HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G2, G5 & G6 - Residences at Briar Patch Condos - 2nd AmendmentNO SCALE Parcel Un t t 1 Untt 2 Unit 3 E F SUBJECT SITE Area tn acres 0,0528 0.0436 0,0487 0.0548 0,0546 7,839 V/C/N/TYMAP LAND USE SUMMARY Use 1/3 Triplex 1/3 Trtplex 1/3 Trtplex Stngle FaM�ly S�ngle FaMlly CoMMOn parcel Street Address 1386 Buffehr Creek Road 1388 Buffehr Creek Road 1390 Buffehr Creek Road 1378 Sandstone Dr�ve 1374 Sandstone Drive •� � . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a regtstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat ts true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervtslon and correctly shows the locatton and dlMenstons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subdtvtston as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMpltance wtth appl�cable regulattons governtng the subdtv�s�on of land, �f;�:� �� �a+ t t� � � �y �'��'y.! I n w i tn ess thereof I have set My hc�+1�a�'�Ln�,"��a��'�t��! s 1�� day of ,�>,4. ;ty, s. ;�� � , A D., 199 y ° � � �!'2��------- � �- t� � , . v �� ¢ i e;; r.r . ° � �. ��5��.��� � . _ S ;o.r . • va ' . . ...� . . . .� y-.. ` . � 4.�, . Stan ��'�o`g��1�: Co lora'�a�.�"L�.�2 � erPx.:�..�i CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Brlar Patch L,L,C,, a ,�•' Colorado llMlted ltabllity coMpany, Brlar Patch Condor�InluM ' Assoclatton Inc,, a Colorado nonproflt corporatlon, Webster , Atwell II, Davtd G. Stueber, Davtd J, Leach, Alberta J, Leach, � George J, Strate, Charlene Strate, Brice A, Tondre and Catherine � J, Tondre, be�ng sole owner �n fee siMple, of all that real � property situated in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Flrst AMendMent To The Resldences Of Brlar Patch, according to the plat thereof recorded In Book 434, Page 336 In the office of the Eagle County Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatntng 8,1045 acres, More or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe Into lots and tracts as shown on this ftnal plat under the naMe and style of 'Second AMendr�ent To The Resldences Of Brlar Patch', a subdtvtslon In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responstbtllty for the cor�pletlon of requlred IMproveMents� and does hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other publ�c ir�proveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby dedicate those porttons of satd real property whlch are Indtcated as easeMent on the accor�panytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the rtght to Install and r�atntaln necessary structures to the entlty responstble for provldtng the servtces for wh�ch the easeMents are establtshed, Executed th�s _____ day of ________________________, A,D,, 199__, ___ -= =__ � - —:; - -_:--��.�e ='E�:fi_ �:,e��- .. � - � :• � . -� . � -�. NOTICE: Accordiny to Colorado law you must commsnce any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you firot discover such detect. In no event, may ony action baasd upon any defect in thia survey be commenced more than ten yearo fram the date of the certification shown hereon. AMENDED PLAT T�WN � 4F VAIL, EAGLE C QUNTY, C 4LORAD 0 �WNERS+ Brtar Patch L,L,C,, a Colorado lir�ited liablltty coMpany Address � ___,�� �Z_c�____ ---��r_�_ �_��``—� BY'- - - --- --- C r i n t n aMe �i�iZ�t,l��B�"'� CTttl _:�!