HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 41 - Amended Final PlatFOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH WHITE PLASTIC CAP LS. No. 10717 U � E— � W � � W � U W � 0 � FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16827 23.00 1 20.25 � z � m � 0 ti � " O � � M O '- i O 4 N � � � I N , W W � =' M `° N o � z d- � � N 82°56'29 � 79.31 O � rn 20' 20.25 s.00 � � � � N , 3 � � �o 0 N I LOT 40 FOUND No. 5 REBAR 89°43'11" E— 183.31 i �► PARCEL A s.s'' 0.6118 ACRES � � 1210A WESTHAVEN LANE �1=12T31'31" R=38.00' J L�84.58' � T=77.10' LC= 68.17' CB=S 51°49'12" W I � � OUTLINE OF DUPLEX / � J . �� r , I � � IOUTLINE OF � �i II DRIVEWAY � � I S 89°47'03"' W W PROP. LINE 1 15.32 IFOLLOWS I PARTY WALL I CENTERLINE OF 16' --- � - ACCESS EASEMENT � (TO BE CREATED I �BY THIS PLAT) � / 'L% FOR LOT 43 ONLY � y.� j6p0 PARCEL B � / 0.4376 ACRES 12106 WESTHAVEN LANE l, � 1=1 T18'48" LR=165.00' � / L=49.86' T=25.12' LC= 49.67' � ///i�j � �r . , .. ////,� � � / V I I� I % � / / • / � 1 � � � � %�� � . %�i � . /� //`' / : � � � � �� �� . �� / � = .' � / CB=S 44°24 03" W o� 115.03' N 89°43'11" W — 195.08 ��'o' I uTiunr �- - EASEMENT LOT 43 LOT 42 ACCESS EASEMENT FOR LOT 43 TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT (CROSS-HATCHED AREA) `�� 1,�1�1(��I���l fll �.r M M N � W � d' �D � O z EDGE OF DRIVEWAY � SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 �� � vv �� � HAVEN �=07°50'38" CIRCLE R=so.00 40' R.O.W. L=10.95 � � T=5.48 LC=10.94 CB=N 37° 13'44" W NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24. EAGLE-VAII upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first P.O. BOX 1230 discover such defect. In no event, may any action bosed upon any EDWARDS. C0. 81632 defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the (303)949-1406 date of the certification shown hereon. T4WN ROADMNAY EASEMEM (BOOK 273, PAGE 116) ROADWAY EASEMENT BOOK 273, PAGE 981 800K 273, PAGE 611 800K 282, PAGE 883 B.L.M. 0 F VAI L, � EAGLE C OUNTY C OLORAD 0 � n ACCESS dc UTILITY EASEMENT - (PER PIAT) (BOOK 405. PAGE 580) SET No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 I LOT 40 � LOT 3 9 SET INo. 4 REBAR WRH ALUM. CAP LS. No. 26598 30 0 30 60 90 Feet SCALE: 1" = 30' N�TES� (1> Date of Survey� March 1994 (2) MonuMentatlon as shown hereon C3) Bear�ngs are based on a line connect�ng the existing MonuMents Marking the westerly llne of Lot 41 being N04'S2'37'E (see drawing>. <4) EaseMents shown hereon are per Land Tttte Guarantee CoMpany order nuMber V23617 dated March 02, 1994, <5) Street Address� Parcel A- 1210A Westhaven Lane Parcel B- 1210B Westhaven Lane (6) Restr�cttve Covenants recorded in Book 268 at Page 698 and as aMended �n instruMent recorded �n Book 468 at Page 447 through 472 and as rerecorded �n instruMent recorded �n Book 469 at Page 801 and as aMended in �nstruMent recorded in Book 528 at Page 154, (7) The sole purpose of thls AMended Flnal Plat is to abandon the cross hatched access easer�ent for Lot 43 as shown on the plat recorded tn Book 636 at Page 980 and replace it w�th the cross hatched access easeMent for Lot 43 as shown hereon, CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION AND OWNERSNIP Know all Men by these presents that Larry R. Grace, Sara L, Grace and Hugh McCulloh, being sole oNners In fee s�nple, of all that real property situated tn the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as folloNS= Parcel A and Parcel B, Final Plat, A Resu�bdivlslon of Lot 41, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdtvtston, according to the plat recorded in Book 636 at Page 980, in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk nnd Recorder, contatning 1.0495 acres, More or less. hnve by these presents tatd out, platted and subdivlded the saMe �nto lots nnd tracts ns shoMn on thls flnal plat under the naMe and style of 'AMended Ftnal Plat, A Resubdlvlston of Lot 41, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivtston', a subdivlstmn in the Town of Vafl, Eagle County, Colorado� and do hereby accept the respons�b�lity for the conpletton of requtred tnprovenents� and do hereby dedtcate and set apnrt all of the public ronds and other public �MproveMents and places as shown on the ncconpnnytng pint to the use of the publtc forever� nnd do hereby dedicate those portions of sald real property which are �ndicated ns ens�nent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shorrn hereonj and do hereby grant the rlght to install nnd nalntain necessary structures to the enttty responstble for prov�ding the servlces for whtch the easeMents are established, Executed this _l�_ day of ___��L ____, A.D., 1994. � . �------- , OWNERS � - ---------------- ' Larry ; c ✓ . Addresfs+�_' " -�� ----IE`i./iI f,_1_• p/� - _ +t.i � 4��11D � w �►- � ;�r. , ����-t�MMI���.