HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimba Run Subdivision - Savoy Villas Building 1VICINITY MAP NOTES� C1) Date of Survey� August 1994 (2) Street Address� 1240 L�on's Ridge Loop (3) Bas�s of Bear�ngs �s a l�ne connect�ng the existtng r�onuMents r�arking the southerly east angle point of Con dor� i n t uM Map f or S � r�ba Run Con dor� I n � uMS an d the northwesterly corner of Sir�ba Run accord�ng to the Maps thereof recorded �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder being N63'34'44"E (see draw�ng) (4> MonuMentat�on as ind�cated hereon. (5) Elevations shown hereon are based on the as-bullt Invert elevat�on for sanitary sewer Manhole MHA 128.8,13 be►ng 8092,2 (see drawing for locat�on) <6) As shown hereon, 'C,E," ind�cates CoMMOn EleMent, as the sar�e are defined in the Condor�inluM Declaratton for Savoy V�llas CondoMin�uMS, (7) As shown hereon, 'L.C.E,' �nd�cates Llr�ited CoMr�on EleMent, as the saMe are defined �n the CondoMln�uM Declaratton for Savoy Villas CondoM�n�ur�s. ,? 199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 0 C �ND OMINIUM MAP FOR , TO�N OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN AND �WNERSHIP Know atl r�en by these presents that S�Mba Land Corporntlon, a Colorado corporation, betng owner in fee s�r►ple of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows: Slr�ba Run, according to the Map thereof recorded In Book 312 at Page 763 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, except I ng those parts shown on Condor� i n I ur� Map for S 1 r�ba Run Con dor� i n i uM an d F � rst Supp l er�en to, l Map f or S► r�ba Run Condor�in�uM recorded in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorndo, Clerk and Recorder, containing 1,56 acres, r�ore or less, does hereby subMit thts ' CondoMlntuM Map for Savoy Villas Con dor, I n � uMS ' to the prov � s � on s of the Con dor� i n � uM Dec l arat � on for Savoy Vtllas Condor�InuMS, recorded in Book �� at Page !-i.0�_, � Executed th I s_,��_ day of ___� "�!ti�_��.� ________, A, D,, 1994 , OWNER; S�Mba Land Corporat�on, ' a Colorndo corporat�on Address+ _1 I A l> �r _�-,�,�r,�i„�_� �l � �,�r.�. --��- �.T � . --F�'�_� -� � -- , -T-_a�-� By ` ---��---- - ;-T-. - ( Pr � n t Nar,e ) _ ��_ �= -• L� �.0 �_�S� C T � t t e)---�:_� ��=_ `�,_, '� �� ..� ;"-- STATE OF__n_1�-�"_+4^_�� �`__) )ss. COUNTY �F __�-!�'�r ___) i The f,�rego i ng nstruMent was acknow l,edged IQefore r�e th i s_i�"'�day of r'��� �e� , A, D,� 1994 by ----- �ll c��.J� . f�--=�-�"�;-------- as - - ---- ___�_,� k�,�� �� �_________ of S i Mba Lan d Corporat I on , a Co l orado corporat�on, My CoMM I ss I on exp t res �=YYz-2_�-e _ '�. �. ? W � tness r� ��nd sea l, t �� t�/ � �_ ��- � , r � �,�,___•'� � ..0 � f f,�g.e_`�'-'=------ : �._ p� x��� (Notary Pub l i c-- -- �� --- �� ,�y,, r ` ���: �Address ; _� ��--' E - �' -- �. � '` — — � --- ---___�i� • 9b � ?.� � ' ;i —ti ° � ---�� �'�"/ ---1--�1-'i?--� � �=-- • �r f��..�., � f� E ��7'� !�.• Y' »;' . 1"1 � q: �: 4•�� s� � O` � . 4�.�F' CO�-o�r TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this flnal plat has been exar�ined and �s vested ► n a Sir_v�loa_CA,►�.ol _ Cflreorc�-ti'on�_ �4_ Co�Q__C.QV'poray?'O_v_� ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that t�tle to such lands is free and clear of all l�ens and encuMbrances, except as follows� �ca►_.� ��-i_--Y�'---G=� - 43--- Ce_19� '791------------------ I�isb__�.t�GG_- �z__ 9 �Q -�L3 ----�'19��9�---------------------- }�� _�t_��-� �-- a'�.�`-�----�1 �-�'-�Z=------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------=---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th 1 s ��'_ da of l��"' Y ----- --------------� A,D,� 1994, Land Tttle Guarnntee Cor�pany Box 357 Va1l, C� 81658 BY' -���� --�7t;�'L/�'"�' ---------- CS � gnature� !�Q!'�r� �•_f�Dr�h.