HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Das Schone Filing 1 Tract C Lot 1VICINITY MAP - NO SCALE EAST P.T. TRACT D FND. #3 PLAIN REBAR o�� o � �ITE I I FND. PIN & CAP W L.S. # 26626 (RED PLASTIC) TIE: S 26°17'28 E 3.43 20 0 20 40 60 Feet �� �O ' , �.�0 _ � � ��P � '�- �v/ . O�\ P�` G� � \ \ \ SET PIN & CAP L.S. # 26598 � � \ \ \ / / APPROX. CL 10' GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. (B 275, P 832) TRACT A 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 �\ \ \ o'�°c� / � � EDGE OF I FINAL PLA T � � T 0 T�N OF VAIL CO UNT Y OF EA GLE, S TA TE OF COL O�RAD 0 � BASIS OF BEARINGS : N 11°27'00" W, 193.47 � UTILITY EASEMENT (B 190, P 559) � � � � / � FND. PIN & CAP L.S. # 16844 � ;L . � INN AT WEST VAIL \ � ,, � � � S\ � \ �\ AREA #2 �� PARCEL "B" � \\ ACCESS EASEMENT > 838 sQ. Fr. (BOOK 704, PAGE 902) / / � � / i� j ' \ �, /� \ S80°49'47"E . / � �\ � �\ sz.s2� / / v/ / � �,1 � � \ � ^� `��° s \ OUTLINE OF /� � AREA #� 1\ 2s`�� BUILDING � � � PARC'EL "A" -�� AS \ � ACCESS EASEMENT -- �, , / � 534 SQ. FT. �s -` ._. � � - \ /� / _ � _ (BOOK 704, PAGE 902) _ �r \ / / S2T56'38"E - 14.13 _ _ — Z \ � � ____ ___ - � � - i � / TEMPORARY •� 1 CONSTRUCTION �v� \ / LOT I F�ISEMENT — — — — _ �S. \ / v 0.49911 ACRES (PER WRITTEN LEGAL) \ �� \ 271 1=01°16'S0" � \ R=6000.00 L=134.10 � � T=67.05 > � LC=134.10 6'� � CB=S 48°28'45" W / �� � \ (SEE NOTE 10) � \ \ EDGE OF DRIVEWAY / / � 0 / O�. �' \ UTILITY EASEMENT / � � � (B 190, P 559) O 5 � � / / �°� �OP � � \ / FOUND PIN & CAP / L.S. 26626 TIE: S 28°54'05" E 3.48 / � / �P� �� \��� �P� �� `G,Z• o��P � �� � �� 0� �� S15°O6'19"E - 3.71 � � ��OV �9���� R=6000.00 L=13.81 LC=53.61 CB=S 46°52'S5" W FOUND P.K. NAIL W/WASHER L.S. 26626 TIE: S 28°39'36" E 3.47 1=00° 1 1'42" R=6000.00 L=20.43 LC=20.43 CB=N 46°37'34" E I—01°17'Z1" R=6000.00 L=135.00 T=67.50 LC=135.00 CB=N 46°04'47" E (SEE NOTE 9) NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Firstbank Of Vait, A Colorado Banktng Corporat�on, be�ng sole owner tn fee stMple, of all that real property situated tn the Town of Vail, Eagle Cot�nty, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� That part of CoMMerclal Tract 'C', A Resubdtvislon Of Vatl Das Schone, Ftl�ng No, 1, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�b►ed as follows� Beg�nning at the south corner of said CoMMercial Tract 'C', sa�d south corner being on the northwesterly rl�ht of way l�ne of Interstate Htghway No. 70� thence N35'35'37'W a d�stance of 169,16 feet to the southeasterly rtght oF way ltne of ChaMOntx Road, 80 feet w�de� thence N44'14'09'E a dtstance of 122,66 feet� thence leavtng sald rlght of way llne, �39'S2'S3'E a distance of 171,75 feet to the northwesterly rlght of way ltne of sa�d Interstate Highway No, 70; thence southwesterly along sa�d r�ght of way l�ne, a d�stance of 135,00 feet (calcutated - 135,00 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, hawing a radius of 6000,00 feet, a central angle of 1'17'21', and a chord that bears S46'04'47'W 135.00 feet) to the potnt of beginn�ng, containtng 0,49911 acres (as calculated froM plat), r�ore or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subdtvtal�d the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on th�s final plat und�r the naMe and style of ' A Resubdiv�s�on Of Vatl Das Schone, FI'�ling No, 1, CoMMerctal Tract C, Lot 1', a subdtvtston In the To�wn of Vatl, Eagle County, Coloradol and does hereby accept the r�sponstb�lity for the coMplet�on of requ�red �MproveMents� and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other publtc Ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public foreverj and does hereby dedtcate those port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easeMent on the accoMpany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonJ and does hereby grant the rtght to tnstall and Mainta�n necessary structures to the enttty responstble for provfdtng the serv�ces for whtch the easeMents are establlshed, Executed th t s_�b'f�1 day of ___�.��_______________, A. D., 199� , �°� �.�� � OWN +`�8.• ••� �1 F i rstbank Of Va t l, �- r�'� �a� A Co l orado Ban k t n g Corporat � on ¢ ' � 17 Vail Road � �,����,,, i Va � l, CD 81657 • � �`,, , I� B - - -- x=--�"----(---- --- � ` �; � .� Y' , ` ' �t�E4i�'�� -- . A t�" �y�N�a������ I t �e -�y.��_--� 7 STATE OF_��R-Lf`!?