� 385.80' .�' 140.00' 3. rl 462.73� �. V.v � � 1 � �" t 3 a, M \ 1 � b i � I b s o \ � a� � 90� u���rn EASEMENT 90� �� �'�s9 � F Z ��� LOT 12 � LOT 11 ����� ° � �� � �� 96,213 S.F. W �, 71,419 S.F. � I o � Z \ � o► �z � � „�� �r � ---------------------- ---------- -----------� � � "�: " r - °° � � -' �"� � \\ �*s�\� � � _ �� � l \ � ° s ��e�. \ \ 3 ��/ \ �, `� '� � / o \ \ t N �4��/ /� \ \,y \ \ \ � Q�'40'25' E 14�8' _ b � ��4, � �; /T� _ o . N Z a�� ��o / S \� �./ / • o°, I N 89'40'25 E 103.18' � \ / . o -. �/�'N/�� 4S9 24 Sg� I 3�Ig / / •/ 3 g � c,�' _ � '99• F / I °° . � / � � � LOT 14 � o � Z / /�� ;�/ / / I v�i / . I . / /� �,� / 286.022 S.F. � . S i / g / .I � 35. a,.// / I �. ./ � � z AC� ?t S • z �r / � fSS� e' � , / / / o / � .� F / �- -, �I/. / .I �" / 20' / ` � �fNO UJ � �?p /' �� \ \ z / 4�, �o �. / / �o �� s as�os�ad' E s so�oo�o�' E es. ' 088, �ry �� ./ � � S t �/ / .�I •t / / CENTERLINE 25.00� �� %5S�fi�• ?4 S8„ f x �s�.� , $ � E 20' DRAINAGE � � . �93d S s4, fASEMENT O�'a • ' / � �K \ � �� � / z / S 8T11 30" -t� 3 S 8T11'30"' E i + h�h� / 3 - / / ._ � - /�� / / ry oh / ry �. / ^i/ �'�/ � , � / / / �,�`� . � � � / / � � / / / � � / / � / / , / 00 / � / � �a� // � 1 23.98 7• _ F, �: / �3.25' G � 7't S3. E 605.77 N 26��--• ----- 30• �-- � ,, ti• . �, as., a• ° so.00� - �?���. F � � � � tia ,� �//� . I � � �, � � xa s�oPe 374.99' � � _ ° 161.13' � �;`'� � .' v' /i/ �I � � � °o s `\ v F.�ABEMEEANCE �g�� � se.o, � �, . - - -- _ � , a , � °' ,��. i � / � � � ,ri � N 1% 619 b '" w � � G � `' � / � . / � � b �" 63.03' �.� 5 a, p N 64'41'30'____�'�//%�J�: ?�' \ // � / w O �\ � 53.66 ,/ / o� g s� N 48'09�ao" w_- �� .� N 89'23'30" E N 89'48'48" E � , / � �''� � � � oA � 2s.00� /� � 0 26.50' z \ EASEM,E T °j�� 2 � � �1 \ \ �/ / � 1 rJ.� Q / o � , \ �'b'j \ ��R� m � h � /�l�'7 \ � S/ / � / . /°rilo DRNEWAY C!0 48.03� C�6` \ �, � � � �h n ti��, �� gI �/ ,,; � N EASEMENT � �� � y � / ; V � � � � o v� / / /• 1 N 89'23'3(f E - S '- � 0ti'�� 1� i, /� �, � SLOPE �Q ? � �N 3T04'48" E Z / / � - � e� � 9 �` ,,�P ,��b /'N 31'02 53" W ° EASEMEN NCE �\s �O� �`�.l � 38.00� / / ��' � \ ?g.0 � � � �, /�. � i 22.97' � I 1 • " 7 S . 9' \ � / // � �10 20� lj�,s f \ A .�� � 2 /� , ' �e �, �,o-� �/� /� W � n 4 s� Q\SS, ss,0 0� / / � • � �� I�/ � \ � ,� 5�,, / gb� / . ' � �0 4•3 . �S CT � �2, �' � s ��/ / / w Q . � / I � W �� s ,�9 / 5 / \ .� 9 � � � � s�. o 00 . 6 � h • I / •9 �T�► � � / / S � F` Ss, w`� 55.20� /5i W N � ;� � ,f p � � / � a�,� �. � � � � � .,� c � � -./ � � � - i� � � // LOT 5/; N� •� 6� 3 . � � � �9� �?'