HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 5 Lot 2L£GAL DESCR/PnON - P£DESTRIAN EASEMENT A porce/ o/ /and in Lot 2, B/ock 5, Val/ /ntermountoin Deve%pment Subdivision, Town of Voi/, £og/e County, Co%rado; commencing ot the Northwest comer of Por�ce/ A, Lot 2, B/ock 5, Voi/ /ntermountoin Dev�e%p- ment Subdivisron; thence S 2272'35" E l0.lt feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence N 6538 29" E 5. 00 feet.• thence S 2272 ;35" E 52.33 feet,• thence S 431�3'39" W 65.40 feet,• thence 53832'32" W 20.78 feet; thence S 63't�7'28" W 20.26 feet to o point on the wester�y 1ot /ine of soid Lot 2; thence N 380000" W o%ng said lot /ine 13.96 feet; thence N 2272�35" W 44.78 feet,• thence N 4579'OS" E 84.77 feet; thence N 653829" E 18.17 feet to the True Point of Beginning, soid porce/ contoining 6,266.4 squo�e feet o� 0.144 ocres mo�e a- less, but exc/uding the oreo described by the fo/%wing metes ond bounds description.• Commencing ot the northwest corner of Parce/ A, thence S 2272;35"' E 13.12' feet to the T�ue Point of Beginning,• thence continuing S 2272'35" E o%ng the /ot /ine between Porce/ A and Lot 5 o distance of 38.44 feet,• thence S 67;3725" W 6.03 feet; thence S 00�1'12'" E 6.89 feet; thence S 4130 00" W 53.47 feet; thence S 56 4147" W 17. 85 feet,• thence S 38173"47" E 2.00 feet; thence S 495327" W 1653 feet• fhence S 673725" W 4.29 feet; thence N 222235" W 46.92 feet,• thence N 4579'05" E 82.22 feet; thence N 65;3829" E 17.53 feet to the T�ue Point of Beginning, the orea desc�ibed by this exception being 4,544.3 squo�e feet or 0. f04 ocres mo�e or /ess. The nef area contoined within the abo►�e /e go/ description is 1,722.1 square feet or 0.040 ocres more or /ess. PARK/NG EASEMENT A portion of Lot 2, B/ock 5, Voi/ /ntermountain De►re/opment Sub- division, Town of �oi/, £ag/e County, Co%rodo, or mo�e pa�ticulo�/y described os fo/%ws: Beginning ot the northwest comer of soid Lot 2,• thence S 38t70'00" E a/ong the wester�y /ot line of soid Lot 2 60.8.3 feet; thence N 2272:35"" W 44.78 feet,• thence N 4519OS° E 84.77 feet,• thence N 65;3829" E 18.17 feet to the wester/y /ot line of Pa�ce/ A of soid Lot 2,• thence N 2222'35" W o%ng soid /ine 10.12 feet to the north line of soid Lof 2,• fhence o%ng the orc of a curve to the /eft, soid curve being the northerfy /ine of soid Lot 2, said curve hoving o rodius of 3,344.00 feet, o cent�al ang/e of Ol'S9'57° ond whose /ong chord beors S 5370'26° W 116.66 feel, on orc distance of 116.67 feet to the Point of Beginning, said Porce/ contoining 1,645.4 square feet of 0.038 ocres, more or /ess. NOTICE.� According to Co%rado /aw you must commence ony /egol action bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three years ofter yvu first disco►asr such defect. /n no e►�nt, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this sur►�ey be cammenced more thon ten years hom the date of certificotion shown hereon. ,4 MENDED F/NAL PLA T AND RESUBD/ V/S/ON OF LOT � BLOCK 5 � � VAIL �NTE�1�70 UNTAIN D�'VELOPI�7ENT SUBDI VISION TO' WN OF VA /L, EA GLE C�UNT Y, COL ORA DO S/ TE . � VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ,BLACK 10 I/l'C/N/TY MAP SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' TITLE CERT/FICA TE.