HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 1 Block 3 Lot 05I� S 73°21'19" W - 40.00 FND. YELLOW PL4STIC CAP WITH jj5 REBAR L.S. �2568 � FINAL PLAT � � � �:./ a �'� � �_ � � �✓ � �S .') . �_ � _ . , ,� .. � .. i TOWN 4F VAIL, CDUNTY �F EAGLE, STATE OF COL�RADO TRACT A VAIL VILLAGE, EIGHTH FILIhJG SEf �4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. 26598 . w , 4� a� / M S �/02���9 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 4 � Q w � � � N � � O N � i w �O 0 O d' � � � � z � m � O � a N 33°52'13 ' E 19.55' TIE FND. �j4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP / L.S. �jF14109 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE–VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 S 88° 36' 19" W- 115.00 ENT �---- i "s � �'os. �,., COMMON F 84ss, �"� PARCEL T�F I0.3835 ACRES I � �— � � I � � WEST 15.0 � � � PARCEL I( 0.08106 ACRES I � N 88°26'32" W – 111.92 — — 30.0 � � � -�- � 'J I � EAST J I PARCEL I 0.06788 ACRES J � L4 \ 1367E VAIL j VALLEY DRIVE � P RKI G AREA — � A N / EAST PARCEL / I I � � --- ^ 1 � I r I�� � � 1 \ I I1367 VAIL I I � VALLEY DRIVE PARKING AREA � � 5 � WEST PARCEL J BUILDIING � � S ETB,hC K I � I— _ J- ---- � // � � -- -__ � I Q � O �� / S 86°01'S3" E - 129.78 I O�° 1 6 ��/' L. S. � 2 6 5 9 8 R WITH ALUM. CAP R-274.59 L=10.91 VAI L T= 5.46 C= 10.91 C B= S 87° 10' 12" E VALLEY DRIVE � SET jj4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. �26598 � � CO I w � .-- M O Z SET 3' WIT. CRN. {� 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. �j 26598 �50' R.O. W.� LOT 6 °���° 20 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 F e e t SCALE: 1" = 20' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 01°47'19" E 30.50 L2 S 88°12'41" E 62.70 L3 S O1°47'19" W 34.50 L4 N 88°12'41" W 23.00 L5 S 01°47'19" W 20.60 L6 N 88°12'41" W 36.30 L7 N 43°12'41" W 3.46 LB N 01°47'19" E 17.21 L9 N 09°05'49" W 5.03 L10 S O1°47'19" W 15.50 L11 N 88°12'41" W 11.10 L12 S 01°47'19" W 41.18 L13 N 88°12'41" W 38.70 L14 N 01°47'19" E 81.28 L15 S 88°12'41" E 46.40 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � '' ��'` � . � -_ , � , a '� •► -- - � ' -� . CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Charles David Sr��th, betng sole owner �n fee sir�ple, of all that real praperty situated in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Lot 5, Block 3, Vall Valley Ftrst Ftling, accardtng to the plat thereof recorded �n Book 217 at Page 609 In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, cantatntng 0,5324 acres, More or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subdiv�ded the saMe Into lots and tracts as shown on thts ftnal plat under the nar�e and style of ' A Resubdtvislon of Lot 5, Block 3, Vatl Valley Ftrst Ftling, ', a subdlvlslon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Coloradoj and does hereby accept the responslb►ility for the coMplet�on of required iMproveMentsj and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other p�ublic iMprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the public foreverl and does hereby dedtcate thosr. porttons of satd real property whtch are Indlcated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby grant the r�ght to Install and Malntaln necessary structures to the ent�ty responsible for providing the servlces for which the easeMents are established, Executed thts � S__ day of ____!� __, D,, 199 �, �''�------ ---- OWNERS; - -------- ----- arles Davtd Sr��th Address � _13_ _ (.4��. ��_��tf_N_�._�Z� STATE OF IU � ____________) >ss, CDUNTY OF 1U��________) The forego�ng tnstruMent was acknowledged before Me thts _ls __ day of __ �l'1 I1- �________, A, D,, 199_I� by Char t es Dav t d SM t th My Cor�M I ss I on exp I res � o`Z _��1=°� ri Wltness My hand and seal. --- -- -- -- ���e-�-------- Notary P t Address ��_�_� 4? x_2(� f 8-------.-� �c%c-��_lnc:�c_..�L_iv_ C �2] � 3 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN F�R MORTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that WestStar Bank, being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described QS f011OwS� Lot 5, Block 3, Vatl Valley F�rst Filtng, according to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatning 0,5324 acres, More or less, as shown on th�s ftnal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubd�vision �f Lot 5, Block 3, Vatl Valley F�rst Fil�ng ', a subdtvts�on �n the Town of Va�l, Eagte County,, ColoradoJ agrees to the dedicatton and setting apart all of the publlc roads and other publtc �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby agree to the dedtcatlon of those porttons of sald real property whtch are Indtcated as easeMents on the accoMpanying pla,t as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby agree to the grant�ng of the right to install and Ma�ntain necessary structures to the entity responsible for prov�ding the services for which the easeMents are establtshed, Executed thts ��,day of _`�-------------� A,D,, 199�¢, M�RTGAGEE; WestStar Bank 108 South Front�age Road West Vatl, C� 81657 . ' By _ <T tle)__ ���--------- STATE �F_�Q1QillQ�..i�_____> )ss, COUNTY OF _��_____) The f oregQ I n g i n struMen t was ackn ow l edged j�ef�ore Me h t s 1�L�, day gr� �`� !q� __, A. D, 199 by (%t'!