HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 11 Block 2 Lot 03 - Amended Plati �� � � � �� � ��a�� ..,... � � :.i- '�.� • ��•r, . ..... /17L1!!'1�1[ 7'0 �// i`-� ' araaJ \ rr v� � r rr w w� �v �J . - sus�ECT s� . ..,•,• . � • . � �� . � 1dWN OF 1iAIL BOUWDARY VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY Np, 70 FND. #5 REBAR WITH WASHER BAISIS OF BEARINGS _ S 87°30'49" E — 81.94 LOT 2 SET 2' WIT. CRN. #4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP — L.S. #26598 / 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 �970)949-1406 FND. #5 REBAR WITH WASHER 20' UTILI7Y EASEMENT PARCEL LINES r- — — -� TO BE ^ c3` I I ABANDONED / � \ � I Ir/� , / , � \ \ `� • I I � •/ PROPERTY LINE\ � GARAGE I � FOLLOWS PARTY \ � I I / > WALL \ \ I� �-- — — , � � L 1 � � � � � � � \ � �6 �s �� i �,`�' � � 0 L3 PARCEL 1 ,� � �� �� OUTLINE OF (� � DUPLEX � o. � ss ,ac. �` � � � 2945A � � , � Nw I � DRIV WAY \� � �1 � � � � � �� � Z � PROPERTY LINE TO BE ' � � / � � � � CREATED BY THIS PLAT r AMENDED PLAT ��.. .. �,,' ,,i�� �, N�� � � ��� TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY QF EA�LE, STATE OF CC�LC�1��� � SCALE: 1" = 20' 20 0 20 40 60 Feet � N� �� � � � � W � NO �� .N � ; `' PARCEL 2 I _ � „ 0.166 AC. 1=8° 19'3i' I-10°48 51 2945B R=270.00 . R=270.00 O L=39.24 ` L=50.96 SET �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP T=19.65 T=25.56 �.s. � 26598 LC=39.20 , LC=50.89 / C6=N 77°30'22" E ` CB=N 87°04'36" E / � 50 20 1=19°08'28" R=270.00 L=90.20 T=45.52 LC=89.78 C6=N 82°54'57" E BOOTH CREEK DRIVE ( 40' ) N 87°30'49" W TR'ACT B LINE BEARING L1 S 87°30'49" E L2 N 50°56'26" E L3 S 84°03'34" E L4 N 50°56'26" E L5 S 39°03'34" E L6 N 50°56'26" E L7 S 39°03'34" E L8 N 50°56'26" E : L9 S 39°03'34" E L10 N 50°56'26" E L1 1 N 09°24' 16" W r �� SET �4 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP L.S. 26598 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commen�ce eny legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three y�eors after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any mction based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more tMan ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. DISTANCE 14.60 18.00 4.24 1.75 14.25 23.14 2.2s 6.00 1.30 14.16 63.84 M. POST 9/30/96 CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all r►en by these presents that Alexander R. Sarratt III, Flora Sarratt, and Bonn�e PriMack, being sole owners in fee str�ple, of all that reat property sttuated In the Town of Valt, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as followst A Resubd�v�sion Of Lot 3, Block 2, Va�l Villagc, Eleventh F1l1nQ, accord�ng to the plat thereof recorded in Book 409 at Page 166 In the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and R�cordcr, containing 0.3516 acres, r�ore or less. has by these presents latd out, platted and subdtvided the sar�e into parcels as shown on this final plat under the nane and style of 'AMended Plat, Vatl Vtltage, Eleventh Ftling, Btock 2, A Resubdtvtston of Lot 3', a subd�vtsion tn th� Town of Vail, Eagle County, Coloradol and does hereby actept tht respo�stbllity for the coMpletton of requir�d ir�proveMents) and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publtc roads a�d othe►� publt� iMproveMents and places as shown on the accor+panying ptnt to tl� use of the publtc foreverj and does hereby dedtcate those port�ons of said real prop�rty which are indlcatcd as tasenent on the accoMpany t ng p lat as easerients for tlx purpost sM�a�n Irer�eory� and does hereby grant the right to install and nalntaln n��ttssa�y structures to the entity responstble for provtdtng the servic� for which the easeMents are established. iliii Executed th t s��] �'!� day of _____�� ____________, A, D,, Y L'N� _� ,,, , �I.�, ❑WNERS � �!^�'��`!_ - ---- .Y_l� " Alexan r R. Sarratt I 2945B Booth Cre�k Drtv� �� Va t t, CO 81657 �"" � !! aJl - �"_�- - - ----------+�- Flora Sarratt 2945B Booth Cr�ek Drtve Vail, C❑ 81657 �� �V --- - ------------�-'.i Bonnie PriMack �° �i•;�� � 2945A Booth Crttk Driv�e � _"�",� Vatl, CO 81657 STATE OF_ �,�p`��____> >ss 6WT v ���� ------> , •�p'-•-- ---••. � p; '�he f or� i n struMen t was ackn ow l edged before Me th t s a�'�"'w►, �; da of _�_ �________, A,D,, 199=1 by Alexander R. Sarratt IiI, : NA�ICY L. ; � � N�9?d�¢i�ii i s�S i exp i res = _�� ___ �' W i tness �n� _ nd and sea t. C;��n q--�_ . ''9�• .... -- ' P - - - -S �� -------- •- -�- OF CO�,O4 No ry t t �v Addre s = � ,,,,,�_ --_ �� �'��_�._ STATE OF__�De��_____) )55� COUNTY OF _� `�______) � ��#a g instruMent was acknowledged before rie this�,, �p'day"""o�•.