HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 2 Lot 9 - Sun Vail Condominiums Units 49 through 600 7MCT A �cr o ' �ACU18 0 ao _ d � � �F= Aa�� �� � �� �� _ � 9th� k� ,�i' wurr�e�. ,- , !, _ _ . .�_ _ i __ . _.__ �� ,� � �, �� ,�, �t ��,.�� , � � � � � � �, ���. �,v�/ . � ; � �� OF VAIL COUNTY OF EAGL�', ,�`�'A �'�' l��" �'�'��;��� \ L ROTATO t#TCN • �� �� � \ � . . p N It � • ��a�� �� � w � � �..� �* �,��,, , �;: ,��'�< r% , � /_� VICINITY MA� ( NOT T�0 SCALE) wMCr e �� �a NOTES� �p � SOIAR VMIL < 1) Date of Survey � October, 1995 ,ELEMENTARY C2) Street Address� 625 North Frontage Road West C3) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon C4> Basis of Bearings Is a ltne connecttng the extsttng �R�E � MonuMents Marktng the northwesterly corner of Lot 9, Block 2, Va�l/Potato Patch and the northeasterly corner � . of the Second Suppler�ental CondoMin�uM Map to Sun Va�l CondoM�ntuMS be�ng N81'45'44`E (see draw�ng) � _, (5) As shown hereon, 'C,E,' �ndicates Cor�MOn Eler�ents, as � " the sar�e are defined tn the CondoMintuM Declarat�on, , � , �� 1� ` C6) As shown hereon, 'L.C,E,' Unit ___' Indlcates LIr�lted CoMMOn Eler�ents appurtenant to a particular unit, as s ,� the saMe are defined �n the CondoMln�uM Dectaration, : � C7) Elevations shown hereon are based on the First Floor , • s ��� '�s e levat � on of Un t t 25, as shown on the recorded r�ap of �t :.;•. � the Second SuppleMental CondoM�n�uM Map to Sun Va�t � � CondoMlniuMS being 8192.78'. 4. +I��' • C8) For the purposes of developMent rights on Lot 9, Block 2, ' ,,,,� o: ,,,R,a,� Va t l/Potato Patch, accord i n g to the Map thereof , recorded In Book 223 at Page 629, Eagle County, Colorado C'Lot 9'), � Ordlnance #8, Ser�es of 1977, as aMended, shall control, For the purposes of counting the nuMber of dwelling units „ E �� g� located on Lot 9, each unit nuMber as set forth on the N a��45�4�� BEARIN� CondoM�nluM Maps for Sun Vatl CondoMlntuMS, shall count as - � BAS15 pF N.E. CNR OF SECOND SUPPLEMENTQ dwe l l t ng un i t, FOUiND �4 REBAR & PLASTIC CAP L.S. 11413 FOUND �%4 REBAR & PLASTIC CAP L.S. 11413 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL CONDOMINIUM MAP TO CONDOMINIUM MAP TO SUN VAIL CONDOMINIUMS SUN VAIL CONDOMINIUMS \ � SET �4 REBAR dc ALUMINUM CAP � iL.S. 26598 � (TYP. AT ALL CORNERS) • � 1$� 11 S� TIE WALLS �� �, LC.E. PATIO ca�c. � `ep � Y �� � 4 ` � � 1 �° R C.E. � 6� C�ks ''� ' SEWER CONCRETE WALK �3 �. s� '� MANHOLE 3.0 � � . �!. A � Y b . �bks o.. �� °• 9y o.� o o ,. tl1 WATER � y MANHOLE TIE WALLS Z � 3,� C�� � C. E. OVR NG9 40 �'� 'i� � > �.-� �s' '' �to \ � ,a.�� R'� �L.C.E. PATIO�l.�� �. � tr ��/ • o � ;� s.4 ti �tJ�t � ��° s \ O.s LC.E. DECK * SEE SHEET 2 FOR�/ , ' '► i� 0 DETAILS OF DECKS '`' 1• ti° e.• � oy � i s & STAIRS. 