HomeMy WebLinkAboutState Highway Access Permit 307047 � STATE oF coLo���
Region 3 TraHic Sedion
zz2 s sixth St,Room 100 QT'
Grand Junction,Co(orado 81501
(97U)248-7021 Fax:(970)248-7230
mv,unnxr a rn.�nsrom�nwv
Tune 14,2007
ATTN: Tom Kassmel
Town of'Vail
75 South k rontage Rd
Vail, CO 81657
RE: State Highway Access Permit No..307047,Located an Aighway U'70,Milepost
175.36, in County Eagle County
Dear Permittee or Applicant:
The Colorado Departrnent of Ttanspoctation (CDOI) has received you� signed peimit and
application fee A copy of'the issued permit enclosed Ihe next step in the CDOT access
pecmitting process is for you (Applicant)to obtain a Notice to Pioceed(N7P) Failure to obtain
an approved Notice to Proceed prior to any conslruction will be a violation of the State
HrghwayAccess Code(2 CCR 641-1,"the Code'� § 2.4.
Notice to Proceed Information
Well in advance of construction, the Applicant shall request a NTP in wtiting along with
submitting othei items, such as consttuction dcawin�s, speeifications, and other iequued
documents to CDOT The Applicant must submit a complete packet of this infotmation to
CDOI with their wiitten request. If"the Applicant chooses not to request fihe NTP, the petmit
expices pursuant to subsection 2 3(11)(d)
CDOI has seven days to detetTnine if the NIP submittal is complete fot review and then notiiy
the applicant of any de�ciencies If'complete, CDO7 will i�eview and commant on the submitted
infotmation within 30-days If CDOT deteimines the information is unacceptable,xnissing,or in
need of corTection,the Applicant shall correct thei� submittal and tesubmit the complete request
foi NTP
Once resubmitted, CDOI will t�view the ievised N?P documents within 10-days. If the revised
documents are satisfactoiy, CDOT will issue a NIP Tf further conections are nccessaiy, the
cycle of submittal,review and comments will repeat itself until appioval is granted and the NTP
is issued
The request foi NTP shall include the following documents,along with any othei items specified
in the Teims and Conditions of'youi peimit:
1) Cover Letter�Requesting a NTP
2) Tra�c Contr•ol Plan
The traffie eontrol plan must be:
A Consistent with CD�I' Standaid Plans Manual for Maintenance and Signing
13 Consistent with the MUTCD
C Prepared by individual with Ameiican Iraffic Safety Services Association(AISSA)
oi Coloindo Cont�actors Association ceitification--or sealed(stamped)by a
Colorado registered professiona!engineer
D Acceptable to CDOT piioi to any const�uction within the t�ght-of-way
E Presentetl in a mannei that provides a method of handling traffic(MHT}for each
different phase of constiuction Ihe MHT will describe pTOposed const�uction
phasing and wi11 include dimensioned diagrams of wotk zone elements
The final Uaffic contcol plan must be submitted a minimum of thcee working days iun
advance of constcuction Such ptans may be revised as necessacy with CDOT
3) Insurance Liabilitv Certificatioa
The Applicant or cont��actor shall be iequized to provide a camprehezisive general Iiabitit}�
and ptoperty damage insuc�nce naming CDOT as an additional insuced pazty, in the
amounts of not less than $600,000 pet occuxtence and automobite Iiability instuance of
$600,000 cambined single limit bodily injucy and property damage fbr each accident,
duting the peiiod of access constsuction
4) Comnlete Constrvction Ptans
The Applicant shall provide 10 eopies of'construction plans and specifications foc the
proposed impiovements. The plans shall:
A. Address,as applicahle,geomeny,diainage,striping,signing,and signalization
B Include,but not limited to,layout of the access,highway improvements,utility
locations,present and proposed dtainage,piesent and pcoposed iight-•of-way lines,
piesent and proposed t�affic cont�ol devices,and cleac zone analysis
C Sealed by a Colorado Ptofessional Engineer in accoidance with CRS. 12-25-117
D Confo�m to the iequirement of the perznit teims and conditions
E Include the following statement on the cover page of the plans:"This design is in ful[
compliance with Section 4 of the State Highway Aecess Code,2 CCR 601-I except foc
the following approved design waivets:"
5) Construction Pro�ress Schedule
The Applicant shall pxovide a canstauction pragiess schedule that identifies all ciitical path
items including but not limited to excavation, embankment, siufacing, culvect installation,
tcaffie control placem:ent and iemoval,and access construction completion
6} Notice to Procecd Checklist
The Applicant shall provide a completed NTP Checklist. The Engineer Design Cextificate
sha11 be completed, signed,and sealed by the Engineei of'Record{See page I 3) Complete
and provide all required items muked with an"X" on this checklist and then maik an"X"
in the provided column This Checklist and associated plans and specifications will be
included as exhibits to the NTP
'7} Performance Bond
Bond must be at least 110% of the estimated total highway consttuction costs Bonding
agency must be licensed to do business in the State of"Colorado. A cost estimate, sealed by
a Colorado registered professional engineer, and a draft of�each bond must be pzovided and
approved by CDOT,prior to issuing a NTP
8) Pre-construct�on Meetin�
Meeting shall be scheduled benveen, but not limited to,Apglicant, a CDOI representative,
eonsnuction personnel, Ira�c Control Supervisoi,and Peimittee(if othei than Applicant).
