HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Estates Subdivision Lot 6� : . , � .. _ . _, , ` . - .. ; r � �-� . ✓. �_ � . UIVPLA %1F� 48.1 ' —. I N32'49'OQ "� , 14.13' 33. 99` ,, � . �, DR� �NA E EA SEMEN T i� Uril_i: ; ,�n� ..--r— �--- ��r- " _...- --- ___- ____ ----- � �__ __� _ __. � � � � /�• � � r o ^"�' � � �'�' � I Q`'�' � I J� / I / I � t�/ / � � I o `� / N �� � .� �� � LUT 6—B rn � �� � � ( 7/97. 46 SQUARE FEET� �` � � ( � O. l65 ACRES m �� � � y � �^'� ( 4229—B � I � / � -- �� I Q I D 1 ( Z ` D I • 12' ORA/NAGE AND UT1LlTY EASEMENi � , VACA TED BY TNIS PLA T iTl ` C� , V D � � � I� L 0 T L/NE 1/ACA T�"D B Y TN/S PLA T � ` �,. � Z � � ` ` � � , I � � I CJ1 W v N v ` � _: ` , � I r o ` 9 �i 1 � ?3 • 9 � � �� Vy � S 25� 35 2 � ` i Z _�3.g3�` � � � I �"' , 1 O , I , I �. 1 I �� \ I N N �1 I V� V 1 t N � ` , I 1 I , � � � ` I ` � ---------- ------------- 5' U T/Ll TY A/VD DRA/NA GE EA SEMEN T S38'35'24 "W 132. 45' i _ _. . _ _ .___..:. . _.�... . � l�i''�lV ��D Fll'1 /� L P� �1 T �.. � � , ; ,.` ,. �, � � , �' t ��.� , _ � f�� . �: ,� �' l� Bl �H ��'lV ��' %� T�S � lV D A PA R CE� OF L� Nn L O C� TE�D lN '�+� � _���� :�� , T. . _. r � � '°°��� . ���' Tl`�l\l �2 %� ��1�����lP 5 SOC� TH R� NGE� SD �i�/E.� T �F THE F TH P. l��I. ������� ` > > �� �l�ip dF V� lL �E�l ��. E COUN T Y COL ORA D D � � �.2'29 NUGGET LANE �-a Q, � NO�� L O T 6'—,A 3, 980. OD SQUARE FEET 0.09! ACR'ES 4229 A � O � N � 5g 43 � 33 42� LOT 6 21, 754. 49 SG?UARE FECT D. 499 A CRES 4229 LOT 6—C lO, 5T 7. 03 SQUAf�'E FEET O. 24�3 ACRES f�� � � Lot 5 � �Q�. I BAS�'S Qr� BEAI�MG'� The Southw�est Lk�e of Lot 6r B)gharn Es#otes ( betw�n the I�ste�—n►�ost �am�r, being o Na � nabar �th p/ost'c I capr� rr�ar*ed '�nter—Mtn £ng, P.E. � P.L� 2b'�26 and the Sovthern— naost c�arner, belhy o No. 5 r�or � wn�i�er r►�aa►ked 2S 218.3' svld to bevr South Sf �4'36' £vst per the /Aho/ p/ot. DATF O�F S7JR� Jbne� f991 DA T� O�F' CO�lPLE110YV.• Febrvory, 1994 NOflCE.• Ac�cordfn9 !o Co%rodo /ow }�w must commence any /ega/ octlon baseC upar� ony defect in th�s surwy O— DE71/0'TES Ft?IC/ND RERAR AND WASHER LS 218,3 wlthin fl►roe J�evrs ofter yrw first discowr such defect. � _ Q�71/OT£S SET 5�9" I?E,7�Af? AMD PLASIIC CAP PE PL.S .2E�62ls ln no e�ent, moy ony ocfion bosed upon ony defect in thls avnrey be caommenced mo�e thon ten y�ors from the date of certiflcotlan shown a��o�. 4,Z29 — D�7VOT£:5 SIREFT ADDR£5'S � � \.�'''� �n u ' RESUB�' i cor zo BIGHOR, ES TAT E �\ `�'.