10 e.4 t� ; i ,� f O_� : ° _ i _ _ � SCALE: 1" = 30' 30 0 30 60 90 Feet TRACT C 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 � � 6'2 0 ` \ � \ PARKI G� � � � S 49'40'S0r E � � � 17.53 \ / � � � � i� � — � \ // � PART OF LOT 9 s �� ,� � � B LOC K 2, VAI L/ � \� �� UTI�ITY EASEMENT � \ P OTATO PATC H ��, `� �' � i � � \ � 3o.ro� ,�g / / EDGE OF ASPHALT � � �. � � a, � .jo r^� � \ � l `�' \ �� \ \ � \ � � � / � / / / / , / \ PARKING � y / O \ ( FROM TOWN PARK ) � ��j Jr � / / OP � • � . � �o$ i i / � � o �o � S 6 / / '�P.G �o. � � Q�.�+ � Q� P�l � \ �0��� �'' F� ��`�� � � �� �� ��� P� � 1=01°36'20" R=3990.00 �_� � � .8� T=55.91 LC=111.81 CB=S 61°56'45" W � / � � �� NOTICE: \ /�� � \ According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based / � � l upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first � / / discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the / date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know alt Men by these prtsents that Robert T. Lazter dt�ld D�ane J, Lazier, betng owners tn fee s�Mple of all that real property s�tuated tn the Town of Va�l, Eagte County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� That part of Lot 9, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, nC�COr�!�ng to the Map thereof recorded tn Book 233 at Page 629 �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder <Clerk's Retords), descrtbed as follows� Beginntng at a polnt on the westerly llne of sald Lot '9, sald potnt also be�ng the southwest corner of the Third Sup�pleMental CondoMtn�uM Map to Sun Va�l CondoMtniuns, according to the Map thereof recorded �n the offtce of the Eagle County, Co�orado Clerk and Recorder, whence the northwest corner of satd CondoM�niuM Map bears NOS'30'O1'W 1%.15 feet� thence, the follow�ng two courses along the southerly and southwes�erly lines of said CondoMlntuM Map� C1) N62'12'15'E 186.11 feet� C2) S27'47'45'E 211.10 feet to the northerly rlght-of-way af the North Frontage Road of Interstate No. 70� thence, the IFollow�ng two courses atong sa�d northerly right-of-way� (1) 111�,81 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radtus of 3990.00 feet, a central angle of O1'36'20', and a chord that bears S61'S6'45'W 111,81 feet� (2) S60'08'35' S3.19 feet� thence, depart�ng sa�d northerly rtght-of-way, N29'S1'2S'W 89,80 feet� thence�N45'40'S0'W 17.53 feetj th�nce N62'S1'25'W 62.03 feet to the westerly l�ne of sa�d Lot 9; thence, along sald westerly l�ne, NOS'30'O1'W 60.89 feet to the potnt of beginninp, conta�ntng 0,8799 acres, More or less, do hereby subMit thts ' Fourth Suppler�tntal CondoN+tntu� Map to Sun Va�l CondoMinlur�s' to the provtstons of the Condontn►uri Declarat�on recorded �n Book 288 at Pape 144 and tht F�rst Suppler�ent thereto rtcorded In Book 298 nt Pa 9d8 n�d th�t Secon d Supp l er►en t thereto recorded t n Soak 3�at Ptipir 801 an d the Thtrd Suppler�cnt thereto recorded tn Hook ____ nt Pag� ____ and the Fourth SuppleMent thereto recorakd �n Book _� nt Page---- Executed th t s� Q�lay of _!�Cj _ _�_, A.� ,. 