�=fi�A���.� Br t ar Patch Con dor� t n � ur� Assoctatton, Inc,, a Colorado nonproftt orpor lon ATT T � dress ��J�,C_ � _�C�____ ' ---r� - ---- -�• - r-- ---�- ---------- r ary resident � ess= D(avid J. Address�= eorge J, Address�_ --- ' � Brlce A, Ton Address �?1.� �-- C � ------------------------------ Dav t d G, S�Oe /` �,� � �� Address = __ ��< � . ; ��`'��-, �--d��.� G �7�� -- r-�-�/� ��._ h; U �� �a � __��'�p r ��� ��y��� � �� ���_�°-4� �lberta�J� L ch �y/ Address � ������ ��� r � ---��'���-���-�,�--_ . Charlene Strate Address � O�S �(j� ' ���.__ 1� 1�eL��.,.a�.�S��l1" _ r Cathrine_,�' Ton Address � �l� l ���_��____ � �i����' (� ��f�g STATE OF_CQ?1c?r�b_____) ,-- > ss , C�UNTY OF ���.r_s_�C? ___) The forego i� ng t nstruMent was acknow ledged before M�th t s a��h day of -------, A, D,, 199 `Z by �gy �_c� J�---e ac�--- as r� �____ of Brlar Patch L,L,C „ a Colorado ll ��. coMpany, ,�••� '�,9••. �pMMtssilon s� 1��?-��2-o�Q ---- tn�ss My hand sea t, • ��: ; -- --------- ------- • • No ry Pub l I c S1 _ 1 y� •.'�eL`G�, o �. _ _ E' • .... �,O Ad ress � __ y-Li. �_ �f�lQ�l, °F ca o�` _��- -- - r�-�°�33 STATE _____ Q1PJ�,D_�2____> • )ss, :: ;. .�. , C�UNTY OF _-D_E611J�----> �,11�����"����' The forego ii ng 1 nstruMent was acknow ledged be,,f•o,�r� Me th t s o5�� � day of --.1��1t �------- � A , D , , 199 � by -�°�"�'�-��_�����--- ,. _��e � i d�c,..-�------------- an d --------------------------------- �� �_______±___________ of Brtar Patch CondoMlntur� Associat�on, �- $�,E �� .��a� ;, o, Co l orado n on prof i t corporat t on , �� : z ��'�My CoMM t ss � on exp I res �_�__� � � .W�tness M hand and seal. � y'�Q C'!�- Y —.,far���=-'�=''°`-- — -------- : �s ---- - ' `..� Notary Pub l t c ,# n�,�ro« ! i,�_�,� � � i,�. ,.?4nn . __�K�.�--�--�R"�'� , ,. ---- STATE pF ��� � �?f v_�_�. ___ ) )ss, COUNTY QF �e�����.______) The fore oting InstruMent was acknowledged before Me thts _2 O_ day of _� qr c►�_______, A,D,, 199Z by Webster Atwell II, �...,�,�..�..�,��:,� _�_- g=1 �_�q�,8, MY� �� �►+,.�p � s � - � , t r�q�.r���pn d an sea l, � '� � Nday Pubitc — CaliPamla '. VEMURACOUNIY � --- ------------------------------- ���a �� MyCamm. Ex�irwAU�s l0, tooe Notary Pub l i c Address � S=�e Z_ w_C�+��'^_e1�S ����sPz� �d �a .- -t�_ )� � e h� �r� �� �1 � � 9. S STATE OF_�Qt�����._____) )ss, C�UNTY �F _�FNy�_____) The forego�ing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e th�s �� � --- day of __Nj�+rs� _______, A, D„ 199� by Dav i d G, Stueber , My CoMMtsslon explres= Q(� �Ot14��_, Wltness My hand and seal, , . ----L.��-•�_°_�--- ------ -------- � Notary Publtc • , ' F : � Address � __1�� S=f �'��� #�900___ ,�r �y' �-�--��°-� =---- ' ,�i�,,��� ��: /:.;` -; .`' • �� � � �.�`U �,. �'kK� j �' � j� `: - _-�._ .� �•,.,w.. , A �� •i " (� � �A#'J � . �' � ...� �� •�_�� STATE OF_ Co_�o.�-c��o----) )ss. COUNTY � e __ _ a ►'?__) T Q�Nc�g�� truMent was acknow ledged before Me th I s a�� � Sf ,�� __, A,D,, 199 � by Dav�d J. Leach, CoMM � ss � on ei� es � Z- 'Z� �-OpO, L-�--�----- i�rte�s My han o� a sea t, . . -- -- - -------------------- �� ���e����'••� O Not y Pub l t c �F COLOAP� Add ess � _`l (�S `_� ����� _ � �S�- --- -1 C� �03� STATE OF_ �`.Q��C��___) -- )ss. CDUNTY �F ,��r�$'-S �?'� _ ) Th 63 struMent was acknow ledged before Me th � s��??