HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Ridge Subdivision Block C Lot 01 - 2626 Davos Condominiumsr 1�,.� �;,� . .�;�; _. �:,.- . 0 � � / / c.o r ��_ � � �..�.,,�o . ,, s r., + � „ � , � ..�. _ �o�f� . 4A� � �t@!�1� 0� �!d � � ���� _ ,,... � � � �� �� � �0 � � � �' � � sa �'��• � B.L.M. � � ��� s� _o, �� �� s � • 10 i� s � M � r • � . „ �, N � � � � � � t eAS/S QF �EAR/NG � �� �o_ e L�T C �RRE C TI �N PLA T CONDOMINIUM 11�IAP �F 1, BLnCK C, VAIL RIDGE TO �.N O�F` �TAIL, EAGLE CO U1�TTY, COLORADO 41199 HIGHw'AY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BGX 123G EDWAR�S, C0. 81632 (g70)g4g-1406 i / � \ / / � � / � / � 30 Feet � i � � / S?ATE �� - - ---__� __) )ss. C�UNTY �F ���. _ ) The '=ore �ng �nstrur,�nt was ackno�n�tedged before r,e thisj�� dav cf ���� ---� A.D,, 199� by A W, Swartwout, h1y Cor�r,'� ss'� cn exp'� res ���� _ __ W � tness r�y I^and and sea �. , ___�_ �_ ����� Nortary Publ' � � CERTI�ICATE �F DE�ICAT:�N AND OW!�ERSHIP Address� _ _ ___ �� Kn ow a l l men by t!^e�e presen ts t�^a'� Phy l l'� s A, Matthews, Jo��n W' , STqTE (�� ���0_ __ __. � Gw�nn, M lored H, Gw�nn; Nary K. Kehoe, A W Swartwout, and John �5�, Patr � ck Mattheu�s �e'� ng owners � n fee s � r�p l�, and Chase Manhatto.n C�UNTY �F� �ti���^_ --� Mortgage Cempar�y and �ld Kent Mortgage Serv�ces Irc, as * r�ortgagees of c� l l that rea l proper�ty s � tuated � n the To�Hn o� The � oreoo � n q � n strurien t was ackn o�x l ed�e,d bef�re__ mE th t s eZy Va � l, Eag l e Coun ty , Co l orado , descr '� bed as f o l l a�ms � c�a of �1RM��_, A, D,, 199$ by �� '��Z __ as��1��i�Q�.�4���,11�_ of� Chase Manl�at-an I�lortgage Co Condc�r� I n ur^ Map of 2626 Davos Condor� I n � ur�s, accorc� I ng to the r�ap My Cor�r� � ss � cn exp I res �!hA�,� �_KOO� , thereof recorded �n the o=fice of -the Eagle County, Colr_�rado, W'�tness r�y I�and and sea�, Clerk and Rerorder, conta�n�ng 0,29 acres, More or Iess� Notary Publlc------- - ------------ does hereby subr, � t th � s " Condor� � n � um Map of 2626 Davos Address � L�_�/��101t__ y�_____ ` Con dor, � n ur^s" to the prov � s � on s of the Con dor, � n � um Dec l arat � on , ���A�y�������q_ for 2626 Davos Condor,In�ur�s, recorded �n Book _____ at Page ____, STATE ��___�J1�._______) )ss, Executed tl^�s ----- day o� -----------------------� A D,, 199__. C�UNTY �F _��-----) 0 NERS � The � orego � n g � n strur�en t was ackn ow l e ed be ore r,e tb ' s �.�!� , ` � � day of --- � -----� A, D-, 199� by --------------- ----- - QAv�� C. i�'lv/'� a.� _ __ _ _�-___ ___ ______________________ _ as �:r�}��____ ____��__,�e.�tie�of Old Kent N1ortgage Serv�ces Inc, Phyll� A, Matthews J�hn Patr�ck Matthews 3285 S, Pennsy lvan � a St 2420 Sur�r,erh � l l Dr'� ve My Cor�r� � ss � cn exp � res �__3��(���Q__ Englew od, � 80 1 Enclnitas, CA 92024 W�tness my hand and seal, � . �? .1 ; . �0�_ --- --- -------- ------------ Notary Publ�c �� 1 yy� �. T -------- , i � Address� ---- ,��___L_+_�� ( - - �C_.C�� U--!!w ohn , Gw n M�l e , Gwlnn -------------------------- 315 Lester Dav�s Road 3i5 Lester Dav�s Road Waxhaw, NC 28173 Waxhaw, N,C� z8173 . �� �1 ��_�f�! ---- TITLE CERTIFICATE ---� —, ------- - ------- Mar� K, H, oe A, W, S�aartwout 5932 S, Akron Way 593C S, Akron Way �~¢-T!