HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Valley - Phase II�_ __
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FINAL PLA T OF � - � �'
�fR n�rcA �- oF ofo1G�D�!"��l2.Qr�EB,z�1t�: I -
�% , //v KNOW ALL MEN BY 11. `� P,�ESENTS 7�/AT !he underslgned befig 90%
/�� V� L�/� I ��� � - �// owners in tee simp/e of a// rr;at roo/ property sltuoted in the Town od
LL� / 1 sJ� �// �oir, Eo /e Count , Co%rodo descrmed os fo/%ws•
� 9 y . f
'r .. �� ,
ARESUBD/ I/ISION �� T�`'�w� J��" .. �;�J�. L/ � two trocfs of /ond fi Parce/ A. Llon's Ridgs Subdl�skn I�A7hg No
� 2, o subdivision recorded /n the offfce of the CYerk and Recorder,
�A��� O� �`��� � _ -� • Town ot �ai/, Eag/e County. Co%rvdo; said two frocts being ,
/"" �y r, X �,. "" ,; more porticu/or�y descrr�sed os fO��OWS:
LIONS' l .. � ,: y.. . � , , _
/ � LJ �� �J V ��/ Y / ����. / / � ��� ����• � Troc! A:
AS /ND/CAY�D /N REPORT BY /V/CK LAMP/R/S " :, BegTnning o� o poinf on the North /ine o,'sold Porce/ �
UNPLA // GD TO I f/ V OF V/`t IL EA GLE V OU� // (rr VL V���V' NQLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER �nhence the North one- p �
DATF'D SEPTF"MBER 19, 1992. r._. , quorter corner of Section 12, Townsh!
PDINT QF Bi �•li�l��l�l(s > >, . 5 South, Ronge 81 West of the 6th Prindpo/ Merrd/on bears
N?-�l 1 F R/ 12rR NA 1 fONAL FOREST TRA CT A � ��vow �u �v er tr� p�-s�vrs rHA t the underslgned being the N 8879'41 " E 280.00 feet disEant; thence S 0140'19" £
FOUNO ALUM/NC/M CAP �ol�br of o mortgoqe� ar desd of trust on 'ths roo/ properly s/tuafed !n :i� 62 feet; lhence 48 ,38 teet a/ong the orc ot o cunb to
L S 1684�\ N 1 4 CORNER the Town o/ Voi7; Eog1e County, Co%rvdo, descn25ed as fo/%ws• fhe /eft hoving o rodius of 611.29 teet, an rhterTor angle
� w • w
of 04 32 05 ond o chob whlch beors S 6877 57 W 48 31
FOUND ALUM/NUM CAP . \.� -��SEC170N 12, T 5 S, lire t/'�ets o/ /dtd Ar PeM't�sl II, Ll�a►'a Rle�e Subo7vlslon Fll'ing No. lf�et; theonce S 6672'OS" W 283.62 feet; thenca N 35"55'S8' i
L.S f6844 (BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS) � �
t!� N 88 y 9'� 1" E 280 00' � R 81 W 6 TH P M
� � � o avbdY►�lon roco►dbd A� the oN'lce of fhe C/erk ond Recorder; W fg9 78 feel to a po/nt on the Norfh /Ine of sold Po►�e/ ,�;
�.¢' ~ 4� ;- Tonn of VoA, Eog/s Count� Co%voda�• sofd two trocts being fhence o%ng soid No�th line N 8879'41" E 415.05 feef to I
l75 82� EASEMENT 239 23' /,i' C� ,� PARCEL A FOUND 2 1�2" C�.L.O. rnoro porticu/orly descrASed os /o/lows: the po/nt of beginn/ng.
f5, BRASS CAP DA lED 1942
UI1LlTY _�- .�--- � 0 � � Tivct A: troct B.• �
� x4.5�� 27 45�� ,\ � � db�hr►A►g of a poA►t ar Me Nort/► /Ave Of so/d Pe�rcN A . BeglnnJng at o point on the Soufherly right-of-way lJne ot
�NG � � wAencs the North ons-qvarter corner of Secfton f?. Townshlp Gon s Ridge Loop whence the North one-quorler caner o!
