HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 7 Lot 23 - Amended Final Plat� UMLATTED u_ _ _ _ .� � . _ _ __-�- .�_ __- -_�_�_____ , , .. a ,. .. _. , AMENDED FINAL� PLA T � � , 0. � �- � T 0�N 4F VAIL EA GLE CO UNT Y COL 0��l�U 0 VAIL BOUN�ARY . f � it1RCEL B VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE � FOUND No. 4 REBAR AND ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 16827 LOT 20A 1=09°25.3" R=1205.15 L=198.27 LC=198.02 CB=N 82°20.6' E pAM (�p' R.O.W•) ROA� . NOTES� �1) The purpose o� th�s p�at �s to ar�end the parcel l�nes between Parcels A, B, & C as shown (2) Date of Survey� Apr�l, 1996 (3) Bear�ngs are based on a line connect�ng the found r�onuMents r�ark�ng the easterly l�ne of Lot 23 be�ng S02°56,7'E Csee drawing). (4) Monur,entatlon as shown hereon, CS) Street Address� z54 Beaver Dar� Road, C6) Townhouse Declarot�on recorded �n Book 438 at Page 441, FOUND No. 4 REBAR AND ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 16827 . BEAVER � � � I � I UTILITY EASEMENT I � \� � �j SANITARY SEWER/WATER/GAS EASEMENT I RECORDED IN BOOK 192, PAGE 335 0 � � PARCEL C � (COMMON PARCEL) I � J 0.3526 ACRES I " 1 5.0 / 254 BEAVER DAM ROAD r'' LOT 2 4 LOT LINE TO BE ABANDONED I I \ BY THIS PLAT. „ _ 54.3� N 08° 15'00" W 5.0 -- 15.0 5$�045�00 W��-1 18.78 I � N 0 O � � N � � � I S g�°45'00" W_ 70.38 I c0 � � 1 I � � � � r � I N PLOWED � _ - - - - � � � � I N 02°56'42" W - 33.14 N 1 DRIVEWAY � � � D � � � � „ � o,„ A � N os�, 5�00�� w �� 1 N 81°45'00 E o S 69 15 00 E� B 4.50 � , 2.00 f 13.7,9 Z 0.1088 ACRES �pp" E- 52'42 I °D W N O$°��J�OO W N 8'Ia45 �9 5-� D� FOUND No. 4 REBAR AND ALUMINUM CAP p 8 96 /� 70 - L.S. 16827 ' _ 58. 12.85 � 3.46 o , " -P � 1 '00" E /�� �_ N 81 45 00 �� N 08°15'00" W- 31.55 � N / PA R C E L I I LOT LINE TO BE ABANDONED I 31.53 � � CENTOERLWE I I BY THIS PLAT. / PaRry w,a�� 5.0 � ( � 0.1071 ACRES � I � � � � � / � �� /� � � � - �� � � = � _ �I 51.7 �- _--- ,��6.75 � _ - - -5.05 5 $�045' W - - SET No. 4 REBAR AND ALUMINUM CAP �� LS. 26598 � � 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 123a EDWARDS, C0. 81632 970 949-1406 LOT 21 1 UTILITY EASEMENT LOT LINE TO BE ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. LOT 22 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � SCALE: 1" = 20' �0 0 ,�0 40 BO 1�'�et CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND �WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Dav�C� R, Meyer, Jan�ce C, Meyer, Reg�na A. B�ederr�an, and Heln�ne B', Gould, be�ng sole owner �n fee s�r�ple, of all that real praperty s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Parcels A, B, and C, A Resubd�v�s�on Of Lot 23, Block 7, Va�l V�llage, F�rst F�l�ng, accord�ng to the p�lat thereof recorded �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�n�ng 0,5685 acres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�v�ded the sar�e �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the nar�e and styte of " AMended F�nal Plat, A Resubd�v�s�on of Lot 23, Block 7, Va�l V�llo.ge, F�rst F�l�ng, ', a subdiv�s�on in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the respons�b�l�ty for the cor�pletion of requ�red �Mprover�ents; and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publ�c �Mprover,ents and places as shown on the accor�pany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easer�ent on the accor�pany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the r�ght to �nstall and r�a�nta�n necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for provtd�ng the serv�ces for whtch the easer�ents are establ�shed� Executed th t s �5� ay of �i4il _________, A � D,, 199 lv, �iir� . �WNERS� � -------------- -- - - ---------- Dav�d R, Meyer 6433 Grand V�sta Avenue C�nc�nnat�, OH 45213 � ^ � � -- ------------------- ----------- J � ce C, Mleyer 433 Grand V�sta Ave e C�nc�nnat�, OH 45213 - - ------- ���5�= w ------ e ' . ��ederMan Addr s � �?5� �VE�!' �,� ,�p_ --- �1 Ly- C-°--��'6�)--- �. , --- -- - - --------- Hela�ne B. Gould � Address � �S� �t�_�O =--��t=��`'�:�s� --- STATE OF OH�� > ------------ >55. COUNTY �F ���V��_ ) The f orego � n � n strur�en t was ackn ow t edgedl bef ore r�e th � s�� day of __�Il��_______, A, D., 199� by Dav � d R, Meyer , My CoMM�ss�on exptres� �� .