� L�_�[1� �j1lQ1C�Y�li�-�__��_ does her�eby certify that the tit/e to all lands shown upon this p/ot have been examined and is vested in�t�Gl'�i_��hQNtri_!1_��_and thot tit/e to such /onds is f�ee ond c%a� of all /iens ond encumb�ance excep t as fol%ws: Q�f� �.�� �i_�'�[_'� �� V� a.._ , s.]._ Q�i a1.���i�-rrL 3-3�,- N�J �oo�C V 33 Doted this .�W �ay of �s�J `�_`�� _�_A.D. �lV�_1111 L °113���G -y"�!�- � � Up.� � �D �j 4� _��s �----�---�Ly_� Add�ess �' _� - � --- ----------- SURVEYORS CERT/F/CA TE:• l, Duane D. Fehrinqer, do hereby certify that / ann a Regisfe�ed Lond Surveynr /icensed under the /aws of the State of Co%�ado, that this plot is o t�ue, correct, and comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Voi/, County of Eog/e, State of Co%rodo, ns /oid out, p/otted, dedicated ond shown he�eon, that such Plat was made f�om on occurate su�vey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the locotion and dimensions of the /ots, easements ond streets of said subdivision as the some ore stoked upon the ground in compliance with app/icoble regulotions governing� � the subdivision of /ond. � *' /n wi ess h re fI' have set my hand and sea! this � � doy of -� �`�* �--�--A. D., 1994. �1 _ . � Duone D. Fehringer � v;'�`� "� � "5"�P, ; Registe�ed Lond Su�y�6�No. 266�' _ • r� _ : 2+6626 � ' ���+�����rI�Illl',I,il\�\�. L 0 •• � r. CER71FlCA TE OF DED/CA T/ON AND OWNERSHIP.• CON77NUED: STA TE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Certificote of Dedicotion ond Ownership was acknowledo�d kefore me this _��loy of SC�►1�/ My commission expires _J �tness my hond ond seo% . _ ,. No tary Public '�����.-��-�-�-.��. DIANE R LARSEN NOTARY PUBLIC .—STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Exp�res I1/15/1995 Add.ess STATE OF COLORADO ) STATL� OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE � SS The fo�eqoing Certificate of Dedicafion and Owne�ship was The foregoing Certificote of �edication and Owne�ship wos �kno edged befor me this _�-1�► �of _�qqy ck owledged efore me this ?$_ day ofS�¢ �� I�iy, L Y�.Z'ltt��' 1�.� �� s'� �+� -�a.r,t-��-- ��-.Q - -������L����4 g.1lc.�� �ss r��� ��. _ /�,havlCS�}�Y�p./�-- -- --���t��ss� eo ��,_�glyrtn�, B. ►� tr _ �in- My comm�ssion expires ______���_3� ____—______ My commission pires __1L-1� -�'1i_ �tness my hond ond seo% �tness my hand ond sea/. ♦NN��Oa.'. �.... __.m,,..yy.ar.-. ' �DI NE R LAFt��€v � • . • _ t NOTARY PUBLIC ° �� _ __ �N��N Nota�y Public � STATE OF COLORADQ Notory Public � DIANE R LARSEN ����s�.r-.r^��-.s•ro.Ek-•,-- My Commission Expires !� � i�•' � y'a� / NOTARY PUBLIC Add�ess STA TE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Ce�tificote of Dedication and Ownership w�,s _ .._y _ , , _ , _ . My commission expi�es ____1�1�1� ________�______ �tness my hand and seo% • ��N1����►.c.-.�: Y.^.�-�e� DIANE R LARS�t� – – – – – -------�--- NOTARY PUBLIC No tary Pub/ic � STATE OF COLORADO k�..��... �..:. < Add�ess --- My Commission Expires 1 I� I�� ��+�-� CERTIF/CA TE OF TAXES PA/D: l, the undersigned, do hereby ce�tify that the entire amount of faxes due and payvb/e as of ,�=�l1— 9�L__��__ upon a/l po�ce/s of rea/ estate described on this p/ot are poid in fu//. Dated this �`I{�p'ay of ����c___, 1994 A.D. N D.D.F. Add�ess STA TE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) fie fo�egoing CertifJcate of � STATE OF COLORADO -.�����������• My Commission EKpires 11/15/1995 My commission expi�es __�J-l�_�� __ ____ �tness my hond and sea/. ;,,-�-.:.-�.�-�-.o ��������� . ––---- ––--------- 9 G i A N E R LA R S E N Notary Pub/ic � NOTARY PUBLIC � STATE OF COLORADO N1-Iy�N�� Address +�v i%omm�ssion Exp�res I1/15/1995 STATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foreqoinq Certificate of ocknow/edqed before me this � -U-'1'-SdL� �"�enn�rr�� My commission expi�es _�LJ�_ �tness my hand and sea/. No torY Public - ��!�� Add�ess ion and Ownership wos of _ � .. �.lL.svr.r.-- DIANE R LARSEN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO V��NN�1IN�IN� My Commission Expires 11/15ii995 aeo.�cr Ho. P, D. B[IX 978 • SUITE 101 93882S 0077 METCALF ROAD �i����n 1420 VANCE STREET ��'/�� AVON, COL�. 81620 � � IAKEW00D, COLO. 80215 8�li�94 (303> 949-5072 ��]�C��j� (303) 232-0158 ""' 1 OF 2 CER17FlCA 770N OF DED/CA J70N FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS THAT ti�e undersigned being the holders of o mortgoge or deed of t�ust on the �ea/ p�operty situoted in the Town of �oil, Eagle County, Colo�odo, described os fo/%ws• Lot 2, B/ock 5, Voi/ /ntermountoln Deve%pment Subdivision, Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%odo, containing 28,368.2 squore feet o� 0.65 ocres more or /ess, ha►�e by these presents /aid out, plotted and subdivided the some into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this final plat under the name and styfe of AMENDED F/NAL PLA T AND RESUBDI 19S/ON OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, VA/L /NTERMOUNTA/N DEVFLOPMENT SUBD/19S/ON, a subdivision in the Town of �ai/, Eogle County, Co%rodo; ond does he�eby occept the respon- sibi/ity for the comp/efion of required imp�ovements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart oll of the public roads and other pub/ic im- p�o►�ements ond p/oces as shown on the occomponyrnq p/at to the use of fhe pub/ic forever; and does hereby dedicate those po�tions of said reol property which o�e indicated as eosement on the occompanying p/ot os easements for the pu�pose shown hereon; ond does he�eby grant the right to insto/l ond maintain necessory structures to the entity responsib/e fo� providing the seruices fo� which fhe easements ore estob/ished. �,1� Executed this 6'! n doy of ��-��Q--Q� ,1994 A.D. LOT 4 LOT 2 GREENTR£E MORTGAGE COMPANY F/RSTBANK OF CHERRY CREEK, N.A. 25910 Acero P.O. Box 61038 Suite 300 100 St. Pou/ St�eet Mission �ep, Ca/ifomio 92691 DENVFR, COLO. 80206 �Q7Ll,N1L-' `� Cf��� � = .d-��� �_ «,g� ���. � LESuE �l. ra.s/ELL vsC� %.R�s��ac ,�r 'FXEG !��'� I��E•S✓�C•JT PARCEL A F/RST BANK � VA/L l7 VA/L ROAD VA/L, COLO. 81658 / ...G ., . G`�✓ _ �,�„�u ,�. �e STATE OF COLORADO ) Sr. VtCt ��5�*� ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) me foregoing Certi�cate of Dedicotion ond Ownership wos ocknow/edged before me this _���'doy of „����.!, �-����.�- — --------- - ----------- My commission expires �.� _= __ __ �tness my hond and seo% -- • ----� ------------��.-.� ���.-� Notory Pub/ic � D I A N E R LA RS E N Address NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO ,������������-.-��� My Commission Expires 11/15/1995 STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) me foregoing Certificate of edication and Ownership was acknow/edoed before me _ fhis _�� doy of ��Ln�!! :, My commission expires _J1=1��Y� �tness my hand and sea/. �..� � g��! t DIANE R LARSEN � Notary Pub/ic � NOTARY PUBLIC � STATE OF COLORADO �����eA� -- ---------- — My Commission Expires 11 �(� i�9- Address STA TE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fo�egoing Ce�tificote of edicotion ond Ownership was acknAo�'ledqed before me this _�1 � day of ?���b_t!'_, ��i ''74. }1 u Ld 1.I r G h�'� � L�i�s�.i w w A�f� / A�ti �/Yl • My commission expires __ Witness my hand and seal. . ��� Notary Pub/ic Add�ess DIANE R LARSEN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO w��������.���o��� My Commission Expnes t ����;� r qq�. CER77FlCA TE OF DED/CA 170N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THA T the undersigned being so% owners in fee simp/e of all that �eo/ prope�ty situoted in the Town of Vail, Eag/e County, Co%rado, described os fo/%ws• Lot 2, B/ock 5, �01/ /ntermountoln DeHelopment SubdM+slon, Town of Voil, Eag/e County, Colorodo, containing 28,368.2 squo�e feet or 0.65 acres more or /ess, have by these presents /oid out, p/atted and subdivrded the same into /ots and b/ocks os shown on this fino/ p/ot under the name and sty/e of AMENDED F/NAL PLAT AND RESVBD/19S/OW O1F LOT 2, BLOCK 5, �A/L /NTERMOUNTA/N DEVL�LOPMENT SUBD/VIS/ON, o subdivision in the Town of Vai/, £ogle County, Co%rado; and does hereby accept the r•espon- sibility for the comp/etion of required improv�ments; and does hereby dedicote ond set oport a// of the pub/ic roods ond other pub/ic im- provements ond p/aces as shown on the occomponyrng plof to the use of the pub/ic fore►�; and does hereby dedicate those portions of soid �ea/ p�ope�ty which are indicofed as easement on the occompanying p/at as eosements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby g�ont the right to insta// ond maintoin necessory strvciures fo the entity responsib/e fo� p�oviding the se�vices for which the easements are estab/ished. J Executed this_1�day of �I��� .1994 A.D. OWNERS.• LOT 1 LOT 1 PARCEL A CHARLES A. MARR SARAH A. MARR L YNN FR/TZL£N ako CHARLES ARTNUR MARR P.O. 80X 57 Ch�`Q� • �1�1t1 :� vl � • �1� VAlL. COLO,R81657 � . , w. � GA"��C , � Q � / A LOT 2 LOT 2 LAWRENCE B. HOFFER PAMELA K. ��/'--a- � �n.�- ��11)CE �s• NO��r .., , � LOT 3 LOT 4 KE NNE B� C L H. PARKS� � C�!/P�--- b.. ' lq�► �f�S� E{• �or� c��t STA TE OF rt°t�� ) f�� Ilslpvf'o�5}�) SS COUNTY OF�E ) °Pa�.°•�L�. . __II�_� _ : • •1'k�' LOT 5 A TROPOS HOUS/NG CARP., �AYN£�Y YCX�K.0 �,A` ��- �D My commission expires _� a `i- _ __ ___ � Witness my hand and seal. ,, "='' '"^" �;f�.�t E. ww�v��r, �;' �;�.= I�T! Mf�k�l'aS10N N Ct; S?5�i94 i� �/� /j /�� EX�'IRES:'��ay 24.1�98 .M Q����`/ ' v/�C�kr%�� �� ���'�?� BOIM9d ?F'J hOt:^J PUhI:G UltdilYNlmf3� Pub/ic � Add�ess STA TE OF COLORADO ) �Ey SS COUNTY OF�,46�E The foregoing CertiFcate of Dedication ond Ownership wos acknowledged befo�e me this �o"'1doy of _�E,�r_Lit,� —� _��'!!