HomeMy WebLinkAboutTall Pines Subdivision - Final Plat., . ,� N � � � � � � � � vJ "1 0 � Q LOT 15 � � �or �4 / / U. S. F. S. UNPLA TTED W/AL UM. CAP L. S NO. 4551 �or 5 DA S SCHONE NE CORNER OF JNE SW1/4 OF rt�E sE�/4 oF .sEC nc�v ». � LOT 4 FlLING NOTL�S: BASIS OF BEAR/NGS.• S 86'20'00" W AL ONG THE NOR THERL Y L O T LINES OF L 0 TS 4 AND 5 OF l/AlL DAS SCHONE FlLING NO. 1, BETWEEN FOUND MONUMENTS AS lND/CA TED. DA TE OF SUR t/EY DECEMBER 1996. O DENO TES SET P/N AND CAP PE AND PL S NO. 26626. 2339A DENOTES STREET ADORESS FOR ZON/NG PURPOSES, EA CH L 0 T lS ZONED PR/MAR Y—SECONDAR Y. FU TURE DEI/EL OPMEN TS ON THE TWO L O TS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE AREA W/THlIV THE PLA TTED BUILDING EN I/FL OPES. THIS RESTRICTION SHALL INCLUDE ALL DECKS, ROOF EA I/FLINES, ETC. THE ONL Y DEl/FLOPMENT PERM/TTED OUTSIDE THE PLA TTED BU/LD/NG EN l/EL OPES SHALL BE LAIVD— SCAPING, A T—GRADE PA TIOS, ORl I/EWA YS, AND RETAINING WALL ASSOCIA TED W/TH OR/ l/EWA Y CONSTRUCT/ON. NOACF Accordlhg to Cdorvd�O /ow yav must c�a►nmence ony /ego/ oetlan bosed upan ony defect /n this surwy wlth/n thros year� affx ynu fTist disco�ror such dstact. /n no e►mn� moy a�y octian bosed upon any defect In this surwy be commer►�ed mare thori ten years fivm the date of certi�cation shown her�son. N0. 1 F/NAL PLA T TRA C T A, VAIL HE/GH TS FlLING NO. 1, AND A TRA C T 0',F LAND L OCA TED /N S1/2 OF THE SE1/4 OF SEC TION 11, T 5 S, R 81 W., OF THE 6 TH P. M. LOT 6 TO V!/N OF I/A lL, EA GLE COUN T Y, C�L �RADO S�� � J �� .. - FOUND BRASS TAG ON NE COR. TRANSFORMER PAD PE & PLS 26626 � / LANE (50) CHAM�NIX LOT 5 �' 0 � C� Z � � � � W � � `` � � GRAPHIC SCALE �o ao �o � � � ) 1 inch = 20 ft, L 0 T 1— 26, 669 SQUARE FEET 6, 256 SQUARE FEET BUILDING E/V I/FLOPE L O T 2— 22,136 SQUARE FEET 5, 037 SQUARE FEET BU/LD/NG ElV I�LOPE UIC/N/TY MAP �� � o aao �aar zo�oio tev �n � a�rav - !ar sarr nn� c���c� � � e]v� � 1�'�C �1 �-�7 ' does hereby certify that the Kde t,� q✓✓ /�� sh�Qwn an is p/ot how beer► examined and is Hssted m f��p CI ond that Ht/e to arrch /ands Is �e� c%ar of o// /len� � and encumbronce�, .xcept as k✓�ow� ►v Dated this doy of A.D. 1997. / • i � ! -� t• .� I � � � .. - � .i 1 �.� / r. � /r S7JRV£YC.IiF'S CER71f7CATE /, Avar►e D. Fe,hr�3�g�x, do hereby certffy that / am a Regtsterod Lond Slnrsynr l'icensed under the /ows of the Stote of Co%r�odo, fhat this p/ot /s tru� crareet, and ca►np/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of Vo/% County of Eog✓q Stote of �Cdorodo, os /oid out, p/otteo; dedlcoted ond shown herean, that avc�h P/ot wos made fiom an a�curate sunlsy of sold pro�erty by me ond under my supervJslor► ond correct/y shows the /ocatlon and dlmens/ons of Ghs /ot� �eosevnents ar�d stn�ets of svid subdivisio,n os the s�ome aro staked �pon the ground ivi comp/ionce with opp/icoble rogu/ations go►rornin� i�� subdi��Ian of /aid. /n w/t ss t/ have set my hond ond seo/ thls '� day of A. D., 1997. � = S ° 2f6�6 �: � � • � �i �; � : % �p,• *��� ,� �,AL.•.•.•.•• �fi�; "in,; � �' �.�..���V�A , ;,�. �, C£RT1f7CA1� OlF DED/CA7101�V AND ONNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL M£N BY TH£S£ PR£SL�/V75 thot Robert D. H�nfer, being aole owner m fee simpla of o// thot �eal praperty situoted m the Town o! 1/oN, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, descr/bed as fo/%w� Troct A, I�hA' HeJgihts - FA7ng No. f, accwdfig to the P/at thsnrof fA'ed ��e ?5, 1969, Jn Boak 215 at Poge 48,3 ard o trocf of /�d /x+oted In the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sectlon 11, Towns,h� 5 South, Range 81 fi{est of the