HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistelhorst Subdivision Lot 01I ! F I� � I F7f. AMSIDE �`�( j ..I 4 9 9 _ � \ �2345 i � •-- .H ��b�c�, 1 51 I �?IY1�14[�l FQURTHRQI21TlQK, --T- -- , -- - � - ---T— Srqf\ iB 19 � i0 � i. ,� 12 � � , SipF�.i- GLi y /- 13 j i4 , �1f� IS � i 16 17 -�_ - j - - � 1 z \ UNPIATTED 6 � 5 � a� 7 � I�ES�N� I LOTS 10 8� I I �`1 '� �IiPI qTTEC1 BIGHORN ESTATES�I� SUBDIVISION I T _-�_�� -_ NU PHASE 2 � . / ISION ,__-� _ � SUN AI� RACQU �ppp CLUB CONDOMIN ' TIMBER FALLS ; CONCOMINIUMS PHASE S1I -� �1 - '___._ _ I . _ COURTSID$ TOWN HOMLS S rR�q 1=45'04'48" � MS�Q R=60.64 ��C'� � L= 47.71 C' T=25.17 CH=N79'38'16"E, 46.49 FOUND No. 4 RE9AR d[ ALUAI. GP L5. No. 18844 � � .aG ' 29,.�� � N 20'09'00" E - 48.30 ARFJ1 Of ENCROACHMENT PER ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 619 AT PAGE 259. � SET No. ♦ REBAR R ALUM. CAP LS. No. 2659` N 69'51'00" W - 1.59— SEf No. 4 REBAR / � AIUN. CAP LS. No. 28596 �oT � � BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FOURTH ADDITION 0 N. � � � O ,O OO� SS El 2 F � PROPERTI' CORNER FALLS IN CREEK � =:E=�= --`,;===��=r=='e=:2a=-re='�� .. , ' • :• I � �'� � : . � .,. .�. � S� �29 O?O •,9� � %1� � 1,� TRACT B ��8 20' STREAM EASEMENT (BOOK 188. PAGE 561) ' ' TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE C OUNTY C OLORAD 0 , � VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ,� �0 � � ND No. 4 REBAR �[ ALUM. GP L.S. No. 16844 PARKING k ORIVEINAY EASEMENT / (FOR LOTS 1 ac 2) 5 2557'45' W � 9.21 5 19'39'14" E — 29.42 f0UN0 No. � REBAR dt ALUM. CAP �� LS. No. 18844 LOT 2 CURVE C1 �2 DELT,A 22'40'00" 22'24'48" FOUNO No. 4 REBAR de ALUM. CAP L5. No. 26598 SEWER EASEMENT _ABANDONED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 618 AT PAGE 941 (CROSS-HATCHED) TRA�T A RADIUS 60.64 60.64 ARC 23.99 23.72 TANGENT 12.15 12.01 CHORD S 89'09'20" E N 68'18'16" E 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' � PROPERTY CORNER � FALLS IN CREEI( S 3543'00" W - 15.00 VAIL RACQI�ET CLUB /PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN CREEK DRAWING DATE: 8/12/93 23.83 23.57 CERTIFICATE DF DEDICATI�N AND �WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Fredertck WilliaM D�stelhorst and Ines W, Distelhorst, be�ng sole owners in fee s�Mple, of all that real property situated in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 1, Distelhorst Subdiv�s�on according to the plat thereof recorded �n Book 322 at Page 542 �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.443 acres, r�ore or less. have by these presents laid out, ptatted and subdivlded the sar►e into lots and tracts as shown on this f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' F�nal Ptat, A Resubd�v�s�on of Lot 1, Distethorst Subd�v�s�on ', a subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responstbtl�ty for the coMplet�on of requ�red �MproveMents; and do hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other public iMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of sntd real property which are ind�cated as easer+ent on the accoMpanying ptat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the rtght to install and Maintain necessary structures to the entity respons�bte for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for whtch the eo�seMents are established. Executed th�s _____ _____________, FM.D., 1994. � day of ------ t7�!1(_- , � � OWNERS� � ��,,, Freder�ck uil �aM D�stelhqr t 1- Addre s s � _ �1yt,lL _ - -�.Ct _--F�i��--------- � ��%l����/i ----�---- -�� ------ - Ines W, Distelhor t �, Address: /� _ _ ��_ � � �—�F/J����_�������� STATE OF_C��r'Is!�!