HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Parcel D and Dauphinais Moseley Subdivision Filing 1 Tract C - Correction Plat� �p� � t-: :; ,� � �� . ► �� � . �E `� � �. ;E� .. ;j: � o3�r i. i . i�i �1� F ' _� : ��i i�. 6N'. ? �? ;�� ,:, �+: ;t 4: �; � 0 � „ CORRECTiOI� PLAT FOR � -- o. � To �N oF �� i� E� ��E coU�N T� > > 1320 MOR� lIVE DR.II/E � CB = N22'52'34 "W - � ._ � o. co� ���; .� �� � \ \ \ � \ , \ rRACr e \ ��'` \ = 5.10' � L = .11', � , � � ' ,���� � . . � \ R= 2. C�' '�.�� 38'S �2„E �6 , s6' . 50LAfc' CR_f_ST C'�I�'�C..?��lNIU��S _ ��4 � '02" � � _� I 6g �6 p � ��.o, \ � o �; N AN �, o �. `, 5/8• R�APR �\ � F \ FOUND 1/2" RE&AR � \ ' FO�N pLAS�C � ESS�� � �� \ ' D \ REp � , AGCENI �\ �j � , ` , .r s , ,` ZE SEM rn ' � °U `� � N P • �` \� %I•�'i�, •O� \ � \ , rn 7� W ��� A�s'n���� o ,�,���� \�`�'�� �� \ N O /�' �+p �/�+ c�' q� N � O '3 \ /VV�7•Y'V�O��C AA�S� p ���• �V� 3 T� \ ��_� F''lli��' 1 ��� �F1a.4F.`-_ \ � N � � o � 21. 61 �oo ,, 00,2 �C� � ��, _ � \ + v Z ° `r\ ° � e\c�F�F ,cC ` ' ?,<%� � c `'-{ � m �, � \ ��. �OS s• ��T �<�� , _ \ � b � . s � `��,� � �;� - LOT L lNE' CREATED � � m,.� � 8 • � BY THIS PLA T � � • `�,�. �� , \ \ � O " \ \` \ ��' � �� �i L �'° °� _ \ � ti� C� � ; � � : � � `��., ��" � �`�� GR �-�1 - 5767 SCJUARE FEET � � U. S POST OFF/CE � D p,, `' \W � � b : �. �o ��, CREATE AN �P�'N SPACE, � O � ° F�S A�fJ UT/L / T Y �� L/C�NSRIDGE �' �" ���� �� E� �EME/V T BY THIS PL AT \� 17�?A C T A �� '� G�\ \ � � � � � L �? r ; � ���- � � �'�;,, ��.9\ c� /320 � : cp � L\ \ ,w� \ � �S'—� ' Z �.;� \ G£N£RAL NOTL�S � � ° � v � � N The u� ose of this Jot is to correct �� ��' p p p � er�or on the P/ot �ecorded �^ � April 14, 1994, in Book 637 ot po9e 540. The error �o be corr�cted is �' � -L 0 T Lll'JES VA CA 1�"D �. j is to chon ge "Fi/in g N o. . i" t o F i/ i n g N o. 2" i n t h e P l o t T i t/ e o n d � Q "� the P/ot le0a/ description. ,�v, � �� L � � /, � B Y T HI S P L A T \ � C U GRAPHIC SCAT,F , NQT$� 20 0 �o zo �_ �o so �� �� �� . ;' � \ � _. � 1 v ,. , G� O, ��i 1. The Purpose of this resubdivision is to relocate the lot line — FC'iilir 5 8" RER�1R A^✓D between Tract C and Parcel D. That portfon of the lot area of Tract C which will be incorporated into Parcel D, shall not be used to increase the G.R.F.A. or site coverage currently allowed on Parcel D. The maximum G.R.F.A. allowed on Parcel D(not including future "250" requests) is 5767 square feet, including two 425 square feet credits. The maximum site coverage allowed on Parcel D is 5335 squ�re feet. 2. That portion of Tract C immediately adjacent to Parcel D is retained as an open space, access and utility easement. This easement shall not preclude its use for parking. 0 �- - FbUNb 5/8" REBAl7 A/Vl7 AL�!�VfiNl,'M CAP !_516844 ( IN FE�T ) 1 inch = 2� tt. BASIS OF BEAR/NG: N36�3/'30��W BETWEEN SET MARK�'RS ALO'V � 97.90' LONG SOUTNERNMC?ST LOT LlNE 0►F TR�=1CT C. p-DENOI�S SET S/8" REBAR AND PLASIIC CAP PE PLS �f/","� Q -DENOTE'S FOUND SURVEY MARKER NOACE.• According to Co%rodo /ow ynu mua� commence ony /ego/ octlon bosed upon ony defecf !n �hls sur►roy wlthln throe yeors oRer ynu fTrsf dlscowr such defect. ln no e►bnt, moy ony octlon bosed upon ony detect !n th/s aur►1sy be commenced more thon ten ygors from fhe dote of certlflcotlon shown he�eon. I/ICINITY M�P SCOIe: 1 " = f000' •� ti� F<A'rl:: AP LSff413 � °�� �. � � � `,,; , �'� i� � ,� �'` � ,;;' - PARCEL D � � `� 28,540 SQUARE FEET � � ' 0.655 ACRES � , ., � �J � �� � \ � ^:� i \ ;� \ LOT 2 0 ;' , ` � / � o � �/ � \ / � � � � �"� J� :? 