HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village West Filing 2 Lot 16i � rn rn � N � � 0 � � � � a� 3 Q, 3 � � a J a Q � 0 � � cn � Z 3 Q � 0 � 0 Q U 7 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 S 10 20 c ���� 1 inch = 10 ft. BAS/S OF ELEI/A Tl'ON: MH 108 R/M ELEV. = 7947.80' INV. lN = 7942. 82' /NV. OUT = 7942. 74' � �, • � • . A D �NOFIATI6 , VAIL GE FILING NO. 2 TO�V�v OF V EAGLE CD C4L0 , i IsEr so' w. c. � � � / � � 9� p8 � / �OT �5 - � � � � � �2 � 3 � O / i 2 . � s �/� 7 s s � � s°� � � °s ��� � � / , / WOOD � DECK r��.� �E � . 3' S6 �s`6, �' /� 66 � .��, �� o_ N� � � � � ,��y. 11. 0' � � — — — — , � �°� L O T 16—B 1803—B �156.24 SQUARE FEEl o- Z�s. 0. 072 ACRES i� \°o.. ' � °o� ti� � � 17. 0 � . Q I 6�/ � � / � O � � 3 8 � `� � i � ° LOT 16—A , '�_ � I� � Q , �1 1 � ,� �� 30 _ o � / �i , � , ,� � 1803 A N \\�/ �W ^ N I I o � � � � I 12914.26 SQUARE FEET . �, o � , . p� k� . �� \ \ \ \ -o � � � <� \ � / � 6� � �\ � . �� � � � � �i / /PS�M � � � , � �C9 � �j / 6 �1/ �OT �7 1�7 CER71F/CA 710N OF DED/CA TION FOR MORTGAGE v � o Q m � , � 0.296 ACRES / � J o .��i � � � `V I :� 3. 0' � .6', �' ~ �' I � �' ��� / I = o W I , � , _, � � � v W � I � o W � �+ I � � J �� � � / '�6 � Q W W � � 3 0 — � •�� (NOND �) 8" REBAR �� O v � i � � /�\�� �� � p I � J� / J �O � "� � l� W � I ^ Z � � � � � 30. 0' O � -� V \ � � � J NOTES PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T/S TO SUBDIVIDE LO i 16 /NTD LOT 16-A AND LOT 16-B. BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• S 41 '48'06" W BETWF'EN FOUND 5/8" REBAR WI TH PLASTIC CAPS A T THE SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST CORNERS OF LOT 16 AS /ND/CA TED. � DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/pLASlIC CAP PE dc PLS 26626 � DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/I�LAST/C CAP PE & PLS 26626 DA TE OF SURVEY ✓ANUARY 1998. ALL L/NES ARE PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR UNLESS OTHERWI'SE NOTED. LOT 16-A AND LOT �6-B SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE VAIL NLLAGE {NFST F/L/NG NO. 2, PROTECTI VF COVFNANTS AS RECORDED NDER RECEPT/ON NO. /N BOOK �al'� A T PAGE 5 iI . LOT 16-A AND LOT 16-B SHALL BE SUB✓£CT TO THE PARTY WALL AGREEMENT AS RECORDED UNDER RECEPT/ON NO. ���:-1 � /N �9� A T R4G� TNE DECK ENCROACHMENT /NTO THE SAN/TARY SEINFR EASEMENT lS ADORESSED BY AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED /N EAGLE COUNTY ON ✓UL Y 6, 1998, RECEPTION ND. 661880. NOACE.• Accord/ng to Cdonodo /ow ye�u must cammence \ �— — — — — — — — — � \ • I Q \ ��/Tr� � \ � \ � 6,, F-9s.\ N y�� ��� \ S�. � SET 50' W. C.� � \ 9 \ S>; �OT �9 � any leyal action based upon ony defect /n this surnsy For zoning purposes, the Lots A ond B created by thfs subdfvis/on � wJthJn three yeors ofter yew first dfsco►br such dafecf. to be treated as one entity wTth no more than one 2-fomi/y resTdence /n no e►bnt, moy ony actlon based upan ony defect Tn o/%wed on the combined orea of the two /ots A/lowob/e Gross Resident- thls sur►�ty be commenced more than ten }lsors fiom io/ F/oor Areo for the 2-famJ/y residence wi// be ca/cu/oted on the com- the dote of certi�cation shown heroon. bined oreo of the two porce/s / \ _ \ �/ � FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLA.� CAP PE & PLS 26626 (TYP.) � / / / / L�� �� / / / h / � / - LAND USE SUMMARY ADORESS LOT 16-A 12914.26 SQUARE FEET ONE(1� DUPLEX UN/T 1803-A SHASTA PLACE LOT 16-B 3156.24 SQUARE FEET ONE(1) DUPLEX UNIT 1803-B SHASTA PLACE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER KNOW INLL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT the unde�signed being the hdder of o mo�tgage o� deed of trust on the reol p�operty situo– ted in the Yown of �oi/, Eag/e County, Colorodo, described os fo/lows.• Lot 16, �oi7 �//age West Fi/ing No. 2, Town of �ail, Eog/e Coun ty, Co%rodo, contoining 01.369 oc�es more or /ess,• as shown on this final plat under the nome ar�d sty/e of A RE–SUBD/�IS/ON OF LOT 16, �AIL �1LLAGE WEST or F/LING NO. 2, o subdivision in the Town of �oil, Eogle County, Co/o�odo,• ogrees fo the dedicotion ond setting opo�t all of the public �oods ond other public imp�ovements ond ploces os shown on the occomponying plot fo the use of the public forever,• and does he�eby ogree to the dedication f�hese portions of said reol p�ope�ty which are indicoted os eosement on the occomponying plot as easements fo� the purpose shown hereran; ond does he�eby agree to the g�onting of the �ight to insto// ond rnointoin necessory structures to the entity �esponsible for p�oviding the se�vices for which the easements ore estob/ished. Execut� fhis �1�i doy of �� .A.D. 1999. yZ EN Q� Mortgogee: ,�-''���� ''•��z WestStar Bank �: '��' s f08 S. F�ontoge Rood N��� � = Voil, Colorodo 81657 : ��+ i = �7':pVeL�G:�= �,���•�i� N � ���0��`,� yyip�� ��� by. an Godec, Execu i ve – residen t WestSta� Bonk STATF OF COLORADO ) ) SS COi(/NTY OF EAGLE ) Ilre lFaregoing Certificate of Dedicotion fo� Mortgage olde� wos ocknow�edged before me this _J� doy of 1999, br K�rsfer� �la.h My commission expires �tness my hond ond seal. My Commission Expire� Notory Pu ic 12-23-2d�0 11�_� ��.�..Ld Add�ess ZON/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CER 17F/CA TE.• �� �.� This �nrol plot was. ppproved by the Town of V ing �� Administrator this 1 br�• doy of /1�L/iQL' A.Lar; l 9. � � � � � � A T7FST . o Cle�k Zoning Admi istrotor "`� Town of Vo,v/ Town of �ail CERT1fICATE OF TAXES PA/D: /, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire omount of toxes due ond poyvb/e os of 17lM1Mb1.� 3� _ I��%g upon al/ parce/s of �eol estote desc�ibed on this p/at o e poid in fu/l. Dated this �� day of N1Ad1��. A.D., 1999. ..w• 's�a� 1�.� Caaln.ISa�.� �easurer af Eag/e oun ty R01301 S CLERK AND' RECORDER S CERTIF/CA TE• �� � This plot was filed fo� record in the office of the Clerk ond Record�e� ot 1� doy of �xC.� A. D. 1999 ot �I �o "c%ck �M. Reco�ded unde� Recep tion No. �0��41 � in � ot-� ' Sc�m..�`�. �r,.a,.r Deputy le�k and Recorde� Eag/e Coun ty, Co%�ado � >,, _;--�c � .i / . ��-��G� � /8" REBA� ) ` � �s O J � 77TLE CER17F/CA TE �� �l '� �u�C CD • does he�eby certify thot the tit/e to all lands shown upon this plat hove been exomined ond is vested in ��� �7 •p�klnar� Sr• �1– and thot tit/e to such lands is f�ee ond cleo� of oll liens ond encumbronces, except os follows: �awl �tdL 0 f� (� r S� aK►+e �s. rt,c. - �, o. Irs��t3• ba�nrnaa Dated this day of A.D. 1999. �� r�� c-,�.