� ?' �� • _____, A,D., 199Z by Alberta J. Leach. :' 9 : m y�oMM t ss t ort�A�p es �_ lZ_�ZD�'?�ao �� ess My han� � sea l � •'�G � -- --- ---------------------�------ �'�r'•..Q�•��-,�,.' No ry Pub l t , �� COLOAP�� Address ���b� _ S�• �?,?������'� �'���_ STATE 1'�_______ ) � ----- b -- �-D )ss, CDUNTY � [_�?�__) �•1NE � The f�;• � Ment was acknow ledged before r►e th � s a�:�-� day �_'�1_ • 2 __, A. D,, 199? by George J. Strate . : .C: � My �rjM t ss i on exp �� s_� Z Z.-o 2s��, - ---�-- - W t �y hand o�� ea l �� � - ------------------------ � --- .� . �,�'•��C'•'�O No ry Publ �c •...• O C�LOaP Ad ress �!-��f b S� �r''� �____ ����--`-��,�� STATE �F_ _ ____ ��?__> � n >ss, C�UNTY OF�`��Q !�S6y�_ ) The uMent was acknowledged before Me this a��� day .�' __, A, D., 199 Z. by Char l en e Strate , My CoP�M i ss t on e ��Z 2°O� , -- ��---- , W � fl�ss My han d ea l, ��.�GeIIG � N t ry Public- ---- --------- ---- � ' •' ,c • ••....••�p Ad ess � `{'-ll� S �� - COLOP�P ���� _�i_�33 STATE OF___ 9S�L19 ____> � )ss. COUNTY OF _D eY1 ��� _____ ) The f nstruMent was acknowledged before Me thts �fo�� d y _______, A,D,, 199� Brice A, Tondre, ,�p►.,.........6 �,GoMM � ss t ort; t res ��f1�.�q7___ � . � ��dSR��S�L.� d sea t , . :, TRACY ;� Notary Pu tic------r-'------ ------- ��,'s :�� Address � _� 7 �� _L�1��Ar _��---- "� �'•••.... •'� Q• _��a�DS�3_�.�.�2_ �QQ�-- S � �3� Q ---- � �" )ss, COUNTY DF _���1 �e-r ____) � The fore oing InstruMent was acknowledged before Me this .?�L!1 day of _______, A.D., 199 � by Catherine J. Tondre, My e5 tlfpt-� es � �.�1��� � -- W i �� r�y han d'; sea l, - �• • _ � �s�� ' C�iARRISE L. � Notary Qu �-}c,� ------ `; TRACY ,•' Address � _7 _1 _ �_?li.�(d,1.�.i�,l� 2f� �• �•, ,:' _�i�c.Qrla _�Q ---�Q! --- '9 ��•---•••'� P� r � F CCt�-�P CERTIFI EDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR I)�ED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that Colontai Savings And Loan Assoctattor�, Margaretten & CoMpany, Inc., and Flrstbank Of Colorado, N,A,, betng the holder esf a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sttuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� F�rst AMendMent To The Residences Of Brtar Patch, according to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 8,1045 acres, More or less, as shown on thts final plat under the naMe and style of ' Srcond AMendMent To The Restdences Of Brtar Patch ', a subdivlston tn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees �o �he dedtcat�on and setting apart all of the publlc roads and oth�er pubttc iMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public foreverl and does hereby agree to tthe dedtcatton of those porttons of satd real property whtch nre� tndtcated as easeMents on the accoMpanytng plat as easer►ents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granttng of the rtght to Install and Malntain necessary structures to the entity responstble for providing the services for which the easeMents are established, � Executed this _C��ay of __����___________, A.D „ 199 , � . MORTGAGEE= Colontal Sav�ngs and Loan Assoc�at�on ' Address�----------------------------- By� Brtar Patch Condor►InIuM Associatton, Inc, as Attorney- In-Fact for Colontal Savings and L sociatton BY'- -- - --- CT�tle)- --- ---- --------- Margaretten & Cor�pany Inc, Address�--------------------------- By� Brtar