HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 43/ �� �P I � � VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ��� i i � ��. � h°` � ��. � � �O� ��• � � � SUBECT S�TE � \ \ \ � \ FOUND #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L.S. # 16827 � _�_ DUPLEX PLAT TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORAD�O CHAIRLIFT CENTERLINE CROSS SECTION OF CHAIRLIFT EASEMENT ��RE S 2 �o �sis �rowN CREEK 6� S6 4>> �F eF °F �A��) 49'' ��R�N�S � \ � 5�4�5�33,.w \ '48 6 / 6 \ / �s.es� 81 1 � % � ' 0 � FOUND �4� REBAR & ALUM. CAP L.S. # 16827 / 20.0. � � � � � SKI LIFT �- -r � -� � EASEMENT / � �_ � (BOOK 464, �a /� — J � � � PAGE 934) ,���' r _ � � — — �— � — — 20.a UTILITY � � L — Z � ,� ,,� � � PARCEL B � _ EASEMENT �c ,�� / I OUTLINE OF BUILDING �� 0.1823 ACRES �I� r� ��p1�j' I�� -- p� 1225B I I� � / / � Z — �' `7 � — � Cn � � �. � FOUND #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP � / SETBACK � I � � � -L -- J 3 L.S. # 16827 / � � v _ J , 'p• � � / � � PARCEL A � _____ � ^ � — — — J 0 3883 ACRES � � � 17.5 >> \ � o� � / r W . � 1225A 19.165 I z O •ti O O s �ROUND SURFACE �--_ `-% � SCALE: 1" = 30' 30 0 30 60 90 Feet 5' �'�- _ . � � -- SEWER EqSEMENT � � � � � \ \ � � LOT 41 11NE BEARING DISTANCE � L1 S 11•58'3� E 54.18 �2 s aro3�sr w 4e.00 CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC � c� �zra��a�' aa.00 a+.sa C2 69'00'OOr 23.00 26.09 C3 i r i e'4�' 165.00 49.88 TANGENT BEARING CHORD 77.10 N 51•49'12" E 68.17 14.65 S 20'33'2T W 24.72 25.12 5 44•24'0�' W 49.67 I-34°26'56" �� w\ ��°2a'�� � N 00° 16'49" W- 149.00 0l �� �,�� `� R=SO.00 `v 6�j.11 SET #4 REBAR & ALUM. o \\ \� CAP L.S. # 26598 ACCESS EASEMENT — \ � L=4S. � O CREATED BY THIS 20.0' \ T—Z4.C7O 1 FOUND PLAIN #5 REBAR PLAT FOR PARCEL A SET #4 REBAR & ALUM. � \� CENTERLINE OF 16' ACCESS CAP L.S. # 26598 EASEMENT FOR LOT 43 LC-47.38 I �� �� (BOOK 645, PAGE 521) CB=S 55° 18'27" W MEAS. = S 55°27'35" W 47.30 i LOT 42 \\�\ \\ s.o � \ ��___.` � \ \ —�� �� WESTHAVEN CIRCLE �� 2' � � `� , _ _ _ � �� (40' R.O.W.) �� ___-��8.0 \�� `''\� `---- � � \ � � 1 � � I I ,�� �� � � � � � � �� �� --- —�---------�I � , ---------------- 47.27 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 6.67 6.67 WESTHAVEN LANE (10') ACCESS EASEMENT (6.67' WIDE) BOOK 273, PAGE 611 800K 273, PAGE 981 BOOK 282 PAGE 883 FOR LOTS OTHER THAN 43 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 970 949-1406 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Sentry Constructton, Inc „ being sole owners �n fee s�Mple, of all tlhat real property situated tn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� Lot 43, AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdlvtstan, accordtng to the plat recorded in Book 272 at Page 370, In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, con�ta�n�ng 0,5706 acres, More or less, have by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe tnto lots and tracts as shown on thts f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' AMended Plat Glen Lyon Subdtvlston, A Resubdtviston �f Lot 43 ', a subdtvlslon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� and do hereby accept the responslblllty for the coMpletton of requ�red �nproveMen-ts� and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public �^oads and other public �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and do hereby ded�cate those porttons of satd real property whtch are indicated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the puR^pose shown hereon� and do hereby grant the rlght to Instnll and �atntaln necessary structures to the enttty responstble for provtdtng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed, Executed th t s_ �� day of _�w_ ________, A, D,, 199� , �------- OWNERS� Sentry Cons-truction, Inc. 2740 Meadow Dr�ve St, Charles,, IL 60175 By' �` -� ---- ---------� M � chae l D, `You as�-�-------------------------- STATE OF_��OYL_'i O� ______ ) )ss, COUNTY OF � Ci_� I�________ ) The fore o t ng t nstrur►ent was acknow ledged before Me th t s_I�1?