-_ BIGHORN 3rd QDD/TION \ _,G►��R TIMBER FALLS sir�� BIGHORN 4th ADDIT i2 \ VAI RAG c�E,\ I/lCIN/TY MAP J�'CO% i � = %��0 � For zoning purposes, ihe lhree parce/s cr�ofied by this subdivisan or�e to be freafed as one entity with no more than orne 2-fomily residence allowed on the combined orea of the three parcels. Allowabl�e Gross Residentia/ Floor Area for the 2-family resrdence will be coAculated on the combined are�a of the thr�e parce/s. � � � � � ' NUGGET �.ANE� (5Q � CB = N 24°18�4/" W � = 54 72'00" R = 45. DO' L=42.57' n _ .r � nn � GRAPHIC SCALE p 5 10 2D ( z�v FFET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. �0 0 �rncw,� No� c�✓� Ho� _ 11iis prvperty Is Jxoted in the h�✓lowing geo%gic hozards os mapped by the Town ot Voi/.• � DebNs ovr�lonche - hJgh hozord Rocklh// - high s��ry Snnw o�/anche - poss/b/e lnfluenc�e rone OevebpmeiM' Restrict�d llie purpose ot the amended fTnol p/ot Is to re%ovte the /ot /Jne !n order fo occanmodate a�ro/anche m!t/gaflon. The GRF.q or s/te co+�erage a✓low�d a►r ths /ol sho// contlY�ue to be the some as o/%wed fiorn the proviovs p/at. Requlred setbacks sho/I be meosurod from fhe wcoted /ot /ine. No bui7drng or str�cturos other thon for aw/onche mlt/gation sha/l be constrvcted in the addltlono/ p�ope�fy odded to the /ot by th/s omended p/at. £ncroochment A�en�� fiis P/ot Js svb�iscf to throe (3) end•oochment ogreements o) Book 625, Poge 104 in fhe Records of Eog/e County b) Book 585, Poge 740 in fhe Re�cords of Eog/e Counfy c) Book 585, Poge 741 in the Records of Eog/e County CER77f1CA7E' OF DED/l,'ATIOYV AND_QN4VER5�//P.• KNOW �ILL M£N BY TH£S£ I'RE�7V15 7H�T the andbr:eJfgned beA�g �ds owner{s) in tee sTmp/e of ol/ thot roo✓ property situoted i» fhe Town of Vor7, Eag/e County. Co%rodo, desa�ed os follows• LOT 6. B/CHORN ESTA IES AND A PAI7L�L OIR' LAND Csa�criDed ox A por�el of /and /ocoted in the Southwes� one-quortsr of secflon f2, Township 5 South Range 80 West of the Slxth PnhcJj�a✓ A/errdltlr�►, Town of Vofl, Eog/e Gounty, Co/orodo befng more portJcu/or/y descrrbed os fo/%ws• ` � � Beghrning ot the westem-most cbmer oi Lot 6, B/ghonr £stotes, ns rtcorded in Book 220 at Poge 50 in the offke of the Covnty C/e�►f� and Reeorder of £a�le County, ond the Tive Po1hf of Beghming; thenca Soufh 3074 f8' Eost, a dls�once of 73.29 feef,• therres Sovth 6572'f0" £ost, a d/stonce of f09.72 feet �o the anuthenr-rr�ost comer of said Lot 6; thence Norfh 5174'36" N�t darg the South�st /Ine of sold Lot 6, o dlstonce of 174.B2 feet fo the Troe Polnt of Beglnning. Contolning 0.499 acres irrore or /ess; how by these p�nts /o/d ovt, plotted and subdivided the svme into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this fino/ p/of under the name ond sty/e of AMENDED f1NAL PLAT, LOT 6. B/GHO�N E5TA7�5, 127WN OF v�(/L, £ACLE COUNTI; COIC�ADO ond does hereby accept the respon/6/JJty (or the comp/e�ion of roquirod lmpro►b- menf� ond does he�e�6y ded/c�ale ond set cport oI/ of fhe pub//c rood� ond ofher pubflc �Fnpro►�rnents ond p/oces os shown on the occa�noar�yrhg p/at to the use of the pub//c �orevrr; ond does hereby dedkote those portions of said �ro/ property which or+s indicofed os eosernent an the accompony/ng p/ot as easements for the purposes shown herew�; ond does hereby gront the righf to instal/ ond mointoin necessory atruc�uroa to the entity responsib;e for providing the ser►.ices for which the eose- ments ore estab/ished. Execufed thls_ day oJ __r_ __�A.D. f994 Morg%� M. Loebsock os trvstee of the {�ctor H. Loebaoek os lrvstee of the Alar�'bt AI. Lue�bsock r�►�x,ob/e trr�st {7ctor H. LoeLsock ro�/e lrv�t ue doted Dec.14, 1993 doted Dea 1�, 1993 STA lE OF COLORADO J P.O. Box 2653 P.O. Box 2653 ��'SS voN, CO e1656 vo,r co er658 COUNTY C71�' EAGL£ �i2�:��"�i �-� �a� � i 71�e for�gaing Cert/Aaote of Ded/cot/on on Ownersh/p wo9 ocknowredged before me thls �� doy of _ - I qq`� y, rg�e . o so y c or . oe so ��_ r-��' � e, L� i� it�C `}'I�u. N�._���b�9���e�tl���£t�teoc--�yiy, �443 My commissian expiros __ �=���.Z• �__T Cora E. Borer former�y known os /,/�./� B. Olckinson � Co. ilrtness my hand ond seol x �,�.,,: .:.. =:; �.� ���.,,,�� .;, Cora Ber�te! 4229-8 Nugget Lone '`'' 9f 19 Memorfo/ Oriw I�aI/, CO 81657 '������ _ 1;�. ; ;:''�ACI � 1�ttt.L�At�� Housfan. Texas 7702� �� . � .. . ��k,�,� _ . Notary Pub//c ' ��t�y ,y;a�. � es ' --, ? , - � ' � '�- ^• . �_-i (�'�i�J�—�,/ � . �. � i^� �__� � 1�' ���„�' 3-� - - y aro . arer --� Y Address T ' STiI T� 0� COLORADO j STA7Lr OF G�ORADO j COUNTY Of' EAGrE )� '' . > ss .� ; GL'�VNTY OF EAGYE ) ±;_ ; The foregofig Cert/flcate of Dedlcat/ori ond • ers,hlp w�as ' lhe lh r e goin g CertiAcot� of Dedicolion an Ownershi p wos acknow/edged betore me this �-� day of vcknow/edged before�/�'�e his ��c,�J day of _ � •99 �� -�' �� - -- __-� T C., �_`'? .-1� e-..�2.�� �.T_ _—�� — �---------- -- -- : �1 iC2-o r �; ' 1�u.e��r�L ___ . _�qq 3 My commission exp�res _ , � My commissian explres ,��� L __ �,_ Wltness my hond ond: seo/ IKtness my hond ond seo/ �' "'•' ,,!� � ' ' . . -_.� �-� - /� _ ,� LAU�t'EL, L MfLlER _=��-1=�Gc.��_ ��! .�-�� ��;�„; ' ,����,� f 1lqlary P�UDIit .'►a►* q� � . Notary Pub/ic, "• � e Notary Pub/ ---- -�- .�,..�Y: � �+u�s �;� �-g�- !; ''/ . lc --�c � � Co �o� v � ,., ��_l_ � SS'�o� � S �i �C'�,`- �., Address �'(�-d� � - Address l � �.. STATF OF COLORADO ) � ` r �' ` : ?