_O___� )ss, COUNTY OF = ��� S�� _ ) �/ 1 / I r/ The forego�ng tnstruMent was acknowledged befor Me 'thi «o day of �Z> - ----- � A , D . , 199 � by ��S?� �_l�� [:�1.� as _✓L�Q ����.-------- of Ftrstbank �f Vail, A Colorado Banking Corporation, My CoMM i ss 1 on exp t res �_��_?-=I_= `� W i t�±;�iand and sea l. � ,r ,�' �#14�.�K d. �� �.� : � Notary P�`u�,'� Address�===� �S� -- --.A�.�-.� rV TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby cert�fy that the tttle to all lands shown upon th�s f�nal plat has been exaMtned and �s vested t n:_�n. �s'r s•e.�.�c.-_-a� -.n°►'� �-�--f4-- c���w-oo ------ _g_�—'�. r-�cr _ c_�!� - �'�1--- and that t�tle to such lands �s free and clear of all t�ens and encur�brances, except as follows�_________________________________ -------�--�-���_-- --------------------------------------- �-�. Dated th i s 2b day of __ 'r"�_�� ___________, A, D,, 199 �, Land Tttle Guarantee CoMpany 108 . ntage Road West Va�l 81657 B� — ----------------------------- Stgnature) s � .�-�-, d �..�-.a..�J ------------- � ------`----- ----- CPrtnt naMe) -Z--�-r�T:2. c�-� c�.��2 ------------------------------- (T�tle) O. SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat is true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fror� an accurate survey of sa�d property by r�e and under My superviston and correctly shows the location and dlMenslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of said subdivision as the saMe are staked upon the ground in cor�pliance with applicable regulatlons governing the subdivision of land, �*e�R�+�� •�y.a . �r �,... I n w t tn ess thereof I have set My ho��$�.���G�.t„� I s_�.3__ day of --�1"C------- � A � D � , 199� , `,���,•� �i�a',r ' ; :-;� },s. .� � ����.i` � - �� Z������;�, � r - � --- - -------------- Stan�fi �a.��J �.,-;, �� Co l or�•=��� g�59�'� .. ,�y�it� n:r...� � �.,,>,.» NOTES� C1) The purpose of th�s plat Is to record a subdiviston plat of a previously wrttten r�etes and bounds parcel, <2) Date of Survey� May, 1997 C3> Bearfngs are based on a line connecting the found Monur�ents Marktng the westerly corner of the Inn At West Vatl and the easterly point of curve of Tract D betng N 11°27'00' W Csee drawtng), <4) MonuMentation as shown hereon, CS) Street Address� 2271 North Frontage Road West, C6) Refer to Land T�tle Guarantee CoMpany poltcy no, V253744 dated 8/28/96 for all tttle tnforr�atton, <7) Protective Covenants recorded in Book 247, Page 656, (8) Holy Cross Electric Easer►ent CBook 275, Page 832) is shown In its approxiMate location, the recorded docuMent does not contatn suff�ctent inforr�ation to plot the exact location of the easeMent, C9) Locatton of southeasterly property ltne as per the wrttten legal descr�ption and the l�nes as shown on the plat of A Resubdiviston Of Vail Das Schone Filing No, 1, C10) Calculated locatton of southeasterly property line holding the two endpoints of the 726.70' long curve with a 6000' radius, Cthe plat of A Resubdtvislon Of Vall Das Schone Filing No, 1 Is in conflict wtth itsetf on the diMensions of this property ltne) (11) Thts lot shall be constdered an tndependent parcel for the purpose of zoning and developMent standards, PLANNING AIVD ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE This ftnal plat w�pproved by e Town of Va�l Plann�ng a d EnvlronMental CoMM i ss I on,,,,��,��___ day of _����________, A, D,, 199 �, �,`t,��v' ..\` I..,. 'j'r.,'�/''�3 W - - - �------- ---------- -- - ---------- Town�Cl r� `' = ChairMan Town �f Vail, Col rc�o Town of Vail Plann d %_ �` EnvlronMenta oMMlsston CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the understgned, do hereby cert�fy that t e ent�re aMOUnt of taxes and assessMents due and payable as of ___ �I�� �9,] upon alt parcels of real estate descr�bed on this plat are paid in full, Dated thls ��._ day of ���________, A,D,, 199___, ������� - - �-�JIS15�� �,.�CX� � Treasurer of Ea County ROI�p(o3 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ���� Thts Plat was ftted for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at ]�'•� �__o' c l ock _� , M,, on th i s a�? __day of __�.�x�.� __ , 199=1__, an d � s du l y recorded � n Book �� Page No , �, �(��.}$(,o � �� y,-..,��,� -•y�� ------------ �.� ------��:� 'Wa� �'•°;;-' '�c � N . �,,.. r`•.=rC i C l erk an Recorder ='�� �y� �� � �` ��,,*�o BY' -- ----- ------ -- -------- � �� Deputy '�o�.� SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB No. 126