HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G2, G5 & G6 - Residences at Briar Patch Condos - 1st Amendment.� NO SCALE � � , � , A I��SUBI�IVISION OF THE RESIDENCES AT BT�IAR �'A'�CH � ��� �� �� TO�l�T OF VAIL EAGLE _ ��� , SUI3JECT SITE VlCIMITY MAP SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy thnt I aM a regtstered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorndo, that th�s plat Is true, correct o,nd coMplete as latd out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, thnt such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervts�on and correctly shows the locatlon and d�Mens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subd�vlslon as the saMe are staked upon the ground �n coMpltance w I th app l I cab t e regu l at � on s govern � n g the,.6wk�d���r,y,� I on of l an d. �*yfi�,���;;:�..;;'��'jT•,�'•. S In w I tness thereof I have set My hand,a�►,�,.5'e{}���h►f��',y�� _ day of --�y ------- � A . D . , 1995 , a ��� � �`' F! s�' : �• '� p � y � �26598�: _ - �- �;, �,,�c.,� �. � �i. � - - .l�:�� � ------- �------------- Stan Hog#� ����q a.•`� , .. Co l orado P��►., $�.��`° ��� �� . r�� NOTES� C1) Dnte of Survey� FEBRUARY 1995 <2) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon (3) Bearings are based on a l�ne connecttng the ex�st�ng MonuMents Marking the Most westerly corner and the northwesterly corner of Brlar Patch CondoMlnluMS being N31'47'S3'E <see drawing). C4) Elevatlons based on Upper Eagle Valley Sanitat�on Dtstr�ct Invert elevat�on of 8390.9 for santtary Manhole A-128.8.19A7 Csee drawtng for locat�on) CS) The purpose of thls plat Is to revlse the locatlon of butld�ng envelopes 'D' and 'E', and to create parcels In thelr place, all other restrtctlons of the plat of 'The Resldences At Brtar Pntch' reMaln �n effect. (6) The property shown hereon �s sub�ect to Restr�ct�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 225 at Page 443 and as aMended �n tnstruMent recorded In Book 225 at Page 565 and as aMended tn tnstruMent recorded �n Book 233 at Page 53 and as aMended tn �nstruMent recorded In Book 362 at Page 804, C7) EaseMents shown hereon are per Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany order nuMber V21772-4 dated February 17, 1994. <8) The property shown hereon May be sub,ject to a Holy Cross Electrlc Assoclatton, Inc. rlght-of-way easeMent recorded In Book 211 at Page 103, (Insufflclent InforMat�on to plot) (9) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electr►c Assoclat�on, Inc, r�ght-of-wny easeMent recorded tn Book 263 at Page 728 for the rlght to place two (2) anchors w�th down guys not More than forty (40) feet southeasterly of a pole wh�ch ts to be located on the west llne of Lot G-5, L�ons R�dge Subd�v�s�on, F�l�ng No. 2, approx�Mately 323 feet south of the northwest corner of sa�d Lot, C10) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to an agreer►ent to grant rlght-of-way to Mountatn States Telephone and Telegraph CoMpany recorded �n Book 231 at Page 291, <Insuffic�ent InforMatlon to plot) C11) The property shown hereln r�ay be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electr►c Assoc�at�on, Inc, underground