HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Heights Filing 1 Lot 13� � � � .Z6% LOT 12 . . , � � 2c� �� �Cp'.. N� � � NO TES.• BASIS OF BEAR/NGS.• S 5179'00" W AL ONG' THE SOUTHERL Y R/GHT—OF— WA Y OF CHAMON/X LANE BETWEEN FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLAST/C CAPS L. S. NO. 13901 A T TNE NORTHINFSTERL Y CORNER OF PARCEL A AND A T THE P. T. OF THE CUR I/E ON SA10 PARCEL A. DA TE OF SUR I/EY ✓UL Y 1994 THERE ARE NO EASEMENTS lND/CA TED ON PLA T OF VAIL HE/GHTS F/L/NG NO. 1. � DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. NO. 26626 2109—W DENOTES STREET ADORESS NOACE.• According to Co%rado /ow yrw must commence ony lego/ oction bosed upon any defect in ihis survey within three yeors after }�u first discov� such defect. ln no event, moy ony action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten y�ors f�om the dote of certi�cofion shown hereon. LOT 14 ` I1 V v ` 0 P G � � � � a0� ' �`�1 9 °°� � 9� S�` � � � Fo� zoning purposes, the two porce/s creoted by this subdivision o�e to be treoted os one entity with no mo�e thon one 2-fami/y residence o/%wed on the combined area of the two pa�ce/s. A//owab/e G�oss Residentiol Floor Area for the 2-fomily residence wi/l be co%u/ated on the combined o�eo of the two po�ce/s. F/NAL PLA T, A RESUBDI l/lSION OF � � VA lL HEIGH TS F/L/NG NO. � � TD �N OF VA lL EA GLE CQU/1/ T Y > > GRAPHIC SCALE � o ,o � ,� ( � �'�"!' ) 1 inch = 20 f� I/IC/N/TY MAP SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' � CURi� RAD/US LENGIN TANGEA/T CHORD BEAR/NG DEL TA C1 1085. 80' 78.17' 39.10' 78.15' N53�2'44'�E �4 �7'29" C2 1085. 80' 38. 00' 19. 00' 37. 99' N54 �8'59 "E 02 i�0'19" C3 1085. 80' 40.17' 20. 29' 40.17' N52'30'4 �"E 02 Z�7'12" ,./� COL ORA DO CER77FlCA T/ON OF DEDICA 170N FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER Ol? D£ED OF TRUST HOLDER /�IVOW ALL M£N BY 7HES£ PRESENTS THAT the undersigned beJng the hdder of a mortgoge or deed of trust on the reo/ prope�ty sltuoted in fhe Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, described os fo/%ws• Lot 1.3, Voi/ Heighfs F/ing No. 1, Town of I/aiy Eagle County, Co%rmdo containlnq 0.542 ocres more or /ess; os shown on this �na/ pfot under the nome and style of F/NAL PLAT, A RESUBD/V1S/ON OF LOT r3, V.4lL HE/GHTS F/L/NG NO. 1, o subdivlsion n the Town of Val/, £og✓e County. Co%rodo; aqrees to the dedlcation and setting oport o// of the pub/ic roads ond othei- pub/ic improvements and p/aces as �ro�► on the accompanyrng p/at to the use of the pub/ic forev�er, ond does hereby og�ee to the dedication of these portions of said �eo/ prqoarty which ore indicoled os eosement on the occompanying p/at os easements for the purpose showrr here+on; and does he�eby ogree to f/he grontk�g of the �fqht to lnsto// ond mointoin necessory structures to th�e entify responsJble for prov�ding the ser✓ices for which the eosevnents are estab i ed. �,p Executed this�doy of �r 1`_ _,A.O. 1994 4j'��,%'i'�''�%. � 9`I ��' � < . . . �. • . : S �p►L s w . �rstBonk of Vail 17 �oil Road Voil, Co%r� � STII T,E O� COLORADO ) > ss canwrr o�- £ACCE > fie foregoing CertJffcote of O�d�c_at/on tor ort oge Ho/der �os ockn� a dged beflor� M��s �Ij doy of �y - nn£ c�n�rcA rE (/Ahcl t`�i� �0�'N '�QI!/�_ does hereby cerfify thot fhe tit/e to 0/1 %nds shown upon this p/ot hove been exomined and is vested ir� ��'ll� ol � ond that tit/e to such /onds is f�ee orrb c%or of / liens d en�mb�pnct -r.. i. . • 'yl nit �rt� C Sli �t. Datecl this �Z� ��saca�� �►���"-�- B2__�c _.