HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows - 2nd Amendment� W. C. TO W 1/4 COR. SEC. 14 AS P£R DE£D Z -p -+ N�. �7O � N�- ; �� �� � � �j � ti � �� o ����< W `rG J� a GRAPHIC SCALE so �o eo ( IN F'EL�T ) 1 inch = 40 ft. 05 �� 9 ��E . N104 �6' � Q J �, ACCESS Z W C70�� �SEMEN ��, �i Z ~ � �• ��� � OZ / �, � �,� —�; �C O ^� -� ,�i�:�� •� . ��� .\ ? � �,9' v�� �• � I W �1 mZ� � , � � W ti Q� � � � /3 �, o �,� �,� �N ,�;� , .� L OCA TED lN THE SVI% � 4 SEC TION � 4 > > �] !f/lVN/CK/N/V/C!< ROAD �5p � �, o w� 34.90' C% CB TRACT A a � 5,.365 S4UAR£ FE£T �i 0.123 ACRES A�) � E �� � � 5a �� 5� T. 5 S R. 8 ���6 th PRINCIPA L I��IERIDI� N > > A SUBD/ I//.S/ON /N l0 VI/N OF VA /L � EA GLE CDUN TY COL ORADD i BLOCK 4 VAIL /NTERMDUNTA/N DEI�LOPMENT C.9 S7�St p21 " s� aErtir �aw 5`�'86� N1 ^ �or 3 s E �.�2� � _ 6, 017 SLXIARE FE£ '>>j, G' � ��' � n.-�3a .QCR� _ ���o�� �.� �� C4 C5 ea, � � � � 6�' p� � • � � � ��' NOS �',37"W � � � / �,� ���-. _ _ _ ,�-sA z °°� zn2 � ��o � � /bl04f S(X/ARE T W I o�`�s\ N� � � A ,�b �, ,� ,� , 0 f39 ACR � J •? ��i� N � � / _c� h . / � � '") i `s' F`� o0 \• h � e �2 � v ,. / � O� � � � � 2�i2 B Z � o �o = 1� LOT 1 ,� � LOT 4 � *,( ,'4 12, 524 SQUAR£ F£ET �� 7 g86 SOUAR£ FEET � �� 0.288 ACRES :-? L____,_, 0.181 ACRES O �� 14 � 10�6 p.i� 10' ORA/NAC� � U�Ty EASEMENT �0 IY � CURVF DA TA : N87°40'06 "W 1?301� 33, . �� � � 8.2� � � 2�32 £ � � /96�/ /��1/ �h�U,N � � � � iy 89 � �� k �j / �� ���� \ ��� \ �- LOT 5 �,52 � 5� \��.�P � �� a, s» s AR �r '��o, i5�8 �� �� ��c,�PG�' � � w \ 0.202 ACRES � � 6g' � �, \ 6 2a�2 c :%2' 2� ��P 84.5 , ,�E � //O �js69.�5, � � o N � � 048 41 s 3o�e'S�„ w����k��yti6�/ �,� OPEN SPACE 19. 94 ��� M�O � �___ L�_673�c' J�I�,� 6,240 S(XIAR£ F£ET _ � O. f43 ACRES 8T�0'06' E � �2 � �oa.s�� h vCURVF RAD/US LENGTH TANGENT CHARD BEAR/NG DEL TA BL OCK 8 `� I � c� 3�2..5s' �e3 s2' 93.71' �a�. �s' N8872 30 E 2874 20" VAIL INTERMOUNTA/N � C2 268.65' f47.44' 7�63" 145.60' NB636'17"E 3176'44" DEVELOPMENT . , • ' r2o 3� E • . . SUBDI 1�'S/ON C3 25. 09 54. f0 46.74 44.20 S4 123 32 56 C4 268.65' 72.59' 36.52' 72.37' NB574'f8"W 1578'S5" C5 268. 65' 56. 62' 2B. 41' 56.51' SBO 40 27"W 12t74 2B' C6 ?68. 65' 18. 24' 9.1?' 18.23' N72 �9'35 "E 03.'�i,3'21 " C7 J72.5�5' 67.25' .iJ72' 67.16' N 79'15;36' £ f0'20'3.3' � 37255' 69.53' 34.87' 69.43' N 89'46'�D" f f0'41'36' �g 372.55' 46.84' 23.45' 46.80' S 81'1626" £ OT12'11' NO TFS: BAS/S OF BEAR/NG : N 70' S2' S5" E ALONG SOUTHERL Y R. O. W. LINE OF K/NNICK/NNICK ROAD BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AS SHOWN. DA TE OF SURtiEY FEBRUARY 1994 O �NDICA TES FOUND AL UM/NUM CAP L. S. 5933 O /NDICA TES FOUND PLASTIC CAP L. S. 20685 • �NDICA TES SET PLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. 26626 # 11 'S2'13"E PER F/NAL PLA T OF I/A/L /NTERMOUNTA/N DEl2�L OPMENT SUBDII/lSION — BLOCK 8, BOOK 221, PAGE 547 �/4 # TNESS CORNER TO W 1/4 SECTION 14 FOUND BRASS CAP STAMPED.• s�5 S�4 T5S R81 W W. C. � W CORNER SECTION 14 FOUND G.L.O. BRASS CAP STAMPED.• 1942 S22 S23 1942 2832 B —�ND/CA TES BU/LDING ADORESS. NOIICE.