HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 1 Block 3 Lot 21I�I..HNii ��. VAIL � , .,. . � :� , . . ..,,:�... _ � : . � . .�.. ��..y � � � rMat • � 1M/T A � � �L � � � � � : � � � FINAL PL�A T VA LL�'Y FIRST FILIN� BL��'K 3 A > > � T 0 WN �F VAIL, C� UNT Y OF EA �LE, N❑TES� C1) The purpose of this plat is to create Lot 21E and Lot 21W as shown, C2) Date of Survey� July, 1996 C3) Bearings are based on a line connecting the found r�onur�ents marking the easterly line of Lot 21 being S00°36'19`E (see drawtng), (4) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon, C5) C>� denotes a r�easured distance to the southerly property line of Lot 21 as established by the found MonuMents by the U,S, Bureau �f Land Manager�ent, C6) Areas shown are as calculated froM the plat of Vnil Valley Ftrst Filfng only and r�ay be variable per the found iteld position of the property corners, C7> Street Address� 1358 Vatl Valley Drtve, C8) EaseMent A describes an easement for the second floor liv�ng area overhang fror� Lot 21E onto Lot 21W, The lower liMit of easeMent A is the top of the subfloor Material of the second -- floor llving area overhang fror� Lot Z1E onto Lot 21W, Said subfloor Material being at an elevation of 8259,4 feet, based upon Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Dtstrict as-butlt invert elevation for Manhole 42,2,1 being 8234,2 feet (see VICINITY MAP draw i ng for locat I on ), See Party Wa l l Agreer�ent for the NOT TO SCALE specif�c terms of the easeMent, » C9) Protective Covenants recorded In Book 217 at Page 40 �=13°36'44 C 10 ) Party Wa l l AgreeMen t recorder i n Book 1d� at Page _ ai. R=224.59 L=53.36 20 0 20 40 80 Feet SEWER MANHOLE Q RIM ELEV. = 8242.6 T=Z6.C7 � INV. ELEV. = 8234.2 C=53.24 SCALE: 1" = 20' �CB= S87°09'45" W VAi L VALLEY D RlVE ( � j� A SET PIN & CAP `�O ' `• O.I/1I�) L.S. 26598 \� S 86°01'S3�. _ � i E 97.03 � � �, \ l � 79 95.24 SET PIN & CAP N \ \� I � t WITNESS COR ER LOT 21 E L.S. 26598 �\ �` N � � 1358E VAIL VALLEY DRIVE � � RESUBDIVISION LINE TO BE p AREA = 0.2551 ACRES / � \ CREATED BY THIS PLAT � � / � � � � � i � 1 I � \ / � \ � � � � � � � \ \ / I \ � � \\�� / � � LOT 21 W � � f � 1358W VAIL VALLEY DRIVE \ � � � AREA = 0.2732 ACRES � v � 2.ao � \ I �, EASEMENT "A TO BE > OUTLINE OF \ N � CREATED BY THIS PLAT �, � BUILDING �� � I LOT 22 � `� �$ �� \ �\ � � � g \ � � � � \ / � � I � � � � i ' / / W / � � / / /�� \/ � � � \ (� � � � J � �� OUTLINE OF \� a BUILDING \ / � Q � � � �� _ � � S 72° 10'00 W 11.90 Z \ \ � o \ °o; / � � \ � � � � � `� \ 'N FOUND 3.5" ALUM. CAP \ U.S. DEPT. INTER. � .` — � S-9, AP-1 1990 — PHONE BOX •�, CADASTRAL SURVEY BLM. � ✓ I UTILITY AND * DRAINAGE EASEMENT �aa � 94.17 (93.68)« 55.83 (56.32)• � � FOUND #5 REBAR N 89°23'41 �� W— 150.�0 AREA OF BOUNDARY DESCREPENCY FOUND 3" BRASS CAP U N P LATTED U.S. DEPT. INTER. ��,024, 1985 (VAIL GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE BUILDING CADASTRAL SURVEY BLM. LEASE PARCEL) 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. 80X 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 FOUND PIN & CAP L.S. No. 11204 . � � c� z � m � 0 � a m �F N N . � LOT 2 0 � u � � � I 3 � � M 0 � ��WOOD FENCE FOUND PIN & CAP L.S. No. 11204 � � .........:....... � . ��.�.�, . «,.. „ayYly I � R.L�'S U�'3 ;� 1� II� I,� �� , � � ��N �F S TA TE n1�'' C�'L l��` � SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat is true, correct and cor�plete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fror� an accurate survey of satd property by r�e and under r�y supervision and correctly shows the locatlon and dlMenstons of the lots, easer�ents and streets of said subdivision as the saMe are staked upon the ground in coMpliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision o f l a n d, ,��•+�:+� ��'"���t� �;s �'-��'h"'r. In w i tness thereof I have set My hand �,a�.