� W�tness My hand and seal, - ��----------- No ary P �c Address� ��� t _ - - :.��--��t_ STATE OF___CQ��'!O__� ._• - --)55, COUNTY OF ___�A�� _ ) The foreg ng �nstruMent was ackno ledged b ore Me th�s.�'/"�h ' ---- day of __��_________, A.D„ 199�/ by J n�ce C, yer, My CoMM � ss � on exp � res �_�%����!__ W�tness r�y hand and seal, -------- - - ------- ---------- Notary Pub � c n� O�� �j,( Address � _________._�%L�1_ ___ _ � 7 � -� STATE �F__�QG!���'y`v!!___� )ss, COUNTY OF __�C� ____) The fore o� �nstrur�ent was acknowled ed efore M this _�7J!^ 9 � 9 day of ___ �_______, A,D., 199.� by R�g�na A, �ederr,an, My Cor,M � ss � on exp � res .__� j.1-2Lqb_ . W�tness my hand and seal, -------- -- ------- --- Notary Pubu�c �f Q/�j/ Address � _______ v� �' `'/�''� -------� -�-��- STATE OF��o�y��o ______> )ss, C�UNTY �F �„�J�.________) The forego�ng �nstrur�ent was acknow��dgcd before Me th�s %�_ day of _�..`J ________, A,D., 1999�, by Hela�ne B. Gould, ( My CoMM � ss t on exp t res �(y�•s.�n�l�LtI1'1'�7� W�tness My hand and seal. - "►.r'� L� ---------- - -- --- ary Pub t Address � _13�s!� 29F?�J ___ _S►.1�tsr_�•�±cc_ �•_ �Y�� , TITLE CERTIFICATE (�Ahc� �I±�e. �11�tM�,'�CG _�__, does hereby cert I fy that the t I t le to all lands shown upon thts f�nal plat has been exaM�ned and Is v e s t e d � n � �t�(v�A. � � �iS�t!'vY1�1/1 }�C�q� �'iG _ 13 _ C�o%t�� _ _Qg yi'-�_ _ _ _ _ _ -f�. ��r �n�--�n-� �' �!�'=�------------------------------ and that t�tle to such lands Is free and clear of all l�ens and encur�brances, except as fo l lows �_�lo�',.t ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th � s_�.�� day of _�r'1�________________, A, D,, 199�p � 1�tn�i_�'if �e- S�ucxr�nt�-_G_� ' - Address _�4 �igOJs_��7_ _ -lJ�-� ��5�--------- B y � _l��W��uu'� � (S�gnature� -�r�� � '___17UYi-�'�----- CP ' � nar,e�, --� I�_��ana�e� --------- CTitle) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I ar� a reg�stered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat Is true, correct and cor,plete as la�d out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat was r,ade froM an accurate survey of sald property by r�e and under My supervtston and correctly shows the locat�on and d�r�ens�ons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of sa�d subd�v�s�on as the sar,e are staked upon the ground In cor�pl�ance w�th appl�cable regulattons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on of l an d . ++���'� �•``" "�'va `� ,�,;;��.� f�f:�'��,, �'��'►•� a.� In w � tness thereof I have set r, har� `i���f""` �" ��__ da of Y � �. ��`'+:��p` . Y � ---� -----� A, D, , 199 L , �. a°.�rr �"rQ:4 � ��s~ 26������e a Stan H�fg Colorado PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, the three parcels created by th�s resubd�v�s�on are to be treated as one ent�ty w�th no More than one two-far��ly res�dence allowed on the cor,b�ned area of the three par�els, Allowable gross res�dent�al floor area for the two-far,Ily resldence wlll be calculated based on the coMbined area of the three parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE This f �.z� re y approved by t Town of Va�l Zon�ng Adr,�n. tr�tor _ day of ______ ___, A,D,, 199 , ��iir%�+� - G� k�M ��� - - ------ - ------ Town l2rl�: �' -�:�' Zon I ng Adm I n I trator Town of Va�� �i; `` - lorado Town of Va I l, Co lorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the entire aMOUnt of taxes an d assessmen ts due an d payab l e as of �° �mj�r_�1�� q9� u pon all parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s plat are pa�d �n full, Dated th � s_�__ day of __�C71�G _______, A, D., 199 g�, . r . �. -- � Treasurer EagQ�e ounty CLERK AND RECORDER ' S CERT I F I CATE c� I l,O � This Plat was f�led for record in the Off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder at _��0� o' c lock �, M,, on th � s__�f.� day o _,�`��Q., j_ _, 199.�Q_, an d � s du l y recorded � n Book ��] �.Q_ Page No, �Q�, �cc� a3po� q► ' �• t►ti °� �. �'�."'.».-.`' �•t � -- -- r0`-" �_ �_! ���i------ �•.� �� .� ;� C l erk an d Recorder . ; �����t�� B --- - --- -- ---- '�,,V! � by' Deputy JOB No. 215 � � 0 0 • .� .. ,