Please call to schedule a pr�e-design meeting with a CDOT engineei at (970) 248-7Q21. This
meeting wi11 go ovei al!items that shall need to be submitted with the NTP
�.�G�--- ^
State Highway NolMp/Side
070 A / 175.356 J R
Pennit fee Date of transmipa� RepioNSeclioMPalrol Local Jurisdicti�n
$0.00 5/30/2007 3/02 /19-2 Oavid Lykins Eagie
The Permitlee(s); App�pq��: Ret No: 07-031
Iown of Vail Vaii Resorts Deve(oprnent Company
I om Kassmel Bill Kennedy
75 South Fron�age Rd PO Box 959
Vail,CO 81657 Avon,CU 81620
970-479-2235 970-845-2564
is hereby gran[ed permission!o have an access to the state highway at lhe location noted below The access shall be construcled,mamlained and used�n
�cordance with fhis pertnit mctuding the Stale Highway Access Code and any adachments,tertns,condilions and exhibits This pemtit may be revoked
by the issuing authonty if at any time Ihe permitted access and ils use violate any paAs ot Ihis permit The issuing authonry,the Department and their duly
appointed agents and emplayees 6hall be heid harmiess against any action for personaf injury or property damage sustained by rflason of Ufe exerase of
the i1.
Location:'�'}�is access location is also know as W Lionshead Circle �
Access to Provide Service to: ��a„a u�coar:� (Sizc orCount) (Uaitsj
999-Ciry Street(W I ionshead Circle) - 302 DHV
Ofherterms and conditions:
Required only when the appropriate loca(authority retains issuing authority.
Signature Print Name Title Date
Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the terms and conditions and referenced attachments contained
herein Ail construclion shall be cornpleted in an expeditious and safe manner and shaA be finished within 45 days from
lnitiation The permitted access shali be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of!he permit priar to
being used
The pem�iltee shal!notifv 7im Pidctn with the Colorado Departrnent of Transportation in
Grand]unctlon,Cotorado at(970)52406Z7,at least 48 hours prior to eommencing constructio�wlthtn
the State Hfghway right-of-way.