1 S - • �. OWNERS � � -- �- � -- ��� var�, ca si6s� P.O. �OX 1325 Va t t, CO 816`�8 STATE OF_1���! ---) >ss, COUNTY OF _ ,,,�Q_���_____> The forego t n� � nstruMent was ackn_,�rte+d�d blfcf�"e wit �i � s �,% � day of _�y�L�fL_, A. D,, 199 9�by Robert ���and D � ane J , Laz t er . �O•.;;.,`�2,q � QP �•'OTA /���pc<`�, My CoMM t ss t on exp t res +___ �Q�L7���_ � �;" � , �,' W�tness My hand and seal, ,.,� '_ �� � ------ Notary ' t . ,�,,( � �- AClah"!SS � __ _ �" � � � TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tttle Guarantee Cor►pany does hertby certlfy thd� the tltte to a t l l an ds shown upon th t s condori � n� un r�ap ha►s bel� exnr� � n ed an d � s vested i n � T_ l.�z_'+�_�/�,r_�Lc� _��----- -------------------------------------�_______-_�����_____---- - --------------- ----- -- --- ----- --- -- -- and that tltle to such lands Is free and clear of alll llens and encuMbrances except as follows� .A�c�_� �usf r� __ ro _.��s !�?±: �!�?y't_� w�►_ 5���!�s ---- g�---1=�=`�� __s.�.sz���t�-----------------�------------ ----------------------------------------------------�------------ �����������������������������������������i����.���rr ������������ ��������������������������������������������i������11rYi�..������������ -----------------------------�----------------- ------------ Dated this �day of �1���-------------� A.iD,, 199�, Land T t t le Gunr�m�e rrpany �ox 357 Va t l , 916'.'� By� • (St ature)- -- --- ----------- ���'�!_'.:��__11� -- (P'rtnt na�e and tl�tle) SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I aM a regtsttred Land �iur�eyor ltcensed un der the l aws of the State of Co t orado, that th I s e�on do+h t n I uM Map Is true, correct and cor�plete as lald out, ptatt�ed, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such condonlnlun r+ap was wadr frori an accurate survey of said property by Me and under r►y�supervision and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical loc�tton and d t Men s � on s of the bu t l d � n g con ta t n � n� th� Coi►eibw � n t��r+ u� t ts, the condoMlniuM units, parcels and tasenents of sa�d oo�donin�uM Map, and the parcel �s staked upon tMe ground In �+�riptl�!ce with applicable regulations governln� the s��ballvl�ivn of land, I further certlfy that thls condo�tnlWw Mrs �ill inforMat�on requlred by Colo, Rtv. ,� � �, � ,..�. I n w� tn ess thereof I have stt nir '. �� day of -�=1°-��-��-------- � A . D , 19l�, s �� �� � � 2�� Col � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that WestStar Bank, betng the beneflctary of a deed of trust on that real property situated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� That part of Lot 9, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, accord�ng to the Map thereof recorded in Book 233 at Page 629 tn the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder CClerk's Records), described as follows� Begtnnin� at a potnt on the westerly ltne of sa�d Lot 