HomeMy WebLinkAboutInnsbruck Meadows Lot 13� CONDOMINI UM MAP OF 9 T4WN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNT Y COL4RAD� , , Page � o f 2 , � : �����Y+1����i (�P'�') 1 inch = 10 tk NOTICE.• Accordlhg to Cdorodo /aw you must commence ony /ega/ action bosed upan a�y delixt Tn thts surwy within thr�ee yvars ofter you first discowr �ch dehrct. /n no eveint, moy ony actlon bosed upon or►y defcct In th/s sunasy be cammenced mare thon tesn years from the date of certlReotfon shown herean. � LOT 11 ,� � / � N C�1 �A �` � � .c�� � � LOT 12 �� ,�h �� �� � C. E. . �� .� � � �UN/T t3B L. C. E. 1 COVFRED , ENTRY l �a,� oRiv�wA Y (UNDER CONSTRUC710N� ���6'� � �.C•E K r �NSE���D FL�R pE 23.8' 1 � �, V O N o► 1� a � TWO — STORY �, WOOD—FRAME � fUNDER eONSTRUCITON) 11 � v o °° N � � � m � c,` � ,0°0� m N � 5� s so. �O s�9 �. F 3� / SECAND , � o MbOD �DECK � O T �3 � L 6.�' unnr� L.C.E: � � 2772A/B � � pN / ° _ DE�,��AN ,��.�' PE 42•21 20' ' Q� � � 68�8 � l/lCINI T Y MA P GRAPHIC SCALE o � e� �aav _ � �lN FEET) 1 /NCH = 500 FEET C. E. �or �4 � ° °°�_ ' �1 �s r Q �, , • �� .� "� � � , SECOND � O o FLOOR 7 p� n� o WOOD �3A =� I DECK 1 � C.E• � T �gq � _ ��N� � �•c• � � � �� N �ASEMENt �� U���TY D ' � 3�' S� �t��N ����N I� �N� S� �A ��K ��2�8 L NO TES.• % . ,Nr,3 9 Q Q � � � � � � W � � J —Al! Building Tes a�e Pe�Rendicttlar to P�operty Lines. � —/rrdicated Found Ptostic G'ap P. E. �- o t. S. 26626 2772A�B — Denotes Street Add�ess CE — Deriates Com�rron Ele�nent. LCE — Denotes Limited Common Element. BASfS OF EEEt��4 Tif)11f.- TOP BOL T/N FIRE HYDRANT ELEV. = 7829. 07' A T SW �Of�lVER O� t OT 7, Bt OG7C 4, ��4tL tlV TER�4tOUl�fs�/N l.�RTIf1C11 nAN QF D1E77MCA 1lO�V FA? MO�?TGAGE HOILDER AR D£ED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW ALL AI£N BY TH£S£ PR£S£NT5 thot the undersigned being the hdder of a martgoge or de�ed af trust an the r�eo/ property situoted in the Town of Voi✓, £ogle County, Colorodo, described as fo/%ws• /nnsbrvck Meadows, Lot 13, o �+vbrdfvrsion in the Town of Vai/, £og/e County, Co%rodo, os r�car�aled in Book 683, ot Page 201, in the Eog/e County Reca�d►er's Odf%e, containing 0. f54 ocres, mare ar /ess hav� by these p�esents /aid out, p/atted ond subdi✓ided the some into /ots ond b/ocks as shown or► this condominium map under the name CONDOM/N/UM MAP Ol� /NNSBRUG7C M�EADONS; LOT 13, a subdivision in the Town of 1/0�, Eog/e County, Co%rodo; ond does hei-eby occept the re�ansr7�i/ity for the campletion of �eqttired imp�oviements; and does hereby dedicote ar�d sef oparf o// of the pub/ic �oods ond other pub/ic fmQ�o�nents ond ploces os siiown o�n the occompanying plat to the use of the pub/ic forevcr; ond does hereby dedicate those portions of soid rea/ property �fiich are indlcoted as easement on the accomponying p/ot os easements tar the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby gront the righf to msta!l ond mointain necessory structu�es to the entity responsib/e !ar providirog the services for which the eosements ore established. Executed this�doy of �LG�er , A.D. 1997 �/ M�ststor Bonk T�i� k Co� Vice P�esident Voi7, CO 81657 1�� By.