HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Tract C - Austria Haus Condominiums Final Plat� � ��� � .,,:. ��� _a•_ �a \ =���� ,.... � � � �� � � � � C`« VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE � � _� �R AMLTC a,. ..- . C� s 1��0 �• � ��� �� � �c i SUBJECT SITE 20 0 20 40 60 Feet 1=12°23'30" R=145 77 FINAL PLA �' � � � T D W.1V` OF VAIL CO �NT � nF' �A GLE' S TA TE t�F' COL OR�lD 0 , � NOTES� C1) 7he purpose of this pla�t is �o ar�end the property lines of the Austr�a Hau5 o.s shown and as agreed to tn Ord�nance #12, Ser�es of 1997, C2) Date of Survey� SepteMber, 1997 C3) Bearings are based on a line connetting the found Monuments at the southwesterly and southea5terly corners of the original Austria Haus Parcel being S88?57'14'E (see drawtng), (4) MonuMentation as �hown hereon, (5) Notice� Accord�ng to Colorado law you Must coMMence any legal act�on ba5ed upon any de�ect �n th�s survey within three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect, In no event, May any o,ction based upon any defect in this survey be cor�Menced r�ore than ten years froM the date of the Cert�ficat�on shown hereon, C6) Tracts 1,z, & 3 wlll becoMe Town of Va�l property; 7racts 4& 5 will becoMe Austr�a Haus property, , � LAND USE �UMMARY ParCel AreaCaCr�+s) Use Address TraCt 1 0,004567 T,O,V, R-O-W -- TraCt 2 0,001z$8 T,�,V, R-O-W -- TraCt 3 0,04873 T,O.V, STREAM TRACT -- Tract 4 0,05458 SDD 242 E, Meadow Drtve Tract S 0,4985 SDD 242 E, Meadow Dr�ve � I I , ��� . �=31 53 EAST MEADOW DRIVE o, T=15.83 LC=31.47 \ CB=S 57°00' 11" E N 49°55'08" E \ � �, 12.87 � - — _ _ . --- — _ _ TRACT 1 — — — _ 0.004567 ACRES �o � � w N 87°09'0� E 23.53 N g7°09'06" E 3� .� 6 0 i A J v+ � � O � PROPERTY LINE TO BE CREATED JBY THIS PLAT VILLAGE CENTER � N 86°"'04�� E zo.oe � � ELECTRIC EASEMENT f'n � I � � � N S I° (P Q� I VILLAGE � CENTER I CONDOMINIUMS �o.oa — 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL ' P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 970 949-1406 II I CL110 U7ILITY E SEME T) I RECORDED 8200, P405 DATED 11/4/66 S 55°16.96y E � I � —N 87°09'06" E ` 22.�� s.zes 83°33 00.. E 4 `,--_ TRACT 4 0.05458 ACRES S 02°50'S4" E �_ 5.36 ( I I I T�MPORARY CO�NSTRUCTION EASEMENT (BOOK 736, PAGE 940) --- -_ I �I _ � i —��.�s � �T � — 119.2� — — — --- -�-- N 87°09'06" E _ � , `119.50 � ,� � P.O.B. __ , � I � I I S 85 20'�0" W� .� S 3°24'00" W 17.4 6(CALC.) PIROPERTY LWE TO BE CREATED 1=31°27'15" CL 10' EASEMENT BY THIS PLAT R=145.77 RECORDED B197. P465 - DATED 8/15/66 L=80.02 T=41.05 " LC=79.02 CB=N 78°55'33" W TRACT 5 0.4985 ACRES 242 g7.05 S g6° 17'04" W— 115.00 PROPERTY LIINE TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT \ s 8�°og�os" w-, o�.00 TRACT 3 S 02°50'S4" E 0.04873 ACRES — 8.62 N 89° 17'04" E— 117.00 (BASIS OF BEARINGS) S 88°57'14'" E- 260.73 GORE CREEK DRAWN BY: PATRICK FILLIETTAZ 9/30/97 T T E C�RTIFI ����a��_� l�1e-__�_____�_�_ does hereby cert i fy that t t has exaMined the title t al lqnds s wn upon this pl qt and that� �ch t i't le i s ve5ted�i ���� -� M�_�'.�9r1Q�i�i�'� Cr.±►�s i��� �F���M!� _SL��A��_-�---�---�----------- � �f e an cl ar of all l'ens a d ncuMbrances, extept as follows� T-�'�,���_r- �- ----�--------------�------------ ��-'�'� � ��i���---�-------- ------------------- �� - �► M�t!