HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block A Lot A1 & A2 - Indian Creek Townhomes Lot 1�or s L/OlV'S R/OGE FlLIIVG NO. 2 O� Y, 9.� g' 2�, S� �,5.5 _ nJ� � v �O c�0 � r" 30. 55� Z �h � v 1�� o / �' �� / � ,�� / � oO� � FU TURE DEI/EL OPMEN T c�0 � � � � / 88. 34' � - — — -- — — - TRACr ,� FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLASTIC CAP P. E. & P. L. S. 26626 (TYP. ) SA NDS TONE NO TES.• 1,) 7N/S PLA T lS A PART OF THE TOWIVHOUSE DECI ARA TION FOR lNDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES (THE 'D£CLARATION') REC��RD_FD ___________, 1994 /N BOOK ____A T PAGE _____. 2.� THE TERM 'COMMON AREA " USED ON THIS PLA T lS DEFINED lN, AND SUBJECT TO THE PROIiISIONS OF, THE DECLARA TION. .3) THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ACROSS ANY PORTION OF THE REAL PROPER TY CO I/EREO B Y TNIS PLA T, EXCEP T AS SHOWN ON TH1S PL A T. 4. ) REFERENCES lN THESE NO TES OR EL SEWNERE ON TH/S PLA T TO RECORDED DOCUMENTS SNALL REFER TO DOCUMENTS RECORDED lN THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO REAL ESTA rE RECOROS. 5.) BASIS OF BEAR/NGS.� N 44 37 06 " W FROM THE SOUTNWFST CORNER OF LOT A-.3 BE/NG A FOUND 5/8° REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP MARKED 'PEAK ONE 9939 "' TO THE NOR THWES r CORNER OF L O T A- 3, BE/NG A FOUND 1/2 " REBAR Wl TH A WASHER MARKED L S 1511 " 6.� TRA C T A - CON TA/NS EA SEMEN T FOR ORA/NA GE, U 17L l T/E5, A CCESS AND OPEN SPA CE. 7.) TRA C T A DOES NO T MA TNEMA TICAL L Y CL OSE _R f' 0 06 ' FROM DA T,4 ON THE F/NAL OF L/ON S RIOGE SUBDII//SION. 8.) DATE OF SURVEY.� SEPTFMBER 1994 9.) PORTIONS OF �IVDiAN CREEK TOWNHOMES ARE L nrA iE0 �N MEDi��M AND H�GH HAZAROS DEBRlS FLOWS AND MEDIUM AND H/GH HAZARD ROCKFALL HAZARD AS PER CHAPTER 18.69 OF THE TOWN OF VA/L MUN/CIPAL CO[�E NOTICE.• According fo Co%rado low you must commence any lega/ action bosed upon ony defect in this survey wifhin three yeors ofter you firsf discover such defect. ln no event, may any oction bosed upon any defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yea�s from the date of certificotion shown hereon. ,� l��I,ENDED FIN� L PL. � T � MODERA TE TO HIGH ElV !/IRONMEN TA L CONS TRA /N i�� rRACr A. COMMON �1 REA S45 22'54 "W 56. 94' � � '. — — — � � � � I � o r� EASr ��� I 3198. 97 SQUARE FEET I 0. 073 A CRES � � L____ _-__. — — � v 57. ,31 ' ` N45 22'54 »E N45 22'S4 "E F:�� DRI I/E 62. 42' �, o° I �p ________---- I h r. __ _ � ' LOT 2 � � � i��f�_ �ro�.�s�_ �� P�,a rrEO � �� I � ( N I _� � �- --- -,� _ �-- - - - � �, � _ _ 59.15' � � ��o � GRAPHIC �CALE 0 10 20 40 ( trr r�ET ) 1 inch = 20 ft � 80 � �rciNi rr MAp SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' � C£RTIf7'CA 110N OF DEED OF TRUST HOLDER.• K/WOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS THAT Voil Bank, o banking ossociofion, being the beneficiary of that certain deed o,f trust �eco�ded___________� 1994 in Book �___ot Poge �_____�____ encumbering the real property shown hereon, consenUs to and opproves the recording of this Final P/ot of A Resub- division of lndion Creek Townhomes as thougfr delive�ed ond reco�ded prior to the de/ivery ond �ecording of such deed of trust. �oil ' Bank a •. bonking association f08 S. Frontoge Rood West Voil, Co/o�odo 81657 Br�-- -- Norne: � rri�.• ����i_d��- (BAIVK SEAL) �J / I.�1 I �� ' , .� . � � �� '/i � � ,� STA TE OF COL ORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) e foregoin Certifi�ote was acknow/edged before e t is_�� da F - --, 1994, by�S�.+A �� �.�._--- os�e _ __(nrcE� o�d_S� _ os_�+�__ �� __________(T11ZE), of �oil Bank, a � P`� E ��OF,� Banking Association on beholf of such association. �PQ.��� �1A�,w<`'�. �tness my hand ond of�cia��p���ssion Expi�es 1/10/95 � � y cornmission expi�es -------------------- . . . . iJ�►....` : . . • . . . . ;. o, �G: �� - -- --- � ;.�. ,.� 6 L•' F- ,� No tary P lic � ` :� •.....•• �,� ; ��r� '� oF c������ � � �_�_s- d2�_ �-.�r�. �l�i•_ 1 � Addres.�s ?I TL CER 17 A T� 5����� -- does he�eby certify that the title to o// %nds n uq o�n this have been exomirned ond is v�sted in.��t_ S�l.BK ___ nd thot tit/e fo such /ands i f�ee ond,% of all lrens and encu rLon� �es/ ex�f� os�//ows•�1�� of-r I'��t�'.��(���rZ,��� this � i��/�/ . � . . , �+jy / / ; " � �(/RVFYORS CERTIFICATE.