HomeMy WebLinkAboutGore Creek Condominium Building A - 1996 - Unplatted� N.W. CRN. SEC. 18 w S U N D IAL FOUND 4.5" �ALUMINUM CAP & e� � 2.5 PIPE o ap L.S. 4551 1990 p �/ b N 90°00'00" W - 7.00 LOT 1 B LO C K 4 BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FI F-TH AD D ITI 0 N LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 BEARING N 41°50'00" E S 48° 10'00" E S 41°50'�0" W S 48° 10'00" E S 41°50'00" W S 48° 10'00" E N 41°50'00" E S 48° 10'00" E N 41°50'00" E N 48° 10'00" W S 41°50'00" W N 48° 10'00" W N 41°50'00" E N 48° 10'00" W N 41°50'00" E S 41°50'00" W N 48° 10'00" W N 00°00'00" W S 48° 10'00" E N 41°50'00" E N 41°50'00" E N 48° 10'00" W S 41°50'00" W N 48° 10'00" W N 48° 10'00'� W S 41°50'00" W N 41°50'00" E 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 f303)949-1406 DISTANCE 20.49 16.50 9.40 9.20 1.20 5.40 6.90 6.40 3.70 10.10 6.40 4.60 0.70 6.30 5.70 32.68 23.27 21.33 26.50 36.38 28.20 26.50 r 28.20 26.50 37.50 28.20 36.38 a n rn � � � � °o O� � J � 7.5 � � J � O � O 0 � � � � � � o� , ITNESS CORNER G p R E � i ' T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO LOT 1 A BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FI FTH AD D ITI 0 N N �5050 �0 � C R E E 0 w,' K 2�•08 COMMON PARCEL 0.1938 AC. ADDRESS: 01 MAIN GORE DRIVE ^ � 4.2 / � / � �o / � �. / / �2s / � f /� / � � / � > UNIT 4 / �IE 0.0258 AC. � �� ^ PROPERTY LINE BELOW / � �4j1 ELEV.: 8612.30 � // �.�. � / ' ' �AJ ,�^�1 ., � / .... `�, � � ` �� ' '•, �' `�'.•:•.•.•:•. �'°J � J ...... ... �� . . . . � U N IT 3 �' �s'•' ' '`��� �8 •�-: �,� � 0.02�2 a,c. J J PROPERTY LINE AT �. ELEVATION 8612.30 ^ � '�► AND ABOVE �, �o �' c� �>> I� � M U w � z w � U `o � o j o � 0 � z 0 z � � c� .- z � � m N � Z o � U � �n 3 ml z � ti� \ `�2 �' BUILDING �� OUTLINE UNIT 1 o.o, �2 Ac. � PROPERTY LINES � FOLLOW CENTERLINE / � PARTY WALL / �� ��ti �?� / / � �\v/� / STRUCTURE U NIT Z � SEMENT � \ / 0.0221 AC. / > \ � // \ / / � � � / �a� � � DECK TYP. \\��. / � \ �� / ��9 � � � �� �� 5.5 O�� � � � / ,��1, u I / � � ,�� „�O � Dc � �' � � � 0 / SCALE: 1" = 10' 10 0 10 20 30 Feet N 90°00'00" E - 7.00 V � � � NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commenCe any legal action bosed FOUND ALUMINUM CAP upon any defect in this survey with'in three years after you first B.L.M. N 1\16 CRN. discover such defect. In no event, Rnay any action based upon any SEC. 13� 18 defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � Oh ��. SET 20' WITNESS CORNER ��� � • � � � � ^� � I =12° 16' 52" 4•2 R=75.00 L=16.08 > T=8.07 LC=16.05 CB=S 36°21'34" W � J \ � Q � � �0 � / NOTES� C1) The purpose of this Map Is to resubdivide the r�ap of Gore Creek CondoM►ntuM, Bu�ld�ng 'A"� C2) Date of Survey� January, 1994 C3) Bearings are based on a line connecting the found MonuMents Marking th� i�e�est corner of Sectton 18, TSS, R79W and the north 7-�i�6 �ntr of Section 13/18 betng S00'00'00'E t �. <4) ,�1 �ndtcates found platn no. 5 rebar, � Indicates set no, 4 rebar and aluMlnuM cap LS 26598 C3"� �'treet Address� 5017 Maln Gore Drtve, (6a Basis of Elevattons - sanitary sewer Manhole 096, Invert elevatton = 8532,3' per U,E,V,W,&S,D. (7) CondoMtniur� Declaration recorded in Book 200 at Page 291, and First Ar�endr�ent thereto recorded �n Book 657 at Page 666, C8) � Indtcates storage structure easer�ent, (9) a Indtcates the second floor livtng area overhang fror� Unit 4 onto Unit 3, the subfloor elevatton of the second floor llvtng area is 8612,3', C) indicates property ltne courses between Units 3& 4 below elevation 8612,3' <below second floor), C] Indtcates property line courses between Units 3& 4 at elevatton 8612,3' and above Csecond floor and