HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 15i FOUND 5/B REBAR ANO PLAS77C CAP L. S NO. 11413 LOT 14 '-- �� i� PLASTIC CAP PE PLS 26226 op�-q l.� NOTI'CE.• According to Co%rado /ow ynu must commence any legoJ oction bosed upon any defect in this survisy within three yBOrs afte� yvu first discover such defect. ln no event, may ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this su�vey be commenced more thon ten y�+ars from the dote of ce�ti�cotion shown hereon. INH/TF R/t/FR S88'34'1 � "E NA 170NAL FOREST � � j 69? ��,. 1��8 �35. 00' ( � � � � FOUND 5/8 REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP LS. NO. 11413 C�NDDI��IINIUI��I l��IAP OF � � TO t�l/N OF VAIL � SHEET � of 2 FOUND 5/8 REBAR MFD DOF EA GLE COUN T Y C�L ORA DO � GRAPHIC SCALE �0 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. eo No rES- BASIS OF BEAR/NGS.• 51176'01 "W ALONG EAST LOT LINE BETWEEN FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP L. S. NO. 11413 AND FOUND 5/8" REBAR. DATE OF SURI/FY 5-13-94 C. E. = COMMON ELEMENT L C. E. = LlM/TED COMMON ELEMENT BAS/S OF ELEI/.4 T/ON.• SAN/TARY MANHOLE 3.1.20. 4 R/M ELEV. = 8592. 02 lN I/ER T ELEV. = 8585. 89 P, 0, BOX 978 077 METCALF ROAD AVOPI, COLO, 81620 (303) 949-5072 1!'C/NITY MAP Scole: 1 " = 1000' � �n����� Engine�ririgi�b�. SUITE 101 1420 VANCE STREET lA10EV00D, COLO. 80215 C303) 232-0158 :cr Na 94274S �9/8/94 � 1 GI� 2 -l1 :/ . . . .�, �.• •.t. : KNOW ALL MEN BY TH£SE PR£S£NTS THAT the undersigned berng so% owners in fee simp/e of o// thot reo/ p�operty situated in the Town of Voi/, £oq/e Cou�ty, Co%rodo, described as fo/%ws• Lot 15, Block 1, �all/Pototo Patch Town of Vail, Eog/e County, Colorodo containing 0.794 Ac�es more or /ess,• hov� by these presents Joid out, p/atted and subdivided the some into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this Condomfnium Mop unde�r the nome ond style of Condominfum A/op of Lot 15, B/ock 1, Voi//1�ototo Potch, in the Town of Voi/, £og/e County, Co/arvdo ond does hereby occept the responsibi/ity for the comp/etion of required impro►�ement�• and does hereby dedicote and set aport aJ/ of the pub/ic �oads and other pub/ic improwements and p/aces as shown on the accompanyrng p/ot to the use of the pub/ic foreve�; ond does hereby dedicote those portions of soid �eo/ property which o�e rndicoted os eosement on the occomponying p/at as easements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby g�ont the right to /nsta// ond morntain necessory strvctures to the entity �esp�sib/e for providing the services for which the eosemenfs ore estob/ished. £xecuted this � day of , A.D. 1994 Ann F. Loper P.O. Box 2223 �ai/, Co%rado 81658 �/-�� � v By. nn . oper WI//iom D. Loper P.O. Box 2223 Voi/, Co%rodo 81658 y. i iom . oper STATE OF COLORADO ) • %� COUNTY OF EAGLE ) � The forgoing Certiffcate of Dedfcotion ond Ownership wos ocknow/edqed before me this � day of _�'felKtfer'' , A.D. , 1994, by A� F• L+oKr w�e� w�ll�`Rw� D. LoPe�'' My commission expires - Witness my hand ond sea1. � ��r,�,, KAREN HORTH o ary �� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO ress t�?y Corr;mission Expires 03-16-98 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) �' COUNTY OF £AGLE ) The forgoing Certi�cate of Dedication and Ownership was ocknow/edged before me this day of , A. D. , 1994, by 71TLE CERT1f7'CATE U�' � �..1d�r�_t� �m� does hereby certify thot the tit/e to a/l londs shown upon t� plot hav+e been exomined ond is Hested in��• and that tit/e to such /onds � free and c%a� of all liens d encumb�ances, except os fo!/ows• � �J.�L14�_�� . L��✓ i. -, Tw ., . �:� �i'� - i I.ctVlol i f'�.G �UA�riY�t� �!'►�� ��0� 3�_ �ai � C.D �I (v_Sb" Addr Br7�7"''`�"i <�� �' - �- -- � �C � � ��r �URVFYOR'S CER7/F/CATE.