----Sr=T;�lt__D�t'c�v (Pr�nt nar�e and title) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condoMiniur, Map is true, correct and cor�plete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condoMinluM Map was r�ade froM an accurate survey of said property by Me and under r�y supervlslon and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical locatlon and diMensions of the building contalntng the condoMin�ur� units, the condor�in�uM un�ts, parcets and easer�ents of said condoMin�ur� r�ap, and the pnrcel is staked upon the ground in coMpliance w�th appl�cabte regulations governing the subdivislon of land, In w 1 tn s the eof I have set r�y hand and sea l th i s t���. day of ------���------� A,D.� 1994, —`���-? ���i��!�—�------------- Dannie Corcoran Colorado P.L,S,16 827 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE HDLDER �R DEED �F TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that FlrstBank of Vall, being the beneficlary of a deed of trust on that real property sltuated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: S�Mba Run, according to the Map thereof recorded �n Book 312 at Page 763 tn the off�ce of the Eagte County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, excepttng those parts shown on CondoMin�uM Map for Sir�ba Run CondoMln►ur� and Flrst SuppleMental Map for SIMba Run Condor►In�uM recorded in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatn�ng 1,56 acres, More or less. hereby consents to the provls�ons of thls 'CondoMiniuM Map for Savoy Villas CondoMlnluMS" and the Condor,In�uM Declarat�on for Snvoy Vtllas CondoMlniuMS, Executed s I�I�h .day of ___!�1�(._ (�S�________, A, D., 1994 . _ 9- F�rstBank of Vail 17 Vail R Va � t, CO 1657 � By `----_%�ti�'it��C. ------------ -- --- C T � t t e)--- �--- --P_�------------- STATE'�� _._,J�� __> >ss, COUNTY OF ��C7LL� ____> The orego I� � nstrur�ent was acknow ledged fore r�e th t s 1 Q� day �o l�-----� A, D,, 1994 by _, L��°-_L-��t�--------------as � Q����[r_______of F1rstBank of Va�l. My CoMr� t ss t on exp I res �_�1�C?� [�Q �'__ � Wltness M hand and seal. � � ------ -����J.'°� - --------------- �,� ppe�„ �y� Notary ub l f�� ��/L e � o °°� °'a Address = � � � ,�� -- ° q� /� ° � --- �'� �=f� - %$_J�----- �,°� �LO�D/'l� �a eo _—__�— � ��141�1�1 ; �e �(� '9jkee.. _r Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This condoMlnluM r►ap Is hereby approved by the Town of Vall Zoning AdM i n i strator th I s 2�c� day of _��q�s�___________, A, D,, 1994 . At t: _-�� 'Zr� � ����� Town Clerk Town of Vait, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID ���!'`_--! _`_f �!`_`_----------------- Zoning AdMinistrator Town of Vnil, Colorado I, the understgned, do hereby cert�fy that the entlre ar�ount of taxes due an d payab l e as of ____, 2_ 3/-_g �___________, upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on this condor�(nluM r�ap are paid In full. Dated th 1 s o? 3 day of _/�f�C� � G!J �__________, A, D,, 1994 . �E��c�+c,�. -- ------- ------------ ------ --- reasurer f Eagle County, Colo 0 O CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE �oQ,d This condoMlnluM r�ap was flled for record i the of Ice of the Clerk and Recorder on this �.� day of ____�_�_ �..S _______, A,D „ 1994, at ��s�o ' c l ock _'�M . Recorded un der Recep`� � on No , S��!-��� � n Book S p�� at Page _� O�- ,�,�"'�+ , ������� � � � ��' -------- --------------�,� .. k C l erk an d Recorder '� �`- .,�C Eag l e Coun t, Co t oro �� ;�; ��� ��q:?; , � � � ��.,�._ - * � By' --=--�------ -------- -- - ----- ' '�.r� ._. Deputy ; � � y: __�_ . . ,.�...� a.,,,«, SHEET 1 OF 6 177.3 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. NOTE: N 4 TIMBER RIDGE SEWER MANH( MHA: 128.13 INV. ELEV.: 8( RIM ELEV.: 8C BASIS OF ELE -- , , ...�,. v., .�,.,�,�.., .,,... CONDOMINIUM MAP F�R C�� 7 i~l V� 1T T T n C �'" (11�T Tl �l 1� � T 1�T T T T�1 �f C R = 428.02' I = 02°08'12" L = 15.96' T = 7.98 CH = N37°52'S4"E S 52°50'29" W - 113.08 I N T E R S TAT E H i G H WAY ( SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ) ------- ----- -�.