HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 22� i i i M O � Q / 1 \ TO �i/N OF I/A /L i / � LOT 26 EA GL E COUN T Y CO� C�RA DO � O� VO G� a\O \_ ,G� 9i 0� �� �� 5�`� s `s�s St's LAND USE SUMMARY LOT 22—A 9,57.3.3 SQUARE FEET LQT 22—B 8,178. 4 SQUARE FEET � ADORESS ONE UN/T ONE UN/T (�i —Denotes found survey morke� (5/8" Rebor and P/astic Cop PE PLS 26626) Q —Denotes set surviey morker. (5/8" Rebo� ond P/astic Cop PE PLS 26626) 1874A —Denotes St�eet Add�ess Bosis of BearinQs• S41 �0'58"E o%ng South—West Lot Line of Lot 21 Between Found Pins os indicated. Date of Sur►�y. Januory 1996 Dote of Comp/etion: Jonua�y 1996 NOTICE �c�cord�hg to Co/aoa�o /ow you must commence any /ego/ oction bosed upor� ony defect in this surwy withln thro�e yea►s ofter ynu Rrst discowr such defect. /n no er+ant, may any actlan based upan any defect In thJs surwy be cammenced more tha� ten yiwrs fiom the date of certitTcotion shown hereon. 1874A GLACIER COURT 1874B GLACIER COURT � For zoning purposes, the two porce/s created by this subdfvision o�e to be t�eoted os one entity with no more thon one 2—fomi/y residence ol%wed on the combined oreo of the two porcels A/lowoble Gross Residentia/ F/oor Areo fo� the 2—fami/y residence wi// 6e co%u/oted on fhe combined oreo of the two po�cels. G�� �� � � ��� . �0.. s�s � 0 = 75'33'47" R = 40. 00' T = 31. 01 ' L = 52. 75' CH = 49. 01 ' CB = N70'52'14 "E GRAPHIC SCALE c��"�') i inch � 10 i� � 3�'> a0, s�� � �� G'� � V� G� �,P G LOT 2� � "9� i� \ O� '' \V�' O�r A-'1 cKO ` c�en�x,� �av a� a�c� nav � Mo�zr�Ar,� ,�QC�E,P dP D�D A� TR[,ST HQCD£R KNbll� ALL AIEN BY 7HE5E PRESL7V75 7HAT the undersJgned bebig the ho/der of o marfyroge or dee�d of tnvst on the rov/ properiy situated in fhe Town of Voi/, Eagre Cor�nt}j Cdurodq a�enr�i6ed os 1h//ow� LOT ,2Z 6i�01QK 2 L/aW�i' R/Or,� �YNSYAN, fK/NG Na .3, a�ccord— brg to the p/ot recorded Sqvtember 9, 1979 � Book 290 ot Poge 79�, Town of Vo�l, Eo�e County, Cdaradq, cantainmg 0.41 Acr�s� � � �� av a�Mo�rr ari Mb fiia✓ pMt under H►e non�e and sty/e of fINAL PLAT, A RF.�'HSJ'AN of LOT 2Z, 6rLO�CJC � UAN'S R/DGE SUBOMS/AN, fXAMG Ibb .� o s�ubd�M's,b�n A�► ths Town ot W�i', £� County, Cdaraob; ap►w: to fhe dcdk�atkn a»d sett/ng apart d/ ot he prrb/ic roads ond od►wr p�bNtc �irAor+v►�►ne►rt� and p/xss os ahorn an the accompanying p/at M Gh� u� of ths pu6✓ic 1b�rorer, and does heroby ogr+e�e to the dedfcotian o/ dYwM p�artkns of s�dd r�ra✓ prqoerty whk�h ars �i►idfcotsd as sossrne,nt an �+ �1�9 P� os �a�revnenta lb�r H►s pwpo�s ahoNr► her+�an; and abrr Iheraby agriss to ths grant�irg of the rlgiht to instd/ and mok�toJn n�wary► �atrrricturora to !hs er�tlty r�apa�srib/e h�r proriding the serrices lior whk�h Qhe swrrr{�pta aro estab/lsh �Y,�. £xacuMd M y of , A.D. 1996 of I�bri' 1 a d , � a/or 8f657 �I � s_ � £,i�► � : � �I STA lE Q� CACqRA00 ) �� GbI�AVTY A� £AG�£ ) lhe ,Jbr+sr, fahg CertllRcc b��br�r nN thls 1 D,fr, By. of Obdkotlan and Ownerah�jv �ps ocyfrnowledged _ dgy of,� rY1LZ� ! 9 `1 �o , AIy CommFssJon eaplres _ MlCrrs�s my hand and ae�d.• � � ����� nnE c�n�c� � �j %�K�i Ti'�'i�. EauRrlty�fe� (pm��,�s hereby certlfy thot the t/tIs to dN /ands sfiown u an thJs p/at ho►� ee exomhed �►d is ►bsted h ha��'�f�— A/e� fi`�_�r�. �rd thot fk/s to uch /ards is _free nd dear of a// /iens and encumbronces, except as D�ated thls doy of A.D. l�tn�- tilr- ���et�—�Go . � Bo x 3s� u�,/ C,fl $1 Vs � �e� er• ��T"� ' � ��YIA_� �PS L�R71fICA7E.