HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G4 - Overlook At VailGRAPHIC SCALE � o ,s � .� ,� LOT G-5 �,,,..,� .��.�.,� �., i .. ,... .,.,� s �s � 3�, /O �' ��'' �i � �-9s, �i s �s � / — ,. �� � � ( IN !'�T ) i ineh = 90 !!. `_'J �� � � 0 s_ O�V �� O J/ ..../ FOUND ALUM. CAP � FINA L PL A T OF � � � . T� �N OF VA lL EA GLE COUN T Y COL �RA DD > > —FOUND REBAR W/ ALUM CAP "L S. 59.33" CURI/E TABLE.• CURI/F RAD/US LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BEAR/NG DEL TA CUR I/F 1 50. 00' 95. 07' 70. 03' 8l. 39' S 20�1 '44" W 108'56'48" CUR 12� 2 447. 45' 202. 03' f02. 77' 200. 32' N 32 �6'49" E 25'52'f0" NO TES.• 0 BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• S 4576'f0" W ALONG THE SOUTHINFSTERL Y LOT LINE BETWFEN FO(/ND PROPERTY P/NS AS /ND/CA TFD. DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/pLAS77C CAPS PE & PLS 26626 DA TE OF SURI�Y OCTOBER 1995 1330 DENOTFS STREET ADDRESS N011GL� Accarding to Cdorado /ow yav must c�ommence oviy lego/ octlon bosed upon ony defect !n th/s surr+�y within three yvors ofter ye�u first dfscowr such defect. /n no erent, moy ony octlon bosed upon ony defect Jn this surwy be commes►►ced more than ten ye�ors from the dote of certi�icatian shown herean. LOT AREAS.• UN/T 7 1, 647. 96 SQUARE FEET 0. 038 ACRES UN/T 8 1, 448. 41 SQUARE FEET 0. 033 ACRES UN/T 9 1, 448. 41 SQUARE F£ET O. 033 ACRES UN/T f0 1, 781.37 SQUARE FEET 0. 041 ACRES UN/T 11 1, 865. 94 SQUARE FEET 0. 043 ACRES UN/T 12 2, 025. 52 SQUARE FEET 0. 046 ACRES FUTURE DEI�LOPMENT 66, 630.28 SQUARE FEET 1. 530 ACRES ro rAC , . . N �930, ¢¢4� LOT A-8 ADORESS.• 1340-7 SANDSTONE DR/VL� 1340-8 SANDSTONE OR/t2� 134�0-9 SANOSTONE OR/VL� 1340-10 SANOSTONE OR/VF 134'0-11 SANOSTONE OR/12r 13�F0-12 SANOSTONE DR/12� 1330 SANOSTONE OR/12� S,qN� STD �F O�� � I/lCINI %Y MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E a � � � CIN FEET� 1 INCH = 1000 FEET �'G,f� � � � ti ' �S �9 • � . ��?�c3` R'y. � � ��: ltl� . /.!. 4 Ga4 � ! !� IG:Z.'I4:�L�TrS � / / � I, � /i I / /i � �i �i i KMOW ALL AIFN BY � PR£S£NT5 7HA T Ahe underslgned beii►►g the /►crbVr of o martgogs or deed of trost an the roo/ property situoted in ths Fown of Va�', Eag✓s County, Cdarodo, des�x�ed os !d/ow�: Lnt �4, Ldar's R/dg�s Su,6dYr�bn FA'�hg NO. 2 Town of WA', Eog�e Gbr�n+ty, Ca✓a►ado canto6►nfng 1.764 ocros mam ar /es� os sohown on thla �ihd p/at ur►dsr ths nane and sty/e of f7NAL PL� T OIF THE ObERILOdMC AT I/A/L, A RE371B0/N.S1AN AF LOT G-4, k► the Town of 1/al1, Eag�i� Cornrty, Cddada agrsss to ths dedk�ot/an and sstt�►ig apart d/ oJ� the p�b/Ic r+vods and other pub/k anprowrne�nts �►d p/oce�s oa wboMn an ths xc�anpan}�►ig p✓ot to ths uas of ths pub/fc foro►ror. and doe�s her+aby ogrss to the deddcotlan of those portlons of soid roar prnperty wihiah are �indicatsd os eosamenf a► the occamP�J�9 p/ot os eoas►nents JF�r the purpos�s shown her+sor�; and does hera�by agnw to yvant6►ig of the r�ht to Insta✓/ and modntobi ne�cessary abv�hiros to the er►tity ro�vo�nsAti/e 1hr proridlhg the s�rvices for whlch the sasements ar+e e�b/fshed. Executed H►ls��doy of ����� _.A.D. 1995. �., r�. �c�� R _ � �a� �� �,..�.� Y 1 Vf�N ood �,. . • •. 9� �� ; ' '•.� '�-, . �. . _ ,� . � 4 � � �� � ow ` Y � : STA1'F Ol� CACO�PADO ) J �' G�IMVTY A� EAGYE ) 7he J�a►�go,hg GrtlAcbte AIy canm�isskn sxp�i►ss fKMass nPr hand �d , �oioi�e��s nnF r�n�c� � FL�27��r121C�1.t� �/F�2iTr4� Tt�.�� does her+a6y 2 certlJ�y that the fJt/e to a/1 /ahds shown upon thls p/a hav� bean exa►n�ried a►d !s ►�sted rh d thot tiHs to such /onds /s 1F�s and de� of ol _/i�ns and enoumbronce� u �r�r.Tl•a i��.i•yi:::�z�:s.