HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Tract A. FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/AL UM. PART OF PARCEL A FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/1�LAS. CAP L. S. 13901 \ GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 ( IN F`EET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. OTL�S PURPOSE OF TH/S PLA T/S TO VACA TE THE /NTER/OR LOT L/NE BETWEEN TRACT A-1 AND TRACT A-2, VACATLr THE 35' ACCESS AND U71L/TY EASEMENT AND THE PLA TTED BUILDING ENVELOPES AND TO CREA TE A NEW BU/LD/NG EN12rLOPE AND A NEW 15' U77L/TY EASEMENT. BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 8879'41 " E BETWFEN FOUND 5/8" REBAR WI TH ALUM/NUM CAPS A T THE NORTNfNFST AND NORTNEAST CORNERS OF TRACT A AS lND/CA TED. DA TL� OF SUR t�Y DECEMBER 1996. ALL LINES ARE PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR UNLESS OTHERIMSE NOTL�D. L4ND USE SUMMARY TRACT A 37, 441 SQUARE FEET Nonl.� Ac�a�d�rg to Cda►edo /aw ynu musf eanmence any /sga✓ actlon bassd upan any defect In thJs sur�y wlth/n thr�s yva►s oftwr ynu first disco►�rr s+uc�h dsfsct. /n no ere�nt, moy ony oct/un boss�d upan a►�y detect !n thls surwy bs cammenced more thon te�►� yerars from the dote of certlfYcot/on shown her�an. BEAR/NGS) R � N � � U � ADORESS ONE(1) PR/MARY/SECONDARY UN/T 1487 BUFFEHR CREEK ROAD AMENDED �NAL PLA T . TRA C l A � _ TO I��l'1/ OF VAIL E�! GLE COUN T Y COL ORADD > > U. S. F. S. "� � E ,� 2�p5 N 66 E GR E i/lCINI TY MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E o aav �aav iaoio �IN FEET> 1 INCH = 1000 FEET i� N O I �� V '1 / � � E G R� I 0 0 P L � 0 � FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/ALUM. CAP L S. 16844 \ / � � _ PART OF PARCEL A � 0 = 04'32'DD" R = 611.29' T = 24.20' L=48.37' CB = N 68�8'05�' E CH = 48.35' NOTES.- 1.) T�oct A is /ocated within o medium sewrity rr�ckfa// zons A portion of Troct A is /ocoted in a dcbris Aow hozo�d zone. 2.) Bui/dings aon Tioct A sho// be benched-m" into the hA/side and stepped with naturo/ confours of the site. Sile excarntlon shou/d be no more that necessary to accommodate the proposed de�re/opment. Extensi►b site groding to cr+sate a Aat bui✓da�g site is not pem�itted. /n order to err�re comp/ance with the abore �nished grodes on the narth, eest arrd w�est erewtians of buildings shou/d not deviate more thon 4 feet from existing grode ot ony poirrt. 3.) A1/owob/e G/PFA for T�xt A sha// be os 1Fi1/owx T�act A - 6443 Squore Feet /n oddition to the obo►b squore footoge o garoge cradit of 1200 squa�e feet is al/ocoted. 4.) Bui/dings an Troct A sha11 be designed with mtemd horord mitigation recommended by Mr. Nick Lompiris in his hazord ana/ysfs dated Septer»ber 18, 1992 and �Aonuory 22, 199.3. 5.) Troct A of the Vo/%y, Phose /1, a r�esubdivraian of Tracts A and B, a po�t of Po�ce/ A, Lion's lPidge Subdivision Filing No. 2 hos been oppro�d os a Specio/ De►ne%pment Distric! by the Town of Voi/ ordinance No. >7, Series of 1993 ond Amended by ordinonce No. 6, Series of 1997. 11►is opprova� for Troct A mondotes bui/ding en►m✓ope /xotian ond rood/ drivewoy o/ignments. These opp�oHed p/ons may be omended only by the Town of Vai/, per Chapter 15.40 of the Voi/ Municipo/ Code. Future owners should review engineering drawings by Ray T. Davis, doted �Av/y 7, 1993, ond soi/s study by Koech/ein Consu/ting Engineers, dated ,iiine 2l, 1993 on file with the Town of �oil Community Der�lqoment. Futu�e owners shou/d a/so be oware thot ol/ rietaining wo//a should meet the moximum height /imits set forth in the Town of Vai/ Zoning Code. Proposed p/ons doted �/y 12, 1993, by Randy Hodges, meeting such �equi�ements ore � file in the Town of �oil Community Deve%pment Deportment. 6.) P�ior to excowtion of the bui/ding site on Tract A, the appli- cont shal/ either document thot o// exco►rotion wi// occur onsite or sha// provide /etters f�om odjocent property owners o/%wing the excovotion to encroach. 7.) Prior to issuonce of ony bui/ding permits within this SSD, the opplicant sha// provide a d�oinoge p/on and ony �equired droin- age eosements to meet the stonda�ds of the Town Engineer. 