• According to Co%rodo /aw ynu must commence ony /ega/ oction bosed upan ony defect in this survey wlth/n three y»ors after ynu first dlscovier such defect. /n no e►rent, moy ony octlon bosed upan any defect in this surwy be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certificotion shown he�eon. LOT 7 \ 6, 782 SQUARE FEET 0.156 ACRES 75•62� , 16�� �8 . � VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ,BLOCK 10 I/ICINITY MAP Jv14LG % � = SW � '3 � �. � ��\ � � BEAR�N 55' � � - � � ,, , � S �F ��6� — � � � � h � sl , � . gA - � W o O �. ' ENt ���� / .� �• R iNA� EAS� � � � / 3� p l� �� /� � AN� �' / 3 �� 0� N n��TM ' � / ( ,� � � � �� � � J �•52'S5 20� PE�ES�; -�� � h�. S� ,, � ��� •`ti . � Q � O � � � ��� �h � / '` � .�—� ACCESS � UT/L/TY rRA c r e � � Z EASEMENT � 49, 011 SQUARE FEET � 1.125 A CRES � � � O � N � � �' � � � ��' Q► � o �, � 32p. � o � � �' N � �'�� � �� 1,,E �Q ,e o z �O , � � O 0 0 v o� 0 � s IN7ERSTATE 70 N68�1 S K � �� I IR• � NO TES.• • For zoning purposes, the 6/ots creoted by this subdivision are to be treoted os one /ot per the Dec%rotior► A�oprovo/ of 4-11-94. No mo�e than 19 units sholl be allowed on the combined oreo of the property. • There wi/l be one unit o/%wed on eoch of the � fo/%wing /ots.• 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, f0,11 & 12. \ • There wi// be two units o/%wed on eoch of the � fo/%wing /ots• 1, 5, 9,13 � 14. ,,, • T�oct A is intended for the future construction of unit - 2 as desc�ibed above. � • T�act B is intended for the future consf�vction of r�nits � 8-14 os desc�ibed obove. '� • No deve%pment is ollowed in the open spoce. CER71fICA71dV A� D£D/CATIAN FOVP MOiRTGAGE CERAF/CATE OF DED/CA710N AND ONlVERSH/P.• HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KN'OW IILL A�V BY IHIES£ PRL�E7VT5 thot the undersigned bemg KNOW ALL MEN BY 1N£S£ PR£S£1V75 1HAT the under�lgred belnq the ho/der of o mortgoge o,r deed of trust on the rea/ p�operty situated so% owners in fee simple of al/ that �eo/ property situoted in the �fn the Town of ✓oi/, £og/e County, Co%do, descrlbed as fo/lows• Town of Vai/, £ag/e County, Co%rado, descri�ed os ta//ow� A porce/ of /and m the Southwest Qrvorter of Sectian l4, Township A pa�cel ot /and m the ,Saithwest Quorter of Section 14, Towr+ship 5 South, Ronge 81 West of the 6th Prrncipa/ Meridion, more 5 South, Ronge 81 W(sst of the 6th Principa/ Meridion, more porticu/orly described os fo/%ws• po�ticu/orly described os fo/%ws: /nnso6ruck Meodows, o subdivision ,� the Town of Vai/, Eogle County, Cdorado, as recorded 05/31/95 in Book 668, ot Pog�e 385, !n the Eog/e Coun ty Recorder's Offlce, con to/nfng 2. 49 ocres, more or /ess. /nns,6ruck Meadowss a subdlv�slon /n the Town of VoA', £ag/e County, Co%rodo, as recorded 05/31/95 in Book 668, ot Page ,385, in the Eo�e Coun ty Recorder's OffTce, con tolnJng 2. 49 acres, more or less. os ahown an this p/ot under the nome of F/RST AMENOMENT TO TNE ho� by these prosants /oid out, plotted and subd!