��--��--'ua~��" �------- does hereby cert � fy that the Englewood, CD 80111 E�glewood, CO 8011? t�tle to all lands shown upon th�s f�nal plr�t has been exar��ned d� t d� Ih� fF A� �hews J�hr� A�.tY+c.� lUq,l�-Uw�+S MORTGAGEES� Chase Marhattan Mortgage Co, Old Kent Mortgage Serv�ces Inc POB 341590 P�B 1604 Colur,bus, OH 43234-1590 Grand Rap�ds, MI 49501 . G . Pr � n t � ar�e '.� v. ��L Pr � n t ar�e---�tQ C• _ oltA�_ , - -� �" - T � t. e� i 0� _! C!� _:� R l� T � t l e�� �� 4�. T� 3. �•� e Q ------ - --- STATE OF�D�Q(4�O_____ ) )ss. C�UNTY OF���_�` � ----) The foreg i n � nstrur�ent was acknow ledged before r,e th � s.�� _ day of �l______, A.D,, 199__ by Phyll�s A, Matthews, My Cor,r, � ss � on ex� � res ��'1Q��i ��0� , W�tness r�y hand and seal, - - -,�'�c_.���!�-� ------------- Notar Publ�c L Address � �Q�� ��C��10:}�._�T�____ - -- • ' ����r-� -�O-�Q---- STATE � ____ _ ) r )ss, C�UNTY OF� �f��!�.Q ) The f'ore o � n �� strur�en t was ackn ow l edged bef ore r�e th i s I� 9� day of ���� �____, A,D,, 199� by John Patr�ck Matthews, My Cor�r� � ss � on exo � res � �S�• _s/Q���'� W�tr,ess my hand and seal, • tary b � i ----- ------------- Address � _� ,r�.� sa�01� �• ,�I/ . �it�Kl7�s-,,- *��- STATE 0� __I `���'��I �� L�/ `,,�.,', )ss, C�UNTY OF�������K11.�J ) � The for�gd' n � trur�ent was ac ovv ledged before me th � s�� day o� r_���.g��--, A.D,, 19 by John W, Gw�nn --- My Cor,r� � ss � on exsl r�"5'''� � __l�9 -. , ,� � . W I tn ess r�y han d an d sea l /�# ,/} ��t --- !✓_ 4_�4��'_�--�----- otary P Q� ��--� Address � I� r� � ��%� �►�{�� K ' --���__�3.�:�.�, ---- � ��a� �� � � l �o( ,� � STATE �F+�- ------� --� )ss, C�UNTY OF �����,��V�J J The for �,� Bnstrur�ent was ac owv ledged before r,e th � s��__ d�ay of �I WL ___, A,D,, 199 by M�ldred H, Gw�nn, � � Cpnurussion �xpires �uly 5, 199� W I tr ess I r�s I han dX�n re �--� ,� � � y ---- Y d sea l , ------ �� ��. � �� �/t�l,� �Y - ' - -�!--- 1G`otary� � �,�/ ` Address � �� __ ��.� �/ I�� �� -,��� ���.�--/ � x- � STATE �F __�'___) change the )ss, COUNTY OF n ur�en ts were - '�n}' The for I n trur�ent was ac owv ledged before r�e th � s3�_�i day of __ _, A,D,, 195� by Mary K, Kehoe B l ock E, Va � l My Cor�r� � ss � on ex� I res �_`�i�� ___ Das �chone Fll,;ng N�, 1 be�ng N 2 0° 2 8' 4 2` E, W�tn e s s r� y hand �.nd seal. 5) Elevatlons shown he�eon are based on Upper Eacle Valley t�otary Pub San�tat�on Distr�ct Sewer As-bu�lts, Address� 0� 6) As shown heraon, "G,C,E," �nd�cates General Ccmr�on Eler,ent, -� 7) As shown reraon ,"L � C, E �` I n d I cates L � r, � ted Ccr�r,on E l er�en t - 0 an �s ves e �n� --'— �----a---- ----------- -----�---- ._6wtny�Mf) v�_ti�_�'w��- I1M�_�. -�s'hot-�---------- �~ �- . kT• S wa•�wo wt ----------------------------------------------------------------- and that t;tle to such lands is free and clear of all ltens and encur��rances, except as follows� IOtcrl �f--}�"-it-�'-'�'--�=�"A�' --1c��-'�-S r"---------------------- � � _���_ �� Y-►_?