� N 85� 4 9�2 3' w 5 �gp0 2 bv`�/�a�// �.- w. I$ . L�f � � ''�� � � ' .' � si,oa2 s.F. � � � . � 4 °4s' c ��` '�9 � S• F i . � LOT 15� �Io � � � �"/ 32,296 S.F. �'w � � . / O � Ig � ,� 4,39��F S/ \`j. \ N 0093'4 � W • � � I . //. / � � / ^� W Z t^ \/ / / / W I Z N \ , „ /� � � / 25.596 S.F. ol � / . . / � 44 N 3T04 48 E 0 � � Ce � /_ � . / / ; / � . •.ig. 32.00 • '9 9 , / � �' . / . � � // � /� IW / � O � s �62� +9' E I. � / 3 / I � / � / h^ h�� / . 'YO s *�r. � / . o • / \ S � \ � \\\� C��. � \ � � - _ - 20.55 _ _ _ S Pp337� � �� � � / ' / / � g '�V . / " , � s� o �s.// // �/� ' �S. � O \ - -�de�f. o /S �� / rl� �° r + � � •' � ' �� :''s ��o �`?` � // . z I� . /�\ JJ� � \ � � � CS � \ � � �G =��12" E//$ � ��� r / .h > s�� c�, F% / o/ / �F � ��� � e s 2so23s' E\ Iz �2e.s� � z r r n� / "�/� / �\ � � �? � . / ? \ 43.22' � e.a / � . > F �''\ `�s . / IZ . / �. � � I � � LOT 4 �� . / , � �<''� . ,�/ �f / .?,. ` a Z . ., . / ? / / � \ . SS p • . . � / � � � � CS� - - C6? tih S 41'32'33' E O N 85,250 S.F. � � /, �r° \ ��/ S 323�i21� E / . / � � � - �9 r � � 30.0�� N C9 � / � �' �+(sF'�t . -� , / � � 36� � � I M z � . } . \ �, � / \ � � - � / / / � �"�.� �/ �� / / � �, '3i � C6 � � / � BUILDING � `� �, � / � � \ � � 0 C � � / � � . \ B o / � `� S � � r w � E•NVELOPE / � G 1� 'oJ / / ;n . Q, \ � � � QQ•s 1 p� � _ i W m v, to ./ (NP.) , � , � / � M�' °ry� �h � _ _ - _ 1 I 9'�S, •`�4• o N , . \ S 6726 49" E / / h � • \ �y ��'�}- - - � 9.36, Ss � . f ►, � �V � 3 � � S / / � • h 37.00' // / / � \ \ z . � � � \ G6 � O �I�// � a � � / � � � � / ���8'/ � � � . " , � `� <� / � �/ � / � � .�� � � v� � � ° � / Nti h� ACCESS EASEhAENT C� S / \ � \ $ . � � � �j N z � / / � � Q�. / / � s � � w . / �% � �3�, G6 cn � - - - - - -� ,� ae�o� �35� E 144.00� . � - s ». - �-�- � oo��e'zs"w S � �s s�. �''sr � � . / �, � � �" �'' � N H / LOT 7 / /" `"/ � � � - 6 m � �- - N - - - - - - - E - 0 2s�srl f N 65.6i' ���'l . �F �e � � \ �'` ��'',,, `� \ � / 43,833 S.F. / b � . aa 6 � � .. � � . N e,•„�3r N as.,?� 32.6�' lp3 �S?• �s��o• � ,���8 � `� � � / .' � �5�.��� N 89'01'35" E 6.51 s ooye�sy e - zo.00 •�,�. F �\ / �, � ��? ��a /. / ,�/a � � �JS� • � � � t/� Z S 85'S8'5T 383.54' o UTILITY EASEMENT -� �� 2 � �rr. � S / � g F � C98 � - 2 ---- - E N \ ?s. \ � � F, � W Sy. � / / = o � \ � I �I 29. BA' - g"� 118�0' � � e�' � ' �� S / / S Q • � - - - � �------------- ��'3 i �� Ce� �ccESS-- ?p� \C� �� LOT 6 � �\�v �aF� N�p�S�� z ���e• � � / / � � � FJ�SEMErrT . O' �i � S �y� � � 13� s6' I � 20' DRNNIVGE I ; / / . �. � � ,yo � � � 82,050 S.F. � �► p �; 9r.a� _ _ _ -�Q / �s�F I EASEMENT 40' � : / /�� S 4 11•24' E- ' k'�' . / � ?