HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 9 Lot 09„��,. , . _ , ,. .. � TO EAST VAIL EXIT NORTH NO SCALE /N �RSTqTE � �O IUPINE DRIVE ✓ s�uc E w�r BtOHORN ROAD VICINITY MAP A RESU6DIVIS�ON OF LOT 9, BLOCK 9, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION AMENDED PLAT TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO SUBJECT SITE � indicntee a 1 1/2” aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, atamped LS 20695 found. indicatee a 2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, etamped L.S. 23506 eet. --�- indicatea a 1/2" rebar found. —�- indicatee a 1 1/2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, etamped WC, LS 11204 found. Thie �+itneee corner pin liee N O1'49'05" B, 1.??' from the platted location. I.A�D UUSB �AS'Y Parcel A: 1/2 Duple�c 0.1800 acrea/7842 equare feet Parcel B: 1/Z Duplex 0.1800 acrea/7842 equare feet LOT 8 ENCROACHMENT EASEMENT .� , O� o„��o a� � �� ��. s,� 2F�o 'p�C' 2F0 � O -, � r`i'9 i- �s �J tiF � S9/ i, � S6,�� o. '= 20� TOWNHOUSE \\�`� .� 2a' � .� 0 . „��o' \ �� .��/ � TO VAIL PASS � �i�TF�4 \ s s,o S�q �F � 46 � /' 44 �� N� \ PARCEL A 0.1800 AC. L I 0' _� � � � � � \ 1^ DUP�EX OUTLINE O�• � . �'` �► oa�' � % Tj 0 S /�6 �2 � �/jY 9 g0 , F4SeMFNT PAf�CEL 8 0. P900 AC. CENTERLINE i0F DUPLEX PARTY WALL ��� ' 0 < � PARCEL 8 \ EASEMENT FOR 3RD `��� DECK LEV EL DECK R� � S� �S� , 0 PARCEL C 0.0925 AC. Z / \ \ / � �sio �Fo 3e �3 �, .2° � � ,� , h� a`' 0 �� � 0 0 a�� R = 711.07 ' 4= O4°�JO�O�J�� SEE MONUMENT LEGEND L = 60.00' CH = N 48°49�02'� W, 59.98' T= 30 02' ti` h��� /�� \�� LOT 10 LINB LEGEND: 1) S 51' 14'03" B 2) S 38' 45 ' 57 " W 3) S 51' 14'03" S 4) S 38' 45'57" W 5) S 83'45'57" W �i 1) Date of Survey: Auguat, 1994 2) Bearings are beaed on n line conne�cting the north corner of Lot 9, to the weat corner of Lot 9 being N 43'36'00" B. (aee monument legend below for a description of the monumenta) 3) Street Addreaa: Parcel A: 4145-A Spruce Way Parcel B: 4145-B Spruce Way Notice: According to Colorado law you muet commence any lesal action baaed upon any defect in thie aurvey Mithin three yeara after you firat di8cover auch defect. In no event mny any action baaed upon any defect in thia aurvey be coma�enced more than ten yeara from the date of the certification ehoFVn hereon. LSI�AND LSCFIl�ffit P. L. S. 23506 BOR 3�l63 , VAI�, �_ 81658 ( 8�9 5387 ) \ 10.38' 20.00' 8.50' 8.00" 23.80' — CEFtTIFICATS OF DEDICATION AND 0'Wt�RSiiIP Kno� all men by theee preaenta that the undereigned, beint aole ownere in fee simple, of all that real property eituated in Town of Vail, Bagle County, Colorado, deacribed aa folloaa: Lot 9, Block 9, Bighorn Subdiviaion Third Addition Amended Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of thee Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder containing 0.4525 acr�es more or lesa, have by theae preaenta, laid out, platted and eubdivided the aame into lota and blocka aa ahoan on thia final plat under the name an d a ty le o f " A R eau b d iv ia ion o f L o t 9, B l o c k 9, B i g h o r n Subdiviaion Third Addition Aeended Plat", a aubdiviaion in the To�m of Vail, Bagle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the reaponaibility for the completion of required improvea�ents�; and do hereby dedicate and aet apart all of the public roada and other public improvea�enta and pincee ae ahoMn on the accoapnnying plat to the uae of the public forever; and do hereby dedicnte those portiona of aaid real property �+hich are indicated aa eaeement on the accompanying plat aa enaementa for the purpoae ahaan hereon; and do hereby grant the right to inatall and naintain neceaaary atructurea to the entity reaponaible for providing the aervices for which the eaaementa are eatablished. gxecuted thia ��' day of A.D., 1994 OWNERS: WEIB Companiea, Inc. a Colorado Corporation Addreaa : � 4,� o _��� FY a�6 � Pr� r�, . :.��,v �Do 5� ��`i " 1=��'t BY= . Title: � � '.� _, � _A"� STATB OF Co[� P�,a��o � )ee. oan�rx oF l�r���� ) , The foregoing inetrlament �+ae nckno�+ledged beiore me thie �Z� day of �����- A. D.1994 , by I�U ��-�-► ►�w► ik • P�o�Uo r.l . i4� P/�GS1LI t�7' U , � 9'F U� 1'1 � �111�Sj 11'1C. • I�ly Comiaaion expirea: Oz" �� � Witneea ny hand and eenl. ��,MSTETrF.� C� - �'�..,�,.a,.--�� �P•�OTA9�y,.iOy Notary Public � •= Addreea: t400! 6 /���A-�►� `�'�`I' U� i.♦..... ��' o r�t��%L�. (,c� 8'c:�!� . . . 