The person signing es the permittee must be the owner ar legal represenlalive ot the property served by lhe pertnitted access and have tull autharity to
acce�the pertnit and its terms and conditions
Pe►ml Signature Print Name Date
� � � . � zl
This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorizad representative of the Department
Sig ur t Print Name 'i" e / ,�j� Date(of issue)
/'n � r �� ✓rrlit ��l�C � �2✓ �o—/ ...��
Copy Dislrlbutlon: Reqwre : Moke copies as neceasary*or. Pnvfous• ions am obsolate and may not be used
�Re9'an 3 StaH Access Sectbn Loca1 Aumodry IMpeaor PaBe t oi 1 CDO7 Form#101 5J07
2 Apwicant 4 Can!ral Fdes MTCE Palyd 7ralfic Engmeer
State Highway Access Permit PERMIT EXPIRATION
Form 101,Page 2 1 A permit shall be considered expired if the access is not
under construction within one year o€the permit issue date
The following paragraphs are excerpts of the State Highway or before tha expiraGon of any authorized extension. When •
Access Code These are provided for your convenience but the permittee is unable to commence conslruction within one
do not alleviate compliance with all sections oP the Access year after the permit issue date,the permittee may request a
Code A copy of the State Nighway Access Code is one year exiension from the isse�ing authority No more than
available from your local issuing autharity(local gavernment) two one-year extensions may be granted under any
or the Colorado Departmeni of Transporfation(Department) circumsfances Ifi the access is not under construction within
When this permit was issued, ths issuing authority made its three years from date of issue the permit will be considered
decision based in part on informa6on submitted by lhe expired.Any request for an extension must bs in writing and
applicant, on the access category which is assigned to the submitted to the issuing authority before the permit expires
highway, what alternative aCCess to othe�public roads ancl The request should state the reasons why the extension is
streets is available, and safety snd design standards necessary, when consiruction �s anticipated, and include a
Changes in use or deslgn not approved by the permit or the copy of page 1 (face of permit) ot the access permit
issuing authority may cause the revocation or suspension of Extension approvals shall be in wriUng The focal issuing
tha permit authority shall obtain the concurrence of the Department
prior to the approval oE an extension, and shall notify the
APPEAIS Depa�tment of all denied exiensions with�n ten days. Any
9 Should the permittee or applicant object to the denial of person wishing to reestablish an access permit that has
a permlt applicatbn by the DepaAment or object to any of expired may begin again wifh the application procedures An
the terms or conditions of a pertnil placed there by the approved No�ce to Proceed, automatically renews the
Department, the appticant and permittee (appellant) have a access permit for the period of the Nolice to Proceed
right to appeal the decision to the [TranspoAation]
C�nmission (of Colorado� To appeal a decision, submit a CONSTRUCTION
request for administrative hearing to the Transportation 1 Consiruction may not begin until a Notice io Proceed is
Commission of Colorado within 60 days of transmittal of approved (Code subsecUon 2 4j
notice of denial or Uansmittal of the permit for signature.
Submit the request to the Transportetlon Commission of 2 The construction of the access and its appurtenances
Colorado, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado as required by the terms and conditions of the permit shall
8D222-3400 The request shall include reasons for the be completed al the expense of the permittee except as
appeal and may include chartges, revisions, or conditions prov(ded in subsection 2 94 All materials used in the
that would be acceptable to the permittee or applicant construction of the access wiihin the highway right-of way or
on permanent easements, become public properry My
2 Any appeal by the spplicant ar permittee of actlon by a materials removed from ihe highway right-of-way will be
local issuing authority shall be filed with the local authority disposed of only as directed by fhe Department All fencing,
and be consistent with the appeal procedures of the locai guard rail, traffic control devices and othe� equipment and
authoriiy materials removed in the course of access construction shall
be given to the Department unless otherwise instructed by
3 !n submitting the reques!for administrative hearing, the the permit or the Dopartment inspector
appellant has tbe option of including within the appeat a
request for a review by the DepartmenYs intemai 3 The permittee shaU notify the individual or the office
administrative review committee pursuant fo [Code] specified on the permit or Notice to Proceed at least two
subseclion 2 10.When such committee review is requested, working days prior to any construction within state highway
processing of the appeal for formal administrative hearing, right-of-way ConsVuction of the access shall not proceed