►�idsd the sarns iirlto F/NAL PLAT OF /NNSBRUCK AIEADONS, /ocated in !he Southwest Qivorter, lots ond b/xks as shown on this fino/ p/ot under the nome SECAND Sectio,n fs, Township 5 South, Ronge 81 West, 6th Prrncipa/ Meridion, o AMENOM£NT TO THE f1NAL PU T A� lNN.5�9RUCK MIEADON'� o avbdivisron s�bdi�ision in the Toim of Voiy, Eog/e County, Cdaodo; agrees to the in the Town of �oil, £og/e County, Co%rodo; and does hereby occept dedicotion ond setting aport of ol/ the pub/ic roods ond other pub/ic the �esponsibi/ity for the camp/etion of �equb^ed improre�ment� ond anproHSments and p/oces os shown an the accampanying p/ot to the use does here6y dedlcote ond se! oport a// of the pub/ic �oads ond other of the public forever, ond does hereby agree to the dedication of these pub/ic improHements a�d p/aces os shown on the accompanying p/at to portions of soid �ea/ p�operty which ore indicoted os easements on the use of the pub/ic fo�e�sr; ond does hereby dedicote those portions the accomp�ying p/at as easements for the purpose shown herean; of said rev/ property which �e indicoted os eosement on the or�d does hereby agree to the qrontinq of the �fght to instal/ and occompanying plat os eosements far the purpose shown hereon; and mointoin necessary strrictu�es to the entity responsib/e for does hereby gront the right to insto// and mointoin necessory structuros providing the servrces_�r`which e eosements ore estob/ished. to the entity responslb/e for p�oviding the servrces for which the �/ easements ore esfabli d. Executed this�doy of �A.D. 199 � � � Executed this.��'Cay of � A.D. 199� Nbststa Bonk � �, r� ��� AvP Am. Bros. Dew/opmen t, /nc. YoiJ, CO 657 � Bob Borne, Presid�t vo�r, co e�ss� B - -- _�� � ------ r w k ,14VP !�� r� � By. Bob Bo�ne �i� STA TE OF COL ORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 7ire forego/ng Certifrcc Address �i�i��y�:ii11l��i� certify thot the tit/e to o// examined ond is ►�tsted Jn.; tit/e to such /onds ic bee � W �l�h� � _ does hereby �s p/ot hove been ond that on � �um�or�c� Doted this __ doy of r_ A.D. (�►y�_ T,� 6��,�eC _ Can�c�' !b � _s�? ��— (p_� �5� Addre BY --- STAT£ OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGL£ ) The torevoin� Add�ess �� � ZON/NG ADM/N/S1RA TOIR CER11F/CA TE.• This fino/ p/ot �.�/�by opp� e Town of Voir Zorni�rg Adminlstrotor this �7 i day of � , A.D., iM� � A TTEST.• ��i.r�. CERTiF/CA7F OF TAX£S PA/D.• /, the undersigned, do he, of toxes due and payob/e os of o// porce/s of �eol te descriE Dated this .1� day of _ �� g Aammistrot Town of Vai/ hot t e �e►s omount � e►s _ upon p/ot ore poid in fu//. - A.D., 1995 � /, Duone D. Feh�inger, do hereby certify thot / om o • ��� �1�•l/�/�� Registered Lond Su�vieynr licensed unde� the /ows of the Stote of r sure� of Eag/e Count � � Co%odo, that this p/at is o t�ue, correct, ond comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Voi/, County of Eog/e, Stote of Co%rado, os /aid out, p/ofted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such Plat was mode fran on accurate sur►�ey of said property by me ond urrde� my supervision ond correct/y shows the /ocotion �d d�m�s�a,s of the /ots, �i/. D� eosements and streets of soJd subdivisian os the some ore stoked CLERK AND R£CORDER'S CERIIF/CATE.• upon the g�ound in complionce with opp/icob/e regu/otions go � llhis plof wos hJ'Qd for r�ecorr! in the office of the C/erk /n wJ ess ereof / hove set my hond ond seo/ thls d Recorder t 1�� day of � A.D. 19 ot day of A.D., 1995. � 'o%ck �M. Recor nder Recep ion No. in Book 1p.�_ ot Poge ��. � n . r�,G C1 �n►�-� � e5'y :'r : ; f.. 9 �i .�`' � q ond Su�v�l� 26626 �6�626 � � = �i/i/i�;llill�i�i�iti\y������ . �0. � Cr ond Recorde� ��GL� County, Co%rodo .o i a Y►� �'.}'� O