r�ght-of-way easeMent recorded In Book 325 at Page 147 follow�ng an ex�st�ng and proposed locat�on of power ltnes as shown on Exh�b�t A of satd easeMent, (Insufflclent InforMatton to plot) (12) The envelopes shown heron are for ownershlp purposes only. C13) For zoning purposes the slx lots shown on thls plat wlll be treated as one, Approved developeMent standards are prescr�bed on sheet 2 of 3. Parcel UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 E F Area In acres 0,0528 0,0436 0,0487 0 . 0537 0,0546 7,8507 41199 HIGHWAY 6 de 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 LAND USE SUMMARY Use Street Address 1/3 Tr�plex 1386 Buffehr Creek Road 1/3 Tr�plex 1388 Buffehr Creek Road 1/3 Tr�plex 1390 Buffehr Creek Road S�ngle FaMtly 1378 Sandstone Drive S�ngle FaMlly 1374 Sandstone Dr�ve CoMr+on parce l � NOTICE: AccoMlnQ to Colorodo law you mwt oomm�no� any Ipal actlon boNd upon any d�f�ct In thl� �urwy wkh(n thn� y�on aft�r you flnt dl�cowr such d�f�ct. In no �wnt, moy any actlon boNd upon any d�f�ct In thb survry b� comm�nc�d moro than t�n y�an inm th� date of the c�rNfleatlon shown heroon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Br�ar Patch L,L,C,, a Colorado IIM�ted ltabil�ty coMpany, Brlar Patch CondoMlntuM Assoctation, Inc „ a Colorado nonproflt corporat�on, 4lebster Atwell II, Dav�d G. Stueber, Davtd J. Leach and Alberta J, Leach, be�ng sole owners tn fee slMple, of all that real property sttuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� � The Restdences At Brtar Patch CondoMlnluMS, according to the condoMlntuM Map thereof recorded in Book 434 at Page 336 and as def�ned �n the condoM�ntuM declaratlon recorded in Book 329 at Page 858, nnd Flrst AMendMent thereto recorded In Book 434 at Page 335 and Second AMendMent thereto recorded �n Book 476 at Page 836 tn the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contntning 8,1045 acres, More or less. have by these presents lald out, platted and subdivtded the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on thts flnal plat under the naMe and style of 'Ftrst AMendr�ent to The Restdences at Brlar Patch', a subd�vtston In the town of Vall, Engle County, Colorado1 and do hereby accept the responstbllity for the coMpletton of requlred IMproveMents� and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other publ�c iMprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publlc forever� and do hereby dedlcate those porttons of sa�d real property whlch are �ndtcated as easeMent on the accoMpnnytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and do hereby grant the rlght to Install and Malntain necessary structures to the enttty responslble for providing the servtces for whlch the easer�ents are establlshedJ and further agree to grant the right to use and install necessary structures pursuant to separate pedestrinn nnd dralnage easeMents to be recorded concurrently wtth thls InstruMent. Executed th�s _ � �'�_______________, A.D „ 1995. � day of -------- OWNERS� r�ar Patch L,L,C., � Colorado ltr�tted ltabtllty • _. cor�pan y �, ddress � __ ��__3�m1 �,�: �3'�?I c�E l� . �Iy✓ --r��,-�� -���' T�'tl� - r� y' -- C Pr t n t n nMe _�/D�__T._!