2 9(5)and(6),shafl be suspended until ihe appellant not�es until both the access permit and the Notice to Proceed are
the Commission to proceed with the administrative hearing, issued The access shall be completed in an expeditious and
or the appellant submits a request to the Commission or the safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from
administra6ve law judge to withdraw the appeal. The fwo initiation of canshuction within ihe highway right-of-way A
administrative processes, the intemal administrative review construction time extension not to exceed 30 working days
commlttee, and the administrative hearing, may not nin may be requested from the individual or office specified on
concurrently the permit
4 Regardless of any communications, meetings, 4 The issuing aulhonty and the Department may inspect
administrative reviews or negatiations with the Department the access during construction and upon comptetion of the
or the intemal administrative review Committee regarding access to ensure that all terms and conditions of the pennit
revisions or objections to the permit or a denial, if the are met Inspectors are authorized to enforce the conditions
petmittee or applicant wishes to appeal the DepartmenYs of the permft during construction and to halt any activities
decisfon to the Commission for a hearing, the appeal must within state right-of-way that do not comply with the
be brought to the Commission within 60 days of transmittal provisions of the permit, that conflict with concunent
of notice of denial or transmittal of the permit highway construction w maintenance work,that endanger
Located on Highway 070A�rontage near RP 175 356 Right
Issued to Town of Vail
1 This permitted access is only fo�the use and purpose stafed in the Applicatian and Permit
Thls Permit is issued in accordance with the State Highway Access Code(2 CCR 601-1), and
is based in part upon the information submitted by the Permittee Any subsequent relocation,
reconstructian, or modifications to the access or changes in the traffic volume or traffic nature
using the access shal)be requested for by means of a new application Any changes causing
non-compfiance with the Access Code may r�nder this permit void,requiring a new permit
2. The Permittee shalf design and install a westbound to southbound ieft tum deceleration lane in
conformance with section 4 of the State Highway Access Code, 2CCR 6�1-1
3 The Permittee shall design and install a eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane
in conformance with section 4 of the Stafe Highway Access Code,2CCR 601-1
4 A full width 2-inch minimum depth overlay of the entire length of highway improvements shalf
be required in accordance with section 4 7(6)of the Access Code
5 If reatignment of the South Frontage Road occurs, the permittee is required to re-permit for
the West Lionshead Circle intersection
6 This access shall be constructed 25-40 feet wide wifh fuming radii to accommodate the
minimum tuming radius of the largest vehicle or 50 foot,whichever is greater The turning
radius shall be measured from the white line on the Hwy to the edge of the driveway A
drawing of the design vehicle turning template for the largest vehicle entering/exiting site will
be required ta ensure proper radius and lane widths
7 The access shall be constructed perpendicular to the fravel lanes of the State Highway for a
minimum distance oi 40 feei from the edge of roadway Side slopes shall be at a 4:9 slope on
the roadway and at 6:1 to the approach. The driveway shall slope away from the highway at a
-2%grade for the first 20 feet of driveway. This design shall be in conformance with section 4
of the State Highway Access Code, 2CCR 601-1
8 This permit replaces any and all additional access permits that may be in existence All other
State Highway access to the property shall be removed
9 The Permittee shall p�ovide a performance bond that will insure completion of the required
highway and all retated intersection improvements in conformance with all Department standards
and specifications. The bond must be at least 110%of the es6mated total highway construction
cost and the bonding agency must be surety licensed to do business in the Stafe of Colorado A
thorough Construction Cost Estimate sealed by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer
and a draft of the bond must be provided and approved by Department before acceptance of the
fina!bond and before construction is approved to commence
10 The permittes is required to comply with the Amsricans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Guidelines(ADAAG)fhat have been adopted by the U.S Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compiiance Board (Access Board),and incorporated by the U S Attomey General as
a federa!standard. These guidelines provide requirements for design and const�uction The
current Standards Plans and can be found on the Design and Construction Project Support
web page at: http://www.dot.state.co.us/DesianSu�norU,then click on Design Bullefins.