Patch Condor�InluM Assoctatlon, Inc, as Attorney- �n-Fact for Margaretten & or�pany� Ip�, BY'--- - -- - - -------- ( T I t l�e ) _____�-t� ���------- Firstbank Of Colorado, N,A „ Address�--------------------------- BY'-- ----- C T t t l e)---- --���-�----- _ � STATE OF___ I!r'� �_______ ) )ss, C�UNTY OF _ �9�I�________) The forego�ng �nstruMent was acknowledged befqre�� tht�_� �+ day of --�'rs �--------� A , D , , 199 � by _��v�.l a �-- ''OJr�'�---- as __��___�r��t _______ of Br t ar Patch Con dor� i n i ur� Assoc t at t on , Inc, as Attorney-tn-Fact for Colonlal Savings and Loan Assoctatlon and as Attorney-in-Fact for Margaretten & CoMpany, Inc, My CoMM I ss t on exp � res + S I� 3 I db _ Wttness My hand and seal Notary Pub l i �- Address � 5 �� --- - - ----- (�� � ---��� --G-- -��J ---- STATE OF_________________) � )ss, COUNTY OF _����R________) The foregot g InstruMent was acknowledged for Me Is J' - --- day of -��------ � A , D , , 199 '� by -- ---=� ----� ='t-------- as ___ S�� __ !�+�,� ._____ of F I rstban k �f Co t orado , My Cor�M I ss t on exp i res = __,��.� 3t�D _, . Wttness My hand and seal, l� � ---� � -- ------------- ---- - Notary Publi f Address�____� __ ___ ___ ----��Z�-------- �-�1---- PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE Th t s f t��d��"'�"�''�s approved b���Town of a t l Rlann t ng and in� v� `, 011� ` �s i on th � s day of ______, A, D,, � = � L � :;' _ ,- - - ����t -------- own �r�r� R VO � Cha t rr,an------- ----- -- Town of '�'�v;)„�„��,,,,���orado Town of Va t l P l an n t n g an En v t ron r�en ta l CoMr� � ss � on CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due and payable as of � __ _ ��_r���2__, upon all parcels of real estate descrtbed on th�s ftnal plat are pa�d tn ful l, Dated this --�-- day of -�,�-----------� A,D „ 199 7, ��[.!'� -� -��� Treasurer of E le Courity, Colorado ���.�� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��` O� This f�nal plat was ftled for recor tn t e off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder on th s_ �� day of __�c:�________, �� 199�, at 3_\�_o'clock _�M. Re orded under Rece tton No, P -------�l--- i n Book �y , Page ��, _����, `� ----- Clerk and Recorder Eag l e Coqn ty, Co l orQ��o� By � �C=__ �y�' Deputy �p �'-.`� W�� �� CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATES ON SHEET 2 OF 3 �� A�' � �- �� ,. v�" 1�..� n �.��- r . , � '� ��' ; � ;i�'� �f �' V � 0 �� , /��,`� .... ;,�?> •�V�� �T ._ l`� � ������� �����'� ,.� � � �� � -� � � 4� . 1 � ' �' � a :R/ . ,' '�1� �J 0�! �; � �� ., � ��, � �;� �� . Ii �, SHEET 1 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.7 The Residences at Brtar Patch Annexatlon DevelopMent Plan AMendMent� Introductton The orlglnal developMent plan for Brtar Patch was approved July 15th, 1981 by the Town of Vall after prev�ous approval under Eagle County's Jur�sdictlon, The prevtously approved DevelopMent Plan was approved under Town of Vail Ordtnance 13, ser�es of 1981, The ord�nance sttpulates that Brlar Patch and other specific Developr�ent plans approved by Eagle County prtor to annexatton shall rer�atn In effect as approved unless Ma,jor Modlf�cattons are Made, Ma�or aMendMents such as slte re-design, use changes, etc, wtll requtre a Planntng and Env�ronr�ental CoMr� � ss � on rev � ew . Thls developMent plan aMendMent down-zones the previous proposal froM 14 units to 9,66 un�ts. Instead of Mult�-faM�ly structures as previously approved, ftve single far�lly resldences C5 units) with the potenttal for 5 caretaker un�ts C1,66 un�ts), one requtred caretaker unit on envelope C wtll be constructed, In additton to the extsting triplex (3 units), Concept The Residences at Brtar Patch wtll be a ser�es of three single- faMlly hoMesltes wtth 3 potenttal C1 requlred) caretaker un�ts ad�acent to an ex�sttng triplex, and two sMaller single-faMtly hoMesites w�th potenttal caretaker units on Sandstone Drive, The s�tes are defined by spec�fic bu�ldtng envelopes whtch are ortented to place hoMes Into the hillside, not on It, Siting paraltel to land contours reduces the need for retaintng walls and lessens cuts Into the steep h�llsides, The site plan w�ll also MiniMtze the need for roadways and road cuts, and wlll Minlr��ze disturbance of the reMa�nder of the site, Archttectural Des�gn Every hoMe at The Residences at Brtar Patch wtll be destgned on an Individual bas�s, and each hoMe design w�ll be subM�tted to the Town of Vatl for Destgn Revtew approval, Bu�ld�ng Envelopes Bu�ld�ng Envelopes are prescrtbed on sheet 3 of 3, The butlding envelopes wtll prescr�be the llMlts of bulldable area, and only 'on grade' terraces Cthose w�thin S' of extst�ng or finished grade) wtll be perMttted to pro�ect beyond butldtng envelopes a r�ax I MuM of 5 f eet , Butlding Envelope Square Footage Bu�lding Envelope Unit A Single FaMlly B Stngle FaMlly C Single FaMtly D S�ngle FaM�ly E Stngle FaMtly Existtng Triplex Three FaMily Square Footage 3,844 sq, ft� 4,061 sq, ft, 3,675 sq. ft, 2,388 sq, ft, 2,380 sq, ft, N,A, Gross Residentlal Floor Area D�strtbutlon<not �ncludtng credlts) Bu�ldtng Envelope Unit GRFA A S�ngle faMily 3,470 sq, ft, B Stngle FaM�ly 3,470 sq, ft, C Stngle FaMtly 3,470 sq, ft, D Stngle FaMity 2,790 sq, ft, E Stngle Far�tly 2,790 sq. ft, Ex�st�ng Triples Three FaM�ly 5,650 sq, ft, Ar�endMent GRFA E�ght Untts 21,640 sq, ft, Annexat�on GRFA 21,640 sq, ft, Stte Coverage Each bu�lding envelope will be asslgned a r�axlMUr� square footage of allowable 'site coverage' per Town of Vatl defintt�on, The total slte coverage In all butld�ng envelopes and the existtng tr�plex shall not exceed prevlously approved allowable slte coverage, Site Coverage Dtstrtbut�on Bulldtng Envelope Unit A Single Far�t ly B S�ngle FaMily C Stngle FaMily D Single Far�� ly E Stngle FaM�ty Existing Triplex Three Far�ily AMendMent Elght Units Annexatton Stte Coverage PerMitted 3,844 sq, ft, 4,061 sq. ft, 3,675 sq, ft, 2,388 sq, ft, 2,380 sq, ft, 6,300 sq, ft, 22,110 sq, ft, not spectfted Open Space Large areas of open space will reMatn as part of The Residences at Brtar Patch, The r�a,jor�ty of the s�te as is 40% slope or high rockfall hazard areas tnsurtng open space wtll forever be an ar�enity, These areas along w�th the areas surround�ng the bu�lding envelopes wlll be considered hoMeowner assoctat�on Ma�ntalned open space, 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 AMENDED PLAT Dens�ty Each butlding envelope will have a GRFA allowance and a perMitted nuMber of units asslgned, Each allowable dwelling unit, tn addttton to the ass�gned GRFA, wlll have an addtttonal 225 square feet