��'� < T t t l e>_�4��ii�l�fG . / � / � r� � � � ►: - � � Br�ar Patch CondoMlntuM >��Assoctotto"�i; Inc., a Colorado nonproftt corporatton . Address � ---�� � .3'?'�- ---��1_�_ �� _ �1�� -�!� � II_! .,,C L-�L��!SL!__--- Presldent �. �f�' -- ---- -- ------------ �--- , ------s' -�����l�Tl'!_---- Web er A ll Dav�d G. S ebe ,t Address � __ '�j Address � _ �1��__1 �2 7 __ - � T -��bs �- --�tfa�-�Q--B-�(a-5$ - � -- ----- - ------ David J. L Alberta J, L Address�____ ___ _ ��� Address��� _ ��Q? _ ---�r'� --�r�� ���-- ' ��� � STATE OF_��d�______) )ss. COUNTY OF _�I�________) The foregotng In�stru�ent was acknowledged before Me thts ��day of , A.D., 1995 by �ft�__�'�_7o!'�'Cc_________ as - - -- --- ____ _____________ of Brlar Patch L,L.C,, a Colorado ltMtted :.,. ..__ _ l � ab t l t ty coMpan�y . _ _ _ ._, ..:..... My CoMM � ss7 on exp � res ��_��� __ , ,w t tn�ess r►y hand and �en l , .. . .. , ., ,. .....' --- - ----- -- ----------------- . �� �hF�= Notary Pu t c � � ' Address � _� � 7 E��€ -� �'�� �� c�����. _y�C= � _g16��--------- � ��-�xAire�'�F�:"_ .. STATE OF_� __ __________) )ss. COUNTY OF _ ,�"p_1�,� _______ ) The forego�ng in�strunent was acknowledged before r�e th�s ��day ofe _-__,�AA!yr� -------- � A. D., 1995 bY Q�1�Ld �i� S%l�� --------- as -�ii��e���-- --------- and _��5� �� C.[Q��- _ as ------------------ _��C�K�►Y"_ of Brlar Patch CondoM�ntuM Assoc�atton, Inc „ a Colo adm nonproftt corporntton, _ a My Co __ . _-------�----- �%� W t tness r�y. ��' i► l. � �`��lJ�'�- ��'�`� ��-==` - ---------- ------------------------ � ��s ��°-y �Votary Pu c 7 � - _ __ .� S � `� ��c__�5 �. � ���,-� . `��`���; ==V� I_3�__$I���T------- ,� . ,_ '� . . �% - �� �'�� �. �����. iV(}F� Pt1B�.fC , P1 . STATE QF CQLQRa�� .; MY Commiss'ron Expiieg p;.s`a.g8 � C�UN'�Y, COL(��A��► STATE �F_ �!�1V►!�� ______) )ss. COUNTY OF _ �.�' _______ ) The fo oing tnstruMent was acknowtedged before ne thts ��da�y --- QY �-t __ �,.. 1995 by Webster Atwe l l I I. �.;�� � �'��� � _ad My CoM����P��''es � _ �� - l ,�, ------- ' ��:..;::,�. :..�! ----- -- --- ------------------- _ �-'� Notary ub l t qLx �5, ry���� - Address � �'fl Dv ��� c�_e�o�o9 ' -�-°��--�°--=BTL���-------- � - , , . _. - -------- i�y 'e�r�nissi�i+�i�s 03� STATE OF--����'� ----------� � )ss, COUNTY DF _��!_______) Th �fo e oln�nstruMent was acknowtedged before ne thts 3� day o� � '""'"`";'A"."D�; ;� 995 by Dav � d G. Stueber . � -- � : � , ���-:�; � � M}� CoMM i S�X��� � ' � �------- � -.�� ,� T -.,�. � . _ -�-�;-_- � . - --- ------- - - --------- �?�,�^��� ��� . �� i Notary u� t t c � o �x � � �TE QF �b��A�O : Address � -- - r -� � � � ------- ,E,;a,e,�,„�.�,*�-�,-��>�..�.�;�w� ' < '� —�a'�-` --� —�--- F�.:sioTr€xpi�estl3-�`�-� --._ ` f�y-d tfi�eT' . . . .��_____�� STATE OF�� ________) )ss. COUNTY OF _�_________) The fore ol g �nstruMent was acknowledged before Me thts ;�doay of ___j��_______, A.D,, 1995 by Dav�d J. Leach. My CoMM t ss � on exp � res � 3�� b'�i c___ , W I tnQSS My harrd ���1 sea l. ��� � -�����--��"=`!-- ------------ --- - �{���� �C��� •= Notary Pub l t ' Address � ___��_ � _ �7 � N�J`���`� P�B�.IC � ���� a,� �G�.