HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows Lot 0520 COND�MINI UM MAP �F TOWN �F VAIL � Page � o f 2 GRAPHIC SCALE zo ,o ( � F'�"i' ) 1 inch = 20 ft. NOACE.• According to Co%rado /aw yew must commence ony /ego/ oction based upon any detect in this surwey within three yvors ofter ywi �ist discowr such defect. /n no ewnt, moy ony octlon based upon ony detect in this surwsy be commenced more thon ten }�nors from the dote of certification shown hereon. EAGLE C4UNT Y � �o ACCESS EASEMENT � � �or 4 coLORA Do � / 7 �> >s• S 87 40'06" E CUR l/E DA TA : C(API�E RADlC/S LEIN',yH Gytl'HPD OQTA Cf 30.A�' 73.68' Zi07' S 43'S9 N� Il5'14�1 C2 48.�' �.i 30' 41.85' S 4T 12' 11� 51'4 f 0 I//C/N/ lY MAP GRAPHIC SCALE o aao aaav �aoiv (lN FEET) 1 /NCH = 1000 FEET 9 108, ss�. R�. O�3 � � No rEs OPEN SPA CE i � BL OCK 8 I/AlL INTERMOUNTAIN DEl/EL OPMENT SUBD/ l//SION 9 -All Building �es are Perpendicular to Property Lines. O-/ndicated Found A/uminum Cap L.S 5933 O-/ndicoted Found A/uminum Cop L. S. 20685 •-/ndicoted Set P/astic Cop P. E. & P. L. S. 26626 s� c� - Denotes St�eet Address - CE Denotes Common Element. - LCE Denotes Limited Common E/ement. CERTIf1CA 1)0►�V A� D�EDI/CA TJ'ON FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER QOIP DE£D OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS that the undersigned being the ho/der of a mortgage or deed of trust on the rea/ p�ope�ty situvted in the Town of 1/ai/, Eog/e Counfy, Co%odo, desc�ibed os fol/ows: lnnsbruck Meodows, Lot 5, o Jub�dfvision in the Town of �ail, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, os riecorded in Book 683, ot Poge 201, in fhe £og/e County Recorder's Office, contoining 0.202 ac�es, mo�e or /ess ho►� by these p�esents /oid out, p/t�tted ond subdivided the some into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this l�iio/ p/ot under the nome CONDOM/NIUM MIIP O►�' /NNSBIPlIG1K IWEADOWS, LOT 5, o subdivision in the Town of Vo�% Eag✓e Cocnrty, Co%rodo; ond does hereby occept the responsibiyity for the camp/etiar of �equired imp�ovements; and does hereby dedicote a►�d sef aport o!/ of the public roods ond othe� pub/ic impro�ments and p/oces os shown on the occomponyrr►g p/ot to the use of the pub/ic fore�r; and does he�eby dedicote those portions of soid reol pro�erty wf►ich ar+e �i►rdf�coted os eosement on the occomponying p/at os eosements l6rr the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby gront the rigiht to �i►rata// ond mointoin necessory structu�es to the entity �esponsible for providing the services for which the eosements ore estoblished. Executed this_ doy of _�A.D. 1996 Weststar Bank Don Godec, li'�ce Pres�dent I/oi1 O 81 57 By. Dan Godec, �ce P�esiden t srA rE oF caoRAOO � ) ss CDUNTY OF EAGL£ � The foregoing Certihcote Qf*D�edicotion ond Own r hip was vcknow/edged before me this �` _ doy of �c�h11,�1���D � My commission expires �-� �Q'�^'i"s!�"�'�"�'"^s S-�K-!^�"� --� --M — �tness my hand ond seo/ � " %�l�'i �ZI °1 f �Vf�2 �D Add�ess ,!. BqF� �R�"✓z�OTAq�.��2 . . . • }- . . • . • . • . ��'�'�AvBL�G: o0 �T•.,....• �,e- pF C��O nrtE cERnFicA rE . �-A�el 7� t�G_�f� t_ M�A�__ does he�eby certify thot the tit/e to d/ ds afuown upon this p/ot hovr been examined and is vested �in • ve�eo�w��.I�rid thot title to such /ands is free qr�d c/sar. of a// /ie s no d encumbronces, exce t os fol%ws•�� � 1^��- • �� Li'L�S �� 1C- �i�1 /S� � N1�i�� _ •�-�i�. �L�r_!�1• Dated this _ doy of ��_A. D. ~ ��Lr�d � ' �[l�it'�- �----- p�1�s�'�_�1�e,L� o �t �os � Add��ss Br � ---- L�_ � �----- SURVEYOi?S CERI/f1CA7F.• /, Duane D. Fel►rd►►gier, ab Ihereby certify thot l om o Registered Lond Sur►es�ar /ker►asd unabr dht Aaws of the Stote ot Co%ado, thot this Corrdaninir�m Map �s a b►iu�R c+wr�ct, and canp/ete os foid out, p/otted, dedicotsd ond al►own her�en, that sic�h Condominium Mop was made lram an arcurote �u�n�ey of soiod property by me ond under my supertisian and carr�cHy ahowa dM� horiZanto/ and wrtico/ %cotion ond dimensians of the buA'dii►rg �artar6rw� �i►► the condominium unit� po�cels, and eosements of soid Canobm�i►�ir�►ar A/op, ond the parcel is stoked upon the ground in comp/iance wrth qqo/I�cob/e �egu/otian to gor+em the subdivision of /ond. //ivrther ctrtify thot this Condominium Map � contoins dl ir�1Fa►motion r�eqriii►�cd br Co%rodo Revised Statutes, � Section ,38-33.3-209. � /N WITN£SS A� set my hand ond sevl this � day of A.D., 1996. �,;; NE Lorr� .5tir.