- i , . ,. �i . • : i�' � � . � , . , • �. '�' �• . - , 'i �'. :. . �:.� I � �• � "/ � i - , �, ���r. � .., " �.�it=�. � S7�I�PWEYt1RS l�RJIF/CA7E /, Dlva►�s D. Faihr�itgier, ob he,roby csrtJfy that / an o Rlsgiirtei►sd tand Surw�nr /ice�ns+ed undsr the /ows of the Stote of Cdaro�doy thot this p/ot is a trva correct, ar�d comp/ete f7'NAL PLAT To»n of VbA, County of Eog�l� Stote of Co%rodo, as /o�d out, pJott�ed dedfcoted and �ehown h�on, thot such P/ot wbs made 1%an an acavrote survey of so/d prqoerty by me and under my auper►dslorr ard �corrercHy slwws the /ocot/an ond dAne�nsla►s of the lots, swwmeints and stroets of sold aubdiH►skn os the s�a»e aro ataked yoam ths graund in c�amp/laocs with opp/kab/e rsgiv/otions goramin� � d� s�ubdl�bkn of /and. /n wl►ereof / hove �t my hand and aeo/ thls � f oby nf _��_ �.D.. 1995. — . Illlllllf,i �� —�-�7"�T:-�--r,-y-�------- Duone D. Fe,h�i�s•, t, �� e•�.y��� Regfstered Ld1�id �S'yi`ilsye�r A� i?6��iS _ : �i �,: = _ Z° 26�26 �: _ . �_ �� ll _ / � �.�� � [ G. .li i .a; •, . KNOW �LL AIE/V BY 7HE5L� PRE5EN75 IH� T the unabrs�gned ba�h� ao/s owners in /ss s,�np/s of d/ thot rod p,roperty sJtuotsd ke ths Town of I�(v�', Eag✓s CountX Cdorodq, desra►ASed os fd/ows: Lot G-4, U�an's Rlydg�e SLbdh�shr� Flling Na. 2 Town of Ib�l', £a,gde Cuunty, Cdarodo cartoh6►�g 1.764 � maro ar /� hor�s by the� prosents /oAd ou� p/otted a�d sr�bdltib�d the �ame �hto /ota and b/oc�ks os ahown a►r thls lfhar pJot unabr the nans and st}/e of fINAL PLAT of IHf OI�£/?LOdVC AT �il/L, A R£SY/64D1NS�W A� LOT �� h the Towr► of WA, £ogre Count}s CaJo�da and abes h�by accept the �+�spon— afb/ity of ths comp/etbn of roqiwi►a�d 1►npro►�ment� and doe� hai►aby dedicots and set apart d/ of ths pub/k rooda and ot/�er publk �►n— prowments ond p/oces os shown an the o�ampan}�hg p/ot to the us�e of the pub/k forowr; and does h�r+�,by dedicote thos�e portJor�s of ao/d raa/ prqverty whlch a►►� kidJcated os ea.sernent an the oc+cam— por►y�S►ig pJot os easements for the purpase a,hown hsreon; and does her�by �rrt the Nght to �std/ and mo�nto�h nece�sary ativctums to the entity roapons�le f�vr pravidkig the �rvicss tar whkh the sose�mev�ts oro estob/fshed. Executed th/s�_doy of ��'��ti fi� �A.D. 1995� Beec�l�w�cod Sandstone De�o�Omen! CarparotJan A Cdorado Carpo�rntfan 467 WI//is A�nue N!//lston Park. New Yak 11596 y. e . erner, res en � �� STA7F Of G'aLal?ADO � � � CIXJNTY A� EAI�E ) 7)ie knsQO�iiq C�rtMcbte ot of wos ear�va.a�a�v� .�sc.v • c a • � A/y cammission QXp//�S � _� ce ee e Wftness my d . •' e � e° ��1"� `� �" i ; e���� ; ___ o a � Notary Pub/ic `�* ° ••� _____�_',� ,� — � �-oY ��� ��°' . . . o =.� Address , `': STA IF OF COILORA00 ) % � COUNTY O� £AGYE � The for�godng CertlAcate of a�c�)rnow/eoraed 6efbiro m* this 3a ATy commJssian dros _ Irftness my h Notory Pub/lc � ��� Addnsss �� �I.EY �. . :� M/.IIRD ZO�N/NG ADA//N/57RATt'a4 CERI)f7CATE 7Hls Rn°��'��appn�Y wsd�the TJt o�n _of ITvA Zaning Adminlstrat do of � A.D., 1995. A t..�' r' A � _,� � � A Town t� Town of ���� ZanJng Administrot rown of vv�/ , [�R71ff7CA7F Of TAXES PA/D.• /, the undersigned, do hei►�aby c of taxe�s a�s and poycb/s os of � o// pan�e✓s of roo/ te de�scnibed an �ted this ���1 day of �� the entJro arr►ount S upan �+e poid dn iu//. , /7t.0.. 1995 is CLERK AND R�ECA�PDER'S G�R7/F7CA7F �,I �� fi!s p✓ot �d 16r h ths Alcs of ths p �ecadar ot �'" day of �`A.D�,Q t M Rec�ord nder Rece,otlon No..2ZZ �l e� Book .(� at Poge ��. --�►s C7(\ n� /�� • '�'�f-,�..... . '�'4'J'+�7 dt�,•' .R_' $;��, 6'� ~ � �-�' � •;� y.. ,.��'• � {� i 4a���, = 4 � .y y ;.. ,,,,,i��i,���i;i�`,i���',' t"�e���.���- ia..��. �� � � , sh�.r GYerk and Recorder Eog/e Coun ty, Co%rodo