�� � � S� �'% r° - _5 48'3d�34� 25.91' 9.15 Q �� /� I I / r � � / / '�►d' E '�a S \ � -,�\yn z _ - - - -. J ��. � � �� . � Z I ' �// / � �p�3� � �� srso�„• E �� �op � \ � �` 20. ����r N 8 , N OT37'39' E ,� � �,� �/ BUILDING . � � °� / �o N 53.05• � 9 F � 1 S1 •24 _ - - 20•62' ? / ENVELOPE W I $ n / / �, �J 58•&�� � � '�ty� � \ � O � �q$EMENT - - - � ����, � � NP. �°°S I �ZI/ � � / 8 �d ��o-�e�. ��, \ � \ � ��. � � �, �o,� s4.00� �s � y . � ) . w � I � � / / c� ,33 �j \ 'O N J / w � � I . / /^ / �, �/ 5 d � � � �F � � 40� u�nun � o. � ��i . / / o � L. / / • / � � I I iv � / / / �, / � \, �, Ets � EASEMENT x � d° � LOT 8 �; \ ����,.o ,, / / ; � � �o � � S B3. � / � , /� � � 1� �� � " \ F, � \ '7�' 'h� � / / � d` � \ 3 53' / i� n ,n � I ui � �s, / �/ �. / / / ,�H� /� ?s r � ,� A , / 31 �873 S.F. �, � E � . / o ,�,� co � �?, , /. � �° / � / g �, e 3� S S� � �g .$ ? < . , � \ �e�.�8. �Z I ti I � D / LOT 3 � F �� . 6�' �,� .^°� / o ° /� '�• � '�� �¢ �+ � / � � '� � zo• umm �� ° I � 88.619 S.F. �??ss. � �/ 2 / . � / ^ I °� � / s �S �S wti �• �o, \�i9 S i / �. ''� �MErrt � / z , �� . / / ^ . . ��s, s� , � y �� �s� / / /� � � � / / w � �� � � S3. / \ � � � � / �� I W . � �s y �� � . � � � A s , / w �/ . F s F./ / � � ? �, ,� . �e�.{�. �/ ^ , . � ,� �r�, eo s� ,e / . , �. \ � \ I ,�s I . �, � *r . o w / ?, � �oo, oA \ o , / � � . LOT 9 I ' � v� ° F � / � ^ ``' ^r / o. /�j � �s�f oo. / ,�y \ •1 � � � � w � ryh . \ �33 � . . o'I � o I / /�%�, � c�i,'�NT S � � •�'� �a`• \ 63,044 S.F. � --� `q ti N ti \ 3 / /z r , / � � �' ' � �'� S � �+ � ., a � � o � � \ � �, �, �� � �,. � � a � � .. '� � � '�/ . / i/' � / � �i' � , �► ` � ^ o . Z� / J �^' •sg. � ,�. \ � � � � \, / � ' y . s � 's a, C/s o � � 4� `/ / / ep,�, ?• � � \ � \ I � a �� N s� ��� � ° �S i ./ � S �r , � � \ �� a'E M�1� � � .� z �t'? / / /' � � J� C44 � . � � \ � I c^ LOT 2 / � � � I � �s� � f �N�NCE ME� � "i� cn i / � \ � �SE ?40 0 � � � ` ` ` � � 48,146 S. F. � \F �'1 / . /^b 4'/ � \ \ 4 79 )�" ,Q ` � � �� d \ � � � 4 �; �oo, /,� � � 2 � �- �-, `� „�, � ��" J .\ ����� i ��� m �/� 20' SLOrE \� 4 C�S �? �C 100 C 101 C 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL ' P.O. BOX 1230 E�WARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 DRAWING DATE: 4/8/93 � � MAII�ITENANCE I % �g.so, � � EASEMENT � � 3,• , k' MA1'CH �'��� � ��61�' �'-----------_� S'''o,��.