�-� cm. �D �oX 35� VGuO CD � � lo Sd aress �, e SURVEYORS CERT/FICA TE• /, Duane D. Fehringer, do hereby certify thot l om o Registe�ed Lond Surveyn� licensed under the lows of the State of Co%rodo, that this p/at is a t�ue, correct, ond complete F/NAL PLAT, Town of 1/ail, County of Eagle, State of Co%rodo, os laid out, p/otted, dedicated ond shown he�eon, that such P/ot wos mode f�om on occurote survey of soid property by me ond under my super�ision and correctly shows the locotion and dimensions of the lots, easements and st�eets of said subdivision as the some are staked upon the ground in com– pliance with opp/icoble regulotions gove�ning the subdivision of lan� � ln wit e whereo l have set my hand ond sea/ this � day of �t r! � A.D., 1999. � ,t� i ,�• , , �,. � � � _ ��VA�e `�� � � -; G � � , r •��� U ' T . uane . ehringer = ' ` , Registe�ed Lond Surveyn� No.'�6f� c. � ;_: 2��2� �=�e CER77F/CA 7F OF DED/CA T/ON AND OWNERSHIP.• __ � • ��u. R*�: �' r°��reoce �,, . . .'; . r r' �,. ` , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Pot�ick G. Dauphinois 'c� Suzanne E. Dauphinois, being so% owners in fee simp/e of al/ thot reo/ p�operty situoted in the Town of �ail, Eog/e County, Co%�ado, des– c�ibed os fo/%ws: Lot 16, Voi/ �//oge West Fi/ing No. 2, Town of l/ail, Eag/e Coun ty, Co%rodo, contoining 0.369 ocres mo�e or /ess,• hove by these presents laid out, p/atted and subdi�ided the same into lots ond b/ocks os shown on this �na/ plot under the name ond styfe of A RESUBD/li/S/ON OF LOT 16, VAIL l9LLAGE WEST F/LING NO. 2, in the Town of �oil, Eag/e County, Co%rodo,• ond does he�eby occept the responsibi/ity fo� the comp/etion of �equi�ed imp�ovements,• and does hereby dedicote ond set opart al/ of the public �oods ond othe� public improvements ond p/oces as shown on the accomponying p/at to the use of the public forever,• ond does he�eby dedicote those portions of soid �ea/ p�operty which are indicated as eosement on the occompanying p/at os eosements for the purpose shown hereon; ond does he�eby grant the right to instoll ond mointain necessory structures to the entity responsib/e for pro�iding the seruices fo� which the eosements o�e estob/ished. aN� ,a��d►�r����t/��s�� day of ��/ . A. D. 1999. ;Q`cj\ G .,,. .,,..�yy��., OWNERS.• �: �. s � Pat�ick G. Dauphinais & Suzonne E. Douphinais : �1o�ARr • 1803 Shosta Ploce �� � I/ai/, Co%rado 81658 �' p � dlli►� �' . �, y��� �y;���P11e� �� . auphino b uzonne . oup mois STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNiY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Certificote of Dedication on Owner ip wos ocknow/ed ed befo�e me is doy of 1999. by. My commission expires i O O �tness my hond ond seo% 0 o�y �b��� ��y Commission Expire� 1?_?g_?�^Ci IOr �. � � �ri L. ( C� �dd�ess .. . . : .� �� � �� a �� � �o� . � �� .� 0 �� � �d � �� � �s � e� 0 � a� � � O� � a� � � � 0 � � � � na � � �� � .� ���o�� c � � � C C h ��° a� �� N � ° �r�.cg r g ��0�� 4 Q �,o&'o`.. _ .�$ o � �rw ��o"��� j ����.�•�o o � Q �..�0�Cr oc � �oa�iplc�iJ m 0 �n�i�C� W � `' a Z ����o'o$ Z \ o� � �r Q �w a��. d k .. �.cw N °$�b;�a � �.. o �� � o N �� u� � a.Ei°�$oo � d� C�q � � � t� Y Q�q �� � U nw �i�.�io 40"" o E� � � 3 N b y�.Ol� Q ,�,��v..jc3 a E���oc,� ' �..'��'�' �°, a �� � �q�� . y i I��CO�OW�.�.O 0 Q N � O � p O � Z U � ~ Q � Z � J o =' z � � � Z � � W � � J J o w w � � J J Q (n J � > i Q J � i � � O H �rciv� er.• ORANN BY RPS ��D Br DDF oA� issu�• 3/10/99 PRO�.fC7 N0. 98-0134S SYfEET NO. 1 oF 1