�i;�,� C°��'-��sl day of --121i1�s� ----- � A , D , , 199 li , �� `+�;�,�,���F'�'�#�•�' t� � .' � `°� 2fS���' �� � s �: NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DRAWN BY: PATRICK FILLIETTAZ S/2/96 Stan Hog Colorado L�T 2� � ,;,� �, CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION pND IP Know all Men by these presents thnl���ucten S, KeMpf and Roland J, Kjesbo, being sole owner in fee slnpte, of all that real property sltuated In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as �ollows� Lot 21, Btock 3, Vail Valley Ftrst F�il�ng, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded �n Book 217 at PagIP 609 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk'and Rttorder, containing 0,5283 acres, More or less, has by these presents ln I d out, p lnt�lted and subd i v t ded the sar�e into lots and tracts as shown on thls f�nal plat under the nar�e and style of ' Vall Valley First Fllling, Block 3, A Resubdtviston of Lot 21 ', a subd�vision in the Toiwn of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept tht respons�b�l�ty for the coMpletion of required iMprov�nts� and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads an�! other public �MproveMents and places as shown on the acconpanyfng plat to the use of the public forever; and does h�reby deditate those porttons of satd real property which are Indicated as easeMent on the accor�panying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to instatl and N►aint�pin necessary structures to the entity responsible for pl"OVidiflp the services for which the easer�ents are estabj�shed, ;,,;,;; w� . Executed th � s!� ��day of ;_ ___ __S�__________, A, D,, 199�, OWNERS ; , ° Lu�c tlWn�:".` rrpf _ BY' - `-� �'��-��� -------- � G. hr i s er�pf as Power 0�' Attorney for Luc I en S, Ker�pf 1358 Vnil Mulley Dr�ve Va t t, CO . 8'1657 " ,; . -------- - - - --- -- ------- Roland J. K,je P . 0 . Box 34'19 Vn � l, CO 8'16 STATE ❑F_ �I�LQI��Q ) )ss. COUNTY ❑F �� :____> The fore oing �nstruMent was acknowt�edged before Me this �fN day of � ___, A, D., 199� by G, Chr I s Ker�pf , . �/ ' My CoM �f"�'�7p� �'_�'�'_� �: W i tne�' NI�,� 1. - � - �. V �� Y . . ^ . j �� � ar ubl� . ��i:.,�ilSI.�G 3 s Addr � � _��4 - ----- 7 •. � -tAli'i��-4�-���'�1-- '~,s�►������� , ,�j ;j STATE OF-- ------ - -- ) ,,'�I )55. � COUNTY �F _ ���-----�----� (�� The fore o I� i nstrcn��tnt was �tck� edged before Me th t s��*M day of �y_ _1�T ____, A,D., 199� by Roland J, Kjesbo, My COPIM i SS p5 ��:�±� _' W i tness �qa�pl a l. � -�- ' �,.. ...,, -- .•• . ,9 . �� � . �TA • .,�=� _.- . R r Pub l t �' -��4.-�- -!� i � N�.� j' _� Addr s� C�--��r�� - . �_. ��`L,� f ,� - --�- •�. '�� � � '►����� I����"� TITLE CERTIF E '!� Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany does I�reby cert�fy that the t�tle to all lands shown upon this finnl lat has been exaMined and is vested t n°__►-.�� E"�� _ S. �� � +RS`r`� L� -------- -d o ------------------------ ----���--:�^�� ---�'1--��'� ---------------------------- and that t�tle to such lands is FreM! and clear of all liens and encur�brances, except as follaws�_ __________________ -- - --'- ��-dF- -T's`-'-��-- ----------- �-_.��- _3_L °�5-- _J!�/_��?S��- —_�C%�L__�"'_''i��'_�--�°°�----- --- - - o ��-'� o� -�-r►,..�r=�r_ � �F ��at � ---- ---- - - - --------------------- --�ti�_ �c»e __ �i �1-'1 __ �_" �` �O �,_-------- --------------------------�_,�.�....