�A�� " -lll�.t----� -����--------- A�y ���rnm�ss� Exp'aes 0316-98 � Afi - STATE OF--` ------------) _ � .-- )ss. COUNTY ❑F _ ��________) The fore ol InstruMent was acknowledged before Me thts �� d y -- of ___ __ ________, A,D „ 1995 by Albertn J. Leach. My Cvr►M � ss � on exp �.res �_ 3-lb� W � tnes•s r�y ha� -.ond sea l. �,� �� �,��+..-� , ���� !-lflF�?� ' ------------------------------------ Notary Pubtt ��`�'?�RY PU��� �_ 3 J�% , Address�___ Y_ � ��.�-�'� �� ;= '�:Of��D�� - �,,.,�� � --------- �---�-�--------- � i,or!�,r{ssa�n Ex�ire5 03��5-93 CERTIF'ICA7E:❑F DEDICATION FOR M�RTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that Colontal Savings and Lon� Assoc�atton and Margaretten & CoMpany Inc „ betng the holders of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sttuated In the Town of Vntl, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� The Residences At Brlar Patch CondoMlnluMS, according to the condoMlntuM Map thereof recorded In Book 434 at Page 336 and as deflned In the condoMlnluM declaratton recorded in Book 329 at Pngie 858, and Ftrst AMendMent thereto recorded in Book 434 at Pnge 335 and Second AMendMent thereto recorded in Book 476 at Page 836 In the offtce of the Eagle County, Cotorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatntng 8.1045 acres, More or less, as shown on thls ftnal plat under the nane and style of 'Flrst AMendMent To The Restdences at Brlar Patch', n subdlvlston In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� agree to the dedtcatton and set�ing apart all of the publtc roads and other publtc �Mproverients and places as shown on the nccoMpanytng plat to the use of the publlc forever� and do hereby agree to the dedtcat�on of those porttons of snld real property which are �ndtcated as easeMents on the acconpnnylrtg plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and do hereby agree to the granting of the rtght to �nstall and Matnta�n necessary structures to the enttty responstble for prov�dtng the serv�ces far whtch the easeMents are estabtlshedl and further agree to grant th�e rtght to use and tnstall necessary structures pursuant to sepnrntr pedestr�an and dratnage easeMents to be recorded concurrently wtth thts InstruMent. Executed thls � day of __ �_________________, A.D., 1995. u MORTGAGEE� Colonlal Savtngs and Loan Assoctatlan Address�----------------------------- ----------------------------- By� Brtnr Patch Condor�tn�un Assoctatton, Inc. ns Attorney-t� - Fact for Colontnl Savings nnd Loa ssoc�at By- - �j - -- ----- r <Tttle)- -------- Margaretten 6 CoMpany Inc. Address�----------------------------- By� Brtar Patch Conalon�n�un Assoc I at t on , I n c. as Attcl�n�►- fn - Fnct for Margaretten 6 Conpany, I n cC� • � • �u��^C/v' � � Bv -J���� - - - - ;- (T�tle)_���. - ---_�_ . �, �� � �� . c..jk• STATE OF �IOYQ� � ------------- --- )ss, COUNTY �F �.��_________) The foregotng tnstruMent was acknowledged befor Me this 30�dQy of __, A , D , , 1995 by _�.g,�!id __( • ��bG' as - - --- -------------- __���___________ of Br�ar Patch Condor��ntuM Assoctation, Inc. as Attorney-In-Fact for Colontal Savings and Loan Assoctatlon and as Attorney-In-Fact for Margaretten & CoMpany, Inc. My CoMM t ss t on exp t res �_� �O�$ ---- � W t 1�t�+s>-r,y��rr�d�ro� , �-'�`" ;� *�,.