HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 12 Block 2 Lot 03 & 04CURt� CUR 12� 1 CURVF 2 BOOTH FALLS COUR l �50' RA DIUS� (40' R. 0. W.� � � � � �or2 S82�6�� ` ��, � � R,�' �o` �or 3 � � �T �� � 0. 401 ACRES EASEM � °� \ 17, 483 SQlJARE FEET LOT 5 �' s � �TIUTY ��� �, � 2�' / � �� �n � � _ � �°� �� �oss � � � '9 �> ��- �n � F \ :� � \ ��� ����i � �� \ �-9 �2,` \ � � EASEMENTS CREA TED BY TH/S PLA T��'�� � � ��� \ 0 � � � ,ti� I I �� � �� LOT 4 °s�,� � � 0. 392 ACRES �s, p� � 17,136 SQUARE FEET � � � 1 I � � � RAD/US LENGIN 50.00' 42.22' 50.00' 50.22' LOT 12 TANGENT CHORD 22.46' 40.9i 27.46' 48.13' N0110E.• According to Co%rodo /aw y�w must commence ony lega/ oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter ynu first discovrr such defect. /n no event, may any oction bosed upon ony defect in this sur►asy be commenced more thon ten }�sars from the dote of certi�cation shown hereon. BEAR/NG N74?70'30"E N2f t72'5iE DEL TA 48�2'31 " 57'32'36' . 150.82 , �� O h • , � A � � �� � � No rES� BA SlS OF BEAR/NGS.• N16'O1 'S6 " E AL ONG THE EASTERL Y L O T LINE OF L O T 3 BEiWEEN FOUND REBARS AS lND/CA TED. DA TE OF SUR I/EY MA Y 1994 o DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP P.E. AND P.L.S. NO. 26626. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T lS TO CREA TE THE ACCESS EASEMENTS A CROSS L 0 TS 3 AND 4 AND TO CREA TE THE 20' U TlL l TY EASMENT ONLOT4. ADORESS L O T 3 3155 BOO TH FALLS COUR T LOT 4 3150 BOOTH FALLS COURT � � • ;� � °� .h � A�- A 'Y � � � � �Q � � '` V `� � � N fY' D.D.F. . � A I��IEIVDED F/NA L PLA T O'� � � VA lL I/ILLA GE T��LFTH FlLING TQ �N OF VA lL EA GLE C�UN T Y COL �RA DO > > FOUND NO. 5 REBAR -RESET W/PLASI7C CAP P.E. AND P.L.S. 26626 (TYP.) GRAPHIC SCALE ,0 2a �o ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 f� P. 0. BOX 978 0077 METCALF ROAD AVON, C�U. 81620 (303> 949-5072 I�l'C/N/ lY MAP SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' � ����-��� r'.II�11lCCt�1i �I�d. � SUITE 101 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEMUUD, C�LO. 80215 C303> 232-0158 �T � 94677S �9694 ^�a , n r- , CERAf1CA 710N OF D£D/CA AON FOYP MORTGA6E HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER �KNOW ALL MEN BY TH£SE PR£SENTS THAT the undersigned beinq fhe ho/dsr of o mortgage ar deed of trust on the rea/ prope�ty situoted in the Town of �oi/, £agle County, Co%rodo, described os fo/%ws• L�ot 2, Sxand Amendment to the Ridge ot Vvi/, Town of Vai/, Eog/e Cau�ty, Colorodo contoining 0.569 acres more or /ess; os shown on this fino/ p/at under the nome ond styfe of F/NAL PLAT, , in the Town of Va1/, %�' " ^ £agre Coun ty, Co%rodo; " ' ; and does here�by dedicate and set apart o// of the public �oods ond other pub/ic imp�ovements ` and �,o%es as shown on the occomponying p/at to the use of the pubJlic forever; and does hereby dedicate those por�tions of said reo/ pr+qoerty wfiich aore indicota�d os easement on the xcompanying plot os eosernents for the purpose shown hereom, and does hereby gront the right to insta// ond mointoin necessary structures to the entity r+e��onsib/e !w proHding the services fo� which the eosements o�e established. �^�, �Executed this�� doy of z�/����w ,A.D. 1994 FHW Limited Porfners!►ip, a De/oware Porfnership i���� �- �� �� by: Frank H. Wymon, General P+�rrner STATE OF COLOiRA00 ) CO�I/iNTY OF £AGLE �� fie l�aregoing Certi�cote of Dedicofion ockrnowte ge�befpre me this �� _ day o� ��✓s � _..