gU 0 �P � 16, ,315. 4UAR FEET� FOUND P/N d� CAP - 5 SovM, Rargs 81 N�bst of tha 6th Princl(oal Meridion beors � P � 9 %P
�L E• Sectlon 12 Townsh! 5 South Ron e 81 West of !he 6th Princ dl
TRACT A-% �, o EN�� °1 0.375 ACRES q, L.S. 13901 (TYP.) N�y9'41' E 280.Di0 /f�et dlatant; ther►ce S 0140'19" E MerJdion beors N 67'14'30" E 344.46 feef distont, sold podrt of
\ � � .�3 62 /bs� thevres 4d..iB l�s�ei alonq the orc of o cur►� to beginning o/so being �he Norlheosfer�y comer of Eosterr► �alley
21,125. 69 SQUARE FEET � d_ O� CondominJums - Phose 2A One, the Condominlw» M of whlch !al
N►e /s/!� Aonh9 o rodhia of 611.29 feef, on Mferior ong/s �P
0.485 ACRES 6�• � y�• � / NT � Q of 0432'05' a►�d o c�hard Nerik�i Dsars S 6877'S7" W 4d..i7 rocorded in fhe off/ce of the Eogle County, Co%rodo, derk and
o , 2�•� S�M� �.r; Merics S 6672'OS" W 28,362 /eef; thence N.35�5'S8' Recorder, thence the !o/%wing three courses a/ong the £asfer/y
� O�NG E p O,� EA �� O C3 w�a� �e �.e eo o pofit on the North /!ne of sold Porce/ �; boundory ot soJd Eostem �o/%y Condominlums - Phase 2A One:
BUIG �OP 2 0,6 � / i,i6 Mencs aror�q sold North /Me N 88Y9'41" E 415.05 feet to 2, S��'055'W 27.90 feef•
� p N� � � 6' PED£SIR/�N ACC�SS EASEMENT Me pohtt of be9fnning. 3) S 4f�3'31" E 52.00 feet;
p_ � + � �� I I 1 �i 3.6� n ^c � BDOK .i25 PAGE 796 �t B. thence N 5172'�2" E.i5.90 /eef; fhence N 89'S3'25' E i0.67 iee�;
Q.� � 2V A1.� v`� V thence S OOZ76'.35" E.i5.40; thence S 3347'21' W 230.65 feet;
6 N� w / thence S 3036'24" E 155.96 teet to a oTn! on the Southerl
•� �� A �; O � C� BbqMN►ing ot o poAf�� an Me SouMerly r�+ght-of-w�vy /�Fre ot /fne o/ Porce/ A Lion's Rid e Subdlvis'on Fil1 y
�� $ � 1 05�/ N LJbn s Rfdge Loo�o w►herres the North ane-quorter corner of . . 4,� i ng �Na. 2, thence c%n�l
'O •,� CCES � �. �6�' 0� 19'42�13'� StctJon f� Townah� 5 SouM, Rohge B1 Whs� of the 6th Princlpo/ sa/d Souther/y /ine N 845516 E 99.42 feet t:, a"polnt arr the
'� �Q � P � G� 8 r=�?UND ALUM/NUM CAP r ,� R= 1 f5.91' A1br►�dNer► bsds N 6774'.i0' E.�I4.46 fe�� distant, sold po�►t of Weslerfy rlghl-of-woy /Ine o/ L/on's Ridge Loop; fhence �he
'�1 , � Q �, � , b�girnArg a✓ao beMtg Ms Northee»ler/y cornsr of Eostem �o/%y fo/lowing se►�n courses o%ng soid Wesferly risht-of-woy lTne:
�� / 3y 9a G� 2 �'�P 1" L�. 1�'7,32 G, ,. _ � �,2$ � L= 39.86 Condan�YrAmrs - Phose ?A Orre. fhe CondorrrinJum Mop of which /s 1.J N 0155'S0" W 114.12 te��;
Z 6� � T14A � B) •/
� FOUND P/N dr C�
�. s nro. zss2s'
1 /
f98. 70'
115. 9f'
61 f.27'
i inch s 40 �,
24,3. 72'
209. 04'
48. 36'
160. 69'
48. ,35'
�� ' N G � 6 5 r+�car�d In ths ollTcc o1 the £oy�e Caunty� Colorodo. perlr ond 2.) f06.58 feet o%ng fhe ocre of a cur►� !o �he rlght
N��� 15,850. SQUARE FEE'T N� /� Rscorabr, thenc� ths ffo+l/owA�g fhroe courses along the Eoster/y having o radius ot 198.l0 feef, an inlerlor on�le