• !, Duane D. Fehringer, do hereby certify that / om o �egistered Lond Surveyar /lcensed undei- the /aws of the Stofe of Co%rado, thot this Condominium Map is true, correct ond comp/ete os loid out, p/atted, dedicated ond shown hereon, thot such Condominium Mop wos made from an accu�ote surwey of sord p�ope�ty by me and under my supervision ond correct/y shows the /ocation and dimensions of the lots, easements ond st�eets of soid subdivision os the same ore stoked upon the g�ound in comp/iance with �� opp/icob/e requ/otions go►�erning the subdivision of /ond. � i /n wi s ther / ho►� set my hand ond sea/ thJs day of , A.D. 1994 . ,,,� ,R'lilrl�llllb�, � __,. ,.,�.,-�, . uane . � N� i. O � Registered Lcr�d �'�veytN No. �2� _ :° 26626 �� = /////1��//� III III il\\\\\������ My commission expires �tness my hond and seo% o a�y u ic �ess ZON/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CERTIF/CA TE.• 71�is fino/ p/at is hereby opp�oved by the Town of Voi/ Zoning Administ�ator this �L�_ doy of , A.D., 1994 A TTEST �. onmg minist�oto� Town of �ai/ J, fhe undersigned, do hereby cerfify thot the entire amounf of taxes due ond poynb/e as of /1, ' 3/ - 9� upon a1/ parce/s of �eo/ estote descrrbed on fhis p/at are poid in fu//. Doted this-,�� day of�l�'OiT�l�l'A.D., 1994 "Tfeas e� og e n y � � CL£RK AND RECORDER'S CER17F/CA TE.• ��.��A fiis p/at was fi/ d fo� record in the qffice of the C/erk ond Recorder �s pnat- f� day of �_�a[�la� r A.D. 1994 at t � /: �7 o'c%ck . M. eco�ded un er Recep tion No. ��ib O�{g in �1',.'' Book �Q ot Poge � . �� � � �,�Q _ . -. «�' �_� �so � � O Eagle Coun ty, Co%rodo �.��:�� ��"'� ��. ,���� 127 =0" 124'-0' 12% -�' 118'-O" 1l5'-O" 1%2� 2" f09'-4" f0i6'-O" o .� . i � : v� ^ ^ a °� °� o .� � � o ,� � �_ A ., � _ : �' r ►: L. C. E. L.C.£. (142 =11 ") E/ev. = 8642.80 E/ev. = 8640.7 (?) (136'-4 ) E/ev. = 8636.21 (127'-O") £/ev. = 8626.88 (115' 0") E/ev. = 8614.88 (�06! �") E/ev. = 8605. 88 COND�I��I/NlUI�� I��IA P OF > > TO �1!/N OF I/A lL EA GLE COUN T Y COL ORA DO > > SHEET2of2 42 =» ° E�e� = es42 ao Elev. = 8640.7 (?) (136 =4 ) EJev. = 86,36.21 ��27� o'> E�e� = es2s ea (115 =0") E/ev. = 8614. 88 � I I 1 I I � (�os'-O ) Elev. = 8605.88 SECTI'ON A —A THRU UN/T 15—E RES/D£NCE Sco% 1 " = 10'-0" NOTE.• A/l heights o�e from D�ywol/ Cei7ing to Subfloor. 139'-3 1/2") E/ev. = 86.38.9 5'-3 1/2" \ 1 (134'-0") E/ev. = 863.� 51 � 0 � , °� N ,I (126 =0") E/ev. = 8625.51 _ i °� N 16'-O") E/ev. = 8615.51 I � 1 ■ ��o�' o'> Fie,: = 8sos s� �EC770N B—B THRU UN/T 15— W RES/DENCE Sco% 1 ° = f0 =0" SECTI'ON C—C THRU UN/T 15—E RES/DENCE Scale: 1 " = f0'-O" �IOTE.• A// heights o�e lrom Orywa// Ceiling to SubAoor. sECnonr o-o THRU UN/T 15— W RES/DENCE Sco%: 1 " = 10�-0"' (�39'-3 1/2") E/ev. = 8638.9 5'-3 1/2" ! (134 =0 ) Eleu. = 8633.51 (126'-0 ) E/ev. = 8625.51 (116 =0 ) E/ev. = 8615.51 (107 =0 "J E/ev. = 8606:51 r— — — — � — - i t� 1 ' r � � UNIT ( J Is_w _ I 812' S�VARE L��ER ( 0.018 q�RESEET 1 I L r `' � _ � — `— — � -- � L �I �_ �I � I � � I � � � . _ r-_ � � ' � � � � � I --� --_.. � I UNI T I � ! 1,17g, SOUARE MAIN '— ---� I ���27 A�RES EET ' ' I � - --,. 1 I � �_ ,�� � !, _ � I �� -1 ' — --� � I ( I I r— _ � � ` n ' � � ---__ �f � ,� � ' � � �NI T 1 S_ I 9b5. SpUAR' UPpER I O.pz2 A�RESEET ' L ._ � 1 � ��_ '--_._ ! � � J � � — � I � �-1 UNIT 15-E - LI7WER 1,081 SOUARE FEET 0,024 ACRES UNIT 15-E - MAIN 1,572. SOUARE FEET 0.036 ACRES ( r— — — — — —J I � ( � _ . i I I I_ � ( I I �� � — — — — — � UNIT 15-E - UPPER 1,735. SOUARE FEET 0,039 ACRES L _ ( I I ( � ( -- J � D ►_� B`�J UN/T 15—W LOINFR FLOOR s�oie� �° _ �o' o� B� UN/T 15— W MA/N FLOOR Sca/e: 1 " = 10 =0" i-� LJ �....,� UN/T 15—W UPPER FLOOR s�oi�• r ° _ �o =o" �.� GEND � -D£NOTFS C.E. � -DENOTES CE/UNG HE/GHT /N FEET NOTICE Ilcc�ord'ing to Co%rodo low ynu must commence any leqol action bosed upon ony defect in this sun�y within three years after ynu �irst discover such defect. !n no ev�snt, ma,�v ony oction based upon ony defect in fhis sun�ey be commenced more than ten y�so�s f�om the dote of ce�tificotion shown hereon. � �•� � � �� � ii ( � i� �'� i~� li � � � �� UN/T 15—E LON2�R FLOOR�—�.•- (` Sco% 1" = f0=0" NOTE A// heiqhts are from Orywa// Cei7inq to Subf/oor. � V ,�N/T 15—E MAIN FLODR Sco% 1 ° = f0'-O" NOTE.• A// heights are fiom Orywo// Cei/ing to Subfloor: UN/T 15—E UPPER FLOOR Sco% 1 " = 10 =0" ,d[Q� A// heights o�e from Orywa!/ Cei/ing to Subfloor. c C �i I]