9, satd potnt also be�ng the southwest corner of the Th�rd SuppleMental CondoM�niuM Map to Sun Va�l CondoM�n�uMS, accordtng to the r,ap thereof recorded In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder, whence the northwest corner of said CondoM�n�uM Map bears NOS'30'O1'W 196.15 feet; thence, the follow�ng two courses along the southerly and southwesterly lines of satd CondoMtn�uM Map� C1) N62°12'15'E 186.11 feet; C2) S27'47'45'E 211,10 feet to the northerly r�ght-of-way of the North Frontage Road of Interstate No, 70� thence, the follow�ng two courses along sa�d northerly right-of-way� C1) 111,81 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a rad�us of 3990,00 feet, a central angle of O1°36'20', and a chord that bears S61'S6'45'W 111,81 feet; (2) S60'08'35' S3,19 feet; thence, departing sa►d northerly r�ght-of-way, N29'S1'25'W 89,80 feet� thence N45'40'S0'W 17,53 feet� thence N62°51'25'W 62.03 feet to the westerly l�ne of satd Lot 9; thence, along sa�d westerly l�ne, N05'30'O1'W 60,89 feet to the po�nt of begtnntng, containing 0,8799 acres, More or less. hereby consents to the provistons of thls ' Fourth SuppleMental CondoMinluM Map to Sun Vail Condor�iniuMS' and the provtsions of the CondoMtn�ur� Declaratton recorded in Book 288 at Page 144 and the F�rst SuppleMent thereto recorded �n Book 298 at Page 908 and the Second SuppleMent thereto recorded tn Book 332 at Page 801 and the Third Suppler�ent thereto recorded in Book ____ at Page and the Fourth SuppleMent thereto recorded in Book �.3 at Page _�L__`� Executed th t s�� day of _ �/_1'Z�9C!L_______, A, D,, 199�. MORTGAGEE� WestStar Bank 108 South Frontage Road West va��, co si6s� BY' _LJ_L• -- �'----------- �tte>__ ' -f---------- STATE OF__(J�/�DIQC��D __) )ss. COUNTY OF ���'�� ____> The foregotn tnstruMent was acknowledg efore �s ---- day of � _ ___ , A , D . , 199�'j by _ ___ _ ____ �1�_ of WestStar ank, � as --- --- ---- --------- � -- �� t-a�����.� �K ,z r,�! My CoMM I ss t on exp t res �---1�L_7��� _, `.,;� .,- ',°,w,{ � Wttness My hand and seal,• ^• = �� � Notary P l i �O - �,/� -- ° - - Address � __ � �.,�_ '� -- -- F��.�,�� --- `���� C O �C'� ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thts condoMtntur� Map Is her approved the T wn of Vatl Zoning Adr�yntstrator thls �� day of ��a���-------� A.D,, 1991, ��, i' , � To ' erk ,,, n ng M n s ra or Tow �;o Va I I, Gct�or�do own of Va I l, Co l orado �� � CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby c rtify t at the entt ar�ount of taxes due and payable as of _�+� ��, upon all parcels of real estate described on th�s condor�in�uM Map are paid In ful l , Dated th � s_.��hday of --D.�Z�.�Ci�------- � A, D,, 199� , . _� Treasurer o Eagle County, Color CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �a\ °� Th�s condoM�ntuM Map was flled for record in the offtce of the C lerk and Recorder o th � s_��n day of ___�,�iE'Z�9.r____, A,D,, 199�, at �_�'ctock Z?M, Recorded under Receptton No; 5"I°1��d I n Book ��� at Page �O� , --- c�e_��c�����2.