HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 9 Lot 140 � TO EAST VAIL EXIT /H \ TATE �O LUPINE DRIVE SPRUC E WAY �/ � BIGHORN ROAD VICINITY MAP LINE LSGffi1D 1. S 36 41"30" W, 2_ S 53 18'30" $, 3. S 36 41"30" W_ 4_ S 26 11'12" W, LOT 13 S' �'O S3 � �o 8� 3� ,� F S,o �� c� NORTH SCA L E I"= 20 � SUBJECT SITE . A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 14 BLOCK 9 BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADD[TION AMENDED PLAT > > TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO TO VAIL PASS � �5.� 1) Date of Survey: February, 1994 2) Bearings are based on a line connecting the north corner of Lot 14, to the east corner of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat being S 53 18'30" E. (see monument legend for a description of the monuments) 3) Street Address: 4223 Spruce Way S S3%' `�O �. F /�� �� s�. �T� c2� LOT 15 ,.�, `,�O 0�� 0 �� � (3) (SEE MONUMENT LEGEND ) (1) indicates a 1 1/2"' aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, stamped L.S.11204 found. (2) indicatea a 1/2" rebar found. (3) indicates a 2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, stamped L.S. 23506 set. r�m vss sc��r Pnrcel A: 1/Z Duplea Parcel B: 1/Z Duplex Notice: Aeeording to Colorado law you muat commenee any legal aetion baeed upon any defect in this survey within three yenrs after you � � • firat diacover auch defect. In no event may any action baaed upon any defect in this survey be commenced more thnn ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. LBLAND LSCEIlIER P_ L. S_ 23506 BO7C 3463, VAIL, (70 _ 81658 ( 949 538? ) 0_1928 Acrea 0_1928 Acres CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know by all men by these presents that the underaigned, being sole owners in fee simple, of all that real property situated in Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described aa follows: Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat; according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder containing 0.3857 acres more or less, have by these presents, laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the name and style of "A Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat", a eubdivieion in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public raada and other public improvementa and placea ae ahoMn on the accompanying plat to the uae of the public forever; and do herebq dedicate thoae portions of said real property which are indicated aa eaaement on the accompanying plat aa eaaementa for tiie purpoae shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right to inatall and maintain necessary structures to the entity responai�le for providing the services for which the easementa are established. Executed this �� day of ��� A.D., 1994. OWNERS: WHB Companiea, Inc. a Colorado Corpora+tion Address: �o/ E /�iA� �'F '�� iA Gt0 8�✓ -/ �f . �, : .cP.s.:.. Title: STATE OF �u�A�'O ) �. )aa. CO()NTY OF /��'��f�C ) The foregoin �inatrument Nna ackn �e� d i�ef���.� D^/ thia, �,`7� day o f ��• A. D. 1994 , b uiV I'1 . Pn[Srd rit�' . Oz - i� � �°►r�,pan� � Hu� h!y Co�miaaion expirea: Witneaa my hand and aenl. �r�-•�-.. �-.�.�- Notary Public Addreaa : /i�� � ✓y� ��M� � ,r�J,c.� Cc s��/ .�" . •� t liOR'1�('=A((i�' S QO�ISENT '' The Aurora National Bank/South being the niortga�ee of ell that real property described hereon doea hereby'sro�naent to the "Reaubdiviaion of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn f�yi�diviaion Third.. Addition Amended Plat" aa aho�rn hereon. Sxecuted thia 15'� day of ! A A.D. ,-199�. � u STATS OF �oLo R�o ) � ; )aa. � , COUNTY OF �RAeql�o� ) The foregoing inatrument waa acknowled ed before me thia � 5�''� dny of/�Pa, R� A. D 1994�+ by�pmPS �. �e x/he�sr4� c lde,� /7�.r�,vqE'�t• o F /-�4�ee,�A /'UAr►'ew�L,�.K/J•�ry1 • lyiy Commission expirea: Witneas my hand and seal. 1 � Notary � Addreaa: �.�.-PP' �`u'. �QQ/s2 . PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the two parcels created by thie resubdivision are to be treated aa one parcel With n�o more than one two-family residence allowed on the coaibined are�a of the two parcels. The Floor Area Ratio for the two-faaiily re�aidence will be calculated based on the combined area of the t`►o parcela. .�� <<� � � , . � -_ - .f , , , -,, __ ,� � �, � � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify that I am a registered Land Surveyor licensed under that laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is a true, correct, and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this �p day of A.D. , 1994. ����,,,,,,,����,,,��� ,.��`' pp REGISjF�'�% .• �t� - � '�, ° • PC+"�—` ��S'y :�O : Leland Lechner = �: �� F� : _ Co lorado P. L. S. 23506= •� 2 3 5 0 6 = � � : ��, = " o: � :� .��. y � J � � �� `_ �'-., '•••.......•• � �.� s ��'�%�;�NAL l�n���S`�� �,,,����„�����` TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Co. does hereby certify that it hna examined the title to all lands shown upQn this pla and that the title is vested l�i-4 8(,olb�jeS� ll' T� ft' ��LTdti �O�!'�OM12�'1'A-L.. and is free and clear of all liens, and encumbrances, except as Dated this �� day of �1-P�I11L11"!� . A.D. ,1994. Lnnd Title Gunrantee Co. 108 S Frontage Rd. West Vail, Co. 81631 B,,' �� � : Title: ��� - f�- ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thia f 1 plat ia hereby approved by the T wn of Vail Zoning Admi p�tor "'+�his / day of �/'� , A.D. 1994. � �; � A ��� Tov�i�. ,�r Zoning Administrator Towrt , �C3!!'lorado Town of Vail, Colorado !! � CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underaigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxea and aaaeasmenta due and payable as of lai-3/-9� upon all parcels of real eatate deacribed on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this �� day of r, A.D., 1994. �' Q��r Treasure of Eagle Count , CLERR AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��b o0 Thia final plat waa filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at 10'•S o'clock P�.M - , 1994, and ia d�u�l,��r�e,�corded in Book �3 at Page � o, Reception No. ���. Map Case — , Drawer Protective Covanants recorded in Book at Page �S� Partywall Agreement recorded in Book ag�_. .t. , �, � • _ , . ,., • Cler� and br�de � Q � De� �� �� -� .