HomeMy WebLinkAboutTall Pines Subdivision - Amended Final PlatN � � 'V \ � � � � � vJ "1 Q \ , LOT 15 � � �or �4 / / U. S. F. S. UNPLA TTED W/AL UM. CAP L. S. NO. 4551 LOT 5 DA S SCHONE NE CORNER OF THE SW'1/4 OF THE SE1/4 OF SECT�ON 11. ` I � �or 4 FlLING /V0. 1 NOTFS: THE PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDED PLA T lS TO AMEND ND TES REGARDING BUILDING EN I/EL OPE. BASIS OF BEARINGS.• S86 20'00 "W AL ONG THE NOR rHERL Y L O T LINES OF L O TS 4 AND 5 OF I/,4/L DA S SCHONE FlL lIVG NO. 1, BETWEEN FOUND MONUMEN TS A S lND/CA TED. DA TE OF SUR l/EY DECEMBER 1996. O DENOTES SET P/N AND CAP PE AND PLS N0. 26626. 2339A DENO TES STREET ADORESS FOR ZON/NG PURPOSES, EA CH L O T lS ZONED PR/MAR Y—SECONDAR Y. ALL FUTURE DEI/EL OPMENT WILL BE RESTR/CTED TO THE AREA WITHIN THE PLA TTED BUILDIIVG E/V l/EL OPES. THE ONL Y DEl/EL OPMENT PERMITTED OU TSIDE THE PLA TTED BUILDIIVG E/V l/EL OPES SHALL BE LANOSCAP/NG, DR/I/EWA YS AND RETA/N/NG W.4LLS ASSOC/A TED W/TH OR/I/EWA Y CONSTRUCTION. A T GRADE PA T/OS (THOSE WITH/N 5' OF EX/ST/NG OR FlIV/SHED GRADE) WILL BE PERM/TTED TO PROJECT BEYOND THE BU/LDlIVG EN l/EL OPES NO T MORE THAN TEN FEET (10 ) NOR MORE THAN ONE—HALF (2� THE D/STANCE BErWEEN THE BUILD/NG E/V l/EL OPE AND rHE PROPER TY L/NE, OR MA Y PROJEC T NO T MORE THAN F/ l/E FEET (5 ) NOR MORE THAN OIVE—FOURTH (3) THE MlNIMUM REQUIRED DIMENSION BETWEEN BUILDINGS. BALCOIVIES, DECKS, TERRACES, AND OTHER SlM/LAR UNROOFED FEA TURES PRO✓ECTIIVG FROM A STRUCTURE A T A HE/GHT OF MORE THAN FlI/E FEET (5) ABOI/E GROU/VD LEl/EL WILL BE PERM/TTED TO PRO✓ECT BEYOND THE BU/LDl/VG EN l/EL OPES NO T MORE THAN Fl t/E FEET (5 ) OR MA Y PRO✓EC r lVO T MORE THAN Fl I/E FEET (5 ) NOR MORE THAN ONE FOUR TH (1/4) THE MlNIMUM REQUIRED DIMEIVSION INTO A REQU/RED D/STANCE BETWEEN BU/LD/NGS. A BAL CONY OR DECK PRO✓ECT/NG FROM A H/GHER ELEI/A T/ON MA Y EXTEND OVER A LOWER BALCONY OR DECK BUT lN SUCH CASE SHALL NO T BE DEEMED A ROOF FOR THE BAL CON Y OR DECK. NOTICE.• According to Co%rodo /aw ye�u must commence any legol oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey f�� ��� ��� within three yea�s ofter ynu fi�st discover such defect. �'�"' ""°" ��� `>«�' n �� ln no event, may ony oction bosed upon ony defect in � p�-- �� �,�.� ��. � q��„ ���� this survey be commenced more thon ten yeo�s f�om � , � �� +.R 4 the dote of certificotion shown hereon. 218. 75' A MENDED F/NA L PL�I T n TRA C T A, VAIL HEIGH TS FlLING NO. 1, AND A TRA C T OF LAND L OCA TED lN S1/2 OF THE SE1/4 OF SE-C l/ON 11, T 5 S, R 81 W., OF THE 6 TH P. M. TO WN OF VA lL, EA GLE COUN T Y COL ORA DO LOT 6 S�� � � ,,� .. - FOUND BRASS TAG ON NE COR. TRANSFORMER PAD PE & PLS 26626 CHAMONIX LANE RPS en D. D. F. YC PAGE � / LOT 5 � � Z 'V \ � � � � W � � Q (50 � so GRAPHIC SCALE o �o zo �o ( IN F'EET ) i inch = 20 ft. L O T 1— 26, 669 SQUARE FEET 6, 256 SQUARE FEET BUILDING EN I/EL OPE L O T 2— 22,136 SQUARE FEET 5, 037 SQUARE FEET BUILD/NG EN 12�L OPE I/!ClN/TY MAP " GRAPHIC SCALE o soo �aao aaon CIN F££T) I IACY/ = f01� FEET PRQECT NO. a. o. eox 9�e . sur� �o� 99-0041S 0077 METCALF ROAD �I]l��� 8302 CONANENTAL D/NDE ROAD DA7E /55UED.