=::: :: - •- � � ���:�� - ��-�C1=1G�•G��C` G :�CGG .. � ' • C� � � ''� • : . � •.• .�• N 0 . 7 0 J �L-JU Ly W L/L.�U i � ELECTRIC EASEMENT BOOK 330, PAGE 655 BOOK 330, PAGE 657 (BOOK 624, PAGE 798) OSED LOCATION NOT (BOOK 641, PAGE 209) �POSED LOCATION NOT � 5 REBAR PAGE 2 OF 6 I IM�Ya w..*nr ......... . . .. ..�. . _ . �Q` � ...... .__..._. ... . .. .. .., R_ _ ' L. .. .. „ -.r, � . .. . _ . . '3k6 . . �YI .,. ,. ., . . _.. .... ... ...�...... 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 � LEVE L 0 N E SCALE: 1" = 5' � � ����� .``y _ ` 3 �,_ % , � . _��� ' ��.� � �� 1I i I ► � �I �� '! 'I ��� �, � I .___.�.,-- . . ._�_____. ."�' ' I ,� I i � �.6 i� ; A— � 1.5 � ; ; i`___. 6.4' � 3.3' ' fw � , ' � ; � �- � j co � � � � � � �' � � i � �! � � T �' ' i ; :.� � J/ % . i 4 ; ; 00 ' �� / � 0.6' � J�� o.s' 0. �, r• � ` � h ; �. . � /r � , � 0.6, x �D:�'� , ��\ 4 , • •�/ ��:�8 f � 0.3' . ~�� ❑ � 0 ;�t � ?---- 6.7' �I 11.6' ----�-�I �-- 6.7' -; f! j f. !r� a, i :� 0 i i e- t � i � i / ; � 2. �' s.; i � 1 ! � -- � f �� LEVEL TWO SCALE: 1" = 5' � � I I � I � I I �) �i �i I� I� I� 13' -�-� • • 4 3 0.5' SHEET 3 OF 6 177.3 ` ��IW�'1�NW ,,.. - . �, � � r.:�. � � .. � . :.��++.. ....,.. _ . . . ... . . ...� . . . _. .,.�� . ....... � 1 0 4 . . � � 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 0 I 11.4 � I I � �I I I I I I �I rM II � I� � � � 0.3' � Qi 3.0' .. ,. ._...-_._.«,:._ . wa. ....,..u�. .,,. 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DECK UNIT 1-A 0.5 � Qi i� "� 12.3' NOTE: INTERIOR WALL 0.4' THICK UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE � � r, 25.1' 00 25.2' � UNIT 1-A � 0 1.0' , ;,� `- � 0.6 � UNIT 1-B 8.4� � 1.5' ° ;� 7.1' �n � 4 `�' r� N 4 . . 1.0' 10.3' M N STAIRS DOWN 4.9' r � a .� ,� � o.s � � 0.3� �.EVEi TM� s.4� ° 8.5 1.5' . 7.3' °' � �n •- �p ic� � �t: co a; �ri �j M M ' N 4.9' S1.NRS DdMYN 10.3' 3.7' N � � 6.4' � 10.3' 4.0' L.EVEl 11�iREE N � j� 'n � cO d; � p � � o ,� 5 O N , ' o N 3.9 3.4 s � 4.4' �� 0� ' �' � � U N IT 1-A �.o� °`g �S , , 3.4 � 6.8' a `�� � 4.4 M i� ` 18.1' ''� ¢9' � . �I VI I � -U 16.5' 7.1' 6.7 ^ � � ,� 18.1' , 3 18.6 ° . � 0 �i r- 13.9 L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1-B r � I . 11.3 � L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1-A °. rn � 11.4' � �ri � ( LEVEL FO U R SCALE: 1" = 5' � � 11.8' I - SHEET40F6 177.3 � �". � _..�.....���.,_„�.�.�_____�,�T_...,..� -_ . .�.___-�.�,._., �. .�_._ ......_�_,. � , ,„,,� � , _ , , . � �.� ._,,....._,.__..�m�...�.�... , .. , . , �.� .��_..._,_. _ _ i ..._.�.... ,_ ._�,���,m�,. ..,�.,r.-.�.... .. ,�.,,-�-�.-�._... _ _ . _ �, ��,�a�„�- . '� UNIT 1-B � 8121 .4' SECTION 1 SCALE: 1" = 5' �I� � UNIT 1-B � 8137.5' L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1-8 8137.8' °° UNIT 1-B rn 8126.6' 0 0 UNIT 1-D 81 15.5' °� UNIT 1-D � 8105.5' �I o�0 �I� 411�9 HICHWAY 6 d� 24, EAGIE—VAIL P.O. 80X 1 ?30 EDWAROS. C0. Q1632 � ,�-„� sECTioN 3 SCALE. �n — S� ,, , s � UNIT 1-B � 8131.6' '' UNIT 1 -D � 8121.4' � S ECTI 0 N 2 SCALE: 1" = 5' �I � , '`° UNIT 1-B � 8137.5' �I � °° UNIT 1-B rn 8126.6' ° UNIT 1-D 0 81 15.5' °' UNIT 1 -D � 8105.5' L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1-B 8137.8' °° irn o�0 L.C.E DECK UNIT 1-B 8126.1' L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1-D 81 15.2' � � SECTION 4 SCALE: 1 ' = 5' SHEET 5 OF' 6 177.3 � . ,__-�__.. _.. . �i��:��t�_,. __ . i LL . . . . _.___ __._'_ . __'..—,._�._m .. .:�„m.,.�... . .�,.-.;•�,.��,-„-.�.,,--.._. ._ _.. _. ... ... . . _ . . .. .. ._ ..._. .. . . . .... . . . ... .. ... . .. ...... . ... . . .. ..1.'._ .__.L , . , �_ ��,�., � .�.,o�M�.�,� ,��.��.i �_ . ___ _.. _ . . . _... _. _... .._ ... . . . . .. ...---.. _— -- — _._._.__..L ____..._ .,.. _,... __�. . . . .. ,._ . . . —^.+^^r.- , . .... .. . 1. �