�rynr No. �'2a - _° 26626 �; _ r i ~• � i � ���/�_�t-"' u��•_�c _,\` . CER TlFICA TE OF DED/CA 710N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THA T the undersigned being so% owners in fee simple of all thot reo/ property situoted in the Town of Vail, Eag/e County, Colo�ado, described os fo/%ws: lnnsbruck Meodows, Lot 5, o subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eog/e County, Co%odo, os recorded in Book 683, ot Page 201, in the Eagle County Reco�der's Of�ce, containing 0.202 acres, mo�e or /ess hav� by these p�esents loid out, p/atted ond subdivided the some into lots and blocks as shown on this finol plot under the name CONDOM/N/UM MAP OF INNSBRUCK MEADOWS, LOT 5, a subdivision in the Town of I/ai/, Eog/e County, Co%rado; vnd does hereby accept the responsibi/ity for the comp/etion of required improvier»ents; ond does hereby dedicote ond set apo�t oll of the public roods ond othe� pub/ic improv�ments and p/oces os shown on the occompanying p/ot to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of soid reol p�operty which o�e indicoted os easemen t on the accomponying p/ot os easements fo� the purpose shown he�eon; ond does he�eby gront the �ight to instol/ ond mointain necessary structures to the entity �esponsible for providing the services for which the eosements ore estoblished. Executed this �doy of _� C��.-----,A.D. 1996 � Am. Bros. Deve%pment, lnc. Bob Bo�ne, P�esident I/ail, C 57 --- --- -------- B}!� ob Borne STA TE OF COL ORADO ) � ss COUNTY OF EAGLE % The foregoing Ce�tificote ,o,�edication ond Ownership was ac n w/edged befo�e me this �_ ` day of �M�3�a ___, -�-� �� -�� �_-------------------- --- My commission expires ���1 ���e,� N__Y N �fness my hond ond seol � otary blic � M -- �- . S , 1� �1�—� ��---- Address � j l41 L� C_� � i(� 5`l J. MICHAEL MOSS NOTARY PUBLIC sra� oF co�oRA�o My Commission Expires l 1-13•9Q ZON/NG AOM/N/STRA TOR CER71F/CA TE.• This fina/ p/ot �her�by opp�oved b� �h�e own of l/aiJ Zoning Administrator this ---�� � day of _.�,p�!� __, A.D., 1996 CERTlf7'CA IF OF TAXES PA/O.• Zoning Admini �oto� rown of voi/ /, the undersigned, do hereb certify thot the entire amount of toxes due ond poynble os of 1�LCL�G�1�_ upon a// pa�ce/s of �ea/ estate desc�ibed an this p/ot o�e paid in fu//. Doted this 1L_ day of �1_�11_____; A.D., 1996 �i �+. _ . �ii _. � ..�. r, _ii �eosu�e� of Edy/e Coun CLERK AND R£CORDER'S CER7IFICA 1L�• �o� /� O � This plot was �ed for �eco�d in t e office of the C/enF ond Reco�der,.p t s��j day of 11'��CS��A.D. 1996 ot ����o'c%ck 1''M. Record d u der Reception No.��l�in Book 12QQ at Page ���. - - ���.�. s �_�'� De ut Clerk ans�L d f�corder P Eog/e Coun ty, Co%odo peCS: S8�o87Q p �7 � I°88 �VO � � ����b y i .�,,,,,...;f,,;�;� '� � �y1C� �f � �c�,`�.� r:f '�� .�t COND�MINI UM MAP OF 9 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE C4UNTY COLORADO , , Page 2 o f 2 �.�"'v NO nCE.• AccoMing to Co%rodo /ow yew must commence any /ego/ octlon based upon any detect in this sur►�sy within three }�xs after �nu f�rst disco�,r such defect. ln no ewnt, moy ony action bosed upon ony defect in this sun�y be commenced more than ten yeo�s f�om the date of certificotion shown hereon. A 0.0' I � 4 0 .�� I UN/T 5A UN/T 5A � y � G�I RAGE' ' `� � 19.5' 2 'S � 19.5' .. V � V � . �o A °p � 27 ' 28.5 B �UN/T 58 PA AO _ _ _ � LE I/EL ONE t�e,� - �z r sEC rioN A A uwr sa 9 sEC rioN BB LE I/EL rwo � C sEC rioN cc GRAPHIC SCALE �o o s w so ( IN F'EET ) 1 inch = 10 it. b a NO TES.• — Typico/ Exterio� Wall — 0.5' Thick. — Typico/ Sepo�ating Wo/l — 0. 5' Thick. BASIS OF ELEI/.4 TION.• B. M. TOP BOL T lN FIRE PL UG ELEV. 7829. 07' A T S/W CORNER OF L O T 7, BL OCK 4, VAIL INTERMDUNTA/N. R�- .� _• ;� ��� �.y- M� +'. �.. `' ' - � �v � J . ar � � � �� �� . ",'� � "�� .s-' : � + Y � � ! � . �� .�� r