R � De 0. ,36.3 ACRES � 5S Doundory of soid £osfatt Vb//sy Condominlums - Phose 2A One.• of 30 44'Ol " and o chord wh,•'ch bears N1J76 10 "E
� 105.31 feet;
F� � 6• 1.J S 16179'0.5" E 2.T. �0 J�f� ,3% N28 48 f0'� f88.56 (eet� i
�E 1 0 . 2> s s��o'ss'w ��90 �r, "
� Q�N // � .� f S 4f',�3'31' £ 52.00 ►Ssef; � � 4.) 24.3. 72 /eet o%ng the arc ot a cur►� fo the /e1t ,,
P FOf/ND P. K. �'� 0 Meihce N 5f'12 42 M E 3�90 ieet; fhence N 89 5325 E 70.67 leet; hovfng �a rodlus of 115.91 fee�, on lnt.;; ior ongJe of
� / N�/ /��� '�g thenar S 00'q6 35 E.i�40; thenes S 3.i'47?1 W 230.65 feet; 1207F �9 , ond a chord which bevrs /J3176'04' W
g � S6 fhenos S.i0:36'2�' f 2ss 9s �.r ro o,oa�►r or► �he Souther�y 201.�'4 feet;
�� � L� /A►r o/ Pn►ic�d A, Uan a RJd�gs Slu�bd►visJort flling Na 2, thence o%ng 5.J 58879'41 "W 2.83 feet; '
� a�oJd Sot�tAe�►dy lrirs N 8455'16" £ 98.42 teet to o poTnf on the 6.) 209.04 l�eet o%ng the a►� ot o etrrv� fo Ehe /eR ,'
.� � � a
EASTE'RN I/ALLEY � � Ml�eF1�► �It-ol�-�► N►►s of U�a►'s Rl�s LDap; thesce the hoving o radlus of 541.29 feet, on Irrterior ong/s
of 22't77',J6" ond a chord which bears S77 15'S.i'W �
�/ COND�MII✓/UMS � /, �/ 161/owrhg se►� ca�vr�ss darg soid Nbster/y rlght-of-woy /ine.• 207.74 fee4 i
1.) N 01'55'S0' W f 14.12 Rsst;
PH�iSE 2A ONE" � sss7��o5"W 14.05 teet to the Polnt or e
�--- 2.j f06 "d ifset a►ong the oa� of o curv+e fo the rlghi � egb►n1»gC
/� ---�"� AavA�g o rod�Yis of 198.70 fest, on /nterior on�q/e %tfed ond subd,•'w'ded ihe sameerrrfo /os ondrb/o s oa sh�wrf on lfhh
�� of 30 44'O1 " arrd o chad whlch beors N1376 10'Z�' p
202. 70'
f 05. 84'
80. 94'
� fU.�a.31 lb�t; Rna/ p/at under the nor»e ond atjle ot TRACTS � AND B UON'S R/DIGE
.�) N28�d'f0'E fd!!S6 lbat; SUBD/V1.57AN FIL/NC N0. 2 o subd/v,�s/on in fhe Town of VhN, Eogre
4.) 24,J7? Ibst a�ong ths aric o/ o cu� to Me /e11' County. Cdorad ; and does hereby acce�n� the rospon.�bl!!fy l�r
/ � 1bNlt� o rodYFis ot 115.91 l4tit, an fiterlor ong/e of comp/etlon of requ�,;:::� ?rrrproremerrts; and does he�by dedJcote and
� �2078'?9; and o cAord whleh beors N3176'04" W set apart ol/ of fhe pub/ic roads ond o�her publlc A�npro►wnenla and
L/NE BEAR/NC D/STANCE ��'J � �'� � APPROXIMA TE DEBRIS FLOW HAZARD BOUNDARY p���24, �� places os st own an the occompon}dng p/a� to fhe uae of ths pub/ki
1 S 0140'19" E 3.3 62' \� � �' AS /ND/CA TED /N REPORT BY N/CK LAMP/R/S ,'�) S8d'f941 W 2.dJ /be� /or�vrr; and does hereby dedlcate .hose portlons of ao/d roa/ prope�ty
�`j ��� �� DA TED SEPTEMBER 19, 1992. 6.) �109.04 f6e! olong Me nne of o cune to the /eR whlch oro indicared os eosemer. � on the oecomponying p/ot os sase�h�rents
2 S 00�6',35" E 2..32' �>. �h 9,, 9/ P� y gront the Ng t fo �hstoll
C � P�� � ' o o rodlus of 54f.29 l�et, on ��r�o. on e for the u ose shown hereon; ond does hereb ,.
