HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 7 Lot 05WVICINITY MAP N OT TO SCALE � SET #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L.S. # 16827 LOT 6 FND. PLAIN #5 REBAR _ LOT 7 � O � O �N zl FpREST ;�TE ��. oo• o— N EDGE OF PAVER DRIVE ACCESS EASEMENT \ RECORDED BOOK 570 -� �z \ ,e ,.�, / .•�. DUPLEX PLAT � � � TOWN OF VAIL, C OUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF C OLORAD �0 SCAILE: 1 " = 20' 2� 0 20 40 60 Feet SET #4 REBAR & ALUM, CAP L,S, 16827 S?�•40 �E �5� � R• �• W1 • 80 � =0�, • / __ � � � _ � \ � � � � � � \ l LOT 5W �\ PROPERTY LINE N FOLLOWS CL PARTY WALL p I 0.1970 ACRES � ° cn I rn i2sw / , � UTILITY EASEMENT _ � / , \� OT 5E /� \� L Io \ ^ \ I \ \ / �3 � � J � LOT LINE TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT � o �pTM_ ��� � �n N ���4�'W , �_ I SET #4 REBAR & ALUM, CAP L,S,16827 LOT 4 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � lo N � / � � / � I � 50. Op � � � _ � � � � I LOT 3 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know alt Men by these presents that BMS Va�l LtM�ted Partnershtp, A Colorado L�r�ited Partnership, betng so�le owner in fee siMple, of all that real property s�tuated tn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� That part of Lot S, Block 7, Vatl Village F�rst F�ling, according to the plat thereof recorded at �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, descrtbed as follows� Beginntng at the southwesterly corner of sa�d Lot 5, thence the followtng two courses along the westerly and northerly l�nes of sa�d Lot 5� 1) N12'20'E 104,85 feet� 2> S77'40'E 77,80 feet� thence, depart�ng said northerly line, S07'56'W 105.16 feet to the southerly line of said Lot 51 thence, along said southerly l�ne, N77'40'W 85,88 feet to the Po�nt Of Beg�nntng, containtng 0,1970 acres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�vtded the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s duplex plat under the naMe and style of ' Vatl V�llage, Ftrst Ftltng, Block 7, A Resubdivtsion Of Lot 5, Lot SW ', a subdlviston In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Cotoradoj and does hrreby accept the respons�b�l�ty for the coMplet�on of requ�tred �MproveMentsj and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of' the publ�c roads and other publtc iMproveMents and places as shown on the accor�panytng plat to the use of the publtc forever� ar�d does hereby dedtcate those port�ons of sa�d real property whtch are indtcated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby grant the right to install and Ma�nta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�bte for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for whtch the easer►ents are establ�shed, Executed th t s�0.� day of _�y0�r��___________, A. D,, 199 Z, OWNER� BMS Vail LlMited Partnershtp A Colorado LiMited Partnership 285 Brtdge St, Va rado���1657 $�/ I ,_"_'i6 ���� — -------- ---- � —�� --� �----------- CPrint� maMe) as �� �Ec!���_�i92T��i2� ---- (T�tle) STATE OF_���t'Q�Q�(? ___> >SS. COUNTY OF _��2______) The foregoing instrur�ent was acknowledged before Me this �,q �- day of _� __, A , D , , 199 � by _�i�_ �_��tLQ ___ -- as _�e.���_ �r�g�_____ of BMS Va �� L t M � ted Partnersh t p, A Colorado LtM�ted Partnersh� . My CoMMtsston expires� __:� � �___. Witne nd seal. � � � v __ ' � � Notar � O•�P. -- ,'' -- y Pub � i � --------�--- . . .', � . � � Address � ______� �_�__��_S__ . ; NANCY � ------����'M--�� ��Co'S1 .n . ' ESTES�: . . . , . . �' •� �� • 9r�r4� �t�L�Q,P NOTESi C1) The purpose of thts plat ts to crea�te Lot SW as shown, (2) Date of Survey� January, 1997 C3) Bearings are based on a line connec�ting the found MonuMents r�ark�ng the southwesterly corner and the northeasterly corner of Lot 5 being N67'23'E, (The northeast corner of Lot 5 was reset in �ts original found posttion after constructton had obl�terated tt>, C4) MonuMentatton as shown hereon. CS) Street Address� 126W Forest Road. C6) Protecttve Covenants recorded tn Book 174, Page 179. C7> Refer to Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany CoMMItMent No, V255937 dated 12/11/96 for all tttle tnforMation, (8) Party Wall AgreeMent recorder In Book 111, Page �I�i, C9) This duplex plat �s recorded conteroporaneously wtth the duplex plat ent�tled ' Va�l Village F�rst F�l�ng, Block 7, A Resubdtv�ston Of Lot 5, Lot 5E ', recorded tn Book ZjZ_, Page 3��_, tn the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any leqal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after ynu first discover such defect. In no event, moy any oction ba�d upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat is true, correct and coMplete as la�d out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My superviston and correctly shows the location and diMenslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of said subdivision as the sar�e are staked upon the ground in cor�pliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land, I n w t tn ess thereof I have set My han d,m�,�,,�ea l th � s��t..day of o`,`�,� r�`��',, ___ 0.y.v_���_, A, D,, 199_L � . ` �C �,, � .� ��;�:�`�� ,�"O �, ��0� • � ���1STERFQ � •� y �� : • .2- _ . . _ . . - _ - =-� =-- - -- ------------ �n �orcoran" : %� = � E��,� PLSr,��,'�7: %'9j�=.,,su�,,; '` �-..•,, y,• ✓o �. �i �n �,".1 , ' ' .l''., °��! ,� �,, . :; :�� . PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, Lot 5W, shown hereon, together w�th the plat of Va�l Vtllage F�rst Ftling, Block 7, A Resubd�v�ston Of Lot 5, Lot SE, according to the Map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, are to be treated as one entity w�th no More than one two-faM�ly residence allowed on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels, Allowable gross restdent�al floor area for the two-faMtly res�dence w�ll be calculated based on the coMbtned area of the two lots, Z�NING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thts ftnal plat is here approved by the Town of Va�l Zoning Adr� � n I stratc�r th i s ay of __ ___, A, D,, 199_ \,`a�a�nuan inrnnni�i,� �1N '' t e St . F �'�i �'`'�.�,�' �_ ` -- -� ---- - -- TowA� erk S Zoning AdM�nistrator Town":�pf a t l, l o�do Town of Va I l, Co l orado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the enttre ar�ount of taxes an d assessMen ts due an d payab l e as of �d 1�D11A.�31,.1gq7_ upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are patd �n full. Dated th � s�� day of �p,�t�.�___, A. D,, 199'� . ��� ` _��Q►�L�i�� Treasurer of le Coun y 3o2�F�' CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� � a Th�s Plat was f�led for record tn the Offtce of th Clerk and Recorder at 14.J 8_o' c lock �. M,, on th � s_�Q�day of �q��pu�r_ _, 199!�� , and i s du ly recorded t n Book _7L>'_ Page No , �/,,3 � �.�i3 a87 �o�..����i��z � �� �,���� ay'�� � C�- --� - � �� ,,........�..,,��.�!y� -------- -- — ------ '.�; °.,. "?�: '±�„�d Clerk and Rec er � : y�q .z „`=�`�a" ; ��' �- n- '� %. �"'�t " � � � B � -- — �r'�-- J;,�'�Q � �, •� �,� Y ��• ,� ,�,,,,,�..�Q � Deputy JOB N0. 1203-5