�"`� day of �(t.n1�Lt�______, A, D., 199 7, by IM i chae l D. Young as __��"i^51��'r____________ of Sentry Constru�ct � on, Inc , My CoMM � ss i on exp i res =_� _�i?'Q �_. W�tness My hand and seal, -- ���..���------------ KAREN BIGGS Notary Pub t � NOTARY PUBLIC Address � �Q_�'_�� _ _________ -- --��s�- - ��--------- STATE OF COLORAbO My Commisslon Expires b3-16-98 TITLE CERTIFICATE l��l_�'j�C. �nr�Q��___ does hereby cert t fy that f t has exar�ined the title to all lands shown upon th►s plat.and�that such t t t l e t s vested t $���_ j�y���,�_�__�r►_______ -----11L��'�- -------------------------------------------- free and clear of all ltens, #o��e+r, and encuMbrances, except as follows� -�� ------------------------------------------------- Dated th t s_��� = day of �k��'X'-------------� A, D,, 199�- Agent� ����--------------- BOOK 409, PAGE 580 NOTICE: BOOK 273, PAGE 116 According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based ALSO ACCESS EASEMENT FOR LOT 43 upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first BOOK 645, PAGE 521 discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DRAWN BY M. POST 12/19/96 _ —_ — ------,r� I SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I ar� a reg�stered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the taws of the State of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade fror� an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervision and correctly shows the location and dtMens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subdlviston as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in cor�pl�ance wtth appltcable regulat�ons governtng the subdtvis�on of land, I n w t tn ess thereof I have set My han �. � arrd";Spa ��tYi �•,� _/ �_ day of ,L�l�e� ----- � A , D . , 199 �- , 4 ,� � - , . R'� �_�� / . t k z s, :�} r . � � � ,,, . w a` ��"�"�"� `�; �� _ ,;.,�'/� '—`—�---- _ Stan Co la NOTES; C1> Date of Survey� DeceMber 1996 <2> MonuMentat�on as shown hereon <3> Beartngs are based on a line connecting the exist�ng MonuMents Marking the northwesterly line of Lot 43 betng S21'41'49'W (see drawing), (4) Street Address� Parcel A- 1225A Westhaven Lane Parcel B- 1225B Westhaven Lane (S> Restrtcttve Covenants recorded In Book 268, Page 698 and as aMended �n �nstruMent recorded tn Book 468, Page 447 through 472 and as rerecorded tn tnstruMent recorded �n Book 469, Page 801 and as aMended in Instrur�ent recorded In Book 528, Page 154. (6) Lot 41 is sub,ject to an access easeMent across Lot 41 for the benefit of Lot 43 recorded in Book 601 at Page 986, Exhtbit A of sald docuMent that descrtbes the locatton of the easer�ent is not Included In the recorded docur�ent, C7> Party Wall Agreer�ent recorded In Book _____, Page _____, PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, the two parcels created by thts resubdlviston are to be treated as one entity with no More than one two-far►ily restdence allowed on the coMbtned area of the two parcels, Allowable gross res�denttal floor area for the two- faMily restdence wtll be calculated based on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE �pprove the own of Vatl Zontng �y of _ ____, A , D , , 199�, Zoning AdMinis rator Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereb certtf that the enttre ar�ount of taxes due and payab le as of �Q�rn�� �I _�194 7____, upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on thts ftnal plat are patd In full, Dated th I s_� �_ day of �(,121l1A1"�,d_________, A, D,, 199]_ , i�QC�Gti!�:__��_t_t �� Treasurer of a�-C6�Gnty, Colorado CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE � % ��� Th i s f i n a l p l at was f t l ed f or rec� l n the of f t ce of the C l erk and Recorder on thls_�� day of a�14�0.`�� ____, A,D,, 199�, a�:��[o' c l ock �, Recor ed un der Redept 1 on No , (�.���Z�_ I n Book �(Q , Page �� , �- ��� c� � � ���� --- 1��CS C lerk and Recorder '���"`�`�y �''�►�L� � �� �� Eag le unty,�o lorado ' •• � i` .,Y 4. »� By � - - - - -- - - • ,M�''y �riA.� � � I � Deputy � +� +:� a�,, !� �a�04, 1 I SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB N0. 1477-43 0