3 S 15'09'05" E 2.3. i0' � � (` of 2?t7736 ond o chord w►hlch beors S77 1553"W ond molnto/n necess�ry struclures to the entity respons/b/e fior ;
2�07.7� 1bst;
provlding the serv�ces for whtch t'he eosemenfs-oro estoblished.
4 S 41 'S0 55 E 27. 90' �� � f� 7.) S�s672'o5"w 24 oS �et td Md Polht or BegA�rnA�� � �
5 S 41 'S3'2f " E 52. 00' ,� G . � Executed thlsJ.�_doy of Il' �L � D 1�4
6 N 5172'42" E 35.90' � P � � - ta►h+h9 3.73 oc� �nore or /es� o� �,owr, cn th�s --� ••
Q �V Q � f.) nt�"! A-L �-,R s�-f wi► • �iA►Mbr NI�-t w Ar�Mii`MIw ' 1�1ai► �Ili►t under the nams ond at�Is of 117�ICT5 � AND B, L/ON'S R/DG'E'
7 N 89'S3'25" E 70. 67� G � '� . nna�� «nr�rr ro�*�r �na A/aMin ol liert A-1 Ar �g�/y/�►py �� �/p 2 o aui6dlH+slon � fhs town o/ �o�', £og/e
'� u°"'r'° u' a w°'� 'R°" n.�''d w"�' G�oss►n'ew Pr e►'!les, L�IJ.,
8 S 00�6'35" E 35.40' � P Caw�tx Colbrwyb� ograsa to ths dedk�atlon and �et�Jng aport all ot °p '
� o Colorado Um/te�.�! Partnersh �,
9 N 84'55'16" E 98.24' `Q` tl d►"M"�r "` A�"�`�'i"�'� �rwN► r'r' � 1�1N' w� N'e
h� ��M ���� �� N� pu�llic roe�e�t and oMer ,ou�b/�c �rrpro►brnenls ond p/oces os shown b. Clnnomon ��,�tu% /nc..
14 S 8879'4� �' W 2. B,3' �v � �� � a► N►s oocornponying p/ot fo Me use of fhe pub/!c lorerer; ond does o Colorado C orotlon, Cenerb/ Portner I
11 S 66'12'05" W 24. 05' +�� P� ��y1 + ���� �N~�� � ~ Aeraby ogrss fo fhe a�dl��oll�on ot thesa portlons of soid roel property °�°
n . a� p�s�d�r
� ro awe. e,wt �N►kh arr A+dl�coM�d ea eosemsnf on the ec�cwnPor►ylr►9 P�ot os eoaem�rrts y S ev�m M. Geonsrer,
12 S 00 b6'35 "• �' ,33. 08' P � �c, �- � o � �p1r` �' "'�'"' °""p'�"P' 'M �" ~"' �'�'r � tor ths oss shown hereorr, ard does he�+eb r�e to ihe ron tA� '
(� Q�� :n +� , o►� an ea� �arAA, .art .rw wirt .M,rtA�r» N w� P�'P Y�9 9 9
13 N 33'40'47" E 25. 24' G� � �P 0�� c�; �A C r B-2 e� ���� °r"h^"'�•+ �°'► �,wr �a�r .�tM �r.M► sr ot the r�t to �irstdY md' nrefita,h neaessory sfrucfuros fo the entlfy
V a1D/e lfor Nd�n the serh'ces tor whlch he easements oro �
f 4 N 36'10'46 " E 64. ,31 ' v �� � � � es ai6�lahsat � 9
�� � ¢P �D� � 105, 3f8. 4 SQUARE FEET • ""�D°� .