5/8" RERAR AND `` � / �' "."'Tl: CAP l � 11413 � !`,�`"� o0 Zc.� � � � �PS�� �. � ;� / ���� 12 ��� =- � � , �� � 0 �:• r � � �� � / �5 .� � � / �� �� - -v � � � � , , 29 ��� DA UPHINA/S—MUSELEY � � � 2 c�0 � rRACr A •0 5h P'� o, �5� ��� � MfD RM. ODF 2es/4s �� p. a. Box 9�e 077 ME7CALF Fann AVON, COlO. Rtr.� n C303) 949-507.^ � � � ��r^� 941755 ��1�'�' �^"�AwA�li� i42o vnNCEIsTa�T �� IAKEN00D, COLO. B0213 //��t�� � ��'i����,�r����Z�, (303) 232-0158 ; � � �-�- � � G7�R1lACA IIAN 0� D£D/CA IION FOR MQBZ�IG_E LiOLpER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLQF� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the underslgned being the hdder of o mortgoge ai deed of frust on fhe roo/ properfy situoted in the Town of �oil, Eag/e Counfy, Colorodo, descri7�ed os follows.• �PARG�L D, tldV571/DG£ SUBD/NS/ON f'1L/NC No. 2 AND IRACT C, DAUPHINA/S-MOSEL£Y SUBOIVISION f7tlNG No. 1 Ti�WN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO con�o�Ining 0.740 ocnss rrror�t or /ess; ea shown on thls tlno/ p/ot under the noms arrnd s/rb o/ CORRECTIQN PLATOF PARCEL D, L/ONSR/OGE SUBD/VIS/OlV FlL/NG No. Y AND TRACT C DAUPH/NAIS-MOSEL Y SUBD/V1SlON f7LlNG No. 1, To�«n of �oA', iE'ogle County, Co/arodo; ond does her�by occept the �es�rrs �lity for the comp/ef/on of roqulred /mprovements; ond does hert�by dedicate ond sef apart ol/ of the publlc roods ond othe� pub//c improvemenls ond p/oces os shown on the occomponying p/ot to the use o! the puDlic forever, ond does hsreby dedicofe those portions of svid reo/ property whJch oro /ndicoted os eosement on fhe occompanying p/ot as eosemen�s ffor the purpose shown heroon; ond does hereby gront the rrghf to Jnstol/ ond mointoin necesso�y strucfures to the entity re�panslb/e for pro►�fding the services for which the eosements ore esr�u�nsd. ,/�_ Ex � doy ot N v4[�.M�� , A. D. f994 4i.��.��;�:�:•� V ., . �•' '•�'� . . . � M � , �' ��1� '�; ��AL ; � ...�,_,. . � . , . , . , . . •��' ���•1J Pp � ~'~N• o� r� �b� �e, �.r. c � STA � OF COL ORADO ) ) ss G'aVNTY OF EAGL£ ) l he f o r e g o fi g C e r t l f T c o te o f D e c a f l o n I M� L/ f M W I� M 9 I/� I 1� F/ 1 M r n i I h l e 25 r l n v n f expiros Notory Public � � V�i Addr�ss r.•----•ry� • �1 •�9f� : .� � : s1�M11LEY J. : . . S 1NAR� : t� l.0 d�� J �� C � .. : flRE GiR11fiCAlE' La►'l�% 71� �i110V'd�N.�.G _�1��OAN'"Ir does hereby certl�y thot the tit/t to o// %nds sho upon Js /ot ho►� been exam✓ned ond !s wsted In �wM�i�� �1�'�' and thot t!tle to auch /onds is 1F�e o�c/eo� of oll llens dnd encumbronces, exsrao�r os lb/lowx• [k�eLt e!� -�rutt *rserd��d. �A� 30. Doted thls 1�doy ot „� �st!Rv�r�s c�rn�cA r�: /, Duane D. FehNhger, do hereby cert!/y thot / am o Regl�tered Lard SLr►�tyvr /icensed under the /ows of the S�ofe of Co%rodo, thot th/s p/at /s o trve, correct, ond comp/ete CORRECT/ON PLAT. Town o/ Vo/% County of Eag/e, Stote of Co%odo, os /oid out, p/otled, dedlcotes and shown hereon, thot such P/ot wos mode from an accurote sur►by ot said prqoerfy by me ond under my supervlsion ond correct/y .shows the /ocofion ond d/menslons of the lots, ea�ements ond sfr�ets ot soid subdivision as fhe some ore stoked � upon fhe qround !n comp/lonce with opp/icob/e rrgu/otions govrming N►e avbdlvislon of /ond. /n Nltn wAeveot / how aet my hond and seo/ this .