HomeMy WebLinkAboutParkside Villas - Unplatted�},,, � s a lJ ,.,o..=_ , , � � � ' . , ,,•�, � u� oas E / FlLING N0. 3 � . � • . �� . 1 . .. �. � • � \ �� � .�; - , �� 00 p p �va� oapoo� O� �O - � »- .- ti� eo +ovo� s�� a� . � � • � ' ' /4�� op ► . ���v � ; '����� �O' 1 a � ��oQ� � ODO�o�aO�-�4 oO �� vv�c�o��. ,';��►00� ►•�dP���;:. o,�v.� __ ov�� �400v�•r� ��,� ►'' P� �� �� WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 v r • '� 1 _� _ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE a ooNOVnr� p14RK oa+ovaro R4RK B.LM. ..,..,.n SUBJECT SITE �� OO _ OO � Q �4P. ���� QFN LYON SUBDN�SI FI�1TA L PLA �' T n TVN OF VA IL CO UNT Y OF EA GLE S TA TE OF C�OL ORA D 4 , , CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI❑N AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Parkside V�lla Partners, Inc,, a Colorado corporation, being sole owner in fee sir�ple, of all that real property situated ;n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� That part of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sect�on 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the S�xth Pr�nc�pal Mer�d�an, Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Beglnning at a steel pin wlth cap CL,S, 4551) Marktng the point of beg�nn�ng of a parcel of land descr�bed �n Book 284 at Page 961 �n the records of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence the center of sa�d Sect�on 12 bears N44°32'09"E 637,58 feet d�:stant; thence the follow�ng three courses along the boundary of sa�d parcel� C1) S50°58'24"E 79,04 feet; C2) S76°30'00"E 73,36 feet; (3) S05°52'03"W 34,18 feet; thence S84°38'26"E 145,56 feet; thence N00°58'16"E 264.64 �eet; thence S53°24'04"W 51,13 feet; thence S85°49'30"W 80.34 feet; thence S07°29'38'W 10.84 feet; thence N66°Z4'26"W 1z0,17 feet, to the easterly r�ght-of-way l�ne of Matterhorn C�rcle; thence the follow�ng two courses along sald l�ne� (1) S15°51'34'W 104,62 feet; (Z) 53,42 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the r�ght hav�ng a rad�us of 431,48 feet, a central angle of 07°05'38" and a chord whlch bears S18°58'10"W 53.39 feet to the po�nt of beg�nn�ng, conta�n�ng 1�z22 acres, r,ore or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�v�ded the sar�e �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the nar,e and style of " Parks�de V�llas ", a subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the respons�bility for the cor�,plet�on of requ�red iMprover�ents; and does hereby ded�cate those portions of said real property wh�ch are � n d � cated as easer�en t �on the accor�pan y t n g p l at as easer�en ts for the purpose shown here�on; and does hereby grant the r�ght to �nstall and r,a�nta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easer,ents are establ�shed, Executed th � s��_ day of �Q�Q«���________, A, D,, 199 � ❑WNERS� Parks�de V�lla A Colorado corp P.�, ox 28 Edwar s, � 81 By'-- - - F nk E. Na V� e es�de ners, Inc, �on U��-- ---------------- STATE OF�Q��'��___ ) )ss, C�UNTY ❑F �q���_____ ) T f r � � tr M nt w kn wl d ed before r,e this he o e o n g s u e as ac o e g �� day of ��Q���� __, A.D,, 199 �by Frank E, Navarro as V�ce President of Parks�de V�lla Partners, Inc,, a Colorado corporatlon, My Cor�r� I ss � on exp i res �_�� �_ � W � tness r�y hand and sea l. 1_K� _�^� q � � Notary P bl�c Address�� _ s\ � _ �.