HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 25i I. SUBJECT SITE I ! 3 7 t 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS IB . I A � S e zs zx n � Sz ze z� e as 2 zi 1e � 3o za nucr s xo O SI 19 TRALT A 3S ! � io ,i iZ LOT 7, \ tRAtT C TR/iCT D �" POTATO PATCH . CLUB lM/LATT[D 9th.FILING 3 6 . 6 e � � Z � RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY — ►��c r�uu � I � � C U RVE DATA 1=11°44'4%' R=179.43 L=36.79 C 1 T=18.46 LC=36.72 CB=S 80°40'21" E 1=20°42' 1 1" R=179.43 L=64.84 C2 T=32.77 LC=64.48 CB=N 83°06' 10" E N NO SCALE SOLAR VAIL INTERSTATE 70 VICINITY MAP ,VAIL POTATO PATCH 1=32°26'S8" R=179.43 P4TqT� �_� o� .s2 T=52.21 LC=100.27 CB=N 88°58'34" E � � FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON No. 5 REBAR L.S. No. 11413 LOT 2 6 �D �-- O .- � W � �!' � 0 � O Z SEf ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 � t �0� � �N h h�� N Cj � PATC H � 9 T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE C DUNTY, C OLORAD � N�TES� C1) Date of Survey� April 1993 C2) Bear�ngs are based on a line connecttng the ex�st�ng Monur�ents Marktng the� southerly ltne of Lot 25 be�ng S88°52'15'W (see drawtng). C3) Monur�entation as shown hereon (4) Street Addr�ess� 793 Potato Patch Drtve (5) Protect�ve Covenants recorded In Book 233 at Page 628 and as ar�ended �n docur�ent recorded tn Book 241 at Page 950. oR�vE C2 / ACCESS EASEMENT I �(TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT) ✓ S 88'39'S4" W— 62.04 I — — � � � � � I � I I I I � I � I � I I L� I I I PROPERTY LINE I FOLLOWS I PARTI' WALL � 10' I�� BUILDING OUTLINE I I 1� _ _ J I � — Z I O o IN STREET ADDRESS: � I 793 POTATO PATCH DRIVE p rn � I LOT 25A i LOT 25B I 0.2012 ACRES 0.1928 ACRES � Iv � DRAINAGE Ac / I � UTILITY EASEMENT — — �J T— — — — — — — ��' 49 36 0�1 ��` � '' FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP .► ON No. 5 REBAR � L.S. No. 11413 N c�; rv � � .-- � 3 � O .- � � ui LOT 2 4 65.16 • .--- FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP S Sv 5Z� � 5~ W— � � 4.5Z FOUND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON No. 5 REBAR ON No. 5 REBAR (BASIS OF BEARINGS) L.S. No. 11413 L.S. No. 11413 TRACT B 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dt 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 DRAWING DATE: 5/15/93 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you muet commence any legal action baaed uPon ony defect in this aurvey within three y�eara after you firot diecover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten yearo from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATI�N AND �WNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Joseph A, Ror�ano, Margaret P, RoMano, JaMes E, Goldfarb and Ann L, Goldfarb, betng sole owners In fee slr�ple, of all that real property situated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrlbed as foltows� Lot 25, Block 1, Va�l/Potato Patch, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded In the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contain�ng 0,394 arces, More or less, have by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe into lots as shown on thts finat plat under the nar�e and styte of 'Final Plat, A Resubdiv�s�on of Lot 25, Block 1, Vail/Potato Patch', a subd�viston In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado� and do hereby accept the respons�bllity for the coMpletion of requ�red �MproveMents; and do hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publtc IMproveMents and places as shown on the accor�pany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property wh�ch are indicated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereonj and do hei�eby grant the r�ght to install and r�ainta►n necessary structures to the ent�ty responsible for provtd�ng the servl�es for which the easeMents are establlshed, Executed this _____ day of _________________________, A,D „ 1993. �WNERS� � � /f � / �<���� �� � / / r� rf� �( / ' ^ � _�_L_ <-•---- � - - J,dseph A , Ror�an o �90 P�ne Street Boulder, CO 8030z �l _�,���`,�� �/1�,_� _ � �%�N_2�,...0 Mar�aret,�, Ror�ano 590 P�ne Street Boulder, CD 80302 �� J es E, Goldfarb 104 Vaquero Dr�ve Boulder, CO 80303 ;�, �C �- �f �' c _ ( - ----------------� ---- / � Ann L, Goldfarb ` 104 Vaquero Drtve Boulder, CO 80303 STATE OF � � - � � � � � � ) ------------- �55. COUNTY �F '�� � � � � � � `�-'� � ) The f orego