��_�.2��r��l�__� �r� �,t ��_„_ oF _ �ne�������irtE't.� G�t�Ef�. My commission expi�es _ O�=Q�_ qg � Witness my hand and seal. - / ` 1 �. -- '� --- Notary Pub/ic �My �ca�mbSSlon� �x�t+r� �'� ������------ -- Add�ess i.,�,.�� � , r� � STATE OF COLORADD ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) fie foregoing Certificote of Dedicotion ond Ownershrp wos ocknow/edged befo�e me this _l'i�i" doy of _$t.�f'�rliher _134�E��_��C�l����.1�L1.� My commission expi�es __!l�_�L� LA R S E N Witness my hand ond seal. Z NOTARY PUBLIC � � STATE OF COLORADO . Gf,.t-Q.�- ���.-.� — -- — ------ My Commission Expires I1/15i1995 Notary Pub/ic Add�ess CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICA TE.• ��•°� �0� �Glhh y.............,,.a This p/ot wos filed for �eco� in t e of�ce of fh�C�rk�4;�'~ �t j and Recorde��_�2�1 day of � A.D. _�_ `�`ot �;' ��'f:��c�� t �_�'clock �M. Record���nder Reception No. S�f`t-1pCein ��, •�{��,�` Book _ � ot �oge ___ o� � � �vi ....�°° r . �y���p n 0 -- �� ��'—�"��-,---- Deputy C/e�k and Recorde� £agle Coun ty, Co%rodo `�1O ner� w.�� �c�nAQ . v / / / � = 00 22'19» R = 3344.00' T - �� 86 � L = 21. 71 ' CB = N 54 48'S3" CH = 21. 71% i / �� A MENOL�D F/NA L PL,4 T A ND RESUBD/ V/S/ON OF �OT ,2 B�OC� 5 � , � � VAIL INTERI��D �NTAIN DEVEL DP1���'NT S�BDI VI,�S'IDN 0 A � o / ,�8�1 . R � , �� 09 i E � �`�` y$/ � � �, �� TO WN OF VA /L, E,4 GL E CO UN T Y, COL ORA D O NTA � ,02 E �P � FRO ��R 3•35 , , .� P`� �� A� � N5 .35 $6g � ,�9 �(N Tp1 � � 65 , �,� � o � ,�.�� �� OlJ I'" � G B i . 7 O N" ��� ��,� � F O U N D 5/ 8" R E B A R W/ P L A S T I C " � Q riN SZ `". g�/ CAP L.S. 13901 S .�p 0� 1 � � � ;� 2 0� �o' 38.29_E _�s.�r___ � 10 ,�,�., � O � 0 a,�. , �� 18• ` _ N65' _ _- � � 5 / � � �� 33 � ,, ---: 8, �, ._ �� 5:�- , � � � R � �65•3 ,.-�� �5s%�=' -� �, � � � l. � ��� MENT - � ► / � .- � � �%�S� EAS� ,-'� .-' I � � I gA��� �� � � � �SR�C '�� ��'� I L.- —' cn ', cn 8•�5° E�EPA�E -',�' -',�' I N � � ��1 �1� , 'c� tV t�; ,N \ \ � ` c.i �S $' � Z' .'� ►�v a! �� Z �� c� �R A ,,-''� ,82?'� �N o N v, �,�, � � � ' � \ ' ' � v, ON �•'3^' i I"°� Y 22 2 "� ''� N �-- I °' � .� V1 c,r � 9, / .-'�/ .-'// �'" "' a cA y I v, � ; \ ". �� � � � �� 8��� '�� � N ' �' � � �' 'E.--''� .--�'�C 1� N �� �° '� , w '"�9��y � •`� �'� m � � � ' 306.19 SQUARE FEET \ � V : � .� 9 �5 .� I �� O� I ' i,�'^, c,� O ��( � h � � � 0.007 ACRES �,, �. ��( S 5� -- 0 �4i O � � /►RE F ,.-' t �' ' � � Vvi I ,o�"o �'�1 ` �`"` J � v O . �. � 4 .� .� N rn �1 ; � � O � '�' 0� p '�� �"� �� '� °f °' a � �° �"E ► � � \ \ s �6 a ��' �/ ' I ' ' � Nsr3�'2 - � ,� � ° � � a 3000 s. 03 _ � . o , . . ' � I ��°- '� '� `� �v p � I`D � � ' � � ?,� ��s. �� ,� ^: � �-- � � .a�B.�E' .� .� -- c� � i � �. /��. N � � �--- �� � � ��� ;' `� N �'� �y ~ I � � `�'':` / � PARCEL A, I LOT 3 � \ �� � � � a � �1 �•' � • i I a � � � o � � � �° I o02 � ,.-� / �� ,,> >4, 501. 32 S �UA�RS FEET I o , � � � � �� , h. , � 0.333 , � ; �, �-- -- � o� c�'�' c� ' c� �* � � ' , � � '` . '�5' � ► f , , cN � v� t� — . , ,. � � 5 � � � � 1� a —1 I ,, �k� , ,,. j N ► � � ° '� � � .-, / /. � I • � � 3004 - � -,j� � � u; � N I � �. n1 �1 I �.' y ��.' cA � c i �^, O pp tn n1 �. / 6�. /b� I �� I o w ; � , � � � � � _ ,-- � .-- �� r -� � i t; "� � � ~ i� � f � /� .