�.� _�________ , A. D., 1991 by F l ora Sarratt , O. � 2t t•� t exp � res � 5�7� �i :�����-�M� n d�an d sea l . . ------ ---------F- d+�;•, ;'� Nota l i � �9�•0�..�•� P Addres --- -- � � `' �� ---- - .Z-����� -�-='=-'- ------- � .� . )55, COUNTY OF l�i�iG�'�_______ ) 9yl�c''' The foregotng instruMent was acknowledged before nr this �___ day of _1'�'11�Y_________, A, D,, 199 � by Bonn t e Pr � r+ack . My CoMM i ss t on cxp I res ���'�?�'�� hand and seal �� �- �� � . ----------- ANNE M. .IACK�O�N Notary Pub t i �'�• ��� Address: � _ _�N '��__ • � ���---- ---- . w�� . - '�''''� �►� tt. !0� ---¢��? _.7�c__7Z�_..__ TITLE CERTIFICATE Eagle County Tttle Corporatton does hereby certify tha� the tit'�e to all lands shown upon th�s f�nal plat has been exan�ned and ts vested in� Alexander R, Sarratt III, Flora Sarratt, 6 Bor►nie Pr�Mack, and that title to such lands is free and clear oF all lte�ns, taxes and encuribrances, except as follows� �- �__1�� _a��.�£�.�t'ir_+�_r.vt_��'- _.�..��_ 1.�r���� �����_a�f�f� � �r_t�-,�_ �r �=..� .,� �� !�ilf.�iN_Ss�TS�_ A!'re+�...�!�i'� eiti.�irs�aa.J � AE�Z?"%h'`t�C � !�!�I�JL----�►- „rP�l�_,�AiLt_ l I�i�lf�.[ A✓•Ist /O�,',�'!,r ---- -------------------------------------___...,._ --------------------------------------------------------__.�_.�._ ---------------------------------------------------------------�►- --------------------------------------------------------- --�- Y -�'4�- ---- A.D., i99..�', I : Dated this _'� � da of --- - ------------ ,Ii 9'II Eagle County Tttle Corparatton E���/3���� POB 980 Avon , C 81620 '';1i1� B , , � �M,%� iii y--------� - - -- - 'Michael J, Br wick as+ Chtef Title Officer SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and cor�plete as laid out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervision and correctly shows the location and dtMens�ons of the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subd�v�ston as the sar�e are staked upon the ground tn coMpliance with appl�cable regulat�ons govern�ng the subdivis�on o f l a n d, ,.yt��4�..,�. x,,; �S ��1� �°�`�:� ��`a. I n w i tn ess thereof I have set My hand``q���°���,'��i��`� ?�� day of ---�� ------- � A , D , , 199 � , :.< x�r' • ��� �'' ` ,� � s �, ��. � �i R ��#�� ����� . � • �� � �S'�� � M .!�.. : ,��,. . > - �� --_----�*f ,� �- �;r-4r------------- Stan Hog� �1 � ` Co l orado �� ���8►`''� NOTES: C1) The purpose of this plat �s to aMend the parcel ltnes of Lot 3 as shown, C2) Date of Survey� SepteMber, 1996 <3) Bearings are based on a line connecting the found MonuMents r�arktng the northerly line of Lot 3 betng S87°30'49'E (see drawtng), C4) MonuMentation as shown hereon „ CS> Street Address= 2945 Booth Creek Drive, C6) Protect�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 221, Page 140 and aMended tn Book 254, Page 167, C7) Townhouse Declaration recorded in Book 262, Page 684 and Book 409, Page 167. <8> Party Wall AgreeMent and Declarat�on of Covenants, Condtttons and Restrlcttons recorded herewith tn Book ____, Page ____ PLAT RESTRICTION For zontng purposes, the two parcels created by thts :. resubdivis�on are to be treated as one entity with no More than one two-faM�ly res�dence allowed on the cor�b�ned area of the two parcels, Allowable gross residential floor area for the two- faM�ly residence w�ll be calculated based on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thls fin l lat is by approve t e Town of Vail Zoning AdMi � th�s ��_ day of _��__________, A,D., 199'� , �o �` � SI'� _ 1`!�- -- -�-- ---- - -- � ---- -- ---- --------- T n lerk ' Zoning AdMinistrator To , d4.�lorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby cert�fy that t�e_entire aMOy+ nt Af taxes an d assessMen ts due an d payab l e as of �Z[G�Ift�i�3/� /9�f i LZ� upon all parcels of real estate descrtbed on th�s plat are paid �n full, Dated this �� day of ___/��� _____, A,D,, 199 �_. - - ,�_.��i� ---- �� .�• �f � �y reasurer of Ea le��t � 9 Y S�aa CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ���'�� This Plat was filed for recor in the Off�ce o the Cterk and Recorder t_1l %��_o' c l ock �, M,, on th t s_��2__day of _�� ___, 199 �, and is duly recorded in Book _�� g Page No , -�-- � �a 3��3 � i �1 -----c��'a!-- �---� =-- Cler a d Recorder BY' - --'--- Deputy Q �-�S � � �� g �� 7ag � JOB N0. 936 � ..� � ����.��� �I , �:� �: ��: