HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 5E Lot K - Village Center Building C Units 5G and 5K� rn rn .-, � m � � 0 N > 0 z .` � a� a � E u cn 0 0 � � � � z 3 a � 0 i 0 a U / 7 � GRAPHIC SCALE ,o � b ( ��) 1 �ww�. � 9:1 K � SECOND A MEIVDED CONDOM/N/UM M� P OF � TO VI/lV OF V�I lL � SHEET 1 OF 2 EA G� E COUN iy COL OR�I D O � NOTICE.• According to Co%rodo /aw }rou must commence ony /egol action bosed upon ony defect in this survey within fhree years ofter ynu �rst discove� such defect. /n no event, moy any action bosed upon ony defect in this su�vey be commenced more thon ten yea�s from the dote of certi�cotion shown hereon. �H�� Vi � nd ,� N Vq l� V/L LAG /s t.� F/L lNG VAlL VILLAGE � 3rd F!LlNG � I V � V�lIL VILLAGE 5 th FI LI NG VAI L V/LLAGE F/LING NO.I Sl TE I/lCINITY �+I�IAP r' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 JOID /Qa0 !� � (lN FEET) 1 /NCH = 1000 �FEET :� �`1i:�i�i�:ti7lwa:ill�I��/� /, D+vane D. Fehringar, do heroby cbrtJfy thot / om o Reglster+sd Lond .SLitieyar /Icesnsed under ths /aws of the State of Cdorodo, thot this Second Ame�nabd Canabmd►r�ivm A/qv of V///age Center Candamfnkim� BuJ/dJng � LC£ Ap�a�rtenant to Units 56 ond SJC, ifv//y and occurr�te/y dqvJcts the lmprowme�nts, Fndudhg the candomJHJum unJts ond the comman ownersiiip areas� ond Identlffes /ocotJon�, /oyav� d/menskn and horizanta/ and ►mrtico/ boundorle� that s�uch inap was prqooriad avbssq�vent to substantld canp/etkin of fhe Improwment� and thot aurali mqv canp/Jes wlth, a�d cantolY�s d/ the Iniormotlon r+�qivdrod by, GR.S Ss�ct�an .38-,3.�3-209 and al/ other stotutes ond regWationa qv�p/icab/e to maps oi �ardamfiT,ums. O f�f1 /n wTti►e�t�+h/r� f/ hove set my hand ond seo/ thls ��� aby ot NA V A.D., 1998. � � ;C,�� �-�����//,�, .� e . nnger RegJstered Land Su�ye��1/a 26626 c�� _ � -.. ' + . . ��itt.?& �' . - '� . • � _ * � . � _ O � �a• ��� ` /��,�'��.�t• �-��� �'a� L i � / G � ��it� � 'Ii�e und'erslgned, os Prosla►ent and Secretary of the VA'/or�e Center Association, a Co/orodo nan pr�vRt �orporation, heres6y cbrtify that the use of ane portJon of the Gsnero/ Camman E/er»e�ts as a LJmlted Canmon E/ement ond /oft qopurtenanf to Ur►Jf 5G ond the use of another portion of the Ganerd Cammon E/eemeints as o Lanited Camman E/e�ment ond /oft �purtenant to Unit SK ond thls Secand Ame�nded Candom�h�Fim A/op of VI//ags Cesnter Candam�hduma roflectl►►g such u� and aohow�hg the roapectlw partiara of the Genenv/ Co,mmon £/er»ents uasd far su�ah purposss hos bser► alury oppror�td by the Boad of Olrcctors of the Assx/otian rh occada►ce with the Dedarotiori tar VA'/age Canter, at anended �dudJng Por�vgraph 5 of the Amer►o�»ent dated �tine f0, 1994. " ., , £xe�cuted thi aby of _fi�� � .A.D. 199� � ��G�����%G ( � f� � ��'� ,-�`-`.0 e a� es STAIF 01� CO�LA�PADO ) % � CIXJNTY 01� EAQCE ) l)re fior�sg�ai►g CertlAcotep�l Osd�►cat/an an�( Ownera�h wes �trnow/edged befor� me this L% doy of ../�-F='� �' �- . 1998. My canm/ssJan exp�es � � �'Z IYtness my hand a�d sea/. � /�� l/��� �ti o� � � �,,' on �l � c� :��ic�� �i����,ri-/'.�, C'��' �/G��%L �daress STATE Of' CALOrRADO ) �� CIX/NTY 0� EAQC£ ) I)�e fa�sgoing Certli�cote of DedlcotTan ond OwnarshJJ� wns ocknow/edged before me thJs doy of .199� My commission expires Witness my hond ond sea/. 0 ory ress Fa: / l � / /. .I� _ i /, the undersk,�ned do herr�b of toxes �e and payvb/e os of _ �/ par�ce/s of rod estate des�xli� Dated thls �� doy of thof are'pofd in 1fv//. . A.D. 1 8 ��� �� � %f� �♦ � � Q��l��� �'�� /i � / '1� . i%!I8 P/Ot IY08 i�� fA/ l� H/ Of�G� Of H!S p .'��Recarder at� doy of A.O. 19 ot * 'c%ck _�,M. RecorrJed under Reception No. ' C`S`-�.f� �_ �S`� epu y e an ecor er £og/e Coun ty, Co%rodo � rn rn .--� rn .� �o � v .-, 0 N > O Z � L L.� 01 3 � E U CD .--� O O � U') � z H 3 Q � 0 0 a U � NOTICE.• According to Co%odo /ow ynu must commence ony lego/ action bosed upon ony defect in this survey within three yeors ofter }rou fist discover such defect. ln no event, moy ony action bosed upon any defect in this su�vey be commenced more than fen y�ors f�om the date of ce�ti�cotion shown hereon. CONDOM/NIUM MA P OF � TO �i//V OF VA lL EA GL E COU/V T Y > > SHEE l 2 OF 2 PLAN SL^AiCE N 1 " = f0' � C�OL OR� DO SEC770N A - A SCALE N 1' — 10 sECnoN B - a SCALE ^� % � = %O