� f°p �36 ,;�� � l? 3 b � L�NE ` �� bgj3�a�' E LOT � \�� W ??� N o O » 83 8, �� N 87,499 S.F. �� �,.^% N W � ? �' � -, � .�;. �??•32� � � °° Z SEE SHEET 3 NOTICE: According to Colorodo law you must commence any legal action ba�ed upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any oction based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � � � � � � ,, , '?•so' SIOPE � - , � IN�N�NCf �SEMfM �%� ` N 14'40'57� E ry / � � `� rJ�.�O' TR,q�,�. F 257.20' TRl�1� 1 \i ,� 2 N 1758'17' E - 50.00 SEE SHEET 3 J J 11.09� _ s N U 'iS• ,� Q M ` ! � �9, ` F Curve C16 C17 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C4l C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C8l C82 C83 C84 C85 C86 C89 C94 C95 C98 C99 C100 C101 C102 C 103 C104 TRACT E 6,231 S.F. Deltn Rndtus 41'25'34' 75,00 1'12'29' 3025,00 18'28'S3' 150,00 88'S2'23' 30,00 67•02'13' S1,50 6'38'42' 175.00 13'15'10' 150.00 31'44'03' 125,00 15'll'S2' 315,00 39'17'S3' 80,00 45•40'S5' 260,00 54•46'08' 235,00 29•10'26' 210.00 153'16'09' 10,00 19'08'17' 290.00 19'08'17' 265.00 24•56'S6' 155,00 24•56'S6' 180,00 24•56'S6' 205,00 19'S8'41' 245.00 13'35'35' 245,00 33'34'16' 220,00 33'34'16' 195,00 159'19'17' 75.00 34•16'18' 75,00 193'35'35' S0.00 193'35'35' 25,00 �1•18'08' 185,00 41'18'08' 210.00 41'18'OS' 235.00 27'13'35' 175.00 27•13'35' 200.00 27'13'35' 225,00 113'll'28' S0,00 113'll'28' 75,00 113'll'28' 100.00 86'30'27' 155.00 90'00'00' 130.00 90'00'00' 105.00 39'32'39' S0.00 64•10'38' S0,00 76'13'16' S0.00 68•17'S4' 50,00 248'14'27' 50,00 64•44'S4' 30.00 10'48'07' S05.00 !0'48'07' 480.00 5'04'34' 455,00 5'43'33' 455,00 46'34'03' 30,00 83'04'26' S0,00 57'17'45' S0,00 65'15'19' S0.00 67•30'35' S0.00 273'08'06' 50,00 46'34'03' 30.00 41'18'OS' 147,00 Il5'S3'31' 75.00 43'25'46' 75.00 50'00'27' 100,00 63•11'01' 100,00 1'40'38' 175,00 4•58'04' 175.00 40•26'09' 70.00 58'33'49' 70.00 39•47'28' 70.00 CURVE TABLE Length Benring 54.23 S 55'48'45' E 63.79 S 75'S5'18' E 48,38 S 54•32'07' E 46,53 N 70'39'38' E 60.26 N 72'S7'1l' E 20.30 S 73'42'22' E 34.70 S 70'24'09' E 69,23 S 61'09'42' E 83,55 S 69'25'48' E 54,87 S 81'28'48' E 207,30 S 78•17'18' E P24.64 S 82'49'S4' E 106.93 S 70'02'03' E 26.75 N 18'44'39' E 96.87 S 67•27'35' E 88,52 S 67•27'35' E 67.49 S 45'24'S8' E 78.38 S 45'24'S8' E 89.26 S 45'24'S8' E 85.43 S 42'S5'S1' E 58.12 S 59•42'S9' E 128.90 S 49'43'38' E 114,26 S 49'43'36' E 208,55 N 13'08'S2' E 44,86 S 70•03'21' E 168,94 N 30'17'OS' E 84.47 N 30'17'O1' E 133.36 S 73'34'16' E 151.38 S 73'34'16' E 169,40 S 73'34'16' E 83.16 S 80•36'32' E 