of GRFA (except for ex�sttng tr�plex). Addtt�onal GRFA, shall be avallnble under Town of Vatl Zoning �rdinances Chapter 18,71 'Additlonal Gross Residential Floor Area', EMployee Housing Er�ployee Houstng Units wlll reMatn a condittonal use for hoMesttes A, B, D& E and wlll be Mandatory for hoMesite C at The Residences at Brtar Patch, Consistent with the Town of Vall's Zontng Ordtnances chapter 18,57, Type IV EMployee Houstng Un�ts wlll be perMitted at the Individual owner's dtscretton, wtth 225 sq, ft, GRFA credtt for EMployee Houstng unit If constructed, TITLE CERTIFIC�ATE Land Tttle Gua�rantee CoMpany does hereby certify that tt has exaMined the title to all lands shown upon this plat and that such t � t le I s�v�sted t n__ Sfw 14}uc.l� g p�v id - ��_ - - -- --�'Etd�x' - �- - �--- �a�+d.�_1���1��� -1------ - � - � --.�� ���n.�-!�� �t'�t free and c lear of a l l l I ens, .�ea�a�s, and_encuMbrances, except as fo l lows ��?S_d�_�r_F_ 'Fni� rr c..pnd�d � '�t" $rrG�- �► • Td'�K) �°� -�".'a�L���s __�'O-Q � '�'-� p � !_`��------------------------ - - - i� 1. '1'or�� D�__!Z�L'�.�--- �ot ,�1� �a _ � ��------------------------- ------ Cc�'�,ar Pat�h i 1!-1,}.1q93.. _�� �Z?_ l�3�_ � 1lL � ------------------------- --- �nd ��,L�Lq.i�__�9 I[Z �4 S. �--------------------------- �L_�9.�19g1�_��_�?�� _��.. ���------------------------- �QA �=-%�� � �'�a�----- ------------------------ ----------- -- -- -- ----------- -- - ��o f_La�3__�9 K _�_P�a� ZQ� �� _e��=- �a� ---------- Dated th t s_��.�'=__ day of __ �ay�'�i-_____________, A, D,, 199 7 � Agent+ ��=_- ���'='------------- �� Landscap�ng Add�ttonal landscape plantings are proposed In additlon to extsting plant��ngs in coMMOn areas along roadways, Indtvtdual owners will be responslble for the planttngs wtthtn and surroundtng thetr butld�ng envelopes wtth designs sub�ect to the approval of the Town of Vatl Destgn Revtew Board, Hetghts For a flat roo1F, the helghts of bulldings shall not exceed 30 feet, For sloping roofs, the helghts of butldings shall not exceed 33 feet„ Spectfically, Bu►lding Envelopes D& E w�ll not be perr�ttted to exceed the elevatlon 8327'-0' �n hetght, Parking Town of Vatl Zoning Ordinances Chapter 18,52 'Off-Street Parking and Loadtng' shall serve as the guldellne for park�ng standards, Each hoMe deslgn for The Residences at Brtar Patch w�ll be requtred to �nclude a MInIMUM of two enclosed parking spaces, or three at untt A& C. ReMalning requtred parking spaces w�ll not be requ�red to be located within bullding envelopes and May be located �n coMr�on paved areas, NOTES� C1) The purpose of thts plat �s to revlse Butlding Envelope B, All restr�icttons and notes of the plat of Flrst AMendMent To The Resldences Of Brlar Patch reMaln �n effect, C2) Date of Swrvey� DeceMber 1996. (3) MonuMentaitton as shown hereon. C4) Beartngs care based on a l�ne connect�ng the extsting MonuMents Mark�ng the Most westerly corner and the northwesterly corner of F�rst AMendr�ent To The Restdences At Briar Patch being N31'47'S3'E Csee drawtng>, (5) Elevattons based on Upper Eagte Valley San�tat�on Dlstrict Invert elevatlon of 8390,9 for sanitary Manhole A-128,8,19A7 (see drawi'�ng for locatton), (6) The property shown hereon Is sub�ect to Restrtcttve Covenants recorded In Book 225 at Page 443 and as aMended �n InstruMenit recorded In Book 225 at Page 565 and as aMended In instrur�ent recorded in Book 233 at Page 53 and as aMended In instrur�ent recorded In Book 362 at Page 804, C7> EaseMents shown hereon are per Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany order nuMber V21772-4 dated February 8, 1994, C8) The property shown hereon May be sub,ject to a Holy Cross Electrlc Plssoclatton, Inc, right-of-way easeMent recorded in Book 211 at Page 103, (Insuffictent InforMatlon to plot) C9) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electrlc Assoctat�on, Inc, r�ght-of-way easeMent recorded tn Book 263 at Page 728 for the right to place two C2) anchors wtth down guys not More than forty (40) feet southeasterly of a pole whlch Is to be located on the west ltne of Lot G- 5, Ltons Fttdge Subdtv�ston, Flltng No. 2, approx�Mately 323 feet south of the northwest corner of sa�d Lot, C10) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to an agreeMent to grant rtght-of-way to Mountaln States Tetephone and Telegraph CoMpany recorded In Book 231 at Page 291, Cinsuff�ct�ent inforMatton to plot> (11) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electrtc F�ssoctatton, Inc. underground rlght-of-way easeMent recorded un Book 325 at Page 147 following an exist�ng and proposed �ocatton of power lines as shown on Exhlbit A of satd easer�ent, (Insufflclent InforMatton to plot) C12) The bulldung envelopes shown hereon are for ownership purposes only, (13) For ioning purposes the slx lots shown on this plat wlll be treated as one, Approved dlevelopeMent standards are prescrlbed on sheet 2 of 3, 1" = 1 \ �7,5 \ � 7,5\ � � \ \ � � iy 0,7 CENTERLINE \ \ 15' DRAINAGE � EASEMENT � \ D ETAI L D 8c E L18 S 68°19'47" E 51.47 L19 S 83°05'S1" E 43.63 L20 S 09°56'44" E 50.67 L21 S 80°03'16" W 41.76 L22 N 09°56'44" W 63.32 L23 N 84°20'35" E 65.88 L24 S 36°01'37" W 87.42 L25 N 09°56'44" W 43.21 L26 S 40°32'09" W 51.86 L27 N 09°56'44" W 76.21 L28 N 80°03' 16" E 40.00 L29 N 76°30'30" E 73.46 / � '31'24"E 123.35 , \ � ,�� � � i \\ � / �// �\ / / \ / \� / �� ` S22°50'03" W 45.03 i� \ N65°06'27" W 45.92 �` //� \ � / \�� / / / i ��� / / � � / \ `\ I � \� ,� \\ o � p I � � S27 20 29 E 43. 0 � S81°05'41" E � � / � �� � BUILDING � � � � ENVELOPE B \ ' � � ' �� '' N22°31'54"W I /' � \ / i � � I � � � � � � � � � \� �� � � / � � \ // 1 \ � S85°45'08" E �\ � / I �\ � / � � � \� \ � i�/ � / i 37.35 \� � / ��� �. � i � PREVIOUSLY PLATTED BUILDING ENVELOPE TO ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT. 3572 SQ. FT i � � ���� N31°11'47"E 32.45 \ i \ � �� DETAIL B AMENDED BUILDING ENVELOPE 4061 SQ. FT. SHEET 2 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.7 a 38.31 LI N E TAB LE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S 63°53'15" E 20.16 L2 N 1 S°59' 15" E 96.50 L3 S 71°00'45" E 43.50 L4 S 18°59'15" W 11.50 L5 S 65°32'29" W 18.00 L6 S 24°28'10" W 19.00 L7 S 18°59'15" W 37.33 LS S 67°00'38" W 43.50 L9 N 36°46'S�' W 13.50 L10 N 02°23'25" E 70.02 L11 N 82°11'08" W 126.74 L12 S 79°23'S2" E 155.51 L13 N 7T52'09" E 27.00 L14 S 56°15'S0" E 27.50 L15 S 62°26'S9" W 48.00 L16 N 11°54'49" W 90.00 L17 N 12°21'4�' E 153.08 L18 S 68°19'47" E 51.47 L19 S 83°05'S1" E 43.63 �20 S 09°56'44" E 50.67 L21 S 80°03' 16" W 41.76 L22 N 09°56'44" W 63.32 L23 N 84°20'35" E 65.88 L24 S 36°01'37" W 87.42 L25 N 09°56'44" W 43.21 L26 S 40°32'09" W 51.86 L27 N 09°56'44" W 76.21 L28 N 80°03' 16" E 40.00 L29 N 76°30'30" E 76.46 L30 S 42°55'34" E 95.94 L31 N 70°55'30" E 35.19 DETAIL OF U N ITS 1 2& 3 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP \ L.S. No. 5933 PARCEL E LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 � � � FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 --.:�;_� ---_�: �_:_:- - •---- - -- -,___• = =-��r-: _E�=�c :_ - - .. , - • :• � � •'� • : . � ..• ,�. AMENDED PLAT � �/ \ S NOTE: EASEMENTS "A", "B" dc "C" /,yp�� �� ��� , HAVE A BASE ELEVATION LIMIT OF 8341.5' � � � s'�. : , g�°° � U N IT 1 � F, SCALE: 1= 20 \ 0.0528 ACRES � d�� � � � � ��. � � '�. � �� � � � O�'S�` ��' \� 3; 53.0'x3.0' UTiL1T1' EASEMENT�� LION'S LOT G -1 RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 �a � FOUND No. 4 REB �.3� S 81°25'12" E � WITH ALUM. CAP � U N IT 2 �� 60.00' <\ S OS°34'48" W- 5.00' �No. 26598 � � � 0.0436 ACRES '0" � � �0 � ��t'C' � �� S 81°25'12" E - 10.00' � n��' � S � 4.2'x1.3' / / `� ��o �+s��r •er / � (=151•55'4� Q`a,e�f 4.5'x1.3' 7.3�� � Rs%�.� �� 'so.'�• i��� '�- s oe�34�4s" w- 2i.00� L 185.62 � : � U N IT 3 F � ��� �' T=2eo.o� �� 0.0487 ACRES � \ /� 6 � N 81°25'12" W- 10.00' / SEWER MANHOLE LC=135.8Z � A128.8.19A7 CB=i� � �°22'�� E '�� �� � o� �� � � S 08'34'48" W - 15.00' / � INV. ELEV. = 8390.9' �� � S 59°37'07' E � S 81°25'12" E- 10.00' /� ELEC. MANHOLE FOUNO No. 5 REBAR � \ 3.77' k�• p � WITH ALUM. CAP �'' \ /� � �� O� / ����2�'�� O �O L.S. No. 5447 � � � � / � � ° �"�. � � R=1333.51 , � mo � ���, � ,1 L=194.40 5 P�� ' ��0, p� ���� N 81°25'1Y W- 10.00' B�p,R�N� %� �� T=97.37 � __ � e�� ��,�� � C8=N 2�°0915 4.2E � tmutt � �1 �� � � \ EASEMEN r / ��/ QPO O � ,,�o a / � FOUND No. 4 REBAR �� �� WITH ALUM. CAP � � '`� / � �/ L.S. No. 26598 ELEC. �SEMENT �'�e.� / �� / / TRANS. F.QG / �� r tiF i ,� / G �` � i � � \ � I=05°54'S5" /� � 1� �o U N IT 1 ,\ o ` R=1467.40 l�� � / \ L=151.50 �� �(` � 1 UNIT 2 �� � ��� � T=75.82 I=44 52 20�' �� � � � �?. � � -- -- -LC=151.43 R=194.16 � .a'�� / � � � � � ,�� �� S 5�32��� W _ 370.� NoncE: According to Colorado law you must eommence any Isqal action based uPon any defect in thie aurvey within three yearo after you first diacover auch defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yearo from the date of the certification ahown hereon. ���'� FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 ---_�� �=10"35�or R=1711.95 L=316.25 T=158.57 LC=315.80 CB=S 54• 14'35' W \ 119 21 M 4 ' � �, � ���1 �� FOUND No. 5 REBAR - WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 16836 FOUNO No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 TRACT B RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 4 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 � � ��91a / a. �Ii , ,L5�0 25� S LOT G-3 RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR s �4 � SNOW STORAGE, ROAD, ROAD A\ � MAINTENANCE & SIGNAGE 5'�O\`� O�\ EDGE ASPHALT �SEMENT ��w\0 ( 6 ) \`� \ I=17T11'36" �"� R=50.00 L=154.63 T=2041.00 LC=99.97 CB=S 16°00'28" E FOUND 5' WITNESS CORNER No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5447 LOT G - 4 RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 2 40 0 40 80 120 Feet SCALE: 1" = 40' SHEET 3 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.7