� � doy of � � ►� A.D.. 1994. ' • � �,��11 � , : �� �,� r r Duone D. Fehringb� :'N: ., Reg/stered Lond Su�ynr No. 26St6 -� �� - � , �,� � . r r , , a s� �� ��. �' ��;.r_ '.���••�� . CER 11f7CA 1� OF D,EQICA 770N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY 1HESE PRESENTS' THA T the undersigned being so% owners in fee simp/e ot all thot reo/ property situated in the Town of �ail, £agle County, Co%rodo, descri%ed os fo/%ws.• PARCEL D, LIONSR/OGE SUBDINSION f7L/NG No. 2 AND TRACT C, DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY SUBDlV1SlON FlL1NG No. 1 T'OWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO contoining 0.740 ocres more or /ess; hove by these presents /oid out, p/ofted ond subdivided the some lnto /ots ond blocks os shown on this firro/ plot under the name ond sfy/e of A CORRECTlON PLAT OF PARCEL D, LIONSRIOGE SUBD/VISION f7L/NG No. 2 AND TRACT C, DAUPH/NA/S-MOSEL Y SUBDIVIS/Of✓ F1L/NG No. 1, Town of �oll, Eag/e County, Co%rado; ond does hereby occept the respons��Jllty for the comp/etion of required improvrmenfs; and does hereby dedicofe ond sef apart oll of fhe pubNc �oods ond ofher publlc improvements and ploces os shown on the occompanying p/at fo the use of the pub�c fore�r, ond does hereby dedicote those portions of soid reol property which are Indlcofed os easemen! on �he occomponying p/at os eosements for fhe purpose shown hereon; and does hereby gront the right to insto// and mointain necessory sfructures �o lhe entity responslble for providing fhe services for which fhe easements ore established. Z S'r�l D`� � E•/ , Execuled thls doy of �41 D. f994 Douph/nois-Mose%y Constructlon lna, P.O. Box f515 �oiy Co%rodo 81657 STA TE OF COLORADO `' ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE � STA TE OF COL ORADO � SS COUNTY Of' EAGLE ) IT�e for�going Certificote of Dedicofion ond Ownership wos ocknow/edged before me this doy of My commission expires �fness my hond ond seol Nofory Pub/ic Add�ess PLANN/NG AND ENNRON,I�ENTA/,� MMl /QN CER77f7CA7E:• This Fno/ p/at wns opproved �Town of V i7 P/onni ond Envlronmen�o/ Commission this � doy ot���y A.D.. 1994. I ���� '"�� . � ', � �' A TTFST: � � ° �%, � ,��� y,� � � ? � � � Town Clerk �� Choirmo � °��, � , Town of I/o�7 Town ot Voi7 Plo�� ��"`' ��' En vironm en to/ Comll�rlsslon �;: ��`�,� CER 11f7CA 1F OF TAXES PA� a l, the underslgn�d, do hereby certity thot t��je enfire omount of toxes due ond poynble as of /2-3/-95� upon all parce/s of rea/ es ote described on fhi�s' p/ot are pald in fu//. Dofed this � doy of `��+���- -- A.D., 1994 S g.��. Treosu�er f Eoqle Coun ty �LERK AND RECORDER'S CER 17f7CA lE:• �/O.O d fils p/ot wos hi d for rec in t e office of the C/erk �-•ZS.,�v�►y� ond Recorder t�doy of � A.D. 1994 ot �%+ ``•.�� ��o'c%ck �M. Recor e�f� der Reception No�!i��12�2ln �•d� •e Book ��_ of Poge y��_os�_. �'� � a � , �. �. � ' s�..�'��r'�= ��s�:� .: � ,n:.-'� ' Dep y Clerk ond corder Eagle Coun fy, Co%rodo _p e e s 6�� �� aC� �, , �.i .. !?:�.���. t ;; � .;, � !, �;t , i i