HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Ridge Subdivision Block B Lot 09 & 10i �I I��IEIVDED FIN,� L PL. �I T OF > > TO �lV OF V� lL EA GL E COUN T Y COL �RA D D > > SHEET 1 of 1 --- LOT 11 �1 v G1 v` � � v � N . LOT �6 I I I N40 52'00 "E CORT/lVA 137. 04' LAN�- �) �11 �V`I LOT L/NE IrA�C.?FTEa V' er n�rs �A r ��) , 1'` � � o r �o � �,h;�,� 15,178. SQUARE FEET ��J 0. 348 A CRES �G� 7' UTILITY EASEMENT S36'54'20 "W 68. 68' LOT 17 ��D> N4n 52'00 "E" 99. 06' , � �� ACCESS EASEMENT �� � � � ,� / �6�'�3 � ,/•W (O / 5 �� �9 j 4 �� '2,3'W � �� N36�4'20_E 56.58' _ � � i S,{ 47 ��~W o.5� g��'.I ACCESS EASEMENT .� L� — 53634'20'W 57.00' �or 9 , 14, 878. SQUARE FEET b�C ti I 0..341 ACRES 6°� � v I � v �( ` a' p� I _ �'�V p� � � I 7' U71LlTY E�ISEMEIVT S36'S4'20 "W 173.12' I BAS/S OF B£ARINGS FOUND 5/B" REBAR � I LOT 18 NOACE.• Accord/ng to Co%rodo /ow ynu musf commence ony /egal actlon based upon ony defect fn thls sunrey wlthln three ynars after ynu fl�sf dlscorer such detect. ln no e►�nf, moy ony action based upon ony defecf /n fhls sur►rey be commenced more fhon fen ywo�s fiom the date of certlt)cot/on shown hereon. I/lCINI TY MAP SCa/e.' 1 " = 1 D00' MFD DOF � � � O � �: � 0 v V 0 � � V g zo urc�rr�i� ���i�� 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. r `� �.. i No rE� �O — SET 5/8" REBAR AND RED PLAST/C CAP PE PL.S %c'c' -:' O — FOUNU SUR �'EY MARKER BASIS OF QEARINGS.- S36 54 '20 "W Bc TWEEN FOUND 5/8 " REBAR A T SDU TN 4vE� ;r �.�-, '�, OF LOT 9 AND FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLASTIC C�i�' L�. '_ '� A T SOUTHtAST COkNER OF LOT 8. UA TE OF SUR�E>: tii-1,h��; �7 ,.�.�- � �or 8 �or � � I I — — -- — -� — \. I ��-FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLAST/C CAP L. S. 13901 LOT 19 I LOT 20 � �ivatcrn+a. J415_'S � P. ❑, BOX 978 ��� �Onn� SUITE 101 ___ 077 METCALF ROAD � 1420 VANCE STREET DAIF /S52/EL: AVON, COLO, 81620 � � LAKEVOOD, C�LO, 80215 �-? 14i �y`� ( C303) 949-5072 �Qi]�(!���� (303) 232-0158 - j n - SFIEET rrLt J OF 1 I CE R77Fl CA 710 N OF DED ICA 710 N F O R MO RTGAGE t10LDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR£SENTS THAT fhe undersig being the holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on the rea/ prope�t ltuated in the Town of �oil, Eog/e County, Co/orado, described os fo s: LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK B waic Riac£ TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO contolning 0.689 acres more or /ess; os shown fhis //Rnna/ plat unde� the nome ond style of A DED FINAL PLAT, OF L O TS 9 AND 10, BL OCK B, VA/L R/DGE in e To wn of Voi/, Eogle �County, Colorodo; ond does he�eby o pt ihe �esponslbillty for the completion of required imp�ovemenfs; d does hereby dedicofe ond set apa�f ol/ of the pub/ic roods an ther public improvemants and pPoces as shown on the occompon g plot to the use of fhe public forever,• and does hereby dedic those portions of soid �eol proporty which ore rnoica:�d os eose nt on the occomponying plot os eosements for the purpo::e sho hereon; ond does hereby gront the ri--.'.t to insta/l ond maintoin essary st�uctures to the entity respornsible for providing the ser es fo� which the easements are estobli�shed. Exrecuted this __doy of __ .A.D. 1994 STA lE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EACL ) The fore g Certifcote of Dedlcation ond Owne�ship was ocknow/edged fo�e me this �_ doy o/ __�_ ____, ----- ----- ------------------------ My comm ion expi�es ___ ___ �tness hand and seol Public ,, ....,. ..�,.. �� �� �. /G .�...� K.o y ►�.- � acrl4 ..�a �w.,�r a... , k �c.�� � t ,. �� %J ��y � '��i�-%r 4 S l'f�e/ ��! jL1ZE CER77F/CA TE _ _�! (eL� �� _ � does hereby certify thaf the tit/e to a/l lands wn upo his plot hove been examMed ond is v�sted in..�, and thot tit/e to such /ands ! free ond c/ of /l /i ns ond en bro s, p os to/%w : // - : �, „«,t�! ' J ��T.3�� _____ � __ e ec �C ---- Dated this/_.� doy of D. /�/ �8''GID �✓�'l -,►� l�s G!%��a�►�► �.