HomeMy WebLinkAboutGolden Peak Ski Base and Recreation District Parcel - Golden Peak House. . � I � VICINTY MAP 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 C, TOWN CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP FINAL P LAT � - � OF VAIL, KnoM all nen by these presents that The Vail Corporatton, a Colorndo corporatton ns to Parcels 1 and 2 below and Golden Peak House Condor�inluri Assoctatton. Inc,, a Colorado nonprofit corporatton, as to Parcel 3 below betng sole owners In fee siMple, of nll that renl property situated in the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorndlo, descrtbed as follows� Parcel 1� That pnrt of Lot c, Block 5-C, Va�l Vlllage, F�rst Ftling, nccording to the Map thereof recorded �n the Offtce of the Eagle County, Golorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows� Begtnning at the Northwest 1/16 corner of Sectton 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Stxth Pr�nclpal Mertdlan� thence North 26 Degrees 54 M�tnutes 00 Seconds Vest 56.07 feet, to the westerly right-of-way llne of the tntersect�on of Brldge Street and Hanson Ranch Roady thence the following two courses along the westerly and southerly r�ght-of-way l�nes of sald Intersectton� C1) South 38 Degrees 34 Minutes 00 Seconds East 30.00 feet� (2) North S1 Degrees 26 Mtnutes 00 Seconds East 13,00 feet, to the northeasterly corner of Golden Penk House (A CondoMintun Pro,ject) according to the Map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and RecorderJ thence South 19 Degrees 55 Minutes 41 Seconds East (S�outh 19 Degrees 52 M�nutes 36 Seconds East cnlculnted) 36.77 feet, along the westerty line of satd Golden Peak House, to the s�outheasterly corner of snid Lot c� thence South 89 Degrees 44 Minutes 00 Seconds West 16.00 feet, along the southerly llne of sald Lat c, to thr polnt of beginningl Parcel 2� Trac� E, Vall Village, Ftfth Ftling, according to the Map thereof recorde�d In the off�ce of the Engle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� Parcel 3� Golde�n Peak House (A CondoMln�un Pro�ect) accordtng to the nap thereof' recorded on Septenber 9, 1971 in Book 221 at Page 613 tn the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. have by these presents latd out, platted and subdtv�ded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on thts f�nal plat under the rtane and style of ' A RESUBDIVISION UF TRACT E, YAIL VIL�AGE FIFTH FILING AND A PART �F LUT c, BL�CK 5-C, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING AND GOLDEN PEAK H�USE ', a subdiv�slon tn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Coloradot nnd do hereby occept the respons�bility for the coMplet�on of requlred �nprovenentsf and do hereby dedicate and set apart o.11 of the publ�c roads and other public �nprovenents and places as shoMm on the acconpanying plat to the use of the publtc forever� and do hereby ded�cate those port�ons of sald real property which are �ndtcated as easenent on the accor�panytng plat as ensenents for the purpose shown hereonJ nnd do hereby grant the rlght to install nnd nalntain necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble fow provtding the servtces for whtch the easenents are establtshed. T�! — Executed th t s��_ day of _� _ii!;l_____________, A. D., 199 S, � OWNERS� ATTEST� - ----- - ---------- _ _ Secretary ATTEST� �_�I / � ------- j1�Gc 1��.'