HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 12 Block 2 Lot 04a BOO TH FALLS COUR T (50' RAD/US� � � (40' R. D. W.� � ` - - C� - �or 5 -� � NOTFS• - 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T/S TO SUBDI NDE ��9 �9 32'��,lj LOT 4/NTO PARCELS 4—A AND PARCEL 4—B. OO —Denotes found survey marker.• (5/8" Rebor ond P/ostic Cop PE PLS 26626� O —Denotes set su�vey morker. (5/8" Rebor ond Plostic Cop PE PLS 26626) 3/50 - A. —Denotes Street Address Bosis of Beorin� N7979'32 "W o%ng Eost Lo t Line of Lot 4 Between Found Pins as indicoted. Date of Surviey. May 1996 Dote of Completion: Octobe� 1996 �vonAE Acca►bw,y ro co+o►�db �ow }nv inuar cam►►er,cs ony /ego/ xtian bosed upan ony detect in this sun�y wlthln thre�e y�rars after ynu Arst dlsco�rosr such def+x� /n no e►bnt, may a�y oct/an bosed upori ony defect !n th/s surwy be cammenced more than ten yrwrs fro,m the dote of certJRcotion shown herean. � LOT 12 ' CUR I/E C1 C2 F/NAL PLA T �. > > TOWN OF I/A/L, EA GLE C4UNTY, COL ORADO RADIUS 50. 00' 50. 00' LOT 3 i6o oo, LENGTH 30. 73' 11. 49' �� O� O. '�'s s � TANGEN T )5. 87' 5. 77' CHORD �EA RING DEL TA 30. 25' S80 °35'25 "W 35 °12'41 " 11. 46' ,5',�6 24'�0 "W 13'09'S0" I/lCINI TY MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E o son �aao aaa� �IN FEET� 1 fNE'H = 1000 FEET GRAPHIC SCALE �0 20 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 it� � / , � / �' � ry � Q � � � / h �, �A Q , � � � �R,� c r e �-�� • 1 �_ LAND USE SUMMARY ADDRESS � -- PARCEL A 9,878.0 SQUARE FEET ONE UNIT 3/50 —A BDOTH FALLS CDURT PARCEL B 7,258.0 SQUARE FEET ONE UN/T 3/50 —B BOOTH FALLS COURT Far zoning purposss, the two porice✓s �ted by thJs svbdivisirorr are oc to be treoted os one entity wlth no mare� thon one 2-fam//y r�esidence o/%wsd on the cambl��d o�eo of the two pares✓� A//owoob/e Crross Rasldentlo/ Floor Areo for the 2-famNy r+s�ldence w!// be c�a/cu/ated on the combined oroo of tbe two paonce�s OVA DOF P. O. BOX 978 •�� �� SU17F f01 0077 AlETCALF ROAO � f420 I�ANf� S7R£ET A✓QN, COLO. 8f620 ��n�� LAKENt�L1D, CGYO. 80215 (970) 949-5072 (303) 232-0158 ;rno. �_0196S �12/16/�6 � 1 AF 1 l�R7�/CA7X1W Q� DIEDVCA7)dV f77�P A/OYPT�AG�' HQCDL�"R OYP D£ED A� TRUST HOILDER KNOW ALL M£lV BY 7H£S� PR£,SL�7VTS THAT the undersi�ed being the ho/der ot o✓»crtgage or deed of trr�st an tha reo/ prqoerty sltuoted In the Town of �al/, Eogli CountX Cdarodo, dwrc�rlbed oa fd/ows: Lot 4, B/ock 2 Wi9' N1/og�, FA�Iny No. 12, Town of �, £og✓e County, Co✓arodo con toki�ing 0.392 acres maro ar /es� oa srMo� on thb fA�a� p/ot under the na»e ond sty/e of f1NAL PLAT, V�/L NLLA�G'E f1UNG NO. 12 A R£S1flB0/N�OW 0� LOT 4, BLOCK Z o s�bd/v✓slan !n the Powrr of Vi�il, £og�e Countyi Co%rodoi; ogmes to the ded/cotion ond setting qvart d/ ot ths pub/k roode ond other pub/Ic /mprowrner�ts �d p/oce�s os a+hoMn an the xcompany�ing p/ot to the ua�e of ths pub/k hxeHer, ond doss hw►�by oyr+te to the dsdicotiai of fhese portions of soid ro�d pro�oaerty which arr i�dkbted os eo�►ne✓�t on the occampa»y�ig p/ot os easaments far the pirposa showrr herean; and does herdby agnae to the gronting of the rlght to ,'v►std/ ard mo�intoh necessary strzctures to the entity res�oansdh/e for pro►�ding the servrces for which the eosements oro estab/ished. £xecirted thJs � doy of . 199�e , A.D. f996 �w t�,�r�d P�n►,�n� o L�s/owore Portnsrs,h�p 375 Park A►bnue New York, New Yar� 10152-0172 � h'- �r B}' Fraenk H. Wyman /Gen / Portner/ STAIE A� G1aARA00 ) J� G�IIWTY AF' EAGYE ) fie /breg�hg CertlAcate of Dedk�tlan and Owner,�h�p � aaknowledged belbrat me this �� day of �_t�w �sl�� q� � , A/y C�ornmissian ��rpires S INtnsss my hond a►�d sed.