8.) The Entronce shown on this p/ot sho// be the on/y permJtted access to the bui/ding enHe%pe. 9.) The permifted uses for Troct A ore: o. Sing/e fomi/y �esidentia/ dwe//ings b. Two-family �esidential dwel/ing c. P�imary/Secondory �esidentia/ dwN/ing� d. Open Spoce e. Pub/ic ond Privote roods ��:�lT1T�il� � ' 7� 1�1C_ l0 does hereby certify thot the tit/e to a/1 /onds shown up n this p/gt hov�s � exomined and is v�sted in NLH C,t"MiG�Ylie/ �C � ot title to such /ands is fi-ee ond eo� of a// liens ond encumb�onces, except os fo/%ws• Ai1�'�(. Doted this doy of A.D. 1997. '' l �._ � I � ( � ll.:� 1 +� /� �... � . � �.. - � _��♦ - �l' �1 i r�1�.�•�' � SURVEYORS CER11f1CATE.• /, Duone D. Fehringer, do he�eby certify thot l am a Registered Lond Sur►re}ror /icensed under the /aws of the Stote of Co%rado, that this p/ot is a t�ue, co�rect, ond complete AMENDED FINAL PLAT, Town of �oi/, County of Eog/e, Stote of Co%rado, os /oid out, p/atted, ded- icoted ond shown he�eon, that such Plot wos mode f�om an accurote su�vey of said p�operty by me and under my supervision and correct/y shows fhe location ond dimensi�s of the lots, eosements ond streets of said subdivision os the same ore staked upon the ground in com- p/ionce with opplicob/e regu/ations gov�sming the subdivision on¢ � /n witne s whereYf / hovie set my hond ond seo/ this T B doy of � r. . � A. D., 1997. �, ;!1', ilt� � ��u nJ � �r ��. e . i� � :- :. Registered �n� ur►reyo� No.�6�1 _ �� �6626 �: c: : ; ;- � ; �. . _ �� �� �� `�� `.. ,� �+.,,.�.�• ,�n. (` h � °J,, ,.�;� � �� CER71F/CA TE OF DED/CA TION AND ONlVERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Nvncy K. ond Michoe/ F. Burqermeister being so% owners in fae simp/e of o// thot reo/ pro- perEy situated in the Town of �ai/, Eag/e County, Co%ado, described os fo��ows: Tioct A-1 ond Troct A-2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Fi/ing No. 2, Town of I/oi/, Eag/e County, Co%rado, conto/ning O.B60 acres more or /ess; hov� by fhese presenfs /ald out, plotted and subdivided the some into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this omended flno/ p/at unde� the nome ond style of L/ON'S R/OGE SUBD/NS/AN F/L/NG NO. 2, TRACT A, in the Town of Voi/, Eag/e County, Co%rado; ond does hereby occept the responsibi/ity for the camp/etio� of required imp�oHements,• and does hereby dedicote ond set oport o// of the pub/ic �oads ond other pub/ic impror�ements ond p/aces as shown on the occomponying p/ot to the use of the public fore►asr,• ond does he�eby dedicote those portions of soid reo/ property which are indicoted os eosement on the occomponying p/at os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby g�ont the right to insta// ond maintain necessa�y structu�es to the entity responsib/e for providing the ser ' es for whic the eosements ore estob/ished. Executed thi,s�day of �iir/L .A.D. 1997. OWN£R.• OiNVER.• Michoe/ F. Burgermeister Nancy K. Burgermeister ,��,� � y. ichae/ . r rmeis b� STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss COUNTY OF EAGL£ ) The forogoing Certi�cate of Dedication acknow/edged befo�e me this ��_day Q� f � I�. r� oncy . urv< wos _,1997. by� M!e%�/ /� drr��rr»s� s ar � My commission expl�es � ! �tness my hond and sea/. STA TE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 71're foregomg Certi�cate of edicotion ocknow/ dged before me this doy� o� by. �pe�� �eer G�3 My commission expi�es Z�/�� 9 q �fness my hond ond seo% � ory u ic C3ox/Dy.Z. EQa/e, Ld d /63 / ddr� ''-T +ME�� � ��.....• ��\ ��� � � _ A N� : : 9 �. 8 �'`� r�0 � O�at� � �` was .1997. �ETH •• �:.����y��''� �� � � '+�� ;� � ; A ... _ GB��� O�� O�a� � f CD` � This aa�ended �nol plat was op ( d by the oi/ P/onn, th�s do of A.D., / / � i��r/ l � � -rown cier Yidf�/PiBf�Z�- Town'� ���b�rdl� Town of Voil Plonning ond , s V „� ` En vironmenta/ Commission C£R AF/CA TE OF TAX£S PA/D: H�Jt��, �//z7 lr /, the undersigned, do hereb certif thot the entire omount of toxes due and poyob/e as of � 1 upon o// po�ce/s of rea/ tote desc�i d op this p/at e poid in fu//. Dated this day of A.D., 99 . �M� � urer o og/e oun CLERK AND RECORDER S CER 17FlCA TE• ��` This p/at wos �led for record in the of�ice of the C/erk ond Recorder at �Qdoy of O . A.D. 1997 ot �M����� '�.I �'c%ck �M. Recorded under eception No. Cc+���'10 �-�!}�p;�LM k, Book ]� ot PQge .�?Z. _ �,`� ... ...........��� �4 � S� • � � 4�{ ', ;� `$' � M � "; �'p ,.:. q ' °� \ �„ i ���\ � 4�"�.���� T �� epu y er � ond eco�der •� ,3 � `� ,r��og/e County, Co%odo ���p����;��= O�` ����`aY\'a4`�'� �N .