� '�...�ce ��esident STA TE OF COLO�tADO ) )� COUNTY OF EAGL£ ) The for�going CertiRcate ocknow/cdv�d_ bQ,fr�ne me .thls . Diedicotion d Own ip wos , - do� oi _� 1997 b I�.trr Cfll b�m + V(� et I v+es�tit eivt o��eS�- �a1► I�a[►�►t My co�rrmissia�r exRi�es Wltn s my hond ond sea/ . ����R'A 'M�l��� ' _. NOTAR` L�p ofa�y Public � � _I :_ ' � �. 1f� �_���l�� " �-=�—`:�''�. �'�s� � . • 8 Addfess -'�� �"•... � •� ti,y�� �� C��,�� ��h�� i s t � e �+11� nrc£ cERn�rcA rE �.dl� TI� ��1� ��Q � does he�eby certify thot the tit/e to d/ lQn ds s�ho upo this p/ot hov� been exomined and is �sted ir► KOb ��e- ond thot tit/e to such /onds�is�tre�e�rd c%ar oi o!/ /iens oad e,ncumb�onces, Doted this day of _���� A.D. 1997 � ��. . i � ,, �• , � 1 � • .. �� /�.� ��� �� I� / . � � ■ I , •�, S7/RVEY�7YPS l,�7PT1f7CA 7E• /, D+vone D. Feihningar ob her�y certfty thot / om o Registered Land Surv���ar /k�ensed undx the /ows of the Stote of Co%rodo, that this CondaminAVm A�lop is o t�ue� co�rrect, and camp/ete os /oid out, p/atted, dedicoted and shown her�on, thot such Condominium Mop wos made lfrom on accurote s�urwy of aaid pro�e�rfy by me ond unde,r my supervision ond carr�ct/y sihowa ths horizonto/ and ►lsrticol %cation and dimensians af the bu�id�frg cantaihed i►r the condaminium unit� parceis, and eosements of said Condom�Ium Map, and the porcel is staked upon the ground nr ca»p/i�ar►ce wfth aPPlkoblc regr�lctian to go►lsrn thc subdivision of /and. / further certlfy thot this Condaminium Mqo co�r�►tains o/l inliormatb�n r�sqivi�+e�d by Cato�r�zdo Revised Stotute� —�� Sectian 38–,33.3-209. //1! N! 1H£REO� / hore a�et my hond and seo/ this �_ doy of s.� , A.D., 1997. Registered Land Sta�}�oF� No. 266�6` ' _- a�` ry� "e _ _ � �`�%'�'t'�� . - "� a � • 4 M 2! ��`SBA�S�ltm��+ \� ��` CER 11F/CA TE OF DED/CA TIO�1 / AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS TNA T the undersigned being so% owners in fee simp/e of al/ that reo/ p�operty situated in the Town of I/ail, £og/e Courrty, Co%rodo, described os faf/ows- lnnsbruck tileodows, Lot l3, a subdivision in the Town of Vai/, Eag/e County, Co%odo, as recorded in Book 683, at Poge 201, in the Eag/e Coun ty Reco�de�'s Of�c� con totning 0. t54 ac�es, more o� less hav� by these p�esents /aid out, p/otted ond subdivided the some into /ots and b/ocks as shown on this condominium map under the name CONDOM/NIUM MAP OF /NNSBRUCK M£ADOWS, LOT 13, o subdivision in the Tawrr af 1/oil, Eog/e County, Caforado,- on� does hereby acce�t the �esponsibility for the completion of requi�ed improv�ments; ond does hereby dedicate and set apart al/ of the public �oads and other public imp�ovements and places as shown on the occompanying p/ot to the use of the pubtic forev�r; and does he�eby dedicote those po�tions of said reo/ property which a�e indicoted os easement on the occomponying