�d �/�� �ss ,5'URVEYORS CERTlFICA TE? l; Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby certify that l am o Reglstered Lond Surveyvr /icensed under the /ows of the Sfote of Co%rodo, thot thls plat is o true, correct, ond cornp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town ol �oi/, County of Eag/e, Stote of Co/orado, as /oid out, p/otted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, fhat such P/at wos mode from on occu�ote survey of soid property by me ond unde� my supervision ond correctly shows the /ocafion and dlmensions o! the lots, eosemenfs ond st�eefs o� said subdivision os the some are sfaked upon the g�ound in compliance with app/icab/e regu/ations gover� the subdivis/on of /ond. � /n witn��� w�reof / o►ro set my hond ond seo/ this -- day of � ���! � __"�A.D., 1994. � ..��� �'���, `uu Duane D. Fehrin�r- W ,+ ^ �: , Registe�ed Lond Sud�v�jro� No. 26�t16, 3 • . . {�"�°A�` .. _ � , � t � . � s� «• ti�� •�� 1r.,� L. •�HM . ..\ �. CERTIFICA TE OF DEDICA 710N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS 1HAT the undersigned being so% owners !n fee simp/e ot ol/ thot rea/ property sJtuaied !n the Town of �oil, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, desc�ibed os fo/%ws• LOTS 9 AND 10. BLOCK B �A/L RIDGE TOWN OF �AIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO contoining 0.689 oc�es more or /ess; haw by these p�esenfs loid ouf, p/otfed ond subdiv/ded the some into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this lJno/ p/ot unde� the nome and styfe of AMENOED FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 9 AND f0. BLOCK B. �A/L RIOGE !n fhe Town of �al/, Eogle County, Colo�ado; ond does he�eby occept the responslb/llty for the completion of requi�ed improv�sments; ond does hareby ded/cate and set oport o// of the pub/!c roods and other pub/lc impro►�sments o n d p/ o c e s a s s h o w n o n t h e o c c o m p o n y i n g p/ o f t o t h a u s e o t t h s pub/ic forever; ond does hereby dedicote those portlons of so/d �eal prope�ty which ore indicoted os eosement on fhe occompanying p/ot os eosements fo� fhe purpose shown he�eon; ond does hereby g�ant the right to lnsto/l and malnfoin necessory structu�es to the entlty responsib/e for providing the services for whlch the easemenfs are establlshed. Execufed this l"? doy of �• i A.D. 1994 Hons Wiemann He/mut Refss Suite f00 1401 Lo�nder Lane 889 S. Brentwood B/vd. Loguna Beoch, Ca. 92651 Sf. Louis, MO. 6,i105 � � � �° � /' �� � �C r-t ` i' � � ans ienmann '� y. e mu eiss S rA TE OF COL ORADO � � SS COUNTY OF EACLE 71�e foregoing Cerliilcote of Ded/catior and ocl�now/edged befo�e me thls � doy ol _.� was y9y �tness my hond ond�seo/ �.` > :,, „�. : _ ''''/{,, ���� p Notor ��lC• ip�{ 7 � �� �������sJ r _��— �t�L LD 1Y/% S8� � �' r " Address Y a�*^ �': , STA TE OF COL ORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The toregoing Certi�icote of Dedlcafion ond Owne�ship wos ocknow/edged before me this doy of My commission expires �tness my hand and seol No to�y Public Address PLANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERAFICATE.• This fina/ plot wos approwd bY the, Town of Voi/ �loj�nn�Tn� ond Environmenfa/ Commission thls Z�✓ doy ot --��' fr-'��—_.. A.D., 1994. � A TTES'T ; rown of VoI/�� -_'°�,'. Town of Voi/ P/onning ond En vironm en to/ Commission CERT/F/CA TE OF TAXES PA/D: l, the undersigned. do he�eby cert/fy thaf the entJre amount of foxes due ond poyob/e as of /Z -3� -��f upon all po�ce/s of rea/ estate desc�ib on tbis p/ot are paid in ful/. ofed this �,�(doy of _4��/ .D., 1994 T�easu�e� of g/e County � � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER17FlCA TE.• ��Q �� 7tiis p/a ►�s �1�� reco !n �h offlce of the C/e�k on�-Recorde�� � oy of A.� 1 94 at ",..,.,., /l�1ELoc/ k�M. Record� d•/�nder Recepflon No. 1n =;: �=�.'+;=i':,� Boo ��__ ot Page 11lQ�. , ' ti►" '' ' ti . � i t@� a �Depufy . C/erk ond A7ecorde� ��, � � Eog/e Co n ty, Co%rodo h� �, t