��; :� ----- -- ---------------------- ',��-��,��t� :; Notary Pub l t� 3a37 °' � j� �,.�::.� Address,� -- --- ----- ;� --- -- --- - ���,���`�'�".�`� ---� �`'�----��---�f �o��------ �;:,; NOT�'P�'� t� . srArE � � - C�t�R,4,4�? - - i• �Y CommisSH,n Expires 03-I6-98 ` - _ S�i ., I TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certtfy that the title to all lands shown upon thls flnal plat has been exar�tned and Is vested in� n'� � L_L G �_A�Golor�� t�r� � -Lal°i� � - - (A n�C - 'u1•l --- �'�r _t�± _ �!� n��s 1� �_cM,� �--lP 12� -------- ---n�A�Qfi't__ U�'�___�_�_br�ts���i'�_�__�?��_��ra_ �_ ���_l�v_rd J- l�ca,ck �i and that tltle to such lands Is free and clear of all llens and � b��.T LC�Lh encuMbrances,_except_as_followst_-_--_ -- � - ---------- - -- ---- _9�_0� etr�_� _��,_S3��QSfv_ �ocK �5 �e�l`_�=-------- q 300� -- 5 4�8 _ �r►__c,�. s'�.�. _ >-t�_�_8�. �t3 - �� --- - - --- -- ---------------------- --�-�`,d'- °f= �u�' -�-''-'r'-!�"-r�--���qs�=-- dooK -�?� -�R�'c- as Z' --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated thls �� day of __1�i�_________________, A,D,, 1995, Land Tltle Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Va�l, 0 81658 By' -- � -- ---------------- <Stgnatur ) ��. �•_ �or_`�h- _�'�k-_ IJl�t,v_�ct�t�r (Pr�nt naMe and tttle) PLANNING AND ENVIR�NMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE Th l s f t� �,;was approved by the�Town of Va �t , P l an n i n g an d En v � r�hrien�tal Eo� � ss � on th � s__.7 �day of __ J�✓�_______, A, D,, 199�►\ r; °� � AT S�"� "�' �` ��: r � r �`�' ;�. �,. - ---- -- -' ------------------------- Town �;l�ei�k p��'� C a t rMan Town o� Vall, G��torado Town of Vatl Plann�ng and ' Env�ronMental CoMMtsston CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certlfy that the enttre aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of __l� -,� /_�� ___ __, upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on thts f�nal plat are patd In fu l l , Dated th t s�� S± day of __.�� __________, A, D., 1995 , .�� O �'t`"`�C°r' b� -- - - -------- T surer of Eagle County, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � �� Thls f�nal plat was ftled for record �n the offtce of the Clerk and Recorder on tht �_ day of _��� __________, A,D , 1995, at y�y�_o'c lock _�M Recorded under Recept t on No, _5�11 ] t n Book _l.vS¢$ at Page �(o .*�...'�.,����, o��iP�L�. � � �.� •�i %, ------------------------------- Clerk and Recorder Eagle Cou y, Color � BY' - ---- -------- -- ------------ Deputy _ SHEET 1 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.6 �_ `�I w ,, 41199 HIGHWAY 6 Ac 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-140d The Res�dences at Brtar Patch An n exat � on Deve l opMen t P l an Ar►en drien t� Introduct�on The or�g�nal develop�►ent plan for Br�ar Patch was approved July 15th, 1981 by the Town of Vatl after prevtous approval under Eagle County's Jur�sd�ct�on, The prev�ously approved DevelopMent Plan was approved under Town of Vall Ord�nance 13, ser�es of 1981. The ordlnance stlpulates that Br�ar Patch and other spec�flc DevelopMent plans approved by Eagle County