above), <10) � Area of Unit shown relattve to property ltne at grade <below elevatlon 8612,3'), area of overhang �s 102 sq,ft, or ,00235 acres, 1 \ 18\95 M. POST CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that John 0, Buchanan, Margaret J, Buchanan, Stephen J, Clarl«, Jack�e R, Clark, Warren L, Tor�linson, and Ltnda J, ToMllnson, being sole owner In fee slMple, of all that real property s�tuated tn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed ns follows� Map Of Gore Creek CondonlnluM, ApartMents Butlding 'A', according to the plat thereof recoroled at receptton no, 104837 In the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatntng 0,286 acres, nore or less, has by these presents laldi out, platted and subdivided the saMe tnto lots and tracts ns sMown on thts final plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdivlston Of Gore Creek CondoMlntuM, Butldtng A', a subdlvislon In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Coloradoj and does hereby accept the respons�b�lity for the coMpletton of requtred �nproveMents� and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publt�c roads and other publlc tMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the publ�c forever� nnd does Mereby dedicate those porttons of sa�d real property which are Ir�dicated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the right to InstalY and Mainta�n necessary structures to the enttty responstble for providtng the services for wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed. Executed this _____ day of _____ A D 199_ -� ��-----��--� � � �WNERS= .1 =,�--=-�------------------------- J hn 0. Buchang.n, dress � _�� � ��r_-��� �? ---- _Ji`�� 1GlZ_ �sL�S � ------- - - G. _ _" �SCL'_ 11' !.L C-�� 1i"`_'v` r�-_ -- Ma gar J. B han n Address � __�G'/'�__' (��.� ��-n-e 7�_� _ ---���`'� ��-- �1��7_------- ---- - ---�- �-�u-� -------------- Ste en J, Clark Address � __�17�t�r���� 1� _ ��__ ----�2��r- � --��s� � --- s��,�--� - -------------- - J k�e R, Clark p� dress � _ �b� _Ill�'l� ���!LL��Z. __'���C�`�_�lSe � ----- 1',�4d� C �L �l�Z�/�� ----------- arren L, ToMltnson Address � ���� /_��,�Lfr2�� �� #y _ --�dl� C_��__��6 S?------ � -i-�f�y��-�Zc��---- f� L�nda J, oMl�nson Address s __f�/Q'fy�� G��e� �9._,�`i�_ --�o1Lr�'rrf _�/6J7------- STATE OF_ vo_'^!��____� i �ss, COUNTY OF _ �"==C7�� ----- � The for ing � struMent was acknowledged before r�e this ��f� -- day of �11GQ2 �____, 14, ., 99� by John ❑, Buchanan, � ��a� q My CoMMtsston exptres _ _____ _2 . Wttness My hand and seal. ! - -------------- Notar Pu c� 3�� _--- Addr ss = __ ��� � --- �-�-i�------------- STATE OF_� c _�!a�? ____� COUNTY OF __� IC ______;�ss, � ��� The for go t ng t nstrunent �►as acknow�dged before Me th � s __ day of ��LG�----� �4,D „ 199� by Margaret J, Buchan�n My CoMM � ss t on exp i res �_�-�1 ��a%_ Witness My hand and seal � ---- ---------- ------------------ Notar Pub c ,b� o Addr s = -- �'-� _ -------�--r-�--�7� °-�------ STATE OF---� C d�OC sC� -- ) >ss, C�UNTY OF __�R'���____ ) The foregp� ng t nstrurient �as acknow�dged before Me th i s_i �?� � day of (VJ„�� /'--, A,D,, 199� by Stephen J, Clark, My Cor►M t ss t on exp t res ���� �`! �_, Wttness My hand and seal, Nota Pub l i� ,3� U r---~------ Add ess � --- ��--�-� r� � �---- � �Or,�,(ti STATE OF_____^ ____ ) )ss, CQt1NR'Y OF - 'Cg /��-------- � � The fore c n t trur►ent �was ackn ow l edged before Me th ► s___!?�� ��r af ��� __/ ____, A. D, 199sby Jack t e R, C l ark , 7' ` , ,, .iy��7.. , q�CoMr► t ss � on exp t res __.� ___ tness My hand and sent; 'o��-, ~ � �� ybot�r ��,�blt----------------------- , � � Ad ss �° ( � 3�{U � J� ---- �-�- �?__,�o_a'�----- r - . j' j' � � � �. � � STATE OF__ � �����__ ) . COUNTY �F ___�� G_____�ss, z �f� The fore Ins ruMent was acknow�,edged before r�e this _____ day of _���(!�!! ______, A, D,, 99� by Warren L, Tor� l � n son , My CoMM�sston exptres� _� _ � % Witness My hand and seal, ,. , , � �� . ,> -- --------- - -------�------ � Nota y Pub l� 3� , '' Add ess i --- - ,. ' ��,�1) ; � ---- -----�'�---�Fl�_��� - . � � � -, STATE OF_____ U(/'� a '; . r �, � � --------- � ' ' ! + / ) ss , �c CDUNTY �F -��LL -----� / 1 � The foreg n �nstruMent was acknow�,edged before Me thts ��� day of _����� __, A, ,, 99 �by Linda J, ToMltnson � y�s-( q % ' My CoMr�tss�on expires� ______ , Witness My hand and seal, -'����� ----------------- Nota y Public Adess�--------------------------- TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tltle Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certlfy that the tttle� to all lands shown upon thts f�nal plat has been exaM�ned and t vested t n ��'oh� o• 8uc.l�av�r�, Mu►�are+J• 8wc�a�vwati.� St�ar�►, S- �4�r .3otu4t R_CIarK��±arrc•� L_?'ow�IrNsa±�(..tv_d�t � 1b_ir lixSa'� ------------- and that t�tle to such lands �s free and clear of all ltens and encuMbrances, except as follows� Ps�sl� ±r1ES� r+ac_-a.- i}-q� _vtr7► '1v5�_A'iv�_Ytt _1 _i3.-94 _ v$'►�74� !�Cd._¢E_Y7�tt�_�'__�_`!_-�3_� ! S�!�4 ��_�,ee• _ 4_3_0_-_93 _l,���4} J�e�_cF �,�t_rr.c.__s_Z=_q_5_�c.o� Dated th � s 1'_�___ day of _ �!�AY�ih� ______________, A, D,, 199 (� Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany 108 S. Frontage Road West Vatl, CO 81657 By' -�- -- ---------------- cs���a�� KA.vt� �'= t�or_�!�!}_Ti�!-�� IUaha_y�-►- CPr�nt naMe and t�tle) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat is he�eby approved by the Town of Vatl Zoning �f -��----------- � A , D , . 199`. ----- --- �- - ---- - --- on�ng AdM�n�strator Town of Vatl, Colorado SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I aM a regtstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat Is true, correct and cor�plete as lald out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervtsion and correctly shows the locatton and dtMensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of satd subd�v�sion as the sar,e are staked upon the ground In cor�pl�ance wtth appl�cable regulat�ons governtng the subdivtston of l an d , ��.��,,...,:,,:,��,. !q`�'� � kr:.r���` .4-y �' ry R�ri. In w I tness thereof I have set My hac4�;,,,i��cF'"��o�•�;'�I�Y� 8� _ day of !�t°�---� A , D , , 199_S, = �.: e� � ���,•: ,�..� ., --- . ,�. r ...c, � � ;' G, es : � _. -,i: 2���, -�: : :� • .. � ; ,� �: .: - .�, � . - �..�.��3�,. --- ,. � �---- -------- w�:s` �• Stan �bq,g�F,.�!3t �,� ,� �,, CERT I F I CATE OF TAXES PA I D Co l orad"�•.P;�S���,��,�8' I, the understgned, do hereby erttfy that the entt e aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of �,('�,y��_��_��_9_� __, upon a t l parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s final plat are paid In full, Dated th�s _1_1_ day of ___ ________ , A,D,, 199�(0, _ ,� Tre surer of Eagle unt , lo ado CLERK AND REC�RDER ' S CERT I F I CATE'�a, �, OO Th�s ftnal plat was ftled for reco� in tfie offtce of the Clerk and Recarder on thts__ i'hday of �„_Y?�.`_________, A,D,, 19�� Ort�;�o'c lock _M, Recorded uns{er Recept t on No, i�1JgZ i n Book (,Q� _ ut Page ��. . ' --,. �y� �►JY� - - ��"-� --� �--�� ---- co S ��M`��+My� - �erk and Recorder ��.,,f' �� �'� � ag le nty,� lorado ,., :�;�• : o ` :,.,.; �� �4 CJ �'`�` :,,���' y' -- -- --- ------- �'4t"�,t � ��yo� Deputy SHEET I OF 2 JOB No. 2202 � ' ' � � � 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWAROS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST H�LDER Know all r►en by these presents that Securlty Savtng �ank, FSB, Sunbelt Nattonal Mortgage Corporatlon, also known as FTB Mortgage Servlces, and �irst Interstate Bank of Denver, N,A., be�ng the holder of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as foilows� Map �f Gore Creek CondoMlntuM, ApartMents Butldtng '�►', accordtng to the plat thereof recorded at receptton no, 104837 tn the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatntng 0.286 acres, More or less. as shown on thts ftnal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdivtston Of Gore Creek CondoM�n�uM, Bu�ldtng A', a subdtvision tn the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedtcatton and setttng apart all of the publtc roads and other publ�c IMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publlc forever� and does htreby agree to the dedicat�on of those porttons of satd real property which are �ndtcated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granttng of the right to Install and Matntatn necessary structures to the enttty responsible for provtding the servtces for wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed, Executed thts _____ day of _________________________, A.D,, 199_. MORTGAGEE� Secur�ty Saving Bank, FS�9 301 W, Mtch�gan Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 B ' ! � / --- y - -- -�L �/� - ( T e ) _���F�_� �__ ��y »'�_ �' T l�e���,��.� �'e�oA� r�s� b1[�l� Sunbelt Nattonat Mortgagt Corporatton Address � �_�1p� _ ��1 _3� ------ �?��a��_��_���2�------ BY'- --- -- - - -- - CT t le),�,���__ _ / F�rst Interstate Bank �f Denver, N,A, 633 Seventeenth Street �9 FG�T /,dTE,QJT 7'E Den ver, CO 8 027 0 ����� �• /�T7�K��y i� �T BY' - T- ---- - ----- - - --- CT�tle)- =�---- ----------- STATE OF_ __ ____ ____) )ss. CDUNTY 0 ____) The foregoing instruMent was acknowledged before Me tht.s day of ` w-�__ A, D,, 199� by ���1_ 1�1�__ as Q� ��������p�tf Security Saving Bank, FSB, My CoMM i ss t on exp I res ;_�`� �9 W i t�es� ��l�nk; a:n.d -sea 1 "��—� ; , ►, r ._;i; e � � �,�� „ ��;�`� r � ---------- - � ------ -------- �� Notary Pubtic �� f���"1 AI ;1" �'UE � !�_% Address � _ �� ____ ;`� �,-r-:'�.-rl � `! + ''�� ); � )i �,'',' �il - -- -- ��� STATE OF_ �Z(%¢s--------) /� )ss, C�UNTY �F 1/���!��____> The foregotng In truMent w�s acknowledge before Me thls ��' day of _� �B1i � _ _ . A , D , , 199�v bY ����-i�P_--�1�� ------- as ��I[a`s;�,c������f or ora � , o j�1,� s�� b� �- �,�fl �-�. �,���� 8���'�� � � ,���nr� �s My CoMM I ss � on exp t res + �=�? =�q __ -- ---- � Witness My hand and seal, . -lp - C7i _ ���-Cko --------------- Notary Pu ltc ro.••• •�.,� IRIS L. RICKS Address =�D. 8�1G 7�/ (� �9___ ______ 4� p NOTARY PUBUC �ci�g�o _fiX-_�� 3��______ , ,, STATE OF TEXAS ,,� o%.• �" My Comm. Exp. 1-8-99 STATE OF�l��p��LL1� __ ) )ss. COUNTY OF L_�D���j�'tS°%) m The fore otng instrur�ent was acknowledged before Me his � day of �.��8� ----, A , D , , 199� by /��/ctL�_ �� --- t as �Z�![� ��C� ____ of F�rst Interstate Bank Of Denver, N,A, My CoMM�sston expires� Q�"�� � � � � Wttness My hand and seal. Notar Publtc �r KAREN ST�F�K ; Address� �mJp Comm. #f036468 D ------------------ -------- ` 7ARYP ---------------- — UBLIC - CALIFOq�y�p � Comm. Exp�re � 9 27 998 � ' � � 1 PLAT RESTRICTIDN � For zon�ng purposes, the five parcels created by th�s subd�v�s�on are to be treated as one entity w�th no More than one 4-family residence allowed on the coMbined area of the ftve parcels, Allowable gross restdentlal floor area for the 4-faMtly restdence wlll be calculated based on the cor�btned area of the ftve parcels, SHEET 2 OF 2 _ _,, - _ _ JOB No. 2�02 