p/ot os easements for the purpose shown he�eon; and does he�eby g�ant the right to instoll and mointoin necessary structu�es to the entity �esponsib/e for providing the services fo� which the easements o�e estab/ished. Executed this `� doy of ��' �� ,A.D. 1997 Am. B�os De�/opment, lnc. Bob B e, P�esiden t 1/ai/ 81657 � �1 y. Bob Bome STA TLr OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGL£ ) The fo�egoing Ce�tificote ion nd Ownershi was af Y,1997 by. _�1Q�' �1Le _ My commission expires _______ __ 11 Wit ss my hand nd seaf � �MMM ��� ���p•A�•'�/�! C'`� IL--- � ��' � � �� •. r:• N�T��r �`��' � oto�y Pubrc �� ' � � ����x�� '�- -� �►'''°�s � ��,: 8s Address , • ��0........ ��►'� . �►� � Car �� �,,,�«,��" ZON/KG ADMJJiIiSTFtATOi� GERTIf7CR7 This Rno! plat is Y aPP�' Adminlstrotor this do} A TTEST . OW/1 %/e/7�( Town of Voi/ Town of Vai/ l;ERTlf7CA TE OF TAX£S OA/D.• /, the undersigned, do h eertif thot the tire omount of taxes due and paynble os of �?��� upon o!! ,vorcels of rea! es�ate desc�' d on i is plvt are poid in full. Doted this �"� doy of A. ., 1997 T�eas �e� of Eag/e County . � CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER71f7CATF.• ��) •� o� E�ctFc This p/of was tlled for recor In ih ofi'rce of ihe ClenF a � and Recorder at �_ doy of ��A.D. 1997 at � �:17 o'o%ck 'PM. Recorded under Reception No.��3343in * Book ��_ at Poge � . ���°p _ ����� Deputy C/erk ond Recorde� Eag/e County, Co%rado / Goe,00 Kc,�...�� �.�c�ora�tto� c-.o.ce�a+e.� d� l04 3344 �l4'? y�l C'OND0IV��NI �TM 1�AP 4�' T�WN OF VAIL , Page 2 o f 2 E�G�E ca���� �a�Q.���� , �,> FIRS T FL OOR �►� £c�� nav = � �' UN/T 13A UN/T 13A 10.8' 2.3 i D£G�C L. C.E. EL£V = 7861. i 1. f' £L£V = 7852.6' Nonc� Ac�ad�hg to cae,n,�ei bw }�u mu�t �n►n►w►+� any /sgd xtlon boaed apon ony del+xt !n thls surwy wlthJn thnre ye►ara ofter }ou first dfscowr �vch d�lect. /n no ewnt, may any oction based upan any delfect !n this sur►�y be oammesnoed mare t[�on feen years fram the date ot certlRcatlon shown herean. o' ' EL£tr = T870.3' 16.9' t�vir f,3B UN/T t,3A UN/T 1.3�4 6ARAGE ELEV = 7852.1' UN/T 1.iB GARAG'E £L£V = 7851.6' SECTION A -A UN/T f,�B _ � �a�- Er �... �... _....._ �. 9 � � l!N/T f.�il L �E. � QEpC 22.9' i'� a� 0 N w /L.L � ` ^�.� i� B �'�' —_ �_��. , 16.6' '` � � � � � ; i , "i f2.0' � �-*^ � _-- i r = _ � �.�� , � `O 120 2! UNlT 1,�8 � UN/T f.i8 I DEL'K 2.0' 6.3' I U 4.0 L.�£. L _ � 6..3' UN/T f3A 4 � 0 � w SECOND FL OOR sECrioN B-B i2. � f.�9' UN/T 13A DrEl,�iC � L �E. . ♦ � ♦ ♦ � I,e, I I F � R�G� EZEYA 11A�V = A�lA'�.2' �� I I1 //T sEC rioN c- c �o �RAPHI� ��t�L� s �o ao (��) i ��h = io rw �o . � ,�. NO TES.• � .. - TYP/CAL EXTERIOR W.4LL - 0. 5' TH/CK .-, , �{ - TYP/CAL SEPARA TING WALL - 0. 8' lNleK' r �,; . -.�' � BASIS OF ELEI/A TION - `�"'�-� � � � TOP BOL T/N F/RE HYDRANT ELEV. = 7829. 07' �i`�' SW CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 4, VA/L /NTERMOUNTA/N DEI2�LOPMENT SUBD/VIS/ON R/OGE ELEI/A 170NS ARE TO TOP OF SHEA TH/NG. �� : �r .