prtor to annexat�on shall rena�n �n effect as approved untess Ma�or Mod�f�cattons are Made, Ma�or ar�endr�ents such as s�te re-des�gn, use chnnges, etc. will requ�re a Plann�ng and Environr�ental Co�Mlsslon revl�w, Thls developr�ent plan a�endr�ent down-zones the prevlous proposal froM 14 un�ts to 9.66 un�ts. Instead of Mult�-far��ly structures as prev�ously approved, f�ve s�ngle faM�ly restdences (5 un�ts) with the potentlnl for 5 caretaker un�ts (1.66 units), one requtred caretaker un�t on envelope C w�ll be constructed, �n nddltton to the ex�st�ng trlplex <3 units), Concept The Residences at Brlar Patch wlll be a series of three single- faM�ly hor�esltes wlth 3 potent�al (1 requlred> caretaker un�ts ad�acent to an ex�sttng tr�plex, and two sMaller s�ngle-faM�ly hoMes�tes wlth potent�al caretaker un�ts on Sandstone Dr�ve. The sltes are def�ned by spec�ftc bullding envelopes wh�ch are or�ented to place hoMes into the hills�de, not on It, S�t�ng parallel tp land contours reduces the need for reta�n�ng walls and lessens cuts �nto the steep h�llsides. The stte plan will also Mlnl�lze the need for roadways and road cuts, and w�ll �InlMize dtsturbance of the renalnder of the site. Archltectural Deslgn Every hoMe at The Resldences at Br�ar Patch wtll be deslgned on an Indtvtdual basts, and each hone deslgn wlll be subM�tted to the Town of Vall for Deslgn Rev�ew approval, Bu�ld�ng Envelopes Butlding Envelopes are prescrtbed on sheet 3 of 3. The bulld�ng envelopes w�ll prescrlbe the l�M�ts of butldable area, and only 'on grade' terraces (those wlthin 5' of ex�st�ng or f�n�shed grade) w�ll be perMitted to pro�ect beyond bu�ld�ng envelopes a Max � nur� of 5 feet , Bu�ldtng Envelope Square Footage Bu�ld�ng Envelope Untt A S�ngle Far�t ly B Stngle Fan�ly C S�ngle Fantly D S�ngle FaM�ly E Single FaMily Extst�ng Trtplex Three FaM�ly Square Footage 3,844 sq. ft. 3,572 sq. ft, 3,675 sq. ft, z,388 sq, ft, 2,380 sq. ft. N,A, Open Space Large areas of open space wtll re�aln as part of The Resldences at Brlar Patch, The Ma�or�ty of the slte as �s 40% slope o�^ h�gh rockfall hazard areas �nsuring open space wlll forever be an aMentty, These areas atong w�th the areas surrounding the bullding envelopes wlll be cons�dered hoMeowner assoctation Malntalned open space, Dens�ty Each bulld�ng envelope wlll have a GRFA allowance and a perMttted nur�ber of units ass�gned, Each allowable dwell�ng untt, In addltton to the ass�gned GRFA, wlll have an addltlonal 225 square feet of GRFA (except for ex�st�ng tr�plex), Addit�onal GRFA, shall be avallable under Town of Va�l Zoning Ord�nances Chapter 18,71 'Addlttonal Gross Res�dentlal Floor Area'. Er�ployee Housing Enployee Hous�ng Units wlll rtna�n a condltlonal use for hor�esites A, B, D 6 E and wtll be Mandatory for hor�estte C at The Res�dences at Br�nr Patch, Cons�stent w�th the Town of Vatl's Zon�ng Ord�nances chapter 18.57, Type IV EMployee Hous�ng Units wlll be perM�tted at the Indtvldual owner's dlscretlon, w�th 225 sq, ft. GRFA credlt for EMployee Housing unit �f constructed. / Gross Residenttal Floor Area Dlstr�button(not tncludtng credits) Bu�ld�ng Envelope Un�t GRFA A Single FnMily 3,470 sq. ft. B