�_ cretary THE VAIL CURPORATION a Colorado corporatton P. �. Box 7 Vatl, CO 81658 BY`---- ---- -- - ---------- ��;`��'� Pres i dent GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, Inc., a Colorado nonproftt corporntton 278 Hnnsen Ranch Road Vail, C� 81657 � - BY' -1- -------- ____ President STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. C�UNTY OF EAGLE ) The f regofng instrunent Nas a owledge before n t�1�I,,���� � day �f - r'-�-------- � A . , . 199� --- �--- � �. ��(/l Q'..��.s'l _ as . � Pres � dent and __�Ct __1�..Cstd�_ Qs .��.� __� Secretary of THE VAIL CORPORATION, n Co�orado corporatton. My Cor�n t ss t on exp t res +�.��d��� _, 41 � tn ess ny han d an d sen l, -- �---- - - ----- Notary Pub �c STATE �F COL�R14D0 ) )ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The f re otng Bnstrunent wns acknoMte ged befor r+e this 25�day '. of �r_�� --------� A. D,, 1995 by ��h_1!�����_ as -------- --- � ----------- and -- --- �-� --------------------- as V0�-$�,y�#- 5[C�QC _ of Go l den Penk House CondoM I n � uM Associat� n, Inc.,� Colorado nonprofit corporat�on. My Cor+n I ss � on exp � res ��?�""qg ___ V � tn ess ny han d an d sen l. Not ry Publtc � EAGLE � �pYLEN�c O��''°~ '�: QQ,,.j NpTARY U. ..� 3 f �r►.�►••;!°118L1C ,►o° 9lFOF CO���P ftny cQ' .'� � � C 0 UNTY, SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE COLORADO I do hereby certify that I ar� n registered Land Surveyor �ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorndo, that this pint Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fron an accurnte survey of said property by Me nnd under My supervlston and correctty shows the locat�on and diMensions of the lots, easenents and streets of satd subd�viston as the saMe are sto,ked upon the ground tn conplfance w � th app l t cab l e regu l at � on s govern t n�,.#4rl+"�+bd��v t s t on of t an d. � ��t:`i,F {?� , j �'•i a �. ,:....:.,,. �l , !y In w t tness thereof I have set ny F�d�;.aF,�dH�,�g�r�.`y�f�{s 1?1 __ day of � . A f`�;t"Z ` ----- � ------- � A . D . , 199 _ . , ; y � : . a: x , 2 = � �: 659Bi=� ; Stan Hog Colorado NDTES+ <1) The purpose of �Is plat �s to dtv�ak Tract E, Golckt� Peak House, and pnrt of Lot c Into four parcels. (2) Date of survey� February, 1995. (3) Beartngs are bnsed on n ltne connecttng found nonunents at the N41 1/16 corner Sect�on 8 and CW 1/16 corner Sect�on �6, TSS, R80W of the Stxth P,M, be�ng N00'12'03'H. (see draNing). (4) Indlcates set no. 4 rebar nnd nluntnun �cap L.S. 26598, unless noted other�lse. (5) Tract E �s sub�ect to a perpetual r�ght nnd ensenent of ltght, atr, prospect, ingress and egress recorded �n Book 177, at Page 127. (6) Easenents shoNn hereon are per Land Title Guarnntee IConpany order nuriber V21542-5 dated Aprll 5. 1995. (7) Parcels 1 and 3 ns described tn the Certtficnte of D�edtcatton and Ownershlp Is sub�ect to Restrtctive Covenants re�corded tn Book 174 nt Page 179 and as anended in Instrunent re�corded �n Book 221 nt Pnge 492. (8) Pnrcel 2 as descr�bed tn the Cert�ficate of Dedtcnttbn and Ownershtp �s sub�ect to Restrict�ve Covenants record�ed tn Book 187 nt Page 353 and ns anended tn �nstrtanent �ecorde�d In Book 221 nt Page 496 and ns anended tn tnstrunent recor�drd tn Book z53 nt Page 48 and ns anended in �nstrunent recorded In Book 393 at Page 492, (9) Parcel 3 as descrtbed tn the Certtftcate of Dedtcatl�on and Ownershtp �s sub�ect to terns, condlttons �d prov�s�ons of Condoniniun Declnratton for Golden Penk House record�ed August 3, 1971 tn Book 221 at Pnge 224 and anendnent theret�o recorded �ctober 9, 1981 tn Book 330 nt Pnge 186 and Condonlnturi Map recorded Septenber 9. 