Sixth Princlpo/ Menidf�, mor� particu/orly des- crJbed os 1fo✓%wa: Begfin/ng ot tha Northeast Comsr of the SW 1/4 of ths ,S� 1/4 of s�oid Section 11; the�ncs w�ster�y dori�q ths Northerry /ans of soid SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 beoring S 8670 00" W a distance of 167.80 1bet; the�nce souther/y dang a/fne 167.80 feet distont ham �d poro//d to the £ost /Ine of sold SW 1/4 of the SE f/4, a d/stance of 200.00 feet to o pokit; thesnce £aster/y o d/stonce of 167.80 feet alang a/lne 2Q0 feet d/stant iFom and poro//e/ to the North /Ine of �oid SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 to o poa�t an its Eost /m� thence saster/ an o/lne paro//e✓ to the Narth /�e of the SW 1/4 of the S£ 1� of Ssctfon 11, o dlstancs of 50.95 fsst to a poJn� ther►cs northeriy and paro//e/ wlth ths Nb�st /d►�s of ths £ost 1/2 of ths S£ 1/4 of soid Sectian 11, o distonce of 200 fe�ef to the point of �tersectian wlth the extensian of the North /lne of the SW 1/4 of the S£ 1/4 of soid Sect/an f 1, thence weslerly on o deAectlrr cngre /eft of 957f'00" dong the exteinsTan of the North /Ine oi the SW f/4 of the SE 1/4 of soid Sectkv� 11, a dTstonce of 50.95 lbet to the NE camer of the SW 1/4 of the .SL� 1/4 of Sxtian 11, beh►�g the Polnt of Beg�iin�g, conto/ning 48,8Gt5.1 Squa►� Feet ar 1.120 Acres more or /ess; how by these preser►ts /oTd out, p/atted ond subd/►�ided the sane ri►�to /ots �d blocks as ahown an thls Flno/ P/ot under ths name ond style of TALL P/NES SUBD/NS/AN, TO1MV AF VA/�, EAGL£ CO�UNTY, CALaYPA00; ond do heiroby accept the respons/b�ity for the canp/ethn of roqr�irod �impro�sment� �nd do her�,by ded�cate �d set oport a// the pub/fc roods ond other pub/ic knpro►asments and p/oces os sihown an the occompanying plot to the us�e of the pub/!c for�rer; ond do dedlcbte those portion of soid r�o/ property which aro ardicoted os eosement an the occompar�yrhg p/ot os eose�ments iFir the purpoae shown hereon; a�d do hereby grant the r�ight to insto// and maintoln necess�ary structures to the entity reaponsu�/e for proHd�ing the servic�es l+or whJch the easements �e astob/Jshed. Execufed this �� doy of , A.D. 1997 R ert D. Hunter No. 5 B/oakmer Road £ng/ewood, Co%rodo 80f10 By. o er . un er STATE OF COILaIRA00 ) .e c� > ss caunrrr a� > 71�e fr�mqolny Certlf9�c of Dedkotlon a�d Ownershlp wos ocknow/edgad day of �i� �u .1997 b�c ��� �' ��L95.1.�,� � My Commission exvires N?tness my hand ond seal.• .�`���\�� ��e���'', ��p�e• �}.'. - :'��TAR�' : ; ��q = ; �o- � _ ! fj 73 � C YU l�r.4� ��Xis�' : �'°!1 B L�� . �a � . o, y,,///q'�� n��� �P�,O\\• o[ oC., MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: - ress MARCH 8, 1998 PLANN/NG AND ENNRANMENTAL CAI/M/55�dV CER11f7CA 1F fils Rnal p/at wos �j��? ►��e�d by the ToN f Wll P/onn/ng �rd £nHrvn- menta/ Commission this ��vn� doy of , A.D., f997 A TTFST.• Town of o�rmon Town of Vai7 P/onnivrg Environmento/ Commission -.^.�.� � CERT1f1CA7F �a��.�f�1'E'S' PA/D.• /, the unders�lgn do hereby cert/fy that the e�ntlre omount of toxes due ond poyvb/e as of l�1�A�fi� `S 1. 1�:r 1 upon o// porce/s of reo/ estote described on this p/�t ore poid in fu!/. Doted this 25 doy of �r , A.0.,1997 K.�.S�.�.�,�sv Iw �!d J�a� Treosu�e� o og e n y ��tt3 y �cs�so CLERK AND R£CARDER'S CERJIfICATE ��� � This p/at was filed for record in e ofiice of the LYerf� ond Recadar ot doy of ��i� V. A.D 1997 ot �:dSo'c%ck .M. Recorded un er Reception No. _ ��� __� Book ��'� ot P ge �� . ,��',6,t►�Lg���,. s o��,''� °"`�ro'Gi '; ` a 8'' �►;•:rr�� M epu y on ec� er .. 0 Eag/e County, Co/arodo � �.r�.J. �-r��it�. �o�o��►�'°