-�-- �!t�-��yy._--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dated th � s ���" day of �i�%1 U�R�Q,1!"_______________, A, D,; 199 � —�---- L qmlN��L_.� � Address � = OX _�� g _ -°-u-�---�-si - �1 �.��-------- By'' - ---�`-��' --�------------- ( �gnatura_) ��, - ��� -- r��j'�''�'� ��----------- CF'r�n+ nar�e & t�ftle) SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fv that I ar, a reg�stered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws o� the State of Colorado, that �h�s condor��n�ur� r�ap �s true, correct a�d complete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon , that such condor� � n � ur� map was r,ade fror� an accurate survey of sa��l property by r�e and under r�y superv'�s�on and carrectly shows the hor�zontal a.nd vert�ca'. locat�on and d � r,ens � ons of the cond�r� � n � ur�s, parce ls, easer,ents, and stree-ts of sa � d con dor� � n � uM r,a,� as the sar�e � s staked upon the groun d � n cor�pl�ance w�th appl�cabl,e regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on of land, I further cert�fy that th�s condom�n�um r�ap conta�ns all I n f orr^at I on requ I red by Co l o, Rev , Sta� '3� �3�'-��,� 2 09 , .` c ° : ) u � ' j * '�•,�� ♦ In w � tness thereof I have set r,y har��� arr� �e�i ��1�'�;� J/�_ day o� ---��� ---------- � A , D , 199 �, • .�;t 5 ��°m �:� , = ";�•�G�.�'`+������ - -- ,-�-- - - ------------- Stan (�q*��ldt . ";�;� . Co l oraci'�.,,�,:.1� � +���`�,9?3 '''���,„ �� } �,,,�,. Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTTFICATE Th I s con�'or, I n i ur� map i s hereb approved-b�the To_ wn �f Va I l Zon � ng Adr,' n l strator th � s�� day af �y �(�/��__, A D , , 19��, F,ttes • � • - --- �!!!� w�- �---------- wn e^k �oning Adminlstrator Town of Vall, Colorado Town of Va�l, Colorado C�ERK �ND RECORDER'S CE�T�FICATE ��.� � Th � s condor� i n I ur, r�ap was f � led for record I n the off I ce of the Clerk and Recc�rder on thls_�'�_ day o� __�V_ A D �, 199�, at �i�s3o' c lock _Q�1 Recorded under Recept I on No , �p_! ��� i _ _ I n �ee+f--- - - - a t R�"�e- - -- � -- . � �Gte�o �;� � � � ------------------------ - � Clerk o.nd Recorder Eag l e Cou ty , Co l orad cOLOR�oo B - � --- -`----- �c� � -- Y Deputy SHEET 1 0� � J�B #54 a � ,� � B � o STAI R 8 -o G. C. oi � � � P,�l T/O - L UN/ T � �. . ,e c � . _ * � 8.0" i N ti 3.� �//E�S % /cLG�/2 �LO�O� PL,4 /�/S �-�-s CONOO/��N/UM M•4 /° OF' z�2� o.�vos co�vooM��vivMs ,� .OL.CK - L. C. E_ UN/T / �o , � � = PL UNl,B/NG �P15EiP - G• C E. UN/T 2 _ _ - � 80l4 . � � A •� DECK - L.C.E. UNI7 / STAIR- G.C.E I I � � � ' I � � , , � — — - -- - ---- - � �LINE OF 57AIR AND LANDING BEYOND ;� C.J/� �/ T c' � EL 80 !4 . 7 O �L� .� � ,8�/�. ,O//VC SE�'T/O/VS , ,�= 5 C�C CONCRETE PAD- LC.E UNIT / E SNEET 2 ��F 2