Stngle Fnn�ly 3,470 sq. ft. C S�ngle Fan�ly 3,470 sq, ft. D Single Fnn�ly 2,790 sq, ft. E S�ngle FaM�ly 2,790 sq. ft. Exlsting Trlptes Three FaM�ly 5,650 sq. ft. AMendr+ent GRFA E�ght Un�ts 21,640 sq, ft, Annexatlon GRFA 21,640 sq, ft. S�te Coverage Each butlding envelope wtll be assigned a Max�MUM square footage of allowable 'stte coverage' per Town of Va�l def�n�tton. The total slte coverage �n all bu�lding envelopes and the extsting trlplex shall not exceed prevlously approved allowable s�te coverage. Stte Cov�rage Dlstrtbutton Bu�lding Envelope Unit A Single FaMtly B S�ngle FaM�ly C S�ngle FaM�ly D S�ngle Fan�ly E S�ngle FaM�ly Ex�sttng Trtplex Three FaM�ly Anendrient E � ght Un � ts Annexatlon Site Covernge PerMitted 3,844 sq, ft, 3,572 sq, ft, 3,675 sq, ft, 2,388 sq, ft. 2,380 sq. ft, 6,300 sq. ft. 22,110 sq, ft. not spec�fted Land�cap�ng Add�tlonal landscape plant�ngs are proposed tn add�t�on to exlst�ng plant�ngs �n cor+r+on areas along roadways. Ind�vidual am ers wlll be responstble for the plant�ngs w�th�n and sur�rounding thelr bullding envelopes w�th designs sub�ect to the approval of the Town of Vall Destgn Revlew Board, HliQhtS For n flat roof, the he�ghts of buildtngs shall not exceed 30 feet. For sloping roofs, the heights of buildings shall not exceed 33 feet, Spec�f�cally, Build�ng Env�lopes D 6 E will not bt perr��tted to exceed the elevation 8327'-0' �n he�ght. P'+�rk � n�� : . Torm of Va�l Zon�ng Drd�nanc�s Chapter 18.52 'Off-Street Parktng nnd Loading' shall serve as the gutakl�ne for parking standards, Each horie deslgn for The Restdences at Br�ar Patch w�ll be r�qu�red to �nclude a n�n�MUM of two enclosed park�ng spaces, or three at unit A a C, Re�alning requlred parking spaces will not be requlred to be located w�th�n build�ng envelopes and r+ay be located in connon paved nreas. . f � ��;,'u Il���.,�i; . . . . . L24 L25 l26 L27 LG V L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 0 s se�, s�4r E S 83'05'S1' E S 09'S6'44" E S 80'03'16" W N �7 JV'44� W N 84•20'35' E S 36'01'37' W N 09'56'44" W S 40'32'09" W N 09'S6'44" W N 80'03' 1 G' E N 76'30'30" E 51.47 43.63 50.67 41.76 63.32 65.88 87.42 43.21 51.86 76.21 40.00 73.46 SHEET 2 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.6 P ,. i ��_ a�d��., .�. . �. . ...,�,.�.�.� �.,--.-...........�.._.. ._ ._....,.....�,.T . . .. ...... . . . . . ... . . .. . �� � .�.�i" . _._._.._. _ .,_,.._. �I' ;4 LINE TABLE UNE BEARING DISTANCE Lt S 63'53'15' E 20.16 L2 N 18'59'1 S E 96.50 L3 S 71•00'45 E 43.50 L4 S 18'S9' 15' W 11.50 L5 S 65'32'29" W 18.00 L6 S 24•28'1d' W 19.00 L7 S 18'S9' 15' W 37.33 L8 S 6T00'38" W 43.50 L9 N 38'46'53" W 13.50 L10 N 02'23'25" E 70.02 L11 S 39'47'38" E 113.97 L12 S 58'20'30�' E 76.50 L13 S 28'34'04" W 49.00 L14 N Ba'21'45' W 41.50 L15 N 00'08'27' W 82.00 �� s N sri i�o�' w� Zs.