►.1� _`�� _ QS� ----------�-------------------- �--����1lN _�� - �---�----------------------------- -_�!lAA.!li0i�_!� � 0�-------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- � ---------------- � --- Dated thts _�� _ day of _�.��_ �_______, A,D,, 199___ Agent� _ • - - -- �---------- SURVEY�R'S CER7I�ICATE I do hereby certlfy that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor liCensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thts plat is true, corrett and cor�plete as laid out, pla�ted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of satd property by Me and under r�y supervis�on and correctly shows the location and diMenstons of.the lots, easeMents and streets of sa�d subdivision as the saMe are staked upon the ground �n coMpl�ance wtth appltcable regulattons governtng the subdivtston of land, ``���„�����„����,,,,, In w i tness thereof I have set My l,1d��.d?',��' �.r§��%�-,th � s Z�__ day of J,�!Y�r , A D,, 199 a, ;� v�j� •'' Ho� '' n . ; � F '•; ��� . -------- ' . . ' : ,�P �`'�Q• �O % 'y = ' �c 26598�?� = : ; _ , � _ --- -- - ----- --------- St�` feld Co l o'h�� ����;�;'p `9�` "'���,,.,„� ,,, ����`'�� S 02°50'54" E �'42 N 85°20'S0" E / _ 10.00 _TRACT 2 0.001288 ACRES � _/� — � S 81°37'03" E i 38.34.� . � 2 0 � o � ° .� � w: I=26°04' 15" R=85.00 L=38.67 T=19.68 �C=38.34 CB=N 81°37'03" W � b °` r � ` J N � O SOUTH EDGE 40' UTILITY EASEMENT � RECORDED B197, P465 DATED 8/15/66 � � Z � w � � � � �r � � S 87°09'06" W � 42.59 � � S 38°30'S9" W S 02°50'5\" E 10.16 0� 4.00 \ o � � 6 32 DO 4\ 2's_. N.W. CRN. LOt b, BLOCVC 5-B, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING ` F P.o.e. 1 a ^�. � � �� �� �^ � PART 0 F TRACT C CEI�TIFTCATE �F DEDICATIdN AND dWNERSHIf' Know all Men by these presents that Austr�a Hau� nevelopment Group LLP, be�ng sole owner tn fee sir�ple, of all that real property:sltuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follow5; A part of Tract C, Vail Village, Ftrst Filing, 7own of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as� Beginning at a point �n Tract C f roM whence the Northwest Corner of Lot b, Block 5-B bears S37?15'30"W 79,44 feet; thence N64?42'S6'W 32,00 feet; thence S89?17'04'W 117,00 f�et; thence , . � . � � , 7 4 W , feet� then N8,57 37 W 1z5,69 feet to a oint S86 1 0 115 00 , ce p on the arc of a 145,77 foot rad�us curve; thence Southeasterly 111,55 feet along the arc of sa�d curve to the left whose central angle �s 43?50'45' and whose long chord bears S72?43'48'E 108,85 feet to a point of tangent; thence N85720'S0"E 129,50 feet to a point of curve; thence Easterly 38,67 feet along the arc of an 85,00 foot radius curve to the rlght whose central angle is 26?04'15' and whose long chord bears S81?37'03'E 38,34 feet; thence S14?52'05'W 28,35 feet� th�ence S12?36'S6'E 75,95 feet td the point of beginning, contalning 0,5531 aCres, r�ore or less, AND The Town Of Va�l, betng sole owner tn fee s�Mple, of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� That po.rt of Tract C, Vail Villagie, First Filing, atcording to the r�ap thereof recorded in the o�ffice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, descr�bed as