1971 tn Book 221 at Page 613. <10) The Golden Peak House parcel ns shoNn hereon �s sub��ect to n currently recorded easenent recorded in Book 175 nt IPage 457, the property ltnes created by thts plat nake parts of said recorded ensenent unnecessary. (11) Street address, Golden Peak House - 278 Hnnson Ranch Road. ���y�,'�. ¢�..�� � �u.* ^�`^.�},_y-'F" .... 4 t � 'r ��.,�-Wi.n�.r.. � . . �' � - , D� COL�b�<: , _ , ... ►..�.�...►..� 5sbn Expires 03�1698 :i. TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certlfy that the title to all lands shown upon this f�nal plat has been exaMined and �s vested in= �_Vm,iL_C�'�v_�'o+.,-�_�ColOrw.olo-- - --- - GP���?�'-^---- ------�jOlder`- _SA.Y�. _l� _ �.�d�xintla�__���!�iQ�----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands is free and clear of all ltens and encuMbrances, except as fotlowss ----- ��Si -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th I s ��`� day of __Tf"'�ri � ------ � A . D „ 199 5 , Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vatl, CO 81658 BY' - � ���!��!4 `_'_`__----- (S gnatur ) �� S' ��-------- T�_____ _ T, �-- ��--4,��!� =--------- (Print naMe artt� tltle) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE � Th l s f i n a l p l at was approved by�t,he Town of a t l P l an n i n g an d Env t ronMentai� Cor�M t ss t on th I s(��j day of ;!________, A, D,. 199� , -- :-� - ------ � ----------------------- Town G� e�tc Cha i rMan Town o�.:Va"''f�,�raEdo Town of Vat l Plann tng and ���;,: •�-;�� En v � ron Men ta l CoMM i ss I on ..�:_ CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certify that the entlre anount of taxes due and payab le as of _l� _�,�/_ _9'� ___________, upon a l l pnrcels of real estate described on this f�nal plat are pnid In full. . Dated th t s a� day of _�C11 ------------ � A. D,, 199� . � Ld�}� � � ��F� , Treasurer Ea le Count , ol�hado �Z�� �+- 9 Y CLERK AND RECORIIER'S CERTIFICATE � o� � This final plat was filed for rec d In the office of the CleJc and Recorder on thls��, day of ____'����_________, A.D., 199�, at S_�!�o' c l ock M. Recorded un der Re ept i on No .�C�`?�04�_ I n Book (� nt Pnge _ $� � oc�s.� w;-� �.� _�-s��'1� ------------ Clerk nnd Recorder Eagle Co ty, Color o BY' --- ----- ------ - ------- Deputy f° C� e ���. � � � �! « � SHEET 1 OF 2 JOB No. 9b6 , � �i I VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING VAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING * �, � FOUND No. 4 RE9AR WITH ALUM. CAP • � .�g LS. No. 16827 ` ��6 9p ��y. � � �� L8 �, �'`' � °s ' � , ' HANSON RANCH ROAD d� �' � 4• / � - BRIDGE STREET ?• �Q,` / �� / �� • t^ � N 51°26'00" E �� o TRACT �o+ '� / 16.51' o H � VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING S 38'34�0�� E/ � 6�� LOT C L� 0.0898 AC. ��j+ 30.00� � N 51'26'OO~ E G �� s���� � CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL 1 � A�, � � � CONiDOMINIUMS CHATEAU I LOT I � 2 g, 9 2' , � �� F, p p �� � p� I CHRISTIAN C6 G ��S ,o \ TOWNHOUSES �� . �' `��� 1 _ 5' ( - PART OF LOT � ti� GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE F � L3 - l.4 BLOCK 5-C �1.