-'� Z % ,� �� . ' a �� it � � � ' ~ I �� E;'� / �'� / I � m �� / � � ' ;� � c�,� '�'� 3006 k� °'� h� , , , '" � � — `'' '% ,� ;# i T I /�� ��. ��39. ^' . �3 . 'i ; � ; I � � _ - ,- � 5.- .� - J - �' , ;� � ., ,,�, ,., ./ , ��, , . � i�' 5 L-- •- / ,�j` cn � �'� ` � �"E '�'8 � ' w .� � �� ,� � ''' � � ; 3008 N56 Z �� � �'� ' . . C3 � � � w �'h `�"� � �� � 1� ° '► � � 53� ` o� /•ry� �h '�/// / / O � �`' �6• ' ..� / � � �• OO � i' 9�3 Z1�E -' J,•� �: �O Zo ��' / m� � � � �. , .,� � %4-2 � �' �ry"� �� � �2, ' 6737 25"E �' , \ O '� . PEDE5IR/AN EASEJ�lENT 1722 SF. 0.040 A� // � S75'09'12'"W _ 172. 63' � t� 5 . \ N � \ \ ' / \ c� z� 25,,�� � � - \ � _--563ro;?$ W � � \ _ \ \ \ � � � LO T 1 `� � � \ � � � \ \ ` \ \ � � .��s �P� \ \ � � -� g"� N \ N \ FOUND 5/8'" REBAR W/AL UM/NUM \ � p,GA w� w� CAP 'W. C. '(WITNESS CORNER) c� � �'►NES N` o \ o� � 0 u► N0710E.• Ilccording to Co%rodo /ow }�u must cbmmence ony /ego/ oction bosed upon ony defect in fhis survey within throe years ofter you fiist disco►asr such defect. /n no evCnt, moy ony action bosed upon any defect in this sur►roy be cammenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. 2998 �,, � � m � c� z -� c� tC � �" � FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC N N G'AP L. S. 9939 LABELED 'W. C. ' (W1'TNESS CORNER) � \ L cA � $ $_ \ � GREEN BEL T, PEDESTRIAN, AND UT/UTY EASEMENT -� N \ o_ c� \ m �� \ o ` \ � \ AS SHOWN AND DESCR/BED ON PLAT OF I/A/L INTERMOUNTA/N DEVELOPMENT SUBD/I//S/ON \ ,�� 0 0 � � ca v RECORDED OCTOBER 1, 1970 /N BOOK 218 A T PAGE 799, RECOROS OF THE � �� \ \ Q \ � \ W ``� m \ A� \ N CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY, COL ORADO Q � �W � 'o � � �+ � � \ rn \ v \ � \ � \ �� \ � � � � � � � \ \ � J � \ \ \ \ \ � \ ` \ Z \ \ � � � � � \ \ � � � \ \ � \ \ � � m \ \ \ \ � m � � \ , z \ \ � 3 7p \ 1 �' �. � � 13•i � / � � � 0 �3� �,�8•3p E N6 � 3.�. G�RE / � 11 �• 92 �� C REEK 46•�2� N75'38'DO"E � 49. 69' � GRAPHIC SCALE 10 8 5 /0 20 (�F'�') 1 inch = 10 ft. 40 NOTES• BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 35 00'00" W ALONG THE EASTERL Y LOT L/NE OF LOT 2 BETWEEN FOUND PINS AS lNDICA TED DA TE OF SUR I/EY DECEMBER 1993 DA TE OF COMPLETIONS• JANUARY 1994 O DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP P.E. AND P.L.S. 26626 LOTS 1 THRU 5 ARE ALSO KNOWN AS FLUSSH/EM TOWNHOUSES 3004 DENOTES STREET ADORESS PARCEL A/S NOT SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND COND/TIONS OF THE DECLARA TION FOR FLUSSH/EM TOWNHOUSES RECORDED /N BDOK 222 A T PAGE 869 RECOROS OF THE CLERK AND RECOROER, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. THE MA/NTENANCE AND REPA/R OF THE PEDESTR/AN EASEMENT AND THE PARK/NG EASEMENT SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIB/L/TY OF FLUSSH/EM ASSOC/A T/ON, A COLORADO CORPORA TION NOT-FOR-PROFIT. THE ELECTRICAL EASEMENT SHOWN HEREON, ACROSS PARCEL A, /S RECORDED /N BOOK �5�_ A T PAGE (a (_, RECORDS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. FOR ZON/NG PURPOSES, TNE LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 CREA TED BY TH/S SUBDII/lSION PLA T ARE TO BE TREA TED AS ONE ENTITY W/TH ND MORE THAN FI12� TOWNHOUSES ALL OWED . ON THE COMB/NED AREA OF THE F/1/E LOTS. ,.. ; II