� ------- Clerk and Recorder Eagle Cou ty, Color d By' -- --- ------ -- ----------- Deputy SHEET 1 OF 2 JOB No. 44.4 r 11.2 - - � i^, L.C.E. PATIO o UNIT 49 L------ � � __ 1 . _ _ . _ _ _- .---�----,- _ ___,_ -������a� ,T,,�y., � _ �� �� II J L.C.E. DECK UNIT 49 �IN � I �L==== zs.s = =�__= JJ 0 � UNIT 57 _ _ N N C.E. HALL .� 1.0 � � � C.E. � UNIT 53 o HALL o ELEV.: 8208.2' .0 1.0 C.E. � UNIT 49 `� HALL ELEV. CONC. SLAB: 8198.1' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 �I I I �I �L =___= 2s.3 =__ =J L __ =z5.2 =_ _ JJ FI RST FLOOR � UNIT 58 & 59 o UNIT 58 & 59 IN i �� 8.7 � � L.C.E. rv I PATIO o UNIT 52 � _--J ��� L.C.E. DECK wII UNIT 52 � � �� I� I� LL 2�.o J -====----=====J UNIT 60 •°I v 1.0 p.g 1.0 C.E. � UNIT 54 �`r ' UNIT 55 0D '� HALL 0D UNIT 56 � V V iD V c0 V 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01 � � oo C.E.. UNIT 50 �`O UNIT 51 �� HA� � UNIT 52 � CROSS SECTION � L.C.E. STi�I!'S UNIT 53 dc 57 rr.o - - �^l I �o, � °'�' � ��� �� r�� , . r2�1 15.4 L.C.E. DECK I UNIT 53 ��� '� II� j rn �i� � 14.2 L�5.4 A I 0.4 � SCALE: 1" = 10' 10 0 10 20 30 Feet I � L.C.E. DECK q(�. � � UNIT 53 L=====_______ X.X INDICATES HEIGHT OF CEILING ABOVE FLOOR DASHED LINE INDICATES BREAK IN CEILING HEIGHT L.C.E. STAIRS UNIT 57 rr.0� 10.0 �� I I� I� �I I - � . IIN I� �II J rfZ. � 15.3 �� 9.4 � �� -� j 0.8 � �° o c'' L.C.E. DECK II 11.1 �� 9•6 UNIT 57 . L� 5=4 � � 0.4 � S ION N � w ,;i �. SL�18 � �� l�l 4.6� -� � 0.9 SECOND FLOOR L.C.E. DECK_ ` . . UNIT 58 dc 59�'": '' 8.0 7.4 � - - - - - . _ � 15.2 � - - 0.9 �' � � 9.7 a` 3.9� 11. 11. ° _ ° � 8.0 � v. o� 20.8 8.2 0.6 � I � �, 12.0 �. N � W 8.6 � 98 I `10.8 0.4 �' 8.0 i� AIRS B.Q� i � L_ g_g_ 3.sJ a.0 , cn � �•g __ � UNIT 58 & 59 0.4- "r 0.4 UNIT 57 "' ° � �.C.E. ��L t7� A 2.0 I�0 ^ 0.4 13.4 2n a 8.a � �5'�- 0.3x0.3 �•4 .0 �'s� STEEL COLUMN L.C.E. FlREPLACE ! 25 g 15.2 � CONC. SLAB �1� °0 5.4 00 �4.6� � � L.C.E. STAIRS UNIT 56 & 80 �� 3.�� L.C.E. DECK � �rn a, �� � UNIT 56 ��� � �� 10.o L -� 1 .4 � �I � � � � i,, 9.1 0l � �I 5.4 _fJ _ S_s LGt. UtCK �� I UNIT 56 � �� I =====25-3=====J L.C.E. STAIRS UNIT 60 10.0 3.0 �� ��rn rn� ��� � �� � �'I � L.C.E. DECK UNIT 60 15.4 L 2.1�-, J N ; �I 'o� J 9.4 �� � 7.4 �, 9. i,+ � 11.3� i 0.6 11.3 11.1 --- 5f4J1 1 1.3 I 3.9 � r 8.2 10.8 �, 8.0 � P CN,+ I N � (,+ N (T � � � 9.7 W C.E. 9.9 � 0.8 HALL�C.E. � 0.4 TAIRS ' 8•� ,riI L3.9 9.9 _ � 0.4 2.0 io � o UNIT 60 �o � � 9.1 O N 2.0 0, 2.0 11.3 R � SECTION 7.4 0 0 > > • w L.C..E. FlREPLACE • � .. N c,i � 25•g �D L.C.E. FIREPLACE �� 0. I 15.1 L� I�cr g 4 L.C.E. DECK � ( �:i UNIT 57 0.7 L===== 25.5 __ -�-- -�-- • 2.0 c,+ - �.'v� 51.6 ' "�LC.E. DECK L.GE. DECK UNff 58 � � UNIT 59 9.4 � 25.3 25.3 � w�� --� �- 0.9 � THIRD FLOOR 0 L.C.E. FIREPLACE- 10.7 ,� , � LC.E. DECK 60 . U,I � 25.2 v I I _______=====J SHEET 2 OF 2 JOB No. 44.4 