�i,� r� ��/ Z;M ;�r� ar vt�2 d' la i d1 My commission expires ���__ _. iYtn�ess my hon� seol Aotory Pub/ic � � k lqll � (%a '. �� �D �'f�i��� Il ddress dd certlty fhat the tit/e to aJ/ examined �nd is ►�ested inl tit/e to such /ondsys� f�r e ex�apt as I+osllows•1�l�i Date,d of of � �s� n �-a,� - •. �,. ti �. '>''' �� ��� 'o • p ,��a • A�l�� . ° ,r : •° � ���P ��s�e��/��'�•�4� C Q� �V�. s hereby ' /at hove been ' and that and �ncu�rancs� i � ;i� - . . vv ii i •� � . i � i/ ' .su�v�ror�s c�n�r,� r�: l, Duone D. Fehringe,r, do hereby certify that / om o Registered Land Surveynr /icensed unde� the /aws of the Stote of Cdorado, fhat fhis p/ot is a true, correcf, ond comp/ete FlNAL PLA7� Town of Voi/, Counly of Eogle, Stote of Co%rodo, as /oJd out, p/ottea; dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such Plat was mode f�om an accurote sur►aey of said property by me and under my supervision and cor�ect/y shows the /ocation ond dimensions of the 1ots, eoserments ond streets of soid subdivision os the some aro stoked uponr the g�ound in comp/iance with app/icoble �egulotions govem�� the subdiysion of /ond. In wit wher / hovr set my hand ond sea/ this � day �of .D., 1994. Registe�ed l ;° 26626 �; ° � � i i i � �� Y����N��a �"��i,:ii�E & P.L.S�����������. �� l l I I I I I I I I I I 11, \\\ CERTIFI'CA TE OF DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the undersJgned belnq so% owners in fee sirnp/e of a!/ that rea/ property situoted in the Town of Vai/, £og/e County, Co%rodo, described as fo/%ws• Lots 3 and 4, B/ock 2, VoA' �/oge Twe/fth �ing, Town of Vai/, Eog/e Coun ty, Co%rodo; containing 0.795 ocres more or less; ho� by these p�esents /oid out, plotted ond subdivrded the same into /ots and blocks os shown on this fina/ p/ot under the nome ond style of AMENDED F/NAL PLAT, LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 2, VA/L NLLAGE TWFLFTH FlL/NG, !n the Town of �o!/, Eogle County, Co%rado; ond does hereby occept the responslbJ/Ity for the comp/etion of required rmpro►�ements; and does hereby dedicote ond set oport a// of the pub/ic roads ond other pub/ic impro►rements and p/aces as shown on the accompanying plot to fhe use of the pub/ic fvrev�a ,• ond does herehy dedicate those portions oi soid reo/ p�operty which ore indicoted os eosement on the occomponying p/ot os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby g�ont the �ight to insta// and mointoin necessory structures to the entity �esponsib/e for providing the serHCes for which the easements ore estab/ished. Executed this�doy of S�y� • -A.D. 1994 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY Ol�' £AGY£ ) The foreqoing CertiRcote a-c�9 efo me this E My commi ion expires _� Johonn Mue/!er 910 Fairwoy �oi/, Co%rado 81657 by. J onn u er of wo/� � �.:. `�`�!f � �� r�L . . _ l,. Q�C A F� e,�.,: � �. ., ., v, c f.►e� t ��;�.,!oa f�.�sG..` = r,1�_ •9r�` • . .... ••t:���.� � STATE OF COLORADO ) •f � l,�= c;c;`..�_ ; �'��`.�.i..�-�� } SS �_,:_>y- COUNTY OF £AGLE ) 7)re fo�egoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership wos ocknow/edged before me this doy of My commission expires " �tness my hand ond sea/. Notary Pub/ic Address r ZON/NG ADM/N/S1RA TalR CERTIF/CA TE This fina/ p/at is hereby opp�oved �b,y the Town of t�oi/ Zoning Administ�otor this ,�__ day of (J_c?`�_„ A.D., 1994 A TTEST ��•� o`�,N u��9il'''��,, " E _ � Town �k 7 ning A inist�oto� rown o���ry„�,ol �;:��.°,.•�`�'`. ro►m oi vo;� i,; , �iuii�ni i:: �� c � t! ,i�:��� CER J1F/CA TE OF TAXES PAiO.• /, the undersigned, do hereby certif thq� t e enfi�e amount of toxes due ond poyvb/e os of ��_`��_____� upon o// po�cels of �ea/ estote desc�ibed o his /at o�e paid in fu//. Doted this .L�_ day of �. A.D., 1994 • � �I1d.�_ _L?� - 9�Q,�rt�c� Tieasurer of ag/e County � � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTJFICA FF.• 1��0 ��� Thls p/ot wo��for �ecord i t e oflfce of the Clerk �yjnd�/�eco�der at � day of O��A.D. 19 ot 'S`�`_[o'c%c% �M. Recordy�u�der Reception No:S�� in ; ;r.����� ��', `Book �6� at Page ��r�• ,� �.� �'.•�;s "', �°+'���s� c �� �� �.� .'� `� -':�,:;,��?h ° �_�(eA�t�1� � : ��� �'� �.�;' :- ^+�� ?�u t le�k an ecorder �� r:� . .�:-. q . ,� � �°�,N Eag/e Coanty, Co%rodo ��-�.�.�.� -. � � 11% � e e s ,�ptc�.��� �