ci, .� er�. «� �r�rt � t drlr �+ iA�rw�► r�A► . �rr��w�rwr
15 N 0633'20" ,W �1, $p' ( Q ��j� �• 0.2. 418 ACRES � u+�►� ��,h� a f� � w� ��A ��r E�re�cuted thls�dhy ot A.D. 1994 , y 1 t�. /`� i, �-
16 N 15'49'.34" E ,31. 08' G�/ �fo6 ^� Gj� �n+.n a�p�. er aM. «,�ps nl�. fi. a�..rA�..e r 1 , -
J' / r+v�rr�r►� rn. .0 �.t s. p.►e,w wt..r► �a. sw�t d w.r Koti /nrsatments. M�. Bonndymede Pr�oerfle�,
Q p'4'� �' � e'�+ �' �����ww t�✓ ��*+�1 o Co/orodo Genero/ Portnersl►/p STATF OF CCX.dRA00 ) i
�" fiws nw�! M� n�t��M�r+rn ol 1Z1 Mt N dNrwM 16r �
�eo (9` °1�' "'kri "'°rw�+w►'''o` G1�lJNTY Ob� EAG[E
/ � iMllrirWl� �'� /MM M M� 1�M1! . , �, � : • „ '>
v �r �-� �rn �:� lf►� �r�qoiir9 GbrlMc�cfs o�bdko«an Own�A
�' � �' e ? �� � _ � � o bs • thh doy o/ �
�,� EASEMENT ° A+ eWblM�n Ib e�►. aeer.,pehr A.11yw uen w.Aw� � G1��1.< • �
- �.,rr ,r,or aw ..awn. o a�'� a�r of �s w�.�. �wt ` ��I�t m!� !on expJres ��le •CiL �
�� ar n.re e,r►ar e. .Newr�.s �. rw� ae► ,�r hond and seo/ ;
Mr �+ordar�ir� th.� �� I� EM/ r.r+i�M �
�orrd Sm 16r dY� �Nr Pllu�`� �� � � ,
� '��" I ' �► • � • �
s w � .�► �. �t �w �t �:# :! .�
105. 31 ' S1,3'26'10 "W 30'44'01 " �x :«►«�y �+� � � � � ��',r; �, £A� J � � 4 Np ory Pub/ic
� � ��
.�r�w�a�onru,r piar.
201.24' N3126 04"W 120'28'29" cA � � ,_
. , . . , .. U, � e e�. « �n. �.-, iw ,w�s .�w► w► ,�...�► > W►� � � P °• �o � �
207. 74 N7775 53 E 22 07 36 �,a ��o V tira►�►a ne�.d mm�e�� ,,.�►n.►ei.s er ,wr: � ca�r 19►s /6,►egaAwq CertMebts of Dedkotl"on � .-* Address � X� �� �
, . , .► ., „ p�c,�., O M i�� ?eiaM�3 y�Ar abf�d SrPhrr►D�r /Q a�t ard oM b� a.ne /a doy ot ��+� r - 4��
48. 35 S68 28 04 W 04 3158 � 0 �) `.' F�' COLORADO )
160.10' S74'42'21 "W 17�0'32" � �6 � � A � �: � � � R . �� ` ) SS
4B. 33' S85'46'09 "W 05 �7'04 " �j .2� � My canm/sslon exp s � • 0 N C
NO S.•
1. j DA Tf' OF SUR UFY.• MARCH 1991 AND APR/L 1994
• DE7VO lE'S SET P/lV AND CAP L. S. 26626
o DENO 1L�S FOUND P/N �1,N0 CAP L. S. 10732
S 9 oI A�(i A and S• oart oI HrieM► ,� [ANr'i RJI*r sir- � C U TY A� EA LE )
� y �yy, o� �� �, �,,� � � ,�,,,,�� ��� my �� �d � fie /oregoll�g Cert/Acate �f Dedlcatlon end OwnershJp wos
'� a.wrqenNrre are�tcr sy nr. tbrw o� ►M arM►«K+. �a �iC �
w+w�. bc,.�rr wd �oa�iY��pr �ww�s �.����I w �`'` ,,; ' acknow/edged beforo me thls day of
pkti� n�y b� ��wwr/ 1� tlb 1iMn M MK /r O1�r1r . .,, ,�°
vet�o e� ei►. ►rr �r,Yt,� /ir�r+r �rw� a�rrw NOtary PIuDIJIc
i.Mrr� +�lr�r� I'r+dM� �J' � t dM► �MI .1� � C d� rt'y �+� � �
Z assJ .,i o wo�r .wy y� K q.uwr�ry aywrrr : q S�iwr� �';�` ��J ; l' a ,.' My commisslon expires '
� prbd � t/, l�J w� �r w� M� 1i�rw N ' �
N9fness my hond ond seo/
p�►�nw�y Aw�A�w��wt A++N�wt �r � Adldhs� /�
1r wir� dw! �I rMlr �IMI/ Awif wr ���, �` g��I � 7
� �e �rs wr � ti~�.+ N� �r� � S1711�E'" l91�` CM'�ICO1rA00 ) ,
N V1 pia+s .w.r �y �t �� b�
cr � � - ,
�. �a�. ah � ti � C�IIV �''i" A�" �
� �"" ~ �� p'�'"� Nofory Pub/Ic
A PAR T OF PAf?CEL A� � ww w.��ww► �r
li „ ' .