• �OTAR, "0"0'-�- �'UBL1� �?��-�''�`� F . ud,.:� �. G Quc� ss nnF c�m�r.� � ��'�{G I�N�14� ��'N� abes hereDy cert/fy tAot tAe tlrNe to d/ la►ads alrown this p/at horv be ji exo»��ined ond fs �sted ,� :7biuhn MNr�tr or►d ttiot tlH� to su�ah / ' lFss ond dear f d/ liens andq m r�ce� except os I • O Dotsd thfs doy of � A.D. i � UI� ► :...� . • i � �� �� � � .. � I I .. � �� . L ' .:. � � SY/RW£YUQS l�7P71f1CA7E /, Divane D. Feihnhga, ab hsreby eertlfy thot / am a RegJate�%d Lond S?�rv�ye�r /dcansed under the /ow,,f of the Stofe of Cdorodo, fhot this P/ot Is hv�, c+ar+sc� and ca»p/sts va /o!d ou� p,lottsd, dsdJcots�d ond ahown herson, N►at s�vdr P/at �os mads JFom on a�cc�urots aurwy of so�id property by ms ond urraMr my syoer►�isian and car+sct/y sshows ths /ocotion and dnnar�sia�s of ths /otat, soserne�nts ond s�roets of soid subdi►dsion os the same are stok� upon ths �round a� camp/fo�ce with �op/icob/e regu/ations goHerr►ing the� aubd'Jvislan ot /and. /n wlbress wt»uof / how set my hond and seo/ this � doy of A.O. , 1996. � / -. - � "� uane . e nnger " Reglstered L�d Su�yrar �1fd. 26626 ; ; _ ,c;��t;,�� F _ , _ » . � ,, &,_ : � )- , �,sa►�.g ��.. � C, � Fx , ';v ��\�` i" �_. ,H�,, � �' c�nt�c� � a� n£ac,� nav ,�NO o�i� KNOW ALL A/EIV BY THESE' PR£SEN75 fhat �Aahmn A/ue✓%% be�hg ade owners m fee sanp/� morfgogee, or /fanho/der of a/! fhat roa/ property situoted in the Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%r�vdo, descrfbed os fo/%w� LOT �, BLOCK 2 VA/L NLLAGE, f7UNG No. 12 li7NN Ol� VIt/L, EAGLE CIX/NTY, COlLOVPADO Contohring f7,136 Squoris Feet or 0.391 Acro� more ar /es� haw by these presents /a/d ou� p/otfed and subdl�ded the s�arne Into /ots and b/ocks os si►own an this Ano/ p/at under the na►ne arrd sf}/e of F/NAL PLAT, Vsl/L NLLAG�E, F/UNG NO. 12, A RESUBD/N�OW � LOT 4, BLOGY� 2, Town of Vod, �o�le County, Cdorodo; a►�d do hen�by o�ceot the rsspan- slbdlty for the c�amp/etlon of �equired Jmpro►ro�ments; ond do hereby dedieots arrd s�et apoft o// fhe pub/ie roods and other pub/ic knprorennents ond p/oces os shown on the occompar►ying p/ot to the use of the pub/ic foro►ax; and do dedicofe fhose portiar of aaid roa� P��Y which �e nndieoted os eosement an the oceompanying p/ot os easemerrfs far the purpos�es shown herean; o�d do he,reby gront the rlght to d►�std/ and mo�htoh nec�es�ary struetursa to fhe entlty respans�'iJe far providing the se�rv�ces for whlch the eose�ments ore estab/ished £x�ecuted thJs �� day of � , A.D. 199i6' �bhonn Mue1/er 9f0 Fa�innay VoI/, CoJarado 81657 Br A/ue�%r STATE 01� CQCARADO ) �� GYXlNTY Of EAl�£ ) The foragoing CertlAcote of Dedlcatlan�r d Owne�h �v� w�os odlmowledged before me this 13 day of L�lC�i�'r1bRl1 . 1"Mi , My CommJssian expiros � iNtness my hand and sed.• �OTARJ '0'��' �81 8�►� J.! St,,Vw��. .i? ess B��b-1 ZON/NG ADA!!N/S7RAT0J4 CER7If]'CATE.• Thls Ano/ p/o���6Y apprc�T of Va Zaning Admin/slrotor thls �Tf'l, doy of , A.D., 1996. _,�,��•:.�rn,... 3 i;, f .'..I��i ►.1�►.,�� . . . . CaER11F/CA IF Q� TAXES PA/D: I, the unabr��►►e�d gp_� )( cbrttfy3 )�� entA�v anotart of� due and pay�,b/e as of (.� 1�. . �� pomrce✓s of roo/ estvts descri7�ed on is p/o�it ro po/d m 1iv� Doted th/s � doy of 1�]�[eyr.�i� , A. ., 199iB ►I � � A A _ 1 _ �_ . .i CLERK AND RECOIRDER'S CERTIf7CATE �j/ CJ� Ii�Is a/at wos Aed lb,r rocard.-ri2 the oflPce af the pe 2 �a,v�y ��� � �10 5 �� � ?�� and IPb�cordar � . ,