�57 S�9ci�_ CO 8 t(ds Add�ess � B�� �� —�_ – SURV'�YORS CER17F/CA TE.• /, Duone D. Fehringer, do he�eby certify thot / am a Registered Land Sur�yvr /icensed under the /ows of the Stote of Colorado, thot this p/ot is o true, correct, ond comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Vai/, Counfy of £og/e, Stote of Co%rado, as /aid out, plotted, dedicated ond shown hereon, that such P/ot wos mode hom � occurate su�vey of said property by me ond unde� my supervision and correct/y shows the /ocotian ond dimensions of the /ots, eosernenfs ond st�eets of saJd subdivision as the some are staked upon the ground in comp/ionce with opp/icoble �egu/otions gover�in� the subdivision of /and. L /n wh eof / have set my hond ond seo/ this � doy of A.O., 1994. Duone IIPi � CER11F/CATE 0� D£D/CA770N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL M£N BY THESE PR£S£NTS THAT the unders/gned being so% owners in fee simp/e of o// thot �eo/ p�operty situated in the Town of Vail, Eog/e County, Co%rado, described as fo/%ws• Lot 1.3, Voi/ Heiqhts �ing No. 1, Town of Voil', Eoqle Countx Co%rodo containing 0.542 ocres more or /ess; hove by these presents /oid out, p/atted and subdi�rded the same into /ots ond blocks os shown on this �na/ plot under the name and styfe of F/NAL PLAT, A RESUB- OlNS/OW OF LOT 13, VA/L HE/GHTS F/UNG NO. 1, in fhe Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%odo; ond does hereby accept the responsibl/ity fo� the comp/etion of required impro�meni� ond does hereby dedicote ond set oport a// of the pub/ic �oods ond other pub/ic impro►�ements ond p/oces os shown on the occomponying p/at to the use of the pub/ic foreHSr,• and does hereby dedicate those portions of said �eo/ p�operty which ore indicated as easement on fhe accomponying p/ot as easements for the purpose shown he�eon; ond does hereby gront the right to rnsto// ond maintain necessary structures fo the entity �esponsib/e for provJd/ng the servJces fa- which the easements ore estoblished. Execufed this � doy of __�T - .A.D. 1994 �tvnice Cummings Greg Cummings 2f09 Chomonix Lone 21�9 Chamonix Lone Voi/, Co%rodo 81657 Vai/, Co%ado 81657 .. � � By n�ce umm�nqs � ummmgs STA TE OF COLORADO ) ) ss COUNTY OF £AGLE ) The foregoing Ce�tificate of Dedicotion ond Ownersh' wos ��a noW/ed ed � r� m�� `� !� d of 1�� — C,U �����_ My commis,�A�+!�s _f - - � srArF oF caoRAOO ) > ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fo�egoing Certi�cate of Dedication ond Ownership wos ocknowledged before me this ___ doy of - My commission expi�es � �tness my hand ond seo% Notary Pub/ic Address ZON/NG ADM/N/SIRATOR CERAF/CATE:• ThJs rna/ p/at is he eby opproved by�the Town of �oI/ Zonlnq Administ�oto� this 12� � day of ��/X�1.� A.D., 1994 ���� mN n no, � n i i�A ��i//', A rrES���^ Town EAL �YJ L�%�/e ; �c�0 � _ � � oning Administroto� Town of �ai/ CER11F/CA TE OF TAXES PA/D.• /, the unde�signed, do hereby certify thot the entire omount of toxes due and payrrb/e as of /.t •.d t• 9� upon a// parce/s of rea/ estofe described on this p/ot o�e poid in fu//. � Dated this �_ day of �? A.D., 1994 Tieosure� of CL£RK AND RECORDER'S CERT/F/CATE.• ��� fiis p/at was �ed for rec �d in the of�ce of the /erk and Record at day of �E.�C�A.D. 1 at ���j�o'clock�M. Record under Reception No. 'n Book ot Page rl�. n � ��_ r� _�,._ � Deputy ..�,. d , Reco�de� n ty, Co%rado