�----------------------------- ------------------------------------�M----------------------------- �� �i '; Dated th i s zZ _ day of _!'!�"�J ____ ____________, A, D,, 199 � Land '� � t Guaran tee Cor�pan y lOB S�, on age Road West Vatl, C� 1657 ; Ll/ BY� � -- -------------------------- ' nature> .�----------------------------- � Pr�� n a�$ �� ------------------------ � �� <T�tte) ,� ��� , '!'i� ; ,I i r, , i 'il,'; CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATI�N F❑R M❑RTGAGEE �R DEED ❑F TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that Mountain Bank, being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot 21, Block 3, Vatl Valley Flrst Ftltng, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded in Book 217 at Page 609 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatning 0,5z83 acres, r�ore or less, as shown on this final plat under the naMe and styte of ' Vail Valley Ftrst Filing, Block 3, A Resubdtvtston �f Lot 21 ', a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the dedtcation and setting apart all of the public roads and other public iMproveMents and places as shown on the accor�panying plat to the use of the publtc forever; and does hereby agree.to the dedication of those portions of said real property which are �nd�cated as easeMents on the accor�pany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonl and does hereby agree to the granting of the rlght to Install and r�alntaln necessary structures to the entity responsible for provtding the services for which the easeMents are estabtJ,shed, Executed th t s�� r day of ___ �j� �t(�ST______, A, D,, 199�i M❑RTGAGEE � Mounta i n�� ��b� ��� - Address� _ -l..�i-�Q --- ��`l_ BY' - - --- -- C T i t l e)__ -���.�------- -- -- STATE OF_�L?6DRM�p __) � )ss, C�UNTY OF _�A�i.�r ____ ) The fore oing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e thts �� day of �¢��l_____, A, D,, 199__ by ��ll.li�-�.T!_�,•__ ��S as _'��E�N�t�_l'T_--- °f -�l�1-TM�1��-'�SA.�1LL.--- � My CoMM I, � o$, ei�'?a,r�s �--��r%�'��i. W � tn es��:l�and��'��ea l, • � -a : '' �•.9� '_., . �v: NOTAI� �.te� s --- ry ub l � c----� ---- - - i A �� y ' � Address�_������ __ . -�r �� '� �► : l� 4 ' � � °L1 =o°= % . $ ` �y����•........•�Q►',. "�. R COL .• PLAT R��ri3h6�i��'1J�N For zoning purposes, the two parcets created by this resubdivts�on are to be treated as one entity wtth no More than one two-far�ily resldence allowed on the coMbined area of the two parcels, Allowable gross restdential floor area for the two- faMily residence will be calculated based on the cor�bined area of the two parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE Th�s f�nal plat ts he�by approve� by the �'own of Va�l Zoning AdM i n i str h i s day of �C�iiy.p�_____, A, D,, 199 �, A e ,<O�N OF ►•A��g• � �w. - --- ------ - ,- ----�i��---- - -------- own' l rk ��� on � n g Adr� i n � strator Town�f � l, l c�'�ado Town of Va i l, Co l orado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby cert�fy that th entir aMOUnt f taxes an d assessMen ts due an d payab l e as of _ _�����P upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full, Dated this _,� _ day of _____ ________, .D,, 199 � , --- �� -�---- • Treas rer of Eagle ounty, ���` CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE ���.00 This Plat was fil d for record �n the ❑ffice of the L'lerk and Recor er at _�?�•S�_o'c lock _ Q, M,, on th � s__ �___day of __, . 199 �, and I s du l y recorded i n Book �O!{_ Page No , �?� _ , c�-rrco � c��_J�s�� ------------------------- Clerk an Recorde By' -- ---- --------- --- Deputy JOB No. 1545 i.. .. „ � ,.. .. �.«.y II I � ; �� ��� ,, �I� l -� I �� i' I I l i I ,� ,