• /� Duane D. Fehringer, do hereby ce�tify thoE l am a Registered Land Sbrv�eynr /icensed under the laws of the State of Co%ro�do, thot this p/ot is a trrie, correct, and comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Voi/, County of Eog/e, State of Co/orodo, as /aid out, platted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such Plat wos mode from on accurate survty of soid property by me ond under my supe�vision and correctly shows the locotion and dimensions of the lots, tracts, eosem�ents and sf�eets of soid subdivision os the some ore stoked upon t�he ground in compliance with opp/icab/e regu/otions governing the surbdi�ision of /and,• that this plat meets fhe requirements of a lond siurvey p/ot as set forth in Section ,j8-51-f02 of Co%rado � Revised Statufes and thot this p/at contoins al/ of the informotion � �equired by Section 38-33.3-209 of Co%rado Re�ised Stotcr ln witnes whereof / hove sef my hand ond seo/ thls _� M� doy of ---���---------,-A.D., 1994. +r' � . ; i� _ � , i 4 �r►�j �c 7 • - `7 � • - , � �� , Duane D. Fehringer , ; � , Registered Land Su�veyo� No. 2�'626 FOR ZON/NG PURPO.S�S LOT 1-EAST CREAlE7) BY TH/S SUBD/NSION lS NOT TO BE TR£A TED AS A SEPARA TE LOT. NO MORE 1NAN 6(S/X% DWELLING UNITS ARE r0 B£ ALLOM£D ON TH£ COMBINED AR£A OF 1N£ lNDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES SUBD/NS/ON. � �ER71F/CA 1F OF DEDICA 170N AND OWNERSHIP.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Michael % Louterbach being sole owne� in fee simp/e of o/l thot reol p�operty situofed in the Town of �oil, Eag/e County, Colorado, described os fo/%ws: Fino/ P/at of /ndion Creek Townhomes, Block A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Town of Vai/, Eogle County, Co%�ado, containing 0.073 ac�es more or less,- hav� by these presents laid ouf, p/atted, and subdivided the same into lots ond blocks as shown on this fino/ p/at unde� fhe name and style of "A RESUBDlV1S/ON OF lNDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES, LOT 1; o subdivision in the Town of Voil, Eogle Counfy, Colorodo; and does he�eby occep�t thP �espon�ibilify fo� the comp/etion of required improv�ments; and does hereby dedicote and set apart all of the public �oads ond other pubiic improvements and places as shown on the accomponying plot to the use of the public forever,• ond does hereby dedicate those portions of said �eol property which are indicated as easement on fhe occompanying p/ot as easements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby grant the right to insta// ond maintain �ecessary sl�ptct�res to the entity responsible for providing the se�vice.� for rvlt�`h�the �asements are established. _ ��' � F"xecu ted this� �doy of _�tL �..,��... r_=, rq. D. 1994. OWNER.• Michae/ J. Louterboch P.O. Box 3451 �oil, Col do 81658 ch l. Lou e� ac � .� STATE OF COLORADO ) � ' : ) 5,5, . COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Cer�tificote�,Qedication Ownershi wos _ acknow/edged befo�e me this g� doy of _______ � ., .. . A.D., 1994 by MlChpe/' J. Laut��boch. p My commission expires ___�! �'�m^��SSio� ��t_pi�ggj, /��___�_ Witness my hand and sea/. ,_ �� `���.. _� � . . r � - a�1C E � p0 , No l or u� A� ss ' ------ , ���'`R,��OT A,4'�.;��`'� � ; . s � , . ; � :• /+` C? : I �► � .� � i Qv_ � w r•, ; : . • e r� G �� C� w y; s y�••;1 B L� • Q�O .��rF o� �o�oe� } � ZONING ADM/N/STRA TOR CER 11FlCA TE. This fino/ plat i hereby approved b the To vn of Voil Zoning Administ�otor fhis _�i�--- dvy of _�leC�� , A.D., 1994. ,a rrESr � �e'� . � � � _ _ r��l��i�_�l�t!'�C.. To wn Clerk Town of �oil x �:�; � - � ----- ---- Zoning Admi�isfrotor To wn of Voi/ \ CER71FlCA TE OF Ti4XE5 PAID: l, the undersigned, do hereby certif thoi the entire omount of taxes due ond poy�ab/e os of ��- ��_______ upon all porce/s of �ea/_e,sjote desc�ibed on this plot are poid in fUll. Dated this �LL doy of �l.b��ll.f', A.D., 1994. � ���- Treasurer Eag/e Coun ty a CL ERK AND RECORDER S CER 17FlCA • 1�� This p/ot was filed for rec d in the ofFce of the C/e�k an Recorde at �� day of _ __A.D 1 94 t �.5�o'clock � M. Recor �nder Reception No. ����a Book �Z_ af Poge �__ _ �_ v��v � r.� � � �,._ , � , �,,. Deputy �" f�� ��� . �ti� �� �� � � ��a; ' r '`,� :.....�'`�.��_ .�.�� �'°�I and Reco�de� Coun ty, Co/orodo � � � �