• ,a v�iv, cao. a�szo ���n�� urnErav, co eo�z� 04�29�99 (970) 949-5072 (303) 948-6220 EET NO � O� � � nrzE c�en�rc,a � �� TI j lal/Mii1L� (A` does hereby ce�tify thot the tit/e to al/ / nds show up n this p/at hov been xomined ond is vested in K��Y R . �^✓i a + �.tiw�blvsti-Titll �i �to �x�.J �P�.�.�x�Bnd thot tit/e to such londs is free ond c%o� of oll liens, t�5 ond encumb�onces, except as fo/%ws• N 0 Nl E Dated th,is a� doy of , A.D. 1999. i r • . ;� . -.. - � i � � � �,` �� i ��._ • SURVFYDRS CERTIF/CA TE.• l, Duone D. Feh�inger, do hereby certify that l om a Registered Lond Surveynr licensed unde� the /ows of the State of Co/o�odo, that this p/at is t�ue, co��ect, ond comp/ete F/NAL PLAT, Town of �ail, County of Eog/e, Stote of Co%rado, as /oid out, plotted, dedicated and shown hereon, thot such P/at wos mode from an accu�ote survey of soid property by me ond under m�v super�ision ond co��ect/y shows the /ocotion and dimensions of the lots, eosements and st�eets of said subdivision os the some o�e staked upon th� g�ound in compliance with opp/icab/e regu/ations governin�t� subdivision of /ond. /n witness whe�eof / hove set my hand and seo/ this �`�oy of A.D., 199f. ♦ Uuone U. /-ehringer. �+' - �> � Regis tered L ond �Sfrt�e; p�' iVa ����5 � _ ;t , _ w �� ����� � � = . . � + • � . . • : C % ��a •• , ;�r_..... ,.. ;� , . CER 17F/CA TE OF DED/CA 170N AND OWNERSHIP.• KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Ku�t R. Davis, being so% owne� in fee simp/e, of Lot 1, ond Pointbrush-Tol/ Pines Generol Pa�fners, o Co%ado Gene�o/ Pa�tne�ship, being so% owner of Lot 2, all thot reol property situoted in the Town of Voi/, Eogle County, Co%rodo, desc�ibed as follows• T�oct A, �oi/ Heights - Filing No. 1, acco�ding to the P/ot the�eof fi/ed ✓une 25, 1969, in Book 215 ot Poge 483 ond o t�oct of /and locoted in the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principa/ Meridion, more particula�ly described os fol%ws: Beginning at the Northeost Come� of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of soid Section 1 t,• thence westerly o%ng the Northe�ly /ine of soid SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bea�ing S 8670'00" W a distance of 167.80 feet,• thence southei/y o%ng o line 167.80 feet distont from ond paro/%/ to the Eost line of soid SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distonce of 200.00 feet to 0 point; thence Eosterly a distonce of 167.80 feet along a/ine 200 feet distant f�om ond parol%l to the North line of said SW f/4 of the SE 1/4 to a point on its East line; thence eosterly on o line poro/%/ fo the No�th line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, o distonce of 50.95 feet to o point,• thence norther/y ond porol%/ with the West line of the Eost 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of soid Secfion 11, o distonce of 200 feet to the point of intersection with the extension of the North line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of