HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 5 Lot 01� � � "� �� vJ � � � Q � � Q W � O � O` � � � 0 0 O �UN/PER L.4/VE �50� N89'S3'24'"W 150. 00' �t�• I Z � 4816 �'��� � W � � � W ��, � ' � , � 80;5 ' � I � � 6» w � ^ 21. Op' ; � Q �or �e. � � I � 8, 934 34 SQUARE FEET ��, ���� a 0.205 A CR� -- -- � N � � O LOT 1A. 80' 6•j>» 13, 522. 50 SQUARE FEET • O4 � 0.310 ACRES Z �� Q � � �p j _I O I 779 � � O I �� � � � -� -� L O T �, I� 5' v nci rY 95. 76' AND N90'00 00 E SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S 26626 NO TES: BAS/S OF BEARING'S.• N 00'06'36" E BErWEEN A FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/hLAST/C CAP P. E. AND P.L. S. N0. 26626 A T SOUTHEAST CORNER AND FOUND 5/8" REBAR A T NOR THEAST CORNER OF L O T 1. DA TE OF SUR12cY OCTOBER 1993 DA TL� OF COMPLETIONS.• DECEMBER 1993 a DENOTFS SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP P.E. AND P.L.S. 26626 4816 DENOTES STREET ADDRESS For zoning purposes, the two lots c�eated by this subdivision are to be t�eoted as one entity wifh no mo�e thon one 2—fomily �esidence a//owed on the combined area of the two lots. Allowob/e Residentia/ F/oo� Area fo� the 2—fomily �esidence will be ca/culated on the combined area of the two lots LOT 19, `A � ORA AGE 53. 95' EASEMENT � 150. 00 PLA T 149. 71 ' (CAL CCILA lE0) BDl I /lSION OF L � T � RESU FlIV� L P � � � i � FOUND 5/8" REBAR �NO CAP� REPLACED WI TH 5/8 REBAR W/pLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. 26626. tor z, FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS77C 'CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. 26626 NOT/CE.• According to Co%rodo /ow �wu must commence ony /ega/ actlon bosed upon ony deh�ct !n thls sunrey w/thln fhree years ofler you 14rst disco►br such de%ct. ln no e►�enf, moy ony actTon bosed u�pon ony detect !n this su�►rey be commenced more thon ten yeors lrom ihe dote of ce�f/fJcat/on shown hereon. GRAPHIC SCALE zo o �o zo �o (INF'�') 1 inch = 20 ft I/IC/Nl �Y M�4� SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' eo CERTIf7CA 170N OF DED/CA TION FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY 1NESE PRESENTS THA T fhe underslgned being the holder of o mortgoge or deed of trust on the rea/ p�operty situated in the Town ot �ai7. Eog/e Coun��, Co%rado, descri7�ed os fo/%ws: Lot 1, B/ock 5, Bighom Subdivision Fifth Addltion, Town of �ail, £og/e Coun fy, Co%rodo con taining 0. 516 ocres more or /ess; ho►� by these presents /oid out, p/vtled and subdivfded the same rnto /ots and blocks as shown on this fina/ p/at under the nome and style of f7NAL PLAT, A R£SUBDII/JS/ON OF LOT l, BLOCK 5, B/GHORN SUBD/VlS/ON FIFTH ADDl170N, o subdivrsion in the Town of �oil, Eog/e County. Co%rodo; and does hereby occept the responsibility for the comp/etion of requi�ed improvements; an�/ does hereby dedicale ond set opart all of the pub/ic roads and ofher public improvements ond p/aces os shown on the occomponying p/at to fhe use of the public fore►�er; ond does hereby dedfcofe those portions of soid real property whlch are /ndicoted os eosement on the accom�anying p/at os eosements tor the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to instol/ ond maintoin necesso�y strucfures to the entity responsib/e tor provldfng the services for which the easements ore estoblished. Executed thls�.L�day of �S_C_ex�t�' ___,A.D. 199,3 �Nti/ L%m i f� d �°artn�shi�, /� �elQ,w�rc �artn�rSh iP /,- y W r�ra n k f� y/rna.i't- G a.r� e rc�/ �a.��j ccr STA 1F OF COLORADO > SS COUNTY OF EAGL£ ) The foregoing CertiTcate of Dedlcat/on and acknow/edoed beto�e me this .�L� doy of ..Q� My comm/ssion expires �..1�$Q��L.=.1: �tness my hond ond sea/ ��'�'��t�is�.