�`� CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION F�R MORTGAGEE �R DEED �F TRUST H�LDER Know all r�en by these presents that JaMes J, Lowrey, being the holder of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows; That part of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Sect�on 12, Townsh�p 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Beg�nn�ng at a steel p�n w�th cap CL,S, 4551) r�ark�ng the point of beginning of a parcel of land described in Book 284 at Page 961 In the records of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whence the center of sald Section 12 bears N44°3z'09"E 637�58 feet distant; thence the follow�ng three courses along the boundary of said parcel� <1) S50°58'24'E 79�04 feet; (2) S76°30'00"E 73,36 feet; (3) S05°52'03"W 34,18 feet; thence S84°38'Z6"E 145,56 feet; thence N00°58'16'E z64�64 feet; thence S53°Z4'04"W 51,13 feet; thence S85°49'30"W 80,34 feet; thence S07°29'38"W 10,84 feet; thence N66°24'z6"W 120,17 feet, to the easterly right-of-way llne of Matterhorn Circle; thence the following two courses along said line� C1) S15°51'34"W 104�62 feet; (2) 53�4z feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the r�ght having a radlus of 431,48 feet, a central angle of 07°05'38" and a chord which bears S18°58'10'W 53.39 feet to the po�nt of beginn�ng, conta�n�ng 1,222 acres, r�ore or less, as shown on this f�nal plat under the nar�e and style of ' Parks�de V�llas ', a subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; does hereby agree to the dedicatlon of those portlons of sald real property which are indicated as easer�ents on the accor�panying plat as easer,ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the grant�ng of the r�ght to Install and Mainta�n necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the serv�ces for which the easer�ents are establlshed, Executed th�s �'-� day of _ � __ __, A,D „ 199 �, � � ,-� MORTGAGEE� - - - ------- r�es , owrey 120 East End Road N th Pa lr� Beach, ;, , 33408 STAT� �F��9���__> / )ss, C�UNTY OF ___ _ _�Qz__) The forego�ng instrur�ent was acknowtedged before Me this �� day of �S; �y�'S��i�c' , A, D,, 199'� by Jar�es J, Lowrey My Cor,M � ss t on exp � re**� _��� �, W i tness r�y hand�a ��aap �� s • +. ♦� .!° °,« �� - -- ---- - -- -- +► ,�' S, Q� Notary Pub t' c � Q �d� ; � Address � �--- ��p� 1�,��� s • R°G C # � �'�'`,`� ,� �.0.1�\.� ��-��. '�-- s�• � �' - - ��°A ,� :� E ��� 4 } # n°a�___.�n.,�''.tr ` tr`tty.:.�:.�;,.:'.,�i;:' , TITLE CERTIFICATE Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany does hereby cert�fy that the tttle to all lands show u.eon this ftn l plat h s bee exar� � ng d and t s vgsted i n��y'K�Sid� _�I�u�_�v'�'►'�G"S�_�j�,• ----- l�o�QrqD� --�C�Q='��ov_� ----------- - - - : 3--------- - - --------------------- and that title to such lands �s free anal clear of all l�ens and encur�b�rances, except as fo l lows � ---�cl_azf__�',�.�.�-_nr_�u.�ne �.o�_L�S--�voK_�l��_�q�rt_ 77Co_-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th t s�� day of �.i0VeW1,�1"_____________, A, D,, 199 5 L�an d T � t l�Gu�g ran tee CoMpan y A�ddress � __ C�C �57 g+1----S�D_�1lr_st------------ BY ` - ---�- �d�"�!�'^� --------- C S I gn atur e') �►tiv� J� � t�6r� ---------------------------- CPrint naMe) --�� --!�'��!'' ----------- CTttle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I ar, a reg�stered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat �s true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fror� an accurate survey of said property by r�e and under My superv�s�on and correctly shows the locatlon and dir,enslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subd�vlslon as the sar�e are staked upon the ground In cor�pl�ance w�th appl�cable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on of land, and conta�ns all �nforMat�on requ�red by Colo� Rev, Stat, 38-33,3-209, iti���,eB, �>`'•,p„�;s •'�rJ n I �`�i . �a,,.�, ;� �➢ ., � In w I tness thereof I have set r,y har��'�tS�i:ol•-��r�x•���',�,i ►s _?8� day of ��'�L ---- � A , D , , 19 9 � , �` ti :���.