t n g i n struMen t was ackn ow l edged bef ore r�e th � s_f �__ � day of __�; ___�_�=______, A, D,, 1993 by Joseph A, Ror�ano , �r' ��� : - , _. � My CoMr�tsslon explres� - __________ Wttness My hand and seal � �" - � ` r__ � � - --- Notary Pubtic � � Address'---- " `; - _--'�_---------"_--�___----- �� l�,r,;;_A'�, STATE �F__�____�___________) , ; )ss, C�UNTY �F r1�_,�___` _ � ___> The foregoi ng t nstrur�ent was acknow ledged before r�e th t s===_�� day of _�` �= � ly._�_�, A, D,, 1993 by Margaret P, RoMano , M y C o r � M t s s I o n e x p � r e s �� f '_________ W I tn ess r�y han d an d sea l, - � , Y / ? � Notar Pub l I c� _� ��, ;� Address�---,--------n-----------=--- STATE OF l O IOr��O ) — -- ---)S5� COUNTY OF�r���O�) �� The fore otng �nstruMent was acknowtedged before Me thts �� day of _�� ____, A,D., 1993 by JaMes E, Goldfarb, M Cor�M � ss � on ex � res � ''�`-� Y P �_�� � �- - � � � W � tness r�y hand and sea l, -�� � --'� --- ��`� � Notary P l c Address � ���!_�0, ��• ��-����.-�� � --- � 1 �O�i�- STATE �F__�� i':=�=u_-`� �'�----) )ss. COUNTY �F .�%�- `` �= � �-V ---- � c, � ,�I. j The foregoing Instrur�ent was acknowledged before r�e thls _____ day of __,(�i_a_�_�______, A,D., 1993 by Ann L, Goldfarb, , � My CoMr� I ss t on exp t res ��^�°-�_. _�___ '-_ W � tn ess r�y han d an d sea l, � ,�, _,�;,� �.�t�C..� �--------------- Notary Publlc _ Address � � ` � `� , �" „' ' . � ---- �-- �-- ----=------- ��� �r�',�-.-� s { � r� �,�lt`, , , � � -�� OY�,.� �•. � ., � �<� �� �� � 6� %'e �'',: . �. : � �. y 0 TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany, does hereby certtfy that the title to all lands shown upon this ftnal plat has been exaMined and is vested In� �'°scp h-- R_- �2ow�ano � Ma.rgare�l-__� _�(p r►�p.v�o� �'an�GS--�=--- _EEo�,#a�''b ew�d.- ��--�-�Ql.a��r�v------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands is free and clear of all l�ens and encur�brances, except as follows� -I'1Qi^-G------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated thls ;4?__ day of ___� �_______________, A,D,, 1993, Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 By� _ � -J�� ----------- CSignature)�, L�C4►'�Yi�? --t%'�''---�!^-=-7-'�c_ QfiFt�ve r CPr�nt nar�e and t�tle) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a regtstered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat Is true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fror� an accurate survey of said property by Me and under r�y superviston and correctly shows the locat�on and dtr�ens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subd�v�s�on as the sar�e are staked upon the ground �n coMpltance with appl►cabte regulattons governtng the subdtv�ston of land, � ,,,,...�,:,,,,. '�*`` A W �f J ,•,�"� �� In w � tness thereof I have set My hand arr�l�_���►1��-��'�,,�I_9'__ day of v ��u . < , . . ..�� . ----�� ----- � A , D , , 1993 , .� .;ti';.���� y �'�� °., �,�^4 : ai � '. a��. ����',B� e ; cr ,: � . -----� ------------- Stan Hogf'�e�ld�;,�oo y,;'., Co l orado �t�`'�65�`` R 'd^:¢oe.a_ '. ZONING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning A d M � n t s t r a t o r t h i s �,� L_ d a y o f ____� T! hP___________, A. D., 1 9 9 3, .�- - Attes�t-� � � � �� � ` � ' � � �+� . �� - c.��i'�`!J¢�rrc - �/ ' �: , . >. Tovr�C l rk � � --- - Zon t n �'�di ; , .: � �- 9 - ------------------------- r� t n I strator Town :pf�il, Co�r�o Town of Vail, Colorado �=x �.,... ,��,. r. CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the enttre ar�ount of taxes due and payable as of _��_ _�� -__Q,3_________, upon all parcels of real estate descrlbed on thts f�nal plat are patd In full, Dated th � s!��t day of �K['�� ___________, A, D,, 1993 , / Treasurer f Eagle County, l ado v�? CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��`� `�- Th I s f t n a l p l at was f � l ed f or record i`n t�`e `off i ce of the C l erk an d Recorder on this_ �_ day of ___-��+k?.______ � _ , A,D „ 1993, at t1_•o!a o'c lock A.M , Recorded under Recept i on No �O(��� t n Book ��Q at Page �Q� , � , . _: � � �,�. � �„���,., ..�`� € � s a A i� a,:z� i ` °+� . _ ..r_ �, �,r n �' .'a�4 ;�.� � � ,,;q, t� •'' ,,. �1 :. l � ,� "•.°���.:'"`�. --------------ii'---------------------- � �� Clerk and Recorder � Eagle County, Co,llca o �'� . . . L, �°•��` ' "� �� `� By' ��-- - ----- - - ----------- Deputy � �`�� � \o`QQC= 1806 j;.. ,-��.....-...,�—^'�^� �