soid Section 11, thence wester/y on a deflective ong/e /eft of 952100" along the extension of the North line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, o distance of 50.95 feet to the NE come� of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the Point of Beginning, containing 48,805.1 Squore Feet o� 1.120 Ac�es more or /ess,• hove by these p�esents laid out, p/atted ond subdivided the some into lots ond blocks as shown on this Finol Plot under the name and sfyfe of TALL P/NES SUBD/li/S/ON, TOWN OF I/A/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,• ond do hereby occept the responsibi/ity for the comp/etion of requi�ed improvements,• and do he�eby dedicate ond set opo�t oll the public �oods ond other public imp�ovements and ploces os shown on the occomponying plot to the use of the public forevier, and do dedicote those portion of said reo/ property which a�e indicoted as easement on the occomponying p/at os easements for the purpose shown he�eon; ond do he�eby g�ont the right to insto// ond mointoin necessary st�uctures to the entity responsible for providing the services fo� which the easements o�e estoblished. Executed this -3 doy of , A.D. 199! LOT 1- LOT 2_ Kurt R. Do�is Pointb�ush-To// Pines Genera/ Portners, 500 S. Frontoge Rood, Ste 112 A Co%ado Partne�ship Vail, Co%ado 81657 500 S. F�o toge Rood, e 112 � ' Co% 0 81657 . ' By. u� avis By. S m t, lnc. o Portne of Pointbrush- Ta/l Pines, A Co%rodo General Porfnership STATE OF COLORADO ) Gregory M. af►e�rssn, P�esident ) ss A,n.sden COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Ce�tifi te of Dedication on Ow e�ship was ocknow/edged before e thi � • da of � 199! � b . �t,�- /S �1N . � e My Commission expi�es - a O�► �tness my hand and seal.• ROBERT KANDRA Noto�y Pub ic NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLOR�DO L�� �/ G� /� . My Commission Expires 08/10/2002 �3 V,�. •���J A�dTess ��� �� T— STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE � The fo�egoing Certi�cote of Dedication ond Ownership was ocknow/edged before me this doy of .199� by. My Commission expires �fness my hand ond seal.• No tary ublic Add�ess PLANN/NG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM/SS/ON CER77f7CATE:• This finol plot was ap �oved by the Town of �ail Planning and En✓iron- mento/ Commission this �Z- doy of �DI': � , A.D., 199! �►,. A TTEST.. .;.�l� ur �.', To wn' of I/ail, Co%rodo Townlof I/oi/ P/anning on2 En vi�onmen ta/ Commission CER 17F/CA TE OF TAXES PA/D: l, the undersigned, do her�by c3ertif9�yt the entire amount of taxes due ond po}rob/e os of �[Q/�_b)1 �. � 9 upon a// po�ce/s of reo/ estote desc�ibed on thisT lot a�e paid in ful/. Doted this �� day of �- ��y . A.0.,19.9� CLERK AND RECORDER�S CER77F/CA TE.• �� I�° � v This plot wos fi/ed fo� reco�d in the office of the C/e�k ond Recorde� ot doy of r� A.D. 1999 ot L{' � o'c%ck .M. Recorded unde� Reception No. in Book i-� ot Page r—� . �� S �: �� � Deputy Cle�k and Recorde� �' � Eag/e Coun ty, Co%od p��`� � � �� �rO�,..,.cJ