HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 26m Q, a� rn � 0 � � 0 � L � � � � � � 3 � � � c;, � � � cn � z H 3 Q � 0 � 0 Q U � � / �� �O� ,�9 G A(v 7 s t�'� s �_ ��s � LOT 27 PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T/S TO SUBDIVIDE LOT 26 /NTO LOT 26—A AND LOT 26—B. BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 56'S4'S7" W BETN�EN FOUND 5/8" REBAR WI7N PLASTIC CAPS A T THE NORTHEAST A/VD SOUTHEAST CORNERS OF LOT 26 AS lNDICA TED. B DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/pLAS71C CAP PE dc PLS 26626 O DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLAST/C CAP PE & PLS 26626 DA TE OF SURVEY OCTOBER 1997. / �� W �0 69•56 5 DUPLEX PLA T � . A RESUBDI I/lSION OF L O T 26 BL OCK 2 , TO H�/V OF VA /L, COUN T Y OF EA GL E, S TA lE OF COL ORA DO ALL LINES ARE PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR UNLESS OTNERIMSE NO 1Zr0. LOT 26—A AND LOT 26—B SHALL BE SUB✓ECT TO THE L/ON'S R/OGE LAND USE SUMMARY ADORESS SUBDII/1SlON FlLIIVG NO. 3, PROTECTII/E COUENANTS AS RECORDED LOT 26—A 8,589.12 SQUARE FEET ONE(1) DUPLEX UNIT 1864—A GLACIER COURT UNDER RECEP TION NO. 187193 /N BOOK 290 A T PA GE 794. L O T 26—B 10, 209. 85 SQUARE FEET ONE(1) DUPLEX UNl i 1864—B GL A CIER COUR T N011C,�• According to Cdarodo /ow ynu must cammence ony /ega/ act�an bosed upan any detect in this surwy For zonhng purposes, fhe Lots A ond B cr+�ofed by this subdlvisia► aro withln three yeors after ynu fTrst disco►�r such defect. to be treated os one entity with no more thon one 2-fami/y resMence DRAMN BY.• /n no e►1snf, moy any action bosed upon any defect in o/%wed on the combined oreo of the two /of� A//owob/e Gross Resident- N P o. eox s�a this surwy be commenced more thon fen yt�ors lrom ia/ F/oor A�eo for the 2-fam7/y resldence wi7/ be co%u/ated on the com- c�Ea�E° BY 0077 MErCALF ROAD fhe date of certification shown hereon. ba�ed oreo of the two po�ce/s D.D.F. AVON, co�o. a�s2o nnn � nai•c (970� 949-5072 % �L s�. qs�s s�. S�4 \G�Z., LL I/lCllVl TY MAP GRAPHIC SCAL E 0 9qD 1001D !� �IN FEET� 1 INCH = 1000 FEET • PR0.ECT NQ 97-0211S � B392CONANENTALOlV70£ROAD� o.e�issum.� �I��'r M� UT7LETON, cao. eo�v 3�16�98 �� � �303) 948-6220 "0 1 OF 1 � �o GRAPHIC SCALE a �o zo � � � ) 1 inch = 10 ft. GLA CIER COUR T �=53?�9'06" A=37.10' R= 40 ��' T-20. 01 ' CB= N06'30'52'�E CH=35. 7�' ii �a:.i1 _i ce�rtlfy that the tit/e to �/ exom�ed and is ►assted An tit/e to such /ands is lheq wrr_v�e! �s fd/er�s riiZA (40' R� � �` �� � W� � � �ra: i 1 . i • • a• . � :. ... • • .,. a: �, - KNOW ALL A�7V BY IN£SE PR£St7VT5 7HAT DavphlnoFJ-A/oseley Constrvctlan /na, be/ng sa/e owners ln fee s�hrp/e oi d/ thot rod prqoerty situated in the Town of Va� Eog/e County, CdarodoL des- cnbed os fal/ow� Lot 26, B/ock 2, Llon's R�ge SLbdJvislai Filing Na .� Town of VoI/, Eog/e Coun ty, Colorodo, contalnTng Q432 acnss moro or /es� hore by the�e preserrts /aJd out, p/atted and subdlvided the sane into /ots ond b/ocks as sehown an thls �na/ p/ot und� the nome ond st}/e of L/O�V'S R/0C�1E 57/BD/N.S/AN F/L/NG NO. .3, A R£SUBD/NS/AN A� LOT 26, BLOCK 2 rin the Towr� of VaA', Eag✓e County, Cdorodq ond does h�by accqot the rosjvansbAlty lh,r the cam- p/etlon of required Improvhrnent� and does heniaby dedlcote and sat �oart �/ of the pub/ic roods ond other pub/Ic improrements and p/xea os shown o,n the xcanpanying p/at to the uae of the pub/fc fi�r+�►br; ard does hxe�by dedicote those portfans of said rod property wrhkh a►+s in- dicated os easeme�nt an the occampanyii►ig p/at os eosemes►�ta fior the purpos�e shown her+�an; and does hereby grant the �it fo JHstd/ and maintain necessary str�vctures to the e�ntlty ra�pons�/e f+vr providfng the servrces far which �e�n s� a J . Execufed fhis��oy of A.D. 1996t ONN£R.