11 A pre-design meeting is required prior to construction design_ Required personnel for this
meeting are: Professional Engineer of Record(ie The person who shall sign and seal the plan
set), Design Engineer, and Permittee- Please contact Devin Drayton 970-248-7245 or Brian
Kilflan at 970-248-7293 for scheduling this pre-design meeting
Located on Highway 070A Frontage near RP 175 356 Right
lssued to Town of Vail
98 CDOT requires submission of SWMP plans on any projects where the area of CDOT ROW
impacted exceeds one acre
19 A temporary construction easement is required if highway improvements necessitate
entering a other private properties for any reason The Permittee is responsible for
abtaining the said easement and providing the lease information to CDOT prior to
obtaining the NTP The easement shali be a signed legal agreement between the
propetty owner and the permittee of the access permit This easement shall stipulate
the range of dates the permittee's contractor may enter the property and provide any
construction plan 8�profites attachments that have been agreed upon
20 On all CDOT access permit projects where the deve(opers are required to apply and obtain a
CSP (Construction Storm Water Permit)from the respective regulatory agency, "The
Perrnittee/Applicant is required to include the portion of CDOT Rights of Way to be impacted
by the construetion of the access within fheir Construction Storm Water Permit(CSP) A notice
to proceed wil(not be issued until the Permittee/applicant provides CDOT region permft offlce
with the proof of such Inclusion on the developer s CSP
21 It is the responsibiliiy of the permittaelapplicant to determine which environmental clearances
and/or regulations apply to the project, and to obtain any clearances that are required diractly
from the appropriate agency_Please refer to or request a copy of the"CDOT Environmental
Clearance lnformatio�Summary"for details. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH REGULATORY
• ALL discharges are subject to the provisions of the Colorado Water Quality Cantrol Act
and the Colorado Discharge Permit Regulations. Prohibited discharges inctude
substances such as:wash water, paint, automotive fluids, sofvents, oils or soaps.
• Unless othervvise identified by CDOT or the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment(CDPHE)Water Quality Control D(vision(WQCO)as signiflcant sources
of pollutants to the waters of the State, the following discharges to storm water systems
are altowed without a Colorado Discharge Permit System permit: landscape irrigation,
diverted stream flows, uncontaminated ground water infiltration to separate storm
sewers,discharges from potable water sources,foundatian drains, air conditioning
condensation, irrigation water,sprfngs,footing drains;water line flushing,flaws frorrt
riparian habitats and wetlands, and flow from flre fighting activities However,
const►uction activities may require a Construction Stormwater Permit Contact the ;
CDOT Water Qualiry Program Manager at 303-757-9343
• ANY OI'HER DISCHARGES may require Coloiado Discharge Permit(s)or separate
petmits from CDPHE ot the appiopiiate agency before waik begins. Fot additional
information and foims,go to the CDPHE website at:
22 Nothing in this permit shall prohibit the chief engineer from exercising the right granted in CRS
43-3-102 Including but not limited fo restricting left hand tums by construction of physical
medial separafions
23 A slgned and approved temporary lease agreement is required if construction trailers are to be
located on CDOT ROW during construction
24 The Permittee shalf provide accessibility features fo accommodate all pedestrians including
persons with disabilities for all pathways during and after construction
I -
Located on Highway OlOA Frontage near RP 175 356 Right
Issued to Town of Vail
Standards and Specifications; and ttiat the access is constructed in conforma�r,e with the
StaFe Highway Access Code, 2 CCR 601-1, and the terms and conditions included in this
permit The engineer of record, shali be present for this inspeciion The access serviced by
this permit may not be opened to traffic until the CDOT Access Manager provides written initial
35 Falfowing the final inspection, COOT wil!prepare an Access Construction Inspection Summary
Letter and send it to the applicant, permittee,and engineer of record, !f additional items are
required io complete the access construction,a list of these items will be part of the access
construction inspection summary letter All required items and final as-built su►vey shall be
completed within 30 days from receiving the Access Construction Summary Letter The
access serviced by this permit may not be opened to traffic untif written approval has been
given from the CDOT Access Manager If all work appears to have been done in general
close conformity with the above named permit,an initial acceptance Ietter will be sent to the
permittee and this access may be opened for traffic
36 The 2 year warrantee period will begin when the initial acceptance letter is issued In
accordance with section 2.5(6)of the State Highway Access Code, if any construction element
fails within iwayears due to improper construction or material specifications,the Permittee
shall be responsible for all repairs. Failure to make such repairs may result in suspension of
tha permit and closure of the access The letter of final acceptance will be issued once the
access has been inspected and is fQUnd to compfy with all material and construction in
accordance with all applicable Department Standards and Specifications approx 2 years after
initial acceptance
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The permittee shali notifv.lim P�tk�n with the Cpiorada Deparirn��nt uf Transportdtivn �n
Grand Junction, Colcrado at(970) 5�4-0627, at(east�8 h�urs prior ta cammenr_inr c�nstr �,�*�r��r; ��;t��,,�.
' tt�e SCate Nighway tight-of-way.
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