HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpraddle Creek Estates Lot 14 & 15�� `..�;,�. -' � ,.;�;; , �.��. : /i` .. - _.>s,. ' 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ��--� �� - ,��;: %�� ,/ ; i � ,�' y �'_, %/ /,' �!C /!.. ' . LOTS TOWN 14 & 15, SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES 0 F VAIL, EAGLE LOT SUMMARY CHART (NuMbers shown are In square feet) Parcel Area MaxIMUM MaxIMUM Site Zone District/Land Use GRFA Coverage Lot 14 277500 Lot 15 34118 NOTES� 13904 8866 Hillside Residenttal 5823 4973 Hillside Residential 1) The lots in this subdtvis�on where the average slope of the s�te beneath the proposed structure and parking area Is in excess of th�rty percent are sub�ect to Sectlon 18.69.050 (A-D, F-I, K and L) of the Town of Va�l Municipal Code, 2) A MQXIMUM of an addittonal 1200 square feet of buildtng w�ll be allowed for a garage on each lot of this subd�v�slon In excess of the GRFA shown �n the Lot SuMMary Chart above, 3) The construct�on for each lot will occur wlthin the platted building envelopes with the following exceptlons� Drlveways, sidewalks, garages that Meet the requtreMents of Section 18.69.050(A-D, F-J, K and L) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, retaining walls, surface park�ng and grad�ng, as long as Town of Vail Design Review Board approval 1s rece�ved and iMpacts on topography and vegetat�on a,re MiniMal. 4) Three caretaker units, each havtng a MaxiMUM of 1200 square feet nnd a MinIMUM of 500 square feet, shall be provided within the coMbined total lots shown on the recorded plat for Spraddle Creek Estates and on thls First AMendMent to Spraddle Creek Estates. The units wlll be perManently restrlcted per Sect�on 18,13.080 (10) CA-D) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Three lo ts w i l l be des igna te d �n t he Pro tec t ive Covena n t s f o r t hi s subdiviston on which caretaker untts wlll be built, If lots oth�er than those lots or�ginally designated provide caretaker units, the covenant restriction wllt be lifted, The developer May change designated lots as long as there are three lots designated at all tlMes, Further Town of Vail review of the designat�ons wtll not be requlred if the caretaker requireMent Is r►oved to nnother lot, S) Date of Survey+ June 1993 6) Basis of Bear�ngs �s a line connecting the exist�ng brass cap MonuMents Marking the northerly line of the SE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sectton 5, Townsh�p 5 South, Range 80 Vest of the S�xth Pr�nc�pnl Merldlan, Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado be�ng N89�'40'25'E (see drawing), 7) The property shown hereon Is sub,ject to the Protecttve Covenants for� Spraddle Creek Estates recorded in the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this surwey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the dote of the certification shown hereon. COUNTY, C4LORADO CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND 041NERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that SBC Developnent Corp., a Colorado corporatton, betng sole owner in fee s�Mple, of all that real property situated �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lots 14 and 15, Spraddle Creek Estates, according to the plat thereof recorded in the offlce of the Engle County, Colo�rado, Clerk and Recorder, containtng 7.154 acres, More or less. has by these presents laid out, ptatted and subdtvtded t'he saMe into lots and blocks as shown on thts flnal plat under the naMe and style of ' F�rst AMendMent to Spraddle Creek Estates ', a subdtvtslon in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, ColoradoJ and does hereby accept the responstbtlity for the cor►pletton of required iMproveMents� and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other pubtic �nprover�ents and ptaces ns shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publtc foreverJ and does hereby dedicate those portlons of satd real property whlch are tnd�cated as easeMent on the accoMpanytng plat ns easenents for the purpose shown hereonJ and does hereby grant the rlght to Install nnd Ma�ntafn necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for providing the services for which the easeMents are establlshed, Executed th i s � day of ___��c�' �_�________, A. D„ 1993 , �WNER� SBC DevelopMent Corp., a Colorado corporntlon Address�------- ----------------- BY`------------- ----- ( T � t l e)-------- i�._f=_S i Q E�a'? ---- STATE �F_Cd�Q2i'�s��____) )ss, COUNTY OF �;,fl�s„��_____) The foregoing instruMent was acknowledged befo�e Me thts `�?"� day of� �us.��'�------ � A. D., 1993 by--�f�c�.s.�-- ��,.s��Z � z-----as _���,��-�______________ of SBC DevelopMent Corp., a Colorado corporatlon, My Cor►M i ss i on exp I res �_`_�°�1�`��___ . Witness My hand and seal. _ ����.� � �� �_----- Notnry Pub i� Address j __ �' .a,h___�Q_L________ _��.�Lti.,O=- �2--�.%b.�z PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE Thls f�nal plat was approved by the Town of Vall Planning and Env�ronMental CoMM�ssion this ��f/,�_ day of __���_____, A.D., 1993. G( T ` . _ - °�!�-°-`?��---- --------- �-- ----- --- --- --------- Town C ler Cfr� i rM ' ' Town o a. #'�;` ado Town of Vall Plnnn�ng and ��' '� �`� Envtronr�entnl CoMnisslon �����: �, - . �. . { :�-_- TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upo this final plat has been exaMined and is vested I n � �� �. �e���� - -�_1�1'-�Q[� • �}_ COI Dri�da------- pm ------ �Q�`-QQra�i'o;'-�-------------------- }------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that tltle to such lands ts free and clear of all liens and encuMbrances, except as follows� NOn G ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7� ---------------� A,D „ 1993, Dated th i s!?___ day of __�1��� Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 BY' �����!6 �==- ------------------ CSignature) ,�,ren f %r'1�---�r �_�fle _ DJ'�'f�'�Gr' (Pr�nt nar�e and tltle) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor ticensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My supervislon and correctly shows the locatlon and dir�ensions of the lots, easeMents and streets of sald subd�vision as the saMe are staked upon the ground in coMpliance wlth appl�cable regulations govern�ng the subdivis�on of land, In-r�i ess-thereof I have set My hand and sea l th i s G��, day of � - --� A . D , . 1993 . ��.,�„'"(: � �,,,, � p' l_� ..\ Il. 1'1 • / ti1 .a =��;;� _ � � � � -- --- - - ----------- DanA "re ,Corcorar� Colarado PLS 16827 J. .� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certify that the ent�re ar�ount of taxes due an d payab l e as of ___ j� ��j �93___________. upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on this final plat are paid in full, Dated thls ,� day of S�,ep���( _____, A.D „ 1993, �e-�r� � G�� Treasur of Eagle C6un y, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �0�0�00 � This final plat was tled for_re rd In the offtce of the Clerk and Recorder on th s day of �;��s�"1---, . 1993, at /�'��o' c l ock '�_M . Recorded un der Recept i on No ,�/���� i n Book �L8 _ at Page (o.�� . lerk nnd order Eagle nty, Colorad BY - -- -- ' eputy SHEET 1 OF 2 288-14 a i � INDICATES SET �4 REBAR MRTH ALUMINUM CAP - PLS 18827 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 ( 303)9 49-1406 N O O � N I 3 �o � N � 0 Z SW 7/18 CORNER, SECTION S, TSS, R80W, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 7/2" 011►. IRON POST WRH 3 7/4' DIA. BLM BRISS CAP ���� N 89°40'25" E - 650.04 264.24 2�' 13 ` � � N :- M '� O � �� Z �� � � � � �� � �N/� �� �' � rya^ L�TS 14 & 15, SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES T4WN OF VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C OLORAD 0 YO' U11L(IY EASEMENf N 89'40'2S E - 391.17 �' LOT 14 277500 S.F. ? ta8.3e N'I� 6�� S QT71'30�' E- 123.9a S�'t�. 172.28 ?e �J� f N 87'° 11'30" W- 605.77 ,o' 18.B9 / � ` LOT 5 � o��� ��� � �. .. 60 0 60 120 180 Feet SCALE: 1" = 60' LOT 6 � :. CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 � CS 1/16 CORNER SECfION S, TSS, RaOW, 6TH P.M. FOUND 2 1/Y DIA. IRON POST WffH 3 1/4' DIA BLM BRASS CAP (BASIS OF BEARINGS) w � g O � w O /!1 � Oi V • r � �� O - N / LOT 12 LOT 11 S s �0?*� 64°24 ' 'SA 9•� o?� F �F � .?� 4S9 �� ' 99 , s• �ccESS �wo unuTr ��rt N 00'14'4� W - 16.66 F. 73.73 S s e��s� s -- ��p�o� EAST s¢°?g S�0*p F � �se's hF 76.t7 R �o. �' _ � �n `C7' ��'�j,� � BUILDING ENVEI.OPE (1'YP.) N � � � � S �,F\ _ ,ok � s erz 6�2 o w N 89°48'48" E- 15.00 f A,(� � �, � �6 �h c -� s � � O k� ro� � 5 0�'22'3�' E- JD.� � ''�Q � �o\ S 3T04�a�' w Z � �. � I� ` ` T O� Ss; .� 38.00 WEST - 86.42 Ok � �� �� 83.81 (p �i9 \� �'+ z� �' ,y6 p k'C ��• N 89'23'3d' E ,,n� � C� � \ � ,� `S26 4,�0 �� ,66°� � W N r- � �F ` .�9���, � � � o LOT 15 � � i � ? '1 y � `\ � � s �% „�ry ,� � 34118 S.F. 3 � 3 `- 1 ��3 �`�7s Cj � S QT49'22" E - e6.91 �� � � � LOT � O O� z N � .- O o-�3� M � � \ ` � 1\ w o o O �SO � � N ^ o \ � G+3 �t �,2 �' O � � \ � N fi6°59'45" W- 49 36 DELTA RADIUS 103' 43' 17' 50.00 2T 13'35" 225.00 41•18'OS' 185.00 34•16'18" 75.00 64•10'3g' 50.00 39'32'39" 50.00 15'35'2G' 147.00 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you ►rtust commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no ever�t, may any oction based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. ARC 90.51 106.92 133.36 44.86 56.01 34.51 40.00 TANGENT 63.68 54.49 69.73 23.12 31.35 17.97 20.12 BEARING CHORD S 38'19'34" E 78.65 N 80'36'37' W 105.91 N 73'34'16' W 130.49 N 70'03'21" W 44.20 S 18'33'15' E 53.12 S 70'24'5�' E 33.83 N 60'42'55' W 39.88 0 :� . ��:a , `'. LOT 7 I � ' �\ �� � � / � � LOT 9 v SHEET 2 OF 2 288.14