�=�__) )55, COUNTY OF _� C3 �------� The f�oregotng instruMent was acknowledged before Me this .Z 7 L�day of _:��^�%__________, A.D „ 1994 by Fredertck Will�aM Distelhorst and Ines W. Distelhorst. My CoMr� i ss i on exp t res + f� ��0 ° Q'� , W � tness My hand nnd sea l, `,,,./� � --�, ��.a�.. G� • ------- � � �,�. -=------ ------------- �� � � Notary Public ` � ,ses.se, o� Address' --� � ��� ----� � � �- --- � A �i e• ^ ' i�I -- 4� � E `— ��--- � � �f �7—�--- � .C'� e ; MEI.ISSA A. e ; �AQiNS� o o e 0 � �o, o,o �°OOOOdV� ��'� 9��-� , NOTES� (1) Date of Surveyt August 1993 (2) Benr�ngs are based on a llne connect�ng the exlst�ng Monur�ents r,arking the northwesterly corner of Lot 1 and the northeasterly angle po►nt of Lot 1 be�ng S70'S0'03'E (see drnw�ng). (3> MonuMentation as shown hereon (4) Street Addresses� Lot lA - 4582A StreaMSlde C�rcle Lot 1B 4582B Strear�s�de C�rcle (S) Restrict�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 174 at Page 403 and as aMended �n docuMent recorded �n Book 182 at Pnge 31, PLAT RESTRICTION For zon�ng purposes, the two lots created by thts resubd�vtston are to be treated as one ent�ty w�th no More than one two-iFaMily res�dence nllowed on the coMb�ned area of the two lots. NoncE: According to Colorado low you must commence ony legal action based upon Qny defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any oction based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby cert�fy that the t�tle to alt lands shown upon this ftnal plat ho,s been exaMined and �s vested �n Freder�ck Will�ar+ Distelhorst and Ines W, Distelhorst, o,nd that t�tle to such lands Is free and clear of all liens and encuMbrances, except as follows� --�Q ��--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th�s 11 � day of ___ �1,s15l��__________, A.D „ 1994. Land Tltle Guarnntee CoMpany P,�, Box 357 Vail, C� 81658 By' -------------- ---- ------------- (S�gnature) ��?.� _�L��c�ie1�----- (Pr�nt naMe and t�tle) T �� oF� �C�-/z- SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this ptat is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under My supervts�on and correctly shows the location and diMens�ons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of said subd�vis�on as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMpliance w t th app l i cab l e regu l at � ons govern i ng the sukyd,i<NF4syJ�on of l and , J�`�`� � c'^' ��� In w � tness thereof I have set My hand and�;.��+�i ','tl� i s'��_ day of _ �1�1N_` -------� A.D, , 1994. ;' �;;o,��,ia ,.� :`C•. N,� .. c� o . ` b : r' .a � _ �0 2�..�:?$ ;� � �; aC; . . � . ---��C'-:�-'�--'�'--'��' - - --=----------- Stan Hogfe��1��-,; ., : Co t orado PLS" 2�9$ �" Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This final plat Is h�^�by approved y the_Town-of-Vnil Zoning AdMinistrator this tj day of C�' C --� A.D., 1994. Attest: - ---- \.5�t11�iL6J- - -= - - - ------------------ Town Clerk ning Adr�inistrator Town of Vnil, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIF'ICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certify tho,t the entlre aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of _____1� _3 /= 9�__________, upon a l 1 parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. l' Dated th i s__ __ day of ____J �.C. L�_______, A, D., 1994. ! Treasur r of Eagle County�olorado , o CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� od Thts ftnal plat was filed for record in the off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder on this__,��_ day of ____�v� �________, A.D „ 1994, at S:450' c l ock P M, Recorded un der Recep i on No , S�{I_QZ.� t n Book �.y� at Page � , --- --- ����`\\� ------ Clerk and Recorder Eagle Coun , Col y do BY` - -- � - -- ` Deputy � � ��� �..` � � . _ O. � 96 