95.04 S 80'36'32' E ]06,92 S 80•36'32' E 98,78 N 56'24'31' E 148.17 N 56'24'31' E 197.56 N 56'24'31' E 234,02 S 43'26'26' E 204,20 S 45'll'12' E 164,93 S 45'll'12' E 34,51 S 70'24'S3' E 56,01 N 18'33'15' W 66,52 N 51'38'42' E 59,60 S 56'05'4P' E 216.63 N 33'S6'O1' E 33.90 S 54'19'12' E 95,21 S 60'S0'S4' E 90,49 S 60'S0'S4' E 40,31 S 63•4�'40' E 45.47 S 58'18'37' E 24,38 S 89'3]'S9' E 72.50 N 71'16'47' 1� 50,00 N O1'05'41' G 56,95 N 60'10'S1' E 58.91 S 53'26'1P' E 238,36 N 23'45'03' E 24,38 S 42'S7'S6' E 105,97 S 73'34'16' E 151,70 N 08'34'O1' 4 56,85 N 71'05'38' E 87,28 N 88'00'02' E 1]0.28 N 31'24'18' E S.12 S 76'll'24' E 15,17 S 72'S2'03' E 49,40 N 60'13'O1' E 71,55 S 45'32'10' E 48,61 N 57•29'll' E Chord 53.05 63.79 48.17 42,01 56,88 20.28 34.62 68.35 83,31 53.80 201,85 216.18 105.78 19.46 % . 42 88.11 66.96 77,76 88,56 85.00 57.99 127.07 112.63 147,56 44.20 99.30 49,65 130,49 148,12 165,76 82.38 94.15 105.91 83,48 125.22 166,96 212.42 183.85 148.49 33.63 53.12 61,72 56.14 82.79 32.13 95,07 90,36 40,30 45,45 23.72 66,31 47.94 53,92 55.56 68,75 23.72 103,69 127,13 55,50 84,54 104.77 5.12 15.17 48.38 68.48 47,64 Tangent 28.36 31,89 24.40 29.42 34.11 10.16 17.43 35.53 42 . 02 28,56 109,51 121.73 54,65 42,09 48.89 44.67 34.29 39.82 45.35 43,15 29,20 66.36 58,82 4]1.09 23.12 4]9,53 209.77 69.73 79.15 88,57 42,38 48,43 54.49 75.82 113,72 15].63 145,83 130. 00 105.00 17.97 31,35 39,22 33.92 73.79 19.02 47,75 45.38 2o.i� 22.75 12,91 44.29 27,32 32,01 33.42 47,34 12.91 55.40 119.77 29.87 46,64 61,50 2.56 7.59 25.78 39,25 25,33 60 0 60 120 180 Feet SCALE: 1" = 60' SHEET 2 OF 3 L titi.'+ ��...�...,�.R..... _ , .._,. _ .,,,�_�,,,�.� -� 0 . PART OF THE SE 1 4 SW 1 4 SECTION 5 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN � � , T�WN �F VAIL, EAGLE C �UNTY, C OL�RAD 0 SEE BELOW S 1/16 CORNER SEC. 5 dc 6 T 5 S, R 80 W OF THE 6th P.M. Z O � I O .� �� � � .� S 3505'58" E 6.90' tQ � Z � U � � r- m � � 3 N � N 8 2 �� �`�s M\ • o• ��s� MqT�H SEE SHEET 2 ?4p.�4, �� CINE ` �a C87 ` � SEIE SHEET 2 � � � 0 W M Z � J 2 H � r � S`B'3 � �32" f 118.Sp. � ��OD `54, N 28'13'28' E � � � � lE W 12.07' � � � � � �� ` �'' � _ 35g�54• REEK RO�� � 63 , "- '� � i ' — A� •e2 ,�S �` � � i � � � _ , �1e �,,� � — _� � � �� N \ fn I ```� ` � 2 � � � C38 11.0 ' � � 1 �1�1� G ` ` � � � C�9 � N �1 d'2�' E � � � ,��' �� �iG � 2394 S.F. ���� \� S 3j?.sp• N 14'40'SY E 257.20 �aso�E►�r I S'�� � � � ` \S'�9,� 50.00' �� ��1� C � >> .� i � °�, I �1 � � ` 3j8 �?