\' o'� 278 �' I LZ N 26'S4'00" W , �- 56.07' • S 00° 16'00" E- 1.7 ' �-o� , S 89°44'00" W / - LOT C-1 / 0.00918 AC. NW1/16 CORNER SEC. 8. T 5 S. R 80 W 6th P.M. FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP LS. No. 16827 C . � . O � ---I m � c� rn �10'- � i � rv i s°52�3s", 30.�2' �' � �N 59°45'00" E 50.00' , N 00° 1 6 00" W. 7 / , FOUND No. 4 REBAR 5 UTILITY , � 11�0.08' J� S 30° 15 00" E WI�H ALUM. CAP EASEMENT 91.00' 6.00' L.S. No. 26598 1 S 89°44'0� W� 3.70"� � S 59°45'00~ W PROPERlI' IINES TO BE 52.50' / CREATED BY THIS PIAT 89°44'00" W-I9.0' S 31°42'35" W 5.66' ,� C 2 m � � � � Z � � � ovo Z 0 O o N � W� s f > � N � . .-. n � n v .-. � � W � � v m � � � v m D N � 0 � m rq D � z � .. / SEE DETAIL TRACT E z / 3.72 AC. O � �i � 0 \ � _ 0 � / � � � CENTERLINE OF 20' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' 10' FOUND No. 4 REBAR WRH ALUM. CAP LS. No. 16827 N 81 PART OF LOT d II z 10' U1ILITY � EASEMENT ao 0 .�, f� I > 'P O� I� � � w � 52. Op +Q�'� W 250•00 3' WITNESS CORNER S �g•45 N 2�'55�3��W � FOUND PIAIN No. 6 REBAR LOT 3 50•85, 5 . LOT 2 3' WITNESS CORNER --� � � � o � LOT 1 � � G Q - � ' � � / cR��K � / � % �► Z . � . / � o' ��� � FOUND MASONRY NAIL IN ROCK � � � W C.W, 1� 16 CORNER SECTION FOUND 3 1/7' ALUMINUM CAP ON 2 1/7' PIPE 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EOWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 N4sros'oo'E 34.62' � \ � U Q �/ C'� JP � \ �\� \ � N6234'00'W 69.00' � U NPLATTED N01'33'00"E 30.36' - N21'42'45"W 38.50' �o� ununr EASEMENT cs � �� 7p. \ N36'S7'45"W �' 3 �n��� \ �,�.s,� 2j Fqs ' 96 C,y�,� . �� C, � ��322 �� \� VAIL VIL�AGE, FIRST �ILING �b� . �� � ` FOUND No. 4 REBAR WRH ALUM. CAP LS. No�. 16827 NO110E: Accordinq to Colaodo low you must commence any Ipal oction based upon ony detect in tfiis survsy wtth(n three y�sars oiter you firsi �scover such defect. In no event. moy ony actton based upon ony defsct in this wrvey b� commenced more than ten yeara irom the dots ot the csrttftcation shown hereon. �RAWING DATE: 6/30/93 LOT 13 FOUNO PWN No. 5 REBAR ` CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 DELTA 5� 13'OOr' 12°35'00" 08° 16'30" 97'°45'Od' 0�38'18" 55° 13'30�' 8�°09'30�' 27°56'00" LOT d-1 LINE L1 L.G L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 VAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING ' LOT e , 5' ' » �` . � � � � / 1 FOUND PWN No. 5 REBAR BEARING N 17°59'49" E S 72°33'OOr' W N 84°22'OOr' W S 05�38'OCi' W N 05°02'09r' W N 22°08'01" W N 61°03'05' W S 38°34'Od' E RADIUS 122.48' 126.05' 631.00' 85.00' 1466.50' 12.00' 45.00' 12.00' LENGTH 120.17' 27.68' 91.13' 145.02' 118.72' 11.57' 65.31' 5.85' FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16827 � 1 ) ' �O�l 1p�0 � G\�G� DISTANCE 32.30 27.72 10.49 16.20 36.18 39.79 36.85 4.95 TANGENT 65.42' 13.90' 45.64' 97.35' 59.39' 6.28' 39.92' 2.98' LOT C-1 PROPERTY LINE CREI�TED B'Y TI 8� S 2 ' � � I S m8'00'00" E 4.87' YAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING 40 0 40 80 120 Feet SCALE: 1" = 40' CHORD S 20'06'30r' W S 54°30'3d" W S 64'S6'15" W N 14•01'30" W N 65° 13'09" W N 79°02'45" E N 65°04'45" E N 37°28'00" E 115.41' 27.63' 91.05' 128.06' 118.69' 11.12' 59.73' 5.79' D ETAI L SCALE: 1" = 20' SHEET 2 OF 2 JOB No. 906