� "��� `•� �`",� �'� : _ ;� ,�: ' -► t � b: 26��$ �� _ ------- �j►�--�-- ; -------------- S t a n F-(b,� �'c�,'Ct��•. v;::' ,.. C o t o r a d o°��� ��6��,��'��` ,,,,,,,�..,�, LAND USE SUMMARY Lot Area 1n acres Use Street Address Lot 1 0�09377 S�ngle Far��ly 1548A Matterhorn C�rcle Lot 2 0,08756 S�ngle Far,�ly 1548B Matterhorn C�rcle Lot 3 0,1001 Single Far�Ily 1548C Matterhorn Circle Parcel A 0,7024 Future developr�ent -- Cor�r�on Parce l 0 � 2386 Cor�r�on area -- N�TES� C1) Date of Survey� Septer,ber, 1995 C2) Bear�ngs are based on a line connecting the found r�onur�ents r�arking the southwesterly corner and the southerly angle po�nt of Parks�de V�llas being S63°15'll"E (see drawing)� C3) Monumentation as shown hereon, C4) The water l�ne easer�ent CBook Z20, Page 326) shown follows the bur�ed water l�ne, recorded docur�ent does not spec�fy w�dth,(locat�on shown �s per sect�ons of exposed p�pe), <4) Parcel A is reserved for future developr�ent, C5) For zoning purposes the three lots created by this subdivis�on w�ll be treated as one lot per the Design Revlew Board dec�s�on of March 1, 1995. C6) This f�nal plat �s f�led �n conjunct�on wlth the declaration of covenants, cond�tions, restr�ctions, and easer�ents for Parkside Villas, <7) Sewer l�ne easeMent shown follows bur�ed sewer l�ne, <8) A ter�porary access easeMent recorded �n book 674, page 449 covers all of Parcel A, sa�d easer�ent prov�des access to electrical fac�lit�es, a perr,anent easer�ent �s to be def�ned after constructlon cor�plet�on, <See recorded docur,ent), Z�NING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This fina:k �lat is �e�by approv� by the Town of Va�l Zoning Adr� i n I st�i^ator th I s �_ day of t(,�!�Glr _____, A, D �, 199�, t� -----�'���k�B?�---- - -------------�t! Town Clerk Zoning Adr�inistrator Town of Vall, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certify that the entire aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of _ ___3� I�q�____, upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s f�n�l plat are pa�d in full, Dated th � s__� _ day of _��!�Cf��q/L-------, A, D,, 199� ---- - � � ---- ---- - - �'�--------- ��►?'„"' Treasure of Eagle County, Colo ado � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � a1� Thts f�nal plat was f�led for record �n the off�ce of the Clerk an d Reco�rder on th t s__� � day of �rLC.q�e�e��o�.g.r ____, A, D., 199 �, at y�43o ' c l ock _'� M, Recorded un der Recept I on No . SZ� �! �- I_ � n B o o k(c�� a t P a g e?� , ��,�,�����ry1j � ��3I �9 \ `�-�� s ��-a��.� t� � '�f � ��'�4 � � � �_--__�� --_-___ i.� kr s .. �j'� C l erk an d Recorder �����,� Eagle C unty, C o do �"`� ,� �� � ��� �►�� � B y � �:,x� �. - --- - ---- ----------------- Deputy - _� _.� . PAGE 1 OF 2 JOB No. 780.12 i . _ _ .. _..._. _ _ _._..� - --� . , . . � _m,.�w.�.q��-.T...�,... _..�..__..�,.._ r . 1=07°05'38" R=431.48 L=53.42 T=26.75 LC=53.39 CB=S 18°58' 10" W FOUND PIN ac CAP LS 4551 P.O.B. 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 123�0 EDWARDS, C0. 81�632 (303)949-1406 � ,O � �v V � v � O � �� � �o 0 � / � � � � � o� � ^ � S 80°42'34" E v�. " 5.18 �S` � SS F �� s Oo � > S�, . ��?R,, F FOUN'D �4 R'EBAR & ALU�AI L.S. 4551 U N P LATTED► S ,6�3�'O u �3.,3,� � E FOUND �4 REBAR & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 4551 S 05°52'03" 1N -J 34.1'8 SET �4 REBAR L.S. 25598 � � CENTER 1/4 CORNER, SECTION 12, T5S, R81W, SIXTW P.M. / � � � Ow�'�,/ � �� / HOBBIT HILL ^��h� PHASE 1 � ,, � � r%�/ . �°��' I ti - � �� �� t — 145.56 DONO'VAN PARK � co � co N I w � � w ao � � � Z � 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = ZO' W J U � U Z � O 2 � �.IJ � Q � 0 PAGE2OF� JOB No. 780.12 I