`�\ ` 47,279 S.F. I '��. �p,, � rn r- � 1 ` � � � � � '' `�'�L'%' _ � � � _ s�ppE � � � \ � � 3 6 � � � MNNTENAWCE 85.27 M� V � � �� 78,�2. 8.76? � ������� EASEMENT I �\ .,h� \`��� SF ` �22 f-----___ I tiwSirr�wwcE _ � dc IYCCESS � C 338.80' � �Q�°� / \ .�h \ ���� , � \� � �. \\ ``��� �.- � � \ � \ � � �� � � ` � � , � �20 �— — �•�?'47" E � s\ ���_ 341.41� — —� �� ��\ —� — � � --____ �.03� �D SLOPE � �'� � — � _ _ _ _20' SLppE � — MAINTENANCE � <"�� TRACT A ��CE ��� �) EASEMENT � �� �� 337,222 S.F. — — — — — _ _ _ _ � \\ •\p, � � -----_ � \ � � � �• FOUND 1!2' STEEL PIN � ��' w/1 1/T BLM BRASS C,4P N � \ �?\e ACCESS EASEMENT P.O.B.� N g4 4' E J� 105.00' �a N a'�ss� ,eS@•p3"` �.. �o,aa. � s?.s� � � � ��.�. w � � � \ \ � ?�!�' � \� `�� � � � \ � s 3,•4��,s w � � Four,o r X� M,c� 14.1e' SLOPE �� IRON FENCE POST ��►�JCE � � SET IN CONCRETE N�3.,s2�'� Eq$EMENT ��\ S 1f4 CORNER SEC. 5, TSS, R80W Sth P.M. W � FouND 2 1/7 IRON POST w/ 3 1/4' BLM BRASS CAP � 2�s �3, � � , oo.00� � FOUND �4 RE6AF2 w/ALUMINUM CAP (PLS 18827) S 8���3 / W 9�.�7� C9� �'�- ! SS �'? '�� os► F �? S �T e'so' �b. ig• � � ` �3 \ � � � 60 0 60 120 180 Feet SCALE: 1" = 60' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 ' � . (303)949-1406 ow►�nNC aerE: 4/a/�a N 59'46'42" W � � 249.61' N 53'04'09" W 1.84' U.S. HIGHWAY No. 70 /� S ea?� 2� F / _ ,�S ��. ���—C1t��\ � � / � C12 \ / � / s, 2.87 � � � �� � /�� ,,�k �i �\ os / ��' / � �� oi � / � \ �V / c�uNE ,�a � � � \ OF ACCESS ROAD �f N 16'20'13" E � I / � � 30.00' �� � � �/ c'x � � � ��O/ � � �\ �' I � �� � � \ S �\\4j" 1 � �� g � 4�39 �� f � \ o N � � � �3•64• \�o \ � °° � � \ � �\ � � \�� \\�� � � �-_� � � ` � ��� � -.w\�') . \ ,r39 ?Z` \ \ � � � ACCESS EASEMENT \ � S 9��'?9' E \ � . � W � \ 33• S ��2�2 4j>34� ��� \�-� � FOUND 1�7' SiEEL PIN r f ���� C�, � w/i , /z• Bu� ew+ss c,�,P Qee.,� � — _ _ � f�il�:a EASEMENT DETAIL "A" SCAL.E: 1� � 1�� NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commen�ce any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. v S � � -� • � � \ � � � � � � �Hwqy \ � , �� � � o � � N � � o. � I� � U � / � �\ O � � / / A. �� � � G� / �, l i �—��3 RQ s Z J U � \ SEE EASEMENT � / "A" DETAIL FOUND 1 � STEEL PIN w/1 1/ BLM BRASS CAP SEE ABOVE W � .� �� � N `T�4�16" \' 221,g� \ ,� : w�.,� . \e4�, � � N 10r48'4g' E - 80.00 . � 1 p3� 1 �• �. 1�ry.� � ? �• �� s � � � � ��� M�� C87 N 81•�i��7 w- so.00 �`r � CENTERUNE OF � N � \ ACCESS ROAD � � ��� \ � ti � �. xi, C9�\ �Sj1. t�` \ �` � � — — _. � — -._ \ \ \ �30� � � \ � � S 88'11'30' E \ � � N o \ � � 64.21' � �O � o � � o N \ __�------�� \� � � 1 � -'----__�.. � � �cP N ` �� �� ► � s e�,�'47" E � , t � �UN I� � 87.45• � U �N �v �A C� � — � � o ,� — / � � P.0.8 � � ��?