� - � �, �''�' . couNrr oF . . :�, . ,���' � - ,. The forego/rrg CertlAcote o�edlcotlon Owners+h wos ,� now/edged before me th/s �' _ oy of � �� f[� h cOr� �� '���d�_�?' � My commission expJres }- " ` � .t- IYfness my hand and seo ��� � t ��� �.. j%1LE CCaERRTIP7CAIE' ----- - �`'.,_,''� ,, r�` ! � �,�,�r'Q�L'f'«�_.�1!l��c does hereby Not Pub/ic ee�-tify that the tit/e fo oll lands shown upon thA� p/at hare been examined and is wsted in�_ _and thot fit/e to such /onds is lfroe and c%or of a// /iens ond encumbrvnces, execpr os 1S�llows: �!� _� � _____ _ Dote�-,this ___ doy ot __ A.O. �` �ru- geu�e,l� lir.�Ch 8• b'cK,,'nsov�d� Ca.� MAr'yartt� ca.bl,¢_ �-�S�t,IC. �6 �-vy,�� icc af Y'�'`�' AIUTA�� u- GxbScu.K "�li►'kSt Dot,�it+ OOc. i't� —._� �� n�i3 �r�. V+cbr ii• �l2_�_��' N i_�D a)GS� ��� � �"��� Addres � -�e, v�c.ia fi'- K,� rot�br "r�sy- ��- er. ----- b�t[ • r4, �4 A3- ---- �?' ��—.------- ��s c�n��A �: /, Divone D. Fe�hr�►nger, do hereby certlfy that / om o Reyisfered Land Survs,yor licensed under the /ows of the Stote of Co%rodo, thot thls plot !s o tze, corr�ct, and canp/ete F/NAL P[AT, Town of Va1l, Coun!y of Eagle, Stote of Co/orodo, os /old out, p/atted, dedicafed ond shown hernon, thot suci� P/at wos made Trorn a^i accurole svrrey of said properfy by me ond unde� rry supervision and carr�ct/y shows the /ocotion ond drmensiars of the /ot� eosements ond siroefs of sotd subdivislon as the some are stoked upan the grrxind Tn comp/fance wJth opp/Jcable rogu/ations govemin � grrx fhe subdfvi�lan of /ond. /n ness eroof / haw sef my hond ond seo/ th/s �� doy of ��____ �A.D., 1994. 1• �>.'f��;�, a� ►� '�. �?�,.,��. ; .ii�'�i�! � . � o � ��r ���. :� Aed.�ss � �, n � o � �� � � �'� -�.� .. ... This����di���oved by the Town of 1/ail Planning and �n iro �'�"o s�lr► fhis �5�� day of A.D. , 1994. T.• �,. � ?�� Cu�ex �, Town C/erk << _ C�d ` m n - Town ot voa Town of V� iil PMnning and Environmehtal Cammission CER71f1CA 1F O� TAX£S PA/D.• /, the underslgned, do heroby certlfy thof t/� p�► tJM ar»ounf o/ taxes due and poynb/e os of „f.Z� r3 �' 9 S� upan o// pvrce/s of nso/ estate descrrbed this p/at oro poid Jn iul/. Dated this ��, doy of .__,L�Lg.(hL�� A.D., f994 Treosurer of o9Je Coun ty �� '--- ' CLERK AND RE�ER'S G�7411f7CA 1F• Thls p/ot wos flPed for re !n the fAce of the Clerk � ond Recorder ot�lL�oy of _ A.D� �1,9,9�,�,.,Qt �o'd �M Reco�pqder eptlon No. �N� a�f�Un Book ot Poge �_ � �_ ..b.C1��'�' Deputy y�,�"". ,� C/erk and Recorder � r ;�, Eog/e Coun ty, Cdorodo �: '���x: . � . �, �x �� �� c�.s-e� '�r�a���' o h,��►�! �� re , � `r > . "� � ,