follows� Beginning at a point on the north�erly line of a parcel of land recorded in Book 736, Page 949 In the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, whtnce the northwesterly corner of Lot b, Block 5-B, Vail Village, First Ftling bears S03?04'43'E 169,77 feet; thence the following two courses along said northerly llne� 1) S85?20'SO'W 119,50 feetj 2) 80,02 feet along the arc of a curve to the rlght, having a radtus of 145,77 feet, a central angle of 31?27'15', and a chord that bears N78?55'33'W 79,02 feet� thence, departtng sa�d northerly line, N87?09'06'E 31.16 feet; thence N49?55'08'E 12',87 feet; thence N87?09'06"E 22,00 feet� thence S55?38'OS'E 16,96 feetj thence S02?50'S4'E 5.36 feet; thence N87?09'06'E 119.22 feet; thence S02?50'S4'E 7,4z feet to the Potnt of Beginning, containing 0,05458 acres, r�ore or l ess , has by these presents la�d out, platted and subdtvtded the saMe �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nat plat under the nar�e and style of 'Vail V�llage, First Filing, A Part of Tract C, Austria Haus', a subdivision In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the coMplet�on of required iMprove�en ts; and does hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other public �r�proveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and does hereby ded�cate those portions of said real property wh�ch are �ndicated as easer�ent on the accoMpanytng plat as easeMents for the purposc shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to Install and Maintatn necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easeMents are establ�shed. Executed thts _____ day of ________________________, A,D „ 199__, OWNERS� AUSTRIA HAUS DEV'ELOPMENT GROUP LLP A Colorado LiMtted Liab�lity lir�ited partnership By� Tharnburgh DevelopMent Cor�pany, LLC Ma aging General Partner ;� B ' ��let.�G �� -----=-- y-- --- -- - ------ Narre � Marc Th nburgh Tttle; Manager 18 Whalesh�p Plaza San Francisco, CA 94111 TOWN �F VAIL Att t� . - - ---- --- -- -- -- --- ------ --- ----------- own Clerk Mayor Town of Va�l, Colorado Town Council Town of Vail, Colorado STATE OF WGQ�K�� ____) �//� ���� )55, C�UNTY OF �!IT�'N_r!------> The foreg � nstr Ment was ackn�ow edged before r�e th i s QC_�'� day of ��1��'� ___, A. D,, 19►9� by Marc Thorn burgh as Mana er of Thornbu�h Develo Ment CoM an , LLC, 9 9 P P Y My Cor�M�ss�on exp�res� �_� Witness My hand and seal, , - ----- -'-- ------ --------- Notar Pub l � c/ �A:' �%J __ Addlress � ______� s�,c� /I,OV ----- �-�-�-_��+�t'��___ .� Q'� ' � � ' •�•�'•. : ✓ ' ` t�. , : JODY Y. ; ., ` BUtEN ' . � j.. : : Y> . -:.;. �►,�.,�«»..��, w '",� � OF (�•a„ ,, �. R CERTIFTCAT� OF DEnICAtIdN F�R M��rTGAGE HOLD�R OR DEED dF Tf�UST HdLDER Know atl r�en by these presents that 7extron Financ�b.l Corporatioh, being th� holder of a r�ortgage or deed of tru5t on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows; A part of Tract C, Vail V�llagp, First Filing, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado descr�bed as� Beginning at a point in Tract C froM whence the Northwest Corner oP Lot b, Block 5-B bears S37?15'30'W 79,44 feet; thence i r i r N64?4z 56 W 32,00 feet; thence S89?17 04 W 117,00 feet; thence S86?17'04'W 