• /, Qrrane D. Feihni�rger, ab heroby cert/fy that / om o Registerod L�d SLr�tw l'�n�d under ths /ows of ths Sfots of Cdorodo, that this P/ot ia bv� c�amisc� or�d carr�v/ete os /o/d out, p/atted, dedk�ated and shown herBan, Ghot siud► P/ot wea mods lfam an accurote avrrsy of soid property by me and u►�obr i»y a��,oarv�iia� and corr�ct/y ahowa the /ocotlan and d�nenslons of the btaf, �awN►r►ant� and sbssts of sokJ svbdlriskn os the same ore staked upan ths p►arin�d fi comp/br►ce with opp/icob/e rog�v/otians goremh�g the s�vbdh�aw of /cnd M wi �►a►eot / hors sst my hand and ssd this �� day of . , 1996. ���\\\1!11111 Il�l,l�j�� � � p c,' ! �, ,1����Q`F:i• ���� .�� . Registerad Lo� SLiS�syor No. ��26G -= e o 26�2� �; = . _ �� - : • _ I/lC/NITY MAP GRAPH/C SCALE o aan �aao �v (irv �Er) 1 /NCH = 1000 FEET 1�R71f7CA7F Ol� OIED/CAT1dV AND DIfN£RSN/P.• Know a/1 men by these pr�ssents thot the undersk,�ned, be/H s+o% owners !n fse slmp/� mortgogees ar //enhdder of o// thot roo/ pro�oerty slfuated h► the Town of I/aN, £og✓e County, Ca/orodq descr�'ied os hal/ow� LOT 22, BLOC�C 2 UAN�' R/00.� .57/BD/NS/QYV, f7L/lViG No. .� oc�cord— Ing to the p/ot recorded Sepfeimber 9, 1979 � Book 290 ot Poge 794, Town of lial/, Eog✓e Counfy, Co%rodo, cor�ta/nb�g 0.41 Acre� mare or /ess�; ho►�e by theae proser�ts /old ouf, p/otted cnd avbd!►�ised ths aane rhto /ots �d b/ocks os s�hown an this frn� Plof under ths nams ond sty/s of fl'NAL PtAT O�' LOT 22 BL4�pC 2 L/ANS R/OG�E SUBD�N,S�'AN, f1L/NG No. 3, R7ifN Ol� ViV4 EAGLE CAUNTY, CACpQA00; and do here�by oc�cbjot ths rs— apans�Aity l+ar the camp/etiarr of r�q�vrirod knior�ow�ment� and do ha►�6y dedicote ard set oport a✓/ the pub/ic roads a�d other pub/ic hnpro►�ments and p/ocss os s,hown an the o�ca►n�oan�hg p✓ot to the us�s of the pub/Jc fare�r; �d do dsdJcote thase portlan of sald r�o/ p%oerty wfiic�h ore �ndk�ated os sese�msnt on the xcompan}�hg p/at os e�asa,►nerits for the purposes s�ionn herea�; and do hee�6y gva�t the e ni,r�it to �sta// �d mamtobi necessaory strvctures to the entity msponsAb/e fix proa+dJhg the ,ser►�icas liar wihich the eosements om►� estab/lshed. £xecuted thls ��� doy of �� A.D. f996 . DAUPH/NA/S A/OS�LEY CONSIRUCTIOW, /NC., PATRICK DAUPH/NA/S, PresJdent P. D. OX 1515 tia!/, 8f657 �� By. STATF A� COLOlRA00 ) � � C0(/NTY 01� E�GL£ ) 71�e 16r�godng Cer 111rcote of Dedkot�n belFX+s,me this dov of _ AIy Commission exvb�s _ iKiness my h�nd and seal.• ��III�,R�Y d. WARO wvs ocknowiesy�ed , ���� � STATF A� CACA?ADO ) �� CIX/NTY A� £AGr£ ) 7he 16r+�go�4ng CertlRcate of Deddcotlan ond Ownersehlp w+vs oeknowledgad beh�re me this day of , A/y Commission expires Wftness my hor�d and seo% 0 ory u rc 33 ZdV/NG ADA//N/SIRATCJVP CER71f7CA7E.• 71r1s Rno1 p/ot,�,!;� J' oPP�� �Y/7KL/ of VoA' Zon�g Admhnlstrotar thJs L doy of , A.D., 1996 �, . ; ' oning mmis ro or � Town of 1/oi/ ;y � � � , . ' ; �n�rcA � o,� rAxES PAm.• /, the unders/gned, ����-i �����e artTre amount of � xes due ond poynb/e os of It.. �� (n u an o// porcels of rea/ estote descrJbed on thls p/ot ore poid in !a1/. Doted this �� doy of _��� , A.D., 199i6 a . r surer o� og e y �� s,^LERK AND RECQ4DE7?'S QERT1F1'CATF.• � �(� 71r1s p/ot �+vs fA'ed lfor rocord Jn H►s o1f9c�s of the GYsntr and Recordsr ot day of A.O. 1996 ot \ ��' ock .M. Reeorded und Receptlon No. in Book ot Poge �Z . y....�.,l���e, /) !\\ O�'o� �c +�,, � / �' � \ l w~: •''�....,, .�� �fd. � l l�" ` Ywc� �`A.�w.�� P ��� � p��'`� "�{ �,'�°=� County, Cda'odo �� �:.� �,r.,