• Dariph�hala-Maserey Constructhn /n�, Patriak � Douph�oi� Pr+�sldent P.O. Box 1515 Wd', l,�la�'at� _ �658 � br o . ou Da�uph�als-Mos+eley STA7F Ol� COILARADO ) � � �S J CIXINTY 0�' £AQ!£ 7 The foregoing CertlfTcate does her�by �t o been ��rid that Doted this day of A.D. 1998. , � � / ���� . �� r I • . �� �., � /.. .. � 'r � �. A,i. .�-�:�i:.':T .. . s�RVFrra�s r,�n�cA �• /, Du�e D. Fehr�nger, do hereby certlfy that / am a Reglstered Lar�d Surreyar /Jcensed under the /ows of the Stote of Co%rodo, thot this p/at is a true, correct, and camp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of �aT/, County of Eog/g State of Cdarado, as /oid out, p/otfed, dedicoted and shown her�on, that such P/at wos mode fram an xcurnte sunlsy of said prqoerty by me and unde�r my supervision and co�rect/y shows the /ocotian and dfinensJans of the /ot� easernents and streets of svid subdivision as the s�me ore stoked upon the gr�und m com- � plfonce with app/ic�/e regu/otions goKSrning the subdivrsion of d.� /n witness ereof / haw set my hond ond seo/ this doy of �� �. I_ A.D, 199� Uuane u. f ehringer � Registered Land Survrsynr 7G� �6626 — n �� ZS'G!�6 �.., j " _ . . _ __ . , -: . o - - � o a �, s . • �. !� •�b���4aP . by. �nlsslon expi�es my hand and � r I �4:�/ J.% U� G � a�. ./ G� Zt: , G: L. r �.i; .; i .. !: .G�: wos � lna . +C 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY 7H£S£ PR£S£NTS IHAT the undbr�L�9 the hdder of o martgage ar deed of trrist an the roal�y il�ftuo-�, ted in the Town of Vai7, Eo�e Counfy, Co%rado, desCr +d5 1bAlbw� ` Lot 26, B/ock 2, Llan's Ridge Subdfvislon FA'ing I1��Town of �al/, Eog/e County, Co/arado, -. . . contotning 0.4.i2 ocros moris ar /es� as �,hown on tihls i9ho/ p/ot under the name a►d sty/e of L/AN'S R/OGE 57JB0/N.SYOIN F/L/NG NO. 3, A RE- t SUBD/VIS/AN Of' LOT 26, BLO�C:K 2, a subdfvision In the Town .��Vqp • Eo�e County, Cdorodo; agrees to the dedlcotlan ond ,�ltihg�apm'N�r�._� ' a// of the pub/Ic roods and other pub/lc improrw►nent� a�d plbce� d�r "irr: shown o,n the accamponyfng p/af to the use of the��eab/fc faro►br; ond does hereby agr�ae to fhe dedication these partians of sold roo/ p%�wrty whlch ore mdicoted os easament an the occampa►ryrhg pbt � e�oa�e- ments l+vr the purpose shown her�son; and does her�by ogr�e to the gronting of the �ight to mstd/ and maintvin necessvry structuros to the entTty respans/6/e for pro►dding the services fior wrhich the easarnents �� ore estab/lshed. ,/�,/� ' � Execufed fhJs�day of �� UT�- � ,.�1.0. 199��;` Mortg�a,�se.• FirstBank of Vol! 17 Voi/ Road �01/, Cdarodo 8f657 er o , , Xecu v� ce- res c, FirstBank of VoN STA T£ OF CAL�ADO ) �� COVNTY A� EAC�E ) The 1br�goJng Certiflcate of Gb��"�on far M t Hddbr �os e me thls oy of by. M commisslon explres i ss my hand ea/. �' n' ��� o u i l3 V�-�� f2� �' .�ddres� �L � �lL�� ZOIN/NG ADA//N/STRA TOIR CERTIF/CA TE.• 71�is fino/ p/ot �� �p�o►�ed he T wn of I/oll Zon�hg Adm�istr�ator this -��F�""oy of A.0..1998. �� A Town of Voi/ Town of I/ai/ CERT1F1'CA TE 01� TAXES PA/D.• 3� /, the undersigned, do h certifj� th�t y_�e�ntJre omount of Eoxes due and paynb/e os o�Ll['e.�.�b¢A `� q/ upon a// parce/s of rea/ state describ t' p/at ore poJd In f+v//. Dated this � doy of O., 1998. � ����� urer o ag e oun Iiiis p/at wos h7ed for �ec�r� in the o�ce of the C/erk I� and Recorde� at�day of NI�I�F A.D. 1998 ot � //' 30o'c%ck :E M. Recorded under Recept/on No. (o�i� 835 I* B�oet at ea'e �a.pa. J.�rsG�e�. p e on ecor e� Eog/e County, Co%rado l��-s ��83� 1