� / � S � � � � s�����\ �� i�/ ? r F � �--� �/ \ '00•0o s sg � , �, r E - , 50.00 � � ACCESS EASEMENT o $ � � r- � Curve C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C38 C87 C88 C91 C92 C93 C96 C97 Delta Radlus 91•58'14' 60.00 187•31'03' 35.00 52'17'47' 85.00 95'02'47' 85,00 33•51'35' 60,00 61'41'14' 60,00 31'05'38' 85.00 130'18'10' S5.00 130•18'10' 80.00 130•18'10' 105.00 95'13'29' 95,00 93'34'21' 70,00 93'34'21' 45,00 11'43'13' 125,00 41'25'34' 100,00 41'25'34' 75,00 1'12'29' 3025,00 1•12'29' 3000,00 1'12'29' 2975.00 8'S3'44' 1025.00 8'S3'44' 1000,00 8'S3'44' 975,00 26•02'14' 205,00 26'02'14' 180,00 26•02'14' 155.00 208'00'S7' 80,00 208'00'S7' S5.00 208•00'S7' 30.00 40•53'49' 155.00 40'S3'49' 180.00 41'04'20' 205,00 4'21'47' 175,00 18'28'S3' 150.00 88•52'23' 30,00 31'44'03' 125,00 55'48'22' S0,00 29•42'21' 125,00 87'00'06' S0,00 24'47'45' 225,00 S'49'24' 2000.00 18'S2'45' 125,00 10'49'36' 125,00 CURVE TABLE Length Bearing Chord Tangent 96,31 N 62•33'26' E 86.30 62.10 114,55 N 14'47'02' E 69.85 532.75 77,58 N 73'18'49' E 74.92 41.73 141,00 N 00'21'28' W 125.38 92,84 35.46 N 00'21'28' W 34,94 18,26 64.60 N 48'07'S2' W 61,52 35,83 46,13 N 63'25'41' W 45,57 23.65 125,08 N 13•49'24' W -99,8� 118.77 181,94 N 13'49'24' W: 145.19 172.75 238,79 N 13'49`24' W 190.56 `�226.74 157 , 89 S 81' 04 `14'; E ;:i;40. 33 104. 08 114.32 S 81'S3'09'.E =20�.03 -74,51 73.49 S 81'S3'09''E - '�i5.59 47,90 25,57 S 40•57'35' E-,�5,53 12.83 72.30 S 55•48'45' E �0,74 - 37.81 54.23 S 55'48'45' E 'S3,05 28.36 63.79 S 75'S5'18' E 63,79 31,89 63.26 S 75•55'18' E 63,26 3].63 62,73 S 75•55'18' E 62,73 31.37 159,14 S 79•45'S5' E 158.98 79.73 155,26 S 79'45'S5' E 155.10 77.78 151,37 S 79'45'S5' E 151,22 75,84 93,16 S 71'll'40' E 92,36 47,40 81.80 S 71'll'40' E 81,10 41,62 70.44 S 71'll'40' E 69,83 35.84 z90,45 N 17'48'S9' E 155,24 320,67 199,68 N 17'48'59' E 106,73 220.46 108,92 N 17'48'S9' E 58,22 120.25 110,64 S 65'44'35' E 108.30 57,79 128,48 S 65'44'35' E 125.77 67,11 146,95 S 65'39'21' E 143,83 76,79 13,33 S 47'28'35' E 13,32 6,67 48.38 S 54•32'07' E 48,17 24,40 46.53 N 70'39'38' E 42,01 29,42 69.23 S 61'09'42' E 68,35 35.53 48.70 N 87°11'38' E 46,80 26.48 64,81 S 61'40'22' E 64,09 33.15 75,92 N 84•00'S2' E 68.84 47,45 97,37 S 64'S2'S8' E 96.62 49,46 203,27 S 74'22'09' E 203.18 101,72 41,19 S 56•15'34' E 41.00 20,78 23.62 S 71'06'44' E 23,59 11,85 SHEET 3 OF 3 :: �