�_ - ------ Sarn L, Grace- - � ---�� Address�_ � - -- ��Q- 8 01l p ;�, _ � .� .. Hugh McCulloh Address � _____lj��_2__/�' ii✓_�O_I�r _S % -----��'?v�!C�.r_�4r?_�o�-OG STATE OF�������___> )ss. COUNTY ❑F �j���;�e. ___ ) The foregoing ►nstrur�ent was acknowledged before Me thls _L�__ day of _��„�;��________, A.D., 1994 by Larry R. Grace. My CoMntss�on explres+ ____________. Wltness My hand and seal. • ,��'' Notar Pub l I - -(J� -- ------- �� ` "� _' - Address+--- s =�� �� !� �� Z _�����__�__ �1�` :'� '�� �� j,lk�s� . � L=��aNf � ---- - �R.§.. � .. . , � � 1�'rti . �`Ex��R�'2'S. 7 ,a-xv �� �''�_�. a �3MFr'°�4�•. Tj. � - LL,�%;, . .. � '.��� . . . . _ �. ;� . � �. STATE OF_��.�Q�11i0. �---> . )ss. � C�UNTY DF .�L1LL.L`�a� �----� "-� � ,� ���'' �. Y The ore o i ng t nstrurient wns atknoM tedge'�1 �wb�efbrr Ihe th I s_`�_ day of _��C�_________, A. D., 1994 b y Sarn L. Grace . . My CoMMisslon exp�res� ____________. � W I tness r�y hand and sen l. • �: - Notnr Pubilic ------ � ---------- ' �artvN wt�rtEtut� T Address � s'l�Q� ��a�«�,. �ty�� ��+.�� -.:� Z t9lV t`�._9�� �� . �ar _ �ota�{'Lbiic - Cdifon�b D -- H- , � �-�l,VE �Ol1N1Y . - ' . . 'Nb�RminpE�� MR 25,,. 1 ,.. :,. . .rt. � ��•� � _ � � t� ` `J.�e. ,,� �}� ..,� 7:�r , .`"�`;:,�5'�. . .> . � STATE OF__��i_ � w____) � ----- )ss. COUNTY OF ��Q'�d�_____) The for oi�g-instrunent Mns ncknoMtedged before Me thts �T'� day ----- of ____ 1 __. A.D „ 1994 by Hugh McCulloh, My CoMr�lsslon explrest _ � � . �------- W�tness My hand and seal. Notary Pu ic 3 -� ------------ -- Address � _�!� _ 5 ---.L�u _5�2=$1l��1�------- - --.. "„�-:�-�ae- .. F :, r •_.i.:: � ,r' .:. � . .. r, . � _ _ . . . . �. �. . . ' . , . �, :�: � � . ,�. ` :;��r` .� - - 'F" ��: . ' . . . � . ..n . K�4REN HQf�TH NOTA�Y PI�LIC , STi4TE OF COLORADO k�4y Commission Expu�s 0316-98 r:� r. q;; TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certify that the tttle to all lands shown upon this f�nal plat has been exaMined and is vested �ni � _ �rr�_12. C�rn�,c+e �- �.v_�o`-'- � y�c-- �� --�-� _II�G�c.l�ib11--- m� ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands Is free and clear of all liens and encuMbrances, except as follows� -------------------��n-c ------------------------------------------ Dated this ��_ day of _�rt�_________________, A.D „ 1994, Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vatl, CO 81658 By' _ � �K�� ------- ( ignature)� -�A�- � ��!!--- Ti'�G _�1LCr (Pr�nt naMe and t�tle) SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorndo, that thls plat Is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My supervis�on and correctly shows the location and diMenslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subdivislon as the saMe are staked upon the ground in coMpliance wlth appl�cable regulatlons governtng the,,,SUbdiv�ston of land. r,;,' ' �• n ��� �; �; °'� .,, , In w I tness thereof I have set My haQ�y���-•s�a.�=�r'�r�.s ,3� day of --�`- A , D . , 1994 , e �,.. ��,�� �t::,,,��,`•,;o � �'=: ------� = �: y2 � � �a ': - �; �8 " _ .. • - _ , , _ - a : -- - - � -- -------------- Stan �J,dgrF�►�•d • u� Co loraiAb.,P'�6S� �i��'� ` .,,..,,,,.����' PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, the two parcels created by this resubdivlslon are to be treated as one ent�ty with no More than one two-faMtly res�dence and one type II eMployee hous�ng unit allowed on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels, Allowable gross resldentlal floor area for the structure wtll be calculated based on the coMb��ed area of the two parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRATDR CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning AdM i n i st ..�i i s ZI,y�_ day of _�1,�GQ______________, A, D,, 199�. �� ���av��. �� Att�t : ,, � ,,'At . �' --- ----- ------- ------- ---- - ------- -- ------------- Towt� Clerk Zon�n AdM�n�strator Town =of `'1F�(��do Town of Va i t, Co l orado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do heret�y certtfy that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of _�',�. -.?/ - 9� ______________, upon a l l parcels of reat estate descrlbed on this ftnal plat are paid in full, Dated th 1 s��f day of �rJ _____________, A. D„ 1994 , - � ��pa�/ reasur o f Ea le Coun t�o lora do r��� `� 9 Y �l0• 00� CLERK AND RECDRDER'S CERTIFICATE This final plat wasY�iled for cord in the offtce of the Clerk and Recorder on th i s�.!� day of 9 D. 1994, at - � - ------ j�' o' c l ock �. M, Recorded un r Recept � on No .�'Y".�o �_ i n Book ,�� at Page ZL�_ � . ---�c�A.a.- --. �u�.�c� � Clerk and or� Eag l e un y, C� � Deputy JOB Nn. 1477