�4 L17 S 79'23'52" E 155.51 L18 N 7T52'09r' E 27.00 L19 S 59'15'S0' E 27.50 l20 S 11•54'49" E 57.50 L21 S 62'26'S9r' W 48.00 L22 N 11•S4'49r W 90.00 l23 N 12'21'43 E 153.08 �L24 S a8'19'47' E 51.47 l25 S 8J'OS'S1' E 43.63 L26 S 09'S6'44" E 50.67 L27 S 80'03'1 g' W 41.76 L28 N 09'SB'44" W 63.32 •L29 N 84•20'35" E 65.88 �L30 S 39'01'37' W 87.42 •L,31 N 09'98'44' W 43.21 L32 S 40'32'09r' W 51.86 �L33 N 09'S6'44' W 76.21 L34 N 80'03'1 g' E 40.00 �L35 N 7A'30'3d' E 76.46 L36 S 42'S5'34" E 95.94 L37 N 70'S5'3d' E 35.19 DETAIL OF UNITS 1,2dc3 �, SV/\LC: �w = ZO� ��• �• ��`, ��k� ��� o ,' FOUND No. 5 RE8/1R WITH ALUM. CAP \ L.S. No. 5933 � PARCEL E LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 � � � / FOUND No. 4 REBAR MIITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 41199 HICHWIIY 6 At 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81832 (303)949-1408 j:,.h, i� . �, .. ' . j:.:'.:!1 - . NOIE: EASEI�M'S "A'. "�' dc "C" ��� HAVE A BASE ELEVATION LIMR OF 8341.5' s; � F \ � � � �''�b. � � . . . . j�.,':li 'L�►i' G--1 E SUBDIVISION F�ILM'�G No. 2 � ,.°• � � S 81•25'17' E � � , F �,.,° 'u ,�; c�� /� � U N IT 2 .�. j o.00� �\ - s oe�34��' w- s.00� �r�. zes . � 0.0436 ACRES � � �rlxt'C � "'--- S 81•25'12" E - 10.00' � � �jh' � � 4.2'xt.3' // i/ ��i S�-.'7�7 �T � � �i. l �S e�J•, � 4� x i.3 /.3' � i � � �$,'�. i � �- S �'34�� w - 2 � .00� 1�7�O.�D � ��tf�i.l�4 � UNIT 3 � ^ �;ti � ' T �.�� �� 0.0487 ACRES � \ /� 6 � N 81•25'12' W- 10.00' / SEYVER MANHOLE � •d� � � � .� � � _ � � � A128.8.19A7 �N � 1-Z�'� E � �.o•xi.2� �� � 0�'34 48'� W 15.00 / INV. ELEV. 8390.9' ���s � S 59'37'07' E ,� S 81•2S'12' E- 10.00' /� ELEC. MAN \LE / FOl1ND No. 5 !!E'8AR �� \ 3.77' / ,� � WffH ALUM. GP 'j� \ \ / ^ \ � � � �,�� / � / �=�2 �' � � 0 LS. No. 5447 . � R=� �.s� . �'o � k�. � , L=194.40 't�� � ��• � ��� N a�•2s��2" w - io.�oo� g��N�s � 'IQ� T�7.37 � _ 5 o�E ` LC=194.23 � �5 �.��'S� CB=N 23'09' E � � � N 3 \ �1� -� P� i� �o a � / ' �O FOUND No. 4 REBAR O \ / f WITH ALUM. CAP / U17U7Y d / �/ L.S. No. 26598 ELEC. �EMENT � C' / � !`L / �ws. ,pG � ��� � - G�ti�, "�' i � � / \ � / ��•�•� /� o � U N IT 1 � ` �'� � � . . RL�1S1.S0 l��i`` / < � �6 ' � / T-7S.e2 �.ir4+�M'"�'�'"�i" �` �, ' U N IT 2 ^ � � LC=1 S 1.43 R� 1 ii4.16 � �d'�� � � � � � . \ . �� �\ � w� u ��� ���w� �. . . � \ s s�.32,�, w - 37p,p0 �: A000rdlnp to colorodo low you mu.c oanm�no. a+y hqa� aonon ea..e wpon any dd�ot in thl� �urwy within thrw y�on aR�r you A�t �NoovK �uoA dN�ot. In no �v�n� may ony oatlon boNd upon atq hhot in MN wrv�r b� oomm�nwd mon tAon t�n y�an from tM daN of tM o�rlMaallon �how� h�non. � FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 ���� �-i%� i.o� �«.3�e.za T-� �e.s� LC�31 S.eE! CB�S 54'14'3� W FOUND No. S REBAR - WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16836 �Iw'!`�' S RE'�1R �RFI . G1P l.S. No. 5933 \, ,� ,,� 21 E/ � � FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 � TRACT B RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 4 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 i \ (. - �cvrco sr nNe �u� ' �� �� � LOT G - 3 RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR �.� � IiI1MLT i=, n�, , •3d' - R�S0.00 L=1 S4.d,� T�2041.00 LC�99.�7 CB�S 1 d'00'2�' E � � 5.00' \ FOUND 5' WRNESS CORNER No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5447 S� �N� ' PNp �60 i S LOT G - 4 RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 40 0 40 80 120 Feet SCALE: 1" = 40' SHEET 3 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.1 � ��"'I�M