0 s�,q•;�(J B L�G �Q,a rF OF C O�-O CERTIFICATION OF DBDICATION FOR I�lORTGAGB HOLDBR OR DSED OF TRUST HO LDBR Eno�+ all men by theee preaenta that Firat National Bank ot Greeley being the holder of a mortsa�e or deed of truet on the real property aituated in the ToMn of Vail, 8a�le County, Colorado, deecribed ae folloMa: Lot 9, Block 9, Bishorn Subdiviaion Third Addition Amended Plat, accordint to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Bagle County, ColoraCio, Clerk and Recorder containins 0.4525 acree eore or leee; afl ahaMn on thia final plat under the name and etyle of "A Reeubdiviaion of Lot 9, Block 9, Bighorn Subdiviaion Third Addition Aoended Plat", a aubdiviaion in the TaMn of Vail, Ba�le County, Colorado agreea to the dedication and settin� apart all of the public roada and other public improvemente and placea aa ehaMn on the accompanying pint to the uee of the p�ublic forever; and doea hereby agree to the dedieation of theae portione of said real property Mhich are indicated aa eaaenent on the accoepnnqing plat aa eaeemente for the pvrpoee eiiaMn hereon; and doee hereby ngree to the granting of the right to inetall and 'aintain neceeeary atructurea to the entity reaponaible for providint the eerwicea for Mhich the eaaemente are eatabliahed. Bxecuted thia ' day of , A.D. 1994 l�IORTGAGEE : l�3rst l/ailonal �]t �! tnrree ley Addreae: 1 STATE OF ) ((�LLTNTY OF ) The f oi inat t�+ne day of A.D 94, I�ly Coam�isaion expir�ea: _j Witness aiy hand and aeal. ���a= s BY= Title: �� � )aa. Notary F Addreae: • thie��~ e� ( ���� PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purpoaea, the tv�ro parcela created by thie reaubdivieion are to be treated aa one parcel �+ith no oore than one two-family reaidence allo�ed or� the combined area of tfie two parcels. The Floor Area Ratio for the t�vo-family reeidencb will be calculated baaed on the combined aren of the t�+o pnrcel�a. 0 � � SURVSYOR"S CERTIFICATB I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify that I am a regiatered Lnnd Surveyor licensed under that lawa of the State of Colorado, that this plat is a true, correct, and complete ae laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that euch plat waa mnde from a�n accurate survey of said property by me and under my auperviaion and correctly ahows the location nnd dimenaiona of the lota, easements and atreeta of eaid aubdiviaion as the aame are ataked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the aubdivision of land. In tness whereof I have eet my hand and aeal ��n`i���� ``�,,�day of A.D. , 1994. ,, ��•`, ...:. l� '% �� � ,. � � .,' L .�. ;�O •3' � �„ ' � / C � . —.�� � • �`-`p '� - Le land Lechner � '� z 3� 0 6 C, _ Colorado P.L.S. 2�� ;';� = ����.. ..,� - • . . �. . , *., J'f • •......•�:�, ; ,,�, /L�,,, : � � � ,.`` '��'��x; <.'' l. ,. i �. TITLF CERTIFICATE •• Land Title Guarsntee Co. does hereby certify that it has examined the title to all lands ahown upon this plat and that the title is ve st e d W�_g COV►�rpR11i �S fi f�[ ,, ►� (o brad o CO/�Or�rhb v� euld is free and clear of ell liena, and encumbrancea, except as followa• [1�er1. o f' -47'u,Sf' �rtc� rU1na� 10, 1�� �oG b3�1 �ar _ 8� I. . -�-� �. Dated this 3 �� day of �1.1a11�1G�' . A.D. ,1994. Land Title Guarantee Co. 108 S Frontage Rd. Weat Vail, Co. 81631 By : alJ'l Q�- Title: .�• �f'��t �f1�r ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning Administr.ai�,�this /4ffk day of �}�•��� , A. D. 1994 _ ;�' ` ��„���, te . � Town ]�,erk Zoni g Adm nistrator Town f�,Vail, l�ado Town of Vail, Colora o � ��� � , � ,,,� � CBRTIFICATR OF TARBS PAID I, the underaigned, do hereby certify that tha entire ount of taxes and aaseasa�enta due and payable aa of -3 �- 9 upon ell parcels of real estate described on thia final plat are paid in full. Dated this � day of �� A.D., 1994. Treasur of Sagle Coun CLERR AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATT ���'� Thie final plat wae filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at ��� o'clock �.M., 9-�S , 1994, and ie dul� rye�corded in Book S!Q at Page �_, Reception No. ����� Protective Covenante recorded in Book �p� at Page � ��•��:�.c.�'!a � i Partywall Agreement recorded in Book `� at Page T—. o'��"' +�,, �'`�v�� ` .� E : , .+.,�;� ��e c^ - _� `��,-' �M�!.�''r ,:''^I ��r' v ��ST� ��.i��'�. � C 1 k and Re r r *� .�.: �;��� h OLOR�=� By: Deput �