'�, � �c..e .nav .�►. �vw..�e t�oe r► «w.w� .w .� �IIr- 1�ys Jbr+�qre�lr� E�d�►K/kbte of Oedl�otit�in and Owner�l►� wos �
L/ONS Rl/aGE SUBDI l�lSION �.. � �°"" a .�'°"' �" "� ",M► .�^� ,,�,�.�. °.�.� , • � Ad�s�
o+►e�� ens .,�e� ro «►c,�n. belbre ms thl� � day of *
F/L /NG N4. 2 � s a�. �. ��,. .r.�r ��► �ne. .A++► rr�► �aot e�. ` `��-_ M � `
r 4op�'�e Mray proMlMr o ahahap� pfs► anO mr �1M/ :
{� ornMeys eos.►r►e►rrs ro �+.s� tns ararree.d� o� n►. ro�.► etyr�w: My m/sslon e�rpA�s ' � '� ..*.
.r � fNf my hond ond seo/ -- 1�►01 �No�"'MO'a opprov�M by the rolrrl ef �1l f�ir►r/nq ond
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�"�� Reqlsterod Lond Sur►�eyar licsnse�d under tha 76wa �/ the StoN o/ ' ��1,
Colorodo, fhot th/� p/a! Ar o tnM, e�orr�rc� and cenipMh f�Vi14 To,m p� olrmon
PARCEL E PcAr, rown or voA', c�xn,ry or Eo�, srob of Lb�►,� oa M�d' ivt
p/otted; dsdkoted a►d ahown hsr+so�r►, th�t swd► P/ot �ss n�lr IFov� nTLE G�'14'1'ffCA 1L` Town of �o�l, Co%rodo Town of I�oll P/or►n g onC
an occuro�e sur►by o( so�d prnp�rty br iifr dnd arraMr �r►y aaprrr�arr �'" -�--^ ` En►dia►menfa/ Commisalon
and correct/y shows the /ocotfon and d�►err�+bn� o/ drt /ot; �'� �1tQ11 �t'4�[ ��'1`1L �� h�y c�n�cdJE' 7� tAXES PA/D.•
eosements ond stroeta of sold �dMsdon a� th� aarr� air sl�IArr/ awl`Ky thot the Kt/e to �/onds sdo�{r an thls /p! ha�r�ppse�►r .
, upon ths gnwnd ni canp/lanee wlth app/Icab/s rogu/aNans ge� sxarnMed a�d !s rested 71�7'os"s� �LL1 11�• P� Cao�`C►d /, - ther underslgned. do hereby certf� y` thof the ehtlre o�r►ou�ht
the scrDdi►�ision o/•%►rd. � tif/e to such /on is lhee nd deor f oll liens nd encumbrdnces. L��n�}�C� o� toxes due ond poye�ble os of /.(-3/�� �,L upon
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y '�'�°"' I/lCINITY MAP o.F a��MC� LF8R620 � LMCEil00D, �o, e�ts �r 1 94 �%,'��$ P,'�;�� � y pe� ond Rec,�� . ,,
the dote of cert/flcot/on �l►own heroon. H � e�, PA� csoa� 949-3072 C303) 232-oise � flliL.1 �Q ��,��£a /e County, Co%rodo �*�
SCALE.• 1 = 1000 � �- � q �