HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 12� ,,,,,..... ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,.. ;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; �� ,,,�,,,: ,,,,,,,,,, ;,;;;;;;;;;;;;�;- � ;,�,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,;;;;;, ,,,,,;;;.,,. ,,,,, .,,,,,,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,. . ;,,,, �^�-.f � � � _ ���� � � SET 3' WRNESS CORNER �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP LS. � 16827 1=41°02'4�' R=so.00 L=57.31 T=29.95 CB=S45°51'20"W CH=56.09 FND �4 REBAR AND PLASIIC CAP LS. � 131 SCALE: 1" = 20' 20 0 20 40 EO Fe�t FND �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP LS. � 11643 T1E: S 47°30'59" E 1.41 , 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 N 61°05'31" E — 179.81 TRACT D 1=02°25'4�' R=210.00 L=8.90 T=4.45 CB=S03°38'3�'W � � T0�'PN �F VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C �LOR�AD � / FND �4 REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP LS. � 13174 SEf �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP LS. � 16827 LOT 13 FND �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP LS. � 11643 � T1E: N 46°27'26' E 1.43 CERTIFlCATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by th�e proser�ts that Diana M. Wllkina� being aole owner in fee simple. of all that real property situated in the To�vn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. described as follows: Lot 12, Amended Plat Gien Lyon Subdrviaion. according to the plat recorded in Book 272 at Poge 370, in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado. Clerk and Recorder. containing 0.7716 acrea, more or less. has by these preser�ts laid out, platted and eubd'rvided the eame into lota and tracta as shown on this final plat under the nams and style of 'Amended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivision. A Resubdivision of Lot 17'. a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County. Coloroe�o; and does hereby accept the responsibil'ity for the completion of required imQrovements; and doea hereby dedicata and sst apart all of the public roads and other public improvemants and places as shown on the accomPanying plat to the usa of tha public forever. and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necassary structuros to tha entity rosponaible for providing the services for which the easements aro established. Executed this V� "' day of _�'11��/�✓���R- . AD.. 1994. � � • OWNER: iana . Wilkins Addr�s: STATE OF � ) COUMY OF �-L�%�-P� � ) Th f�+egoing i nam�e�t was acknowledged beforo me thla � day of i�-�,� , AD., 1994 by Diana M. Wilkins. My Commisaion expiros: � `� ��� � �r�itn my han and seaL � ` �, �� �,/J2 �!p.�-'��GC � �7�L.1 / � Notary Publi 0 �,/�,� Address• vcs� - �_c.� r .�� � TITLE CERTIFlCATE Stewart Title of Eagle County. Inc.. does heroby certify that th� title to all landa shown upon this final pI hae been examined and is vested in: �� �. _ _ /yl /i�_ ./L •_ _ .. and that title to such lands is free and clear of encumbrances� excapt as�follows: � A �; � Dated this ,��day of . A�.D., 1994. Stewart Title of Eagle Cournty� Inc. Box 2000 Vail. CO �e � � � _ / . � , . �_� . _. ' �,�� � _ :.. ,�, � '� -� , <_, �i �: ', �"l� ... • �, . , �� name and / SUR'VEYOR'S CERTIFlCATE I do hereby certify that I am a rogiatered Land Surveyor licenaed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lota, easements and streeta of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the qround in complionce with appticable regulations goveming the subdiY��iat��mf��{q�d. .�`� � � 0 ''�. In� �itn�esa t,�ereof I have aet my hand an����,tt►ie. . '';day of P10�18W� \p¢Y , A.D., 1994. � Q�i' : ����sr, �FO , '-y : 2= � - Doa "�,'(; coran o': O � Colisra�� � u'�7 Q,� : .` ,�� �. O •... •�O�i``��. NOTES: ,',����� � � C O� � ���`` (1) Date of Survey: Saptember 1994 (2) Monumentation as shown hereon (3) Bearings are based on a line connecting the existing monuments marking the northeasterly and northweste�ly corners of Lot 12 being S33°19'34"W (aee drawing). (4) Easements shown hereon are per Stewart Title of Eagle County. Inc. order number 94010822 dated August 16, 1994. (5) Street Address: Lot 12—E 1390E Greenhill Court Lot 12—W 1390W Greenhill Court (6) Restrictive Covenonts recorded in Book 268 at Page 698 and oa amended in instrument recorded in Book 468 at Page 464 and as amended in instrument recorded in Book 528 at Page 154. PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposea. the two parcels created by this roaubd'rvision aro to be treated as one enfity with no more than one two—family residence allowed on the combined area of the two parcels. Allowable gross residential floor area for the two—family residence will be cciculated based on the combined area of the two parcels. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERIIFlCATE This final plat ia hereby approved by th Town of Vail Zoning , .. , Administrotor this .2lc� day of �Gr��chPh , A.D.. 1993. . ����y ��' �F E x Town eric .. ., ,�, � � Zoning Admini mtor Town �if V'oil. Colorado �. Town of Vail� Colorado �� �� � k `'�t CERT1FlCATE OF TAXES PAID � I, the undersigned� do hereby cerfify that the e�iro amount of ,�,1 taxes due and payable as of /�-3/-4 � upon all G�. parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this � day of / �0 �/ �%��� � A.D.. 1994. � reasurer of gle County, Colorado . r I��l � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE T��SIs9% J'��O.00 This final plat wa le for record in the o ica of the Clerk and R er on thi day of �Q��hd. e�" 1994, at �,,, _/ ���o'clock M ecorded under Reception No. �� in Book rQrL� at Page . � Clerk and Rec er �����°_ � Eagle County, olorado ''�+ � ��,.;;,. � "1 } � : ;'°�;�r"�":z^� � • ��1-,�.., � � . rv �,"'�-.r.iq�,9� �COLO� �' Depu �c.�. No D e cs Gc>,' �fh /I'�c�O JOB No. 1646