�__��tl�L.____ -- as _�'I�°�i�1��=lt1t ----- °f .1%�t°� l__��-------- � My Cor►Mtss�on exptres� _J�__7=_9�, Witnes d and seal. Q���,�� ���'��1��' :"�t" Nota y�l t c ----�� ------ '��a �W`�ar ' `�. .:, Address � ---�� -�- -- -�� , , :.- ,,;. � . �,. .r ° � t:! -'��--�Q�1�� ---- . _ . . : L% N � 'o �" . � �� �� P" � � �_ir .y� �o ,f o �`;F��_' ��� ��; - ��, TITLE CERTIFICATE 'f?tlG uAva.ht� Com J,�aY�o� ________�_____________�r!/.�____, does hereby cert i fy that the title to all lands shown upon this fina4 plat has been exar� i ned and i s vested i n� C.�r.�t�__Pa��_d .Sn2i tL±_______________ _________________________________________________________________ and that tltle to such lands Is free and clear of all ltens and ncuMbr ces, except as follows; __ _______________________ � o�-�`��_ �' --q =}"! q _ssr ----------------------- _ _ ��D�.,�'l�#�±�r�ra�t ��--q=��"q�--�s� ------------------------ � Qf _'#�''_u_-�'�-��---�=3 -AS---�tQlc �(05�-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th i s_�� day of _�'�________________, A, D,, 199p, ��5-�' �1�_- --a� _C����"�' ��-�- � ----� ��---------- BY` v - - ------------- <Stgnature> -1=-'�1�� �--J-�Y'!-�-`--------- CPrtnt ar�e) -- �_��-��--�u�!�.r-!� -------- CTttle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a regtstered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the taws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat �s true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My supervlston and correctly shows the location and dtr�ensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of sa�d subdivision as the saMe are staked upon the ground in coMpliance with applicable regulattons governing the subdivtston of land, yw{!�1t 9 FRA ��la�t�. J'C � � ��r���;,,� � I n w t tn ess thereof I have set My han,pT ,�f�"�;';��a�� `��i'�,S �'?� day of ,�r::• �a� ° - y ---�'! ------ � A , D , , 199__ , 4° �.� .�' �1 r : � ��� `�� . � e_� 4 a � +� .• � � . �: ����� ;,/� .�. �� z Stan F�i"�f�y°1»d�.��" -: ;_. Co l orac'�'t�,,�� ;,��9�,�° r+l.jllr113�:kt��E N�TES� C1> The purpose of thts plat Is to create Parcels A, B, & C as shown, C2) Date of Survey� Aprll, 1996 <3> Beartngs are based on a ltne connecttng the found r�onuMents r�arktng the westerly line of Lot 5 being SO4'30'00'E (see drawtng), C4) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon, <5) Street Address� 1367 Vall Valley Drive, (6> Parktng areas shown hereon are part of the Cor�r�on Parcel, C7) Protecttve Covenants recorded In Book 217� ¢t Page 406, C8) Party Wall AgreeMent recorder In Book jQ`?y�at Page ^7��, PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the three parcels created by this resubdivlslon are to be treated as one entity wtth no More than one two-faMtly restdence allowed on the coMbtned area of the three parcels, Allowable gross restdent�al floor area for the two-faMily residence w�ll be calculated based on the coMbined area of the three parcels, Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE Th t s f i n�a l�p������i s Y�g��Oy approved-b- the-Town-of Va � l Zon � ng AdM � n t st ."�� �{�'�.:/�I l� da of �� --, A, D,, 199� , ,,.�``:�o -i/, . L ? � - --------------------------------- Town r � � n�ng AdMin�strator Town o ,t�' ►.n do wn of Va t l, Co l orado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certify that th entt e aMOUnt qf taxes and assessMents due and payable as of -��I��-��(P_- upon all parcels of real estate described on thls plat are pald In full, I � Dated thts _1_ __ day of ____T_ _______, A„ 199,�Q_, --�{�"� Trea urer of Ea gle ount y - � CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� °O Th�s Plat was ftled for record �n the �fftce of the Clerk and Recorder at ��'_a-�__o'c l ock _Q , M,, on th t s_ �"1___day of 'M�� _, 199 (Q, and t s du ly recorded I n Book �94_ Page No , =7�Q , � S�O-t 35 �rt�.� �,�`c,Qt -- Cterk a d Recorder BY` ----- �`�`�--------- Deput DRAWING: 4/25/96 M.P. JOB No. 2058