115,00 feet; thence N8�57'37"W 1z5.69 f�et to a po�nt on the arc of a 145,77 foot radius curve; thence Southeasterly 111,55 feet along the arc of said curve to the left whose centrat angle is 43?50'45' and whose long chord bear�s S7z?4�'48"E 108,85 feet to a point of tangent; thence N85?20'S0"E 129,50 feet tv a point of curve; thence Easterly 38,67 feet along the arc of an 85,00 foot radius curve to the right whose Central angle is 26?04'15' and whose long chord b�ars S81?37'03'E 38,34 feet; thence S14752'OS'W z8,35 feet; thence S12?36'56'E 75,95 feet to the po�nt of beginn�ng, conta�n�ng 0,5531 aCres, r,ore or les5, as shown on thi5 final plat under the naMe and �tyle of 'Va�l Village, F�rst �iltng, A Part of Tratt C, Austr�a Haus', a subdlvision in �he Town of Vatl, Eagle Coun�y, Colorado; agree� to the dedication and setting apart all of �he public roads and other public ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby agree to the dedication of those portions of sald real property which are ind�cated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granttng of the right to install and Maintain necessary structures to the entity responstble for providing the services for whlch the easeMents are established, Executed th � s_�� __ day of __����'L�r��_ ________, A, D,, 199� , � M�RTGAGEE� Textron Financiat Corporation 40 WestMinster Street Provtdence, RI 0290 B � / �/� / �_ _ � y � �i1/��-���-% ���� - - - ( Pr i n t n aMe )���1�� `� �,� ���c c<��t� ( T i t l e)---�� `-c�__y _s �.c�J� y�� _-_� STATE �F_ �-C���ti ��C_��{%� )55� CDUNTY �F __��������'�_ ) The foregoing instruMent was acknowledged before r�e th�s �__ day of _ 1_����U��� � _ . A , D „ 199 � by L� �-%l��_? _� �_��.C;��__ as _��sZ�_Y��_��,��� ____ of Textron F i nanc i a l Corporat i on , My CoMMission expires: ____________, W�tness My hand and seal, �'-� - ' , � �='VYY� �. � _ ��C�.� � , �_ _�,� JENNIFEi� L. SAUER Notar+y Pub l i c . � NOT.�;R� �'�!I3I.IC Address � _:,-� � �� �� ������' �y__�� � � ���� c._ ��, � � � � --r-__ «_r MY CGMMI�SIOPd EX��f��ES AUG. 31, 1999 _�i_ ��.�: ��.=- -�-- .iy PLANNING AND ENVIR�NMENTAL COMMTSSI�N CERTIFICATE This final plat was approved by the Town of Vail Planning and Env i ronr�en�a l Cor�M i ss i on �h i s 23__ day of _�t��..�________, A,D., 199$, Attest� To Clerk�-�----------- Town of Vail, Colorado , �O�N V� �� ---------- ----- -----�---- - ChairMan � �'r � L Town of V t l P t n i ng and Env�ronMen�al Cor�M�ssion i CERTIFICATE dF TAXES PAID I, the under5igned, do hereby certify that the e Ir aMOy�(� of taxes an d asSessMen ts due an d payab l e as of ___�,�' ��• _1 __ upon all parCels of real estate descr�bed on th�s plat are paidy in full, Dated th�s _�_ day of ��Vfl��� �, A,D,, 199 �, �11�� __� _ reasurer of Eagle nty CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��,�� � Th�s Plat wa5 filed for record in the Offlce of e Clerk and Recorder at �!-�_3`�__o'c lock _� , M,, on th i s_ a�_day of �.� o- b n x� r , 199�_, and i s du ly recorded t n�eekr _�____ �-IVo , �--- �`°c� '� (�i���� � e�c��c ., g e �0 � �� � ���VO * * C lerk a Recorder � + ��oR�o° BY` -- --- ------- -------------�- Deputy SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB No. 590.1