�✓L No tory Public GS lIO�� /N. d d N/ r S 1 � 1 �� Str K� Add�ess ��' I � � 8 �;� wos suRVEroRS cERn�cA �• l, Duone D. Fehringe�, do hereby certTfy that / om o Reglstered Lond Surveyear /Icensed under the /aws of the Stote ot Co%rodo, that this p/ot is a true, correct, ond comp/ete FINAL PLAT, Town of Voi7, County of Eag/e, Stote of Co%rodo, as /oid out, p/otted, dedlcoted ond shown hereon, t,�ot such P/ot was mode from on accurote surwy of said property by me ond under my supervision ond correct/y shows the /ocation ond dimensions of the /ots, eosements ond streets o� sa/d subdi�ision as the same are stak upon the ground in comp/ionce with app/Tcab/e regu/ations govemi the subdivision ot /ond. /n ss whereot hov� set my hand ond sea/ this �� doy of A. D., 1993. � Duane D. Fehring�ci : �a`� " '��i : � ; Registered Lond=�u�jror Na 2�26 = = �° 26626 �; _ � '� .' � % .• � /�/ii,/� �'���s.���� \��\� ������ �//�11�1�111 °,�,�`�������� CERTIF/CA TE OF DEDICA 770N AND OWNERSHIP.•_ KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS THA T the undersigned beJng so/e owner in fee simp/e ot al/ fhaf reo/ property situated in the Town of Vai/, Eag/e County, Co%rodo, described as fol%ws: Lot 1. B/ock 5. Bighom Subd/�islon Ffth Addltion, Town of �al/. Eag/e County, Co%rodo containJng 0.516 acres more or less; hove by these presents loid out, p/atted ond subdfvided the some into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this rno/ p/at under the name ond style of f1NAL PLAT, A RESUBDlli1SlON OF LOT 1. BLOCK 5, B/GHORN SUBDlV1S/ON F/FTH ADDl170N, a subdivision in �he Town of �aiy, Eag/e County, Co/orado; and does hereby accept fhe respons�bi/ify for the comp/etion of required Imp�ovements; and does he�eby ded/cate and set opart all of the public �oods and other pub/rc imp�ovisments and pluces as shown on fhe accompanying p/at to the use of the pub/ic forever, and does hereby dedfcafe those po�tions of said �ea/ property which are indicoteo as easement on the occompanying p/at os easements ;or the purpose shown he�eon; and does he�eby gront the right to instol/ and moin'oin necesso�y structures io the entity responsi�/e for pro✓Iding the se�vices fo� which the easements ore estoblished. Executed this 3��oy of ����►�_ ,A.D. 1993 �oharr OWNER.• ...��4�+ Muel%r P.O. Box voir, colorvdo 61s58 y ue er foVWnK STA7F OF COLORADO > ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Certi�cote of �edicotion and Ownershpi was acknow/edge�b.�elf�lne this .s�Q ti day of ]��!l�lblrlgiJ p�_� �tr� My commission expi�es _l�. �iq � �fness my hand ond sea/ ;; F�-��� =�r� ,�- . _�—.�.I't �. � �; �' � , � �i,: Notary Public C�'Orgt M. Ac�MVt � p�,� ��-� ,� . � �� 1.. �. ° T \�I��w.4.r � .i46� �' �� �..�1.Ilx�3: • + .: f `� Address YN � ���o � 8 � 6 J� 1 i�;-;j��� �,�.�y �.. � - ,, ��'i . -��`�.. -? � ;;,:; 17TLE CER71F/CA 7�• � � l�nol T�le C��,raxF�� �:CN�Rt►!NY does hereby certify that t,he tit/e to oll lands shown �up on h�s plot hove been exam/ned ond is vesfed Jn ToNGtNh MuG���'' ond thaf !it/e to such /onds is free ond c%or o! ol/ liens and ---..��------ -.,......� .... � ,,..W�. r�.� � -M,ic� r�rt. Zr. ?1 /`�3 �JVV�, roL ��c�c.. �cfs • Doted fhis �._ day of � _ A.D. �?i� Sua�G ��i R_�_��_3�'? �_a' �}co 8'«sa' Address �B' _ �)e �-r" �N -- ZON/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CERTIF/CA 7F• This tTnol p/ot is hereby opproved b the Town of I/aIl Zoninq Administraior this ��___ day of M, A.D., 19�d'� ...�rrw.._ A TTES iown �we Town of � r, ! !� !� � �� ;; , �� Zoning Administrator �i! ,��,�;:�,t. ; � Town of I/ail M � ��u..� �. µ�u.� CER 17F/CA TE OF rAXES PA/D: ' /, the undersigned, do hereby certif thof the entire omount of taxes due ond paynb/e os or 1�=�1 – 9'��—_ upon all porce/s of rea/ estote desc�ib d on this p/at o�e poid in full. Dated this .�{i doy of_ _ A.D., 199� _ of �'og/e Coun ty CLERK AND RECORDER'S CE,4T1F/CA TE.•. �( �•�� ThJs p/at wos tT/ed f � �ec rd in the o�ce ot the C/erl ond Recorder �tin�E!�l�d"y o A.D. 19� at ' /l:�o'olock �M. Recorde u er Recep ' No. �ej'1�,� in�. Book .��2__ at Page '�� . �c �' . �A''a 4� . '',ti•y